Exemplo n.º 1
 public HomeController(IBookService bookService, IAuthorService authorService, IRateService rateService, IWishListService wlService)
     _bookService   = bookService;
     _authorService = authorService;
     _rateService   = rateService;
     _wlService     = wlService;
Exemplo n.º 2
 private WishListService()
     _wishListService = RestService.For <IWishListService>(Constants.V1BaseUrl, new RefitSettings
         AuthorizationHeaderValueGetter = TokenService.GetAuthToken
Exemplo n.º 3
 public RequestService(
     IRepository <Request> requestRepository,
     IRepository <Book> bookRepository,
     IMapper mapper,
     IEmailSenderService emailSenderService,
     IRepository <User> userRepository,
     IPaginationService paginationService,
     IRepository <Language> bookLanguageRepository,
     IHangfireJobScheduleService hangfireJobScheduleService,
     IRepository <BookAuthor> bookAuthorRepository,
     IRepository <BookGenre> bookGenreRepository,
     IRepository <UserRoom> userLocationRepository,
     IRootRepository <BookRootComment> rootCommentRepository,
     IWishListService wishListService,
     INotificationsService notificationsService)
     _requestRepository          = requestRepository;
     _bookRepository             = bookRepository;
     _mapper                     = mapper;
     _emailSenderService         = emailSenderService;
     _userRepository             = userRepository;
     _paginationService          = paginationService;
     _hangfireJobScheduleService = hangfireJobScheduleService;
     _bookGenreRepository        = bookGenreRepository;
     _bookLanguageRepository     = bookLanguageRepository;
     _bookAuthorRepository       = bookAuthorRepository;
     _userLocationRepository     = userLocationRepository;
     _rootCommentRepository      = rootCommentRepository;
     _wishListService            = wishListService;
     _notificationsService       = notificationsService;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public RangeType(IWishListService wishListService)
     Name = "RangeType";
     Field(b => b.From);
     Field(b => b.To);
     Field(b => b.Total);
Exemplo n.º 5
 public IndexModel(IWishListService wishListService,
                   IWishListViewModelService wishListViewModelService,
                   SignInManager <ApplicationUser> signInManager)
     _wishListService          = wishListService;
     _signInManager            = signInManager;
     _wishListViewModelService = wishListViewModelService;
 public UserController(IUserService userService, IBaggedItemService baggedItemService,
                       IWishListService wishListService, IOrderService orderService)
     _userService       = userService;
     _baggedItemService = baggedItemService;
     _wishListService   = wishListService;
     _orderService      = orderService;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public ListResponseType(IWishListService wishListService)
     Name = "ListResponseType";
     Field(b => b.Data, type: typeof(ListGraphType <ListItemType>)).Description("List of Items.");
     Field(b => b.Range, type: typeof(RangeType)).Description("Pagination values.");
     Field(b => b.Public).Description("The List is Public");
     Field(b => b.Name, nullable: true).Description("List Name");
Exemplo n.º 8
 public WishListController(
     UserManager <ApplicationUser> userManager,
     IWishListService wishListService,
     IBaseRepository <WishList> wishListRepository)
     _userManager        = userManager;
     _wishListService    = wishListService;
     _wishListRepository = wishListRepository;
Exemplo n.º 9
 public WishListController(
     IWishListSessionService wishListSessionService,
     IWishListService wishListService,
     IProductService productService)
     _wishListSessionService = wishListSessionService;
     _wishListService        = wishListService;
     _productService         = productService;
Exemplo n.º 10
        public CheckListType(IWishListService wishListService)
            Name = "CheckListType";

            Field(b => b.InList).Description("The procuvt is in a list");
            Field(b => b.ListNames).Description("The name of the lists that have the product.");
            Field(b => b.message, nullable: true).Description("Message returned from data layer.");
            Field(b => b.ListIds).Description("The id of the product in the list.");
Exemplo n.º 11
 public BookingController(IConfiguration config,
                          ILogger <BookingController> logger,
                          IBookingService orderSvc,
                          IWishListService cartSvc,
                          IIdentityService <ApplicationUser> identitySvc)
     _identitySvc = identitySvc;
     _bookingSvc  = orderSvc;
     _wishListSvc = cartSvc;
     _logger      = logger;
     _config      = config;
Exemplo n.º 12
        public Mutation(IWishListService wishListService)
            Name = "Mutation";

