Exemplo n.º 1
        public RouteHandler(
            string service,
            string template,
            object instance,
            MethodInfo method,
            IServiceProvider locator,
            IWireSerialization serialization)
            this.Service  = "/" + service.ToLowerInvariant();
            this.Template = template;
            this.Pattern  = new UriPattern(template == "*" ? "/*" : template);
            var methodParams = method.GetParameters();

            TotalParams = methodParams.Length;
            WithStream  = TotalParams != 0 && methodParams[TotalParams - 1].ParameterType == typeof(Stream);
            var lamParams = new ParameterExpression[5];

            lamParams[0] = Expression.Parameter(typeof(string[]), "strArr");
            lamParams[1] = Expression.Parameter(typeof(IRequestContext), "request");
            lamParams[2] = Expression.Parameter(typeof(IResponseContext), "response");
            lamParams[3] = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Stream), "input");
            lamParams[4] = Expression.Parameter(typeof(ChunkedMemoryStream), "output");
            var expArgs = new Expression[TotalParams];
            var argInd  = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < TotalParams; i++)
                var mp = methodParams[i];
                if (mp.ParameterType == typeof(IRequestContext))
                    expArgs[i] = lamParams[1];
                else if (mp.ParameterType == typeof(IResponseContext))
                    expArgs[i] = lamParams[2];
                else if (i < TotalParams - 1 || !WithStream)
                    expArgs[i] = Expression.ArrayIndex(lamParams[0], Expression.Constant(argInd++));
                    expArgs[i] = lamParams[3];
            var mce = Expression.Call(Expression.Constant(instance, instance.GetType()), method, expArgs);

            if (typeof(IHtmlView).IsAssignableFrom(method.ReturnType))
                mce = Expression.Call(null, RenderFunc.Method, mce, lamParams[2], lamParams[4]);
            else if (!typeof(Stream).IsAssignableFrom(method.ReturnType) && method.ReturnType != typeof(void))
                var ws = Expression.Constant(serialization);
                mce = Expression.Call(null, SerializeFunc.Method, ws, lamParams[1], lamParams[2], mce, lamParams[4]);
            var lambda = Expression.Lambda <Func <string[], IRequestContext, IResponseContext, Stream, ChunkedMemoryStream, Stream> >(mce, lamParams);

            Invocation = lambda.Compile();
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static Either <object> ParseGenericSpecification <TFormat>(this IWireSerialization serializer, Either <Type> domainType, Stream data)
            if (domainType.IsFailure)
            var genSer   = serializer.GetSerializer <TFormat>();
            var specType = typeof(GenericSpecification <,>).MakeGenericType(domainType.Result, typeof(TFormat));

                var arg = ParseObject(serializer, typeof(Dictionary <string, List <KeyValuePair <int, TFormat> > >), data, true, null);
                if (arg.IsFailure)
                return(Activator.CreateInstance(specType, genSer, arg.Result));
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex.InnerException != null)
                    ex = ex.InnerException;
                var specArg = new Dictionary <string, List <KeyValuePair <int, TFormat> > >();
                specArg["URI"] = new List <KeyValuePair <int, TFormat> >(new[] { new KeyValuePair <int, TFormat>(1, genSer.Serialize("1001")) });
                return(@"Error deserializing specification. " + ex.Message + @"
" + serializer.SerializeToString(specArg));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public CommandConverter(
            IRestApplication application,
            IObjectFactory objectFactory,
            IProcessingEngine processingEngine,
            IWireSerialization serialization,
            ISerialization <Stream> protobuf,
            ISerialization <XElement> xml,
            ISerialization <StreamReader> json)
            Contract.Requires(application != null);
            Contract.Requires(objectFactory != null);
            Contract.Requires(processingEngine != null);
            Contract.Requires(serialization != null);
            Contract.Requires(protobuf != null);
            Contract.Requires(xml != null);
            Contract.Requires(json != null);