            Field <IntGraphType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <ListItemInputType> > {
                Name = "listItem"
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <StringGraphType> > {
                Name = "shopperId"
                    new QueryArgument <StringGraphType> {
                Name = "name"
                    new QueryArgument <BooleanGraphType> {
                Name = "public"
                resolve: context =>
                var listItem     = context.GetArgument <ListItem>("listItem");
                string shopperId = context.GetArgument <string>("shopperId");
                string listName  = context.GetArgument <string>("name");
                bool isPublic    = context.GetArgument <bool>("public");

                return(wishListService.SaveItem(listItem, shopperId, listName, isPublic));

            Field <BooleanGraphType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <IdGraphType> > {
                Name = "id"
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <StringGraphType> > {
                Name = "shopperId"
                    new QueryArgument <StringGraphType> {
                Name = "name"
                resolve: context =>
                int id           = context.GetArgument <int>("id");
                string shopperId = context.GetArgument <string>("shopperId");
                string listName  = context.GetArgument <string>("name");

                return(wishListService.RemoveItem(id, shopperId, listName));
Exemplo n.º 13
        protected override void CreateIdentity(string auth)
            // Configure identity

            // Inject

            service    = new WishListDataService(factory, http, googleService);
            controller = new WishListController(service, null, mapper)
                ControllerContext = controllerContext,
Exemplo n.º 14
 public StatisticsController(
     IStatisticsService statisticsService,
     IWishListService wishListService,
     IUserResolverService userResolverService,
     IRequestService requestService,
     IBookService bookService
     _statisticsService   = statisticsService;
     _wishListService     = wishListService;
     _requestService      = requestService;
     _userResolverService = userResolverService;
     _bookService         = bookService;
Exemplo n.º 15
 public WishListController(
     IRepository <Models.WishList> wishListRepository,
     IRepository <WishListItem> wishListItemRepository,
     IRepository <Product> productRepository,
     IWishListService wishListService,
     IMediaService mediaService,
     IEmailSender emailSender,
     IWorkContext workContext)
     _wishListRepository     = wishListRepository;
     _wishListItemRepository = wishListItemRepository;
     _productRepository      = productRepository;
     _wishListService        = wishListService;
     _mediaService           = mediaService;
     _emailSender            = emailSender;
     _workContext            = workContext;
Exemplo n.º 16
 public ProductController(IProductService _productService, ITagService _tagService,
                          ICategoryService _categoryService, IProductTagService _productTagService,
                          IManufactorService _manufactorService, IStatusService _statusService, IImageService _imageService,
                          ICommentService _commentService, IAccountService _accountService, INotificationService _notificationService
                          , IWishListService _wishListService)
     this._productService      = _productService;
     this._tagService          = _tagService;
     this._categoryService     = _categoryService;
     this._productTagService   = _productTagService;
     this._manufactorService   = _manufactorService;
     this._statusService       = _statusService;
     this._imageService        = _imageService;
     this._commentService      = _commentService;
     this._accountService      = _accountService;
     this._notificationService = _notificationService;
     this._wishListService     = _wishListService;
Exemplo n.º 17
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="BookPage"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="loggerFactory">Logger factory</param>
 /// <param name="menuVisualizer">Menu visualizer</param>
 /// <param name="outputEnvironment">Output environment implementation</param>
 /// <param name="clientService">Client service implementation</param>
 /// <param name="authService">Authorization service implementation</param>
 /// <param name="bookService">Book service implementation</param>
 /// <param name="commentService">Comment service implementation</param>
 /// <param name="wishListService">Wish list service implementation</param>
 public BookPage(
     ICustomLoggerFactory loggerFactory,
     IMenuVisualizer menuVisualizer,
     IOutputEnvironment outputEnvironment,
     IClientService clientService,
     IAuthService authService,
     IBookService bookService,
     ICommentService commentService,
     IWishListService wishListService)
     this._logger            = loggerFactory.CreateLogger <BookPage>();
     this._outputEnvironment = outputEnvironment;
     this._menuVisualizer    = menuVisualizer;
     this._clientService     = clientService;
     this._authService       = authService;
     this._bookService       = bookService;
     this._commentService    = commentService;
     this._wishListService   = wishListService;
Exemplo n.º 18
 public HomeController(IAccountService _accountService, IProductService _productService, IImageService _imageService,
                       IManufactorService _manufactorService, ICategoryService _categoryService, IAnimeService _animeService,
                       IWishListService _wishListService, IProductTagService _productTagService, ITagService _tagService, IBlogService _blogService,
                       IMessageSendingService _messageSendingService, IWebsiteAttributeService _websiteAttributeService,
                       IFAQService _faqService)
     this._accountService          = _accountService;
     this._productService          = _productService;
     this._imageService            = _imageService;
     this._manufactorService       = _manufactorService;
     this._categoryService         = _categoryService;
     this._animeService            = _animeService;
     this._wishListService         = _wishListService;
     this._blogService             = _blogService;
     this._tagService              = _tagService;
     this._productTagService       = _productTagService;
     this._messageSendingService   = _messageSendingService;
     this._websiteAttributeService = _websiteAttributeService;
     this._faqService              = _faqService;
Exemplo n.º 19
        public SearchPresenter(ISearchView view, IVenueService venueService, IWishListService wishListService, IRatingService ratingService) : base(view)
            if (venueService == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(venueService));
            this.venueService = venueService;

            if (wishListService == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(wishListService));
            if (ratingService == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(ratingService));
            this.wishListService      = wishListService;
            this.ratingService        = ratingService;
            this.View.QueryEvent     += View_QueryEvent;
            this.View.SaveVenueEvent += View_SaveVenueEvent;
            this.View.UpdateRating   += View_UpdateRating;
Exemplo n.º 20
        public void Setup()
            this._logger            = A.Fake <ICustomLoggerFactory>();
            this._menuVisualizer    = A.Fake <IMenuVisualizer>();
            this._outputEnvironment = A.Fake <IOutputEnvironment>();
            this._clientService     = A.Fake <IClientService>();
            this._authService       = A.Fake <IAuthService>();
            this._bookService       = A.Fake <IBookService>();
            this._commentService    = A.Fake <ICommentService>();
            this._wishListService   = A.Fake <IWishListService>();

            A.CallTo(() => _bookService.GetAll())
            .Returns(new List <BookDto>
                new BookDto
                    UserCommentsId = new List <Guid> {
                    WishedClientsId = new List <Guid> {
            A.CallTo(() => _outputEnvironment.ReadInt(A <int> ._, A <int> ._)).Returns(1);

            _page = new BookPage(
Exemplo n.º 21
 public WishListController(IUserService iUserService, IWishListService iWishListService, IFriendService iFriendService)
     : base(iUserService)
     _wishListService = iWishListService;
     _friendService = iFriendService;
Exemplo n.º 22
 public WishListController(IWishListService WishListService, IRepository <Customer> Customers)
     this.WishListService = WishListService;
     this.customers       = Customers;
Exemplo n.º 23
 public WishListController(IUserService iUserService, IWishListService iWishListService, IFriendService iFriendService)
     : base(iUserService)
     _wishListService = iWishListService;
     _friendService   = iFriendService;
 public WishListController(IWishListService context, ILogger <TicketController> logger, IMapper mapper)
     _context    = context;
     _logger     = logger;
     this.mapper = mapper;
Exemplo n.º 25
 public WishListController(IWishListService wishListService)
     _wishListService = wishListService;
Exemplo n.º 26
 public WishListController(IWishListService WishListService)
     this.wishListService = WishListService;
Exemplo n.º 27
 public WishListController(IWishListService service, IBookService bookService, IMapper mapper)
     _service     = service;
     _mapper      = mapper;
     _bookService = bookService;
 public WishListsController(IWishListService wishListService, IMapper mapper)
     _wishListService = wishListService;
     _mapper          = mapper;
Exemplo n.º 29
 public WishListController(IWishListService _wishListService, IMapper _mapper)
     wishListService = _wishListService;
     mapper          = _mapper;
Exemplo n.º 30
 public LikeButton(IWishListService wishListService, IMapper mapper)
     _wishListService = wishListService;
     _mapper          = mapper;
Exemplo n.º 31
        public Query(IWishListService wishListService)
            Name = "Query";

            FieldAsync <ListResponseType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <StringGraphType> {
                Name = "shopperId", Description = "Shopper Id"
                    new QueryArgument <StringGraphType> {
                Name = "name", Description = "List Name"
                    new QueryArgument <IntGraphType> {
                Name = "from", Description = "From"
                    new QueryArgument <IntGraphType> {
                Name = "to", Description = "To"
                resolve: async context =>
                string shopperId            = context.GetArgument <string>("shopperId");
                string name                 = context.GetArgument <string>("name");
                int from                    = context.GetArgument <int>("from");
                int to                      = context.GetArgument <int>("to");
                IList <ListItem> resultList = new List <ListItem>();
                int totalCount              = 0;
                var resultListsWrapper      = await wishListService.GetList(shopperId, name);
                var resultListWrapper       = resultListsWrapper.ListItemsWrapper.FirstOrDefault();
                if (resultListWrapper != null)
                    if (resultListWrapper.ListItems != null)
                        resultList = resultListWrapper.ListItems;
                        totalCount = resultList.Count;

                        if (from > 0 && to > 0)
                            resultList = await wishListService.LimitList(resultList, from, to);

                        // Normalize Title field
                        foreach (ListItem listItem in resultList)
                            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(listItem.Title))
                                listItem.Title = string.Empty;
                        resultList = new List <ListItem>();

                ListResponse listResponse = new ListResponse
                    Data = new DataElement {
                        data = resultList
                    Range = new ResultRange {
                        From = from, To = to, Total = totalCount
                    Public = resultListWrapper.IsPublic ?? false,
                    Name   = resultListWrapper.Name


            FieldAsync <ListGraphType <ListResponseType> >(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <StringGraphType> {
                Name = "shopperId", Description = "Shopper Id"
                    new QueryArgument <IntGraphType> {
                Name = "from", Description = "From"
                    new QueryArgument <IntGraphType> {
                Name = "to", Description = "To"
                resolve: async context =>
                string shopperId                 = context.GetArgument <string>("shopperId");
                int from                         = context.GetArgument <int>("from");
                int to                           = context.GetArgument <int>("to");
                IList <ListItem> resultList      = new List <ListItem>();
                IList <ListResponse> resultLists = new List <ListResponse>();
                int totalCount                   = 0;
                var resultListsWrapper           = await wishListService.GetLists(shopperId);
                if (resultListsWrapper != null && resultListsWrapper.ListItemsWrapper != null)
                    foreach (ListItemsWrapper listItemsWrapper in resultListsWrapper.ListItemsWrapper)
                        if (listItemsWrapper != null)
                            if (listItemsWrapper.ListItems != null)
                                resultList = listItemsWrapper.ListItems;
                                totalCount = resultList.Count;

                                if (from > 0 && to > 0)
                                    resultList = await wishListService.LimitList(resultList, from, to);

                                // Normalize Title field
                                foreach (ListItem listItem in resultList)
                                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(listItem.Title))
                                        listItem.Title = string.Empty;
                                resultList = new List <ListItem>();

                        ListResponse listResponse = new ListResponse
                            Data = new DataElement {
                                data = resultList
                            Range = new ResultRange {
                                From = from, To = to, Total = totalCount
                            Public = listItemsWrapper.IsPublic ?? false,
                            Name   = listItemsWrapper.Name



            FieldAsync <CheckListType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <StringGraphType> {
                Name = "shopperId", Description = "Shopper Id"
                    new QueryArgument <StringGraphType> {
                Name = "productId", Description = "Product Id"
                    new QueryArgument <StringGraphType> {
                Name = "sku", Description = "Product Sku"
                resolve: async context =>
                string shopperId = context.GetArgument <string>("shopperId");
                string productId = context.GetArgument <string>("productId");
                string sku       = context.GetArgument <string>("sku");
                ResponseListWrapper resultListWrapper = await wishListService.GetLists(shopperId);
                List <string> namesList             = new List <string>();
                List <int> idsList                  = new List <int>();
                CheckListResponse checkListResponse = null;
                if (resultListWrapper != null && resultListWrapper.ListItemsWrapper != null)
                    foreach (ListItemsWrapper listItemsWrapper in resultListWrapper.ListItemsWrapper)
                        ListItem listItem = new ListItem();
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sku))
                            listItem = listItemsWrapper.ListItems.FirstOrDefault(l => l.ProductId.Equals(productId, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && l.Sku.Equals(sku, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                            listItem = listItemsWrapper.ListItems.FirstOrDefault(l => l.ProductId.Equals(productId, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                        if (listItem != null)
                            idsList.Add(listItem.Id ?? -1);

                    checkListResponse = new CheckListResponse
                        InList    = namesList.Count > 0,
                        ListNames = namesList.ToArray(),
                        ListIds   = idsList.ToArray(),
                        message   = resultListWrapper.message
                    checkListResponse = new CheckListResponse
                        InList    = false,
                        ListNames = new string[0],
                        ListIds   = new int[0],
                        message   = resultListWrapper != null ? resultListWrapper.message : "No records returned."


            FieldAsync <StringGraphType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <StringGraphType> {
                Name = "shopperId", Description = "Shopper Id"
                resolve: async context =>
                string shopperId             = context.GetArgument <string>("shopperId");
                ResponseListWrapper allLists = await wishListService.GetLists(shopperId);
                IList <ListItemsWrapper> listItemsWrappers = allLists.ListItemsWrapper;
                var distinctListNames = listItemsWrappers.GroupBy(elem => elem.Name).Select(group => group.First());
                var listName          = distinctListNames.Select(n => n.Name);