            this.Application      = application;
            this.ObjectFactory    = objectFactory;
            this.ProcessingEngine = processingEngine;
            this.Serialization    = serialization;
            this.Protobuf         = protobuf;
            this.Xml  = xml;
            this.Json = json;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public ExecuteCommand(IObjectFactory objectFactory, IWireSerialization serialization, ILoggerProvider loggerProvider)
     this.objectFactory    = objectFactory;
     this.serialization    = serialization;
     this.streamingContext = new StreamingContext(StreamingContextStates.All, objectFactory);
     this.logger           = loggerProvider.CreateLogger(typeof(ExecuteCommand <T>).FullName);
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void ConfigureService(IServiceProvider locator, IWireSerialization serialization, string name, Type type)
            var instance = locator.GetService(type);

            foreach (var i in new[] { type }.Union(type.GetInterfaces()))
                foreach (var m in i.GetMethods())
                    var inv   = (WebInvokeAttribute[])m.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(WebInvokeAttribute), false);
                    var get   = (WebGetAttribute[])m.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(WebGetAttribute), false);
                    var route = (RouteAttribute[])m.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(RouteAttribute), false);
                    foreach (var at in inv)
                        var rh = new RouteHandler(name, at.UriTemplate, instance, true, m, locator, serialization);
                        Add(at.Method, rh);
                    foreach (var at in get)
                        var rh = new RouteHandler(name, at.UriTemplate, instance, true, m, locator, serialization);
                        Add("GET", rh);
                    foreach (var at in route)
                        var rh = new RouteHandler(name, at.Path, instance, at.IsAsync, m, locator, serialization);
                        Add(at.Method, rh);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public static object Deserialize(
     IWireSerialization serialization,
     Stream input,
     Type target,
     string contentType,
     StreamingContext context)
     return(serialization.Deserialize(input, target, contentType, context));
Exemplo n.º 7
 public RestApplication(
     IProcessingEngine processingEngine,
     IObjectFactory objectFactory,
     IWireSerialization serialization)
     this.ProcessingEngine = processingEngine;
     this.ObjectFactory    = objectFactory;
     this.Serialization    = serialization;
Exemplo n.º 8
 private static string SerializeToString(this IWireSerialization serializer, object instance)
     using (var cms = ChunkedMemoryStream.Create())
         var ct = serializer.Serialize(instance, ThreadContext.Request.Accept, cms);
         ThreadContext.Response.ContentType = ct;
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserialize typesafe object without providing context information.
        /// .NET objects or value objects don't require context so they can be deserialized
        /// without IServiceLocator in context.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">object type</typeparam>
        /// <param name="serialization">serialization service</param>
        /// <param name="source">serialized object in specified format</param>
        /// <param name="contentType">MIME type specifying the format</param>
        /// <returns>deserialized object</returns>
        public static T Deserialize <T>(
            this IWireSerialization serialization,
            Stream source,
            string contentType)
            Contract.Requires(serialization != null);

            return((T)serialization.Deserialize(source, typeof(T), contentType, default(StreamingContext)));
Exemplo n.º 10
 private static string SerializeToString(this IWireSerialization serializer, object instance)
     using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
         var ct = serializer.Serialize(instance, ThreadContext.Request.Accept, ms);
         ThreadContext.Response.ContentType = ct;
         var sr = new StreamReader(ms);
Exemplo n.º 11
 protected BaseServerCommand(IServiceProvider locator, IDataContext context, IDatabaseQuery databaseQuery, IDomainModel domainModel, IWireSerialization serialization, ICommandConverter converter)
     //TODO Is it bad to have a base Command like this that injects many of these:
     this.locator       = locator;
     this.context       = context;
     this.databaseQuery = databaseQuery;
     this.domainModel   = domainModel;
     this.serialization = serialization;
     this.converter     = converter;
Exemplo n.º 12
        public static Try <object> ParseObject(
            IWireSerialization serializer,
            Try <Type> maybeType,
            Stream data,
            bool canCreate,
            IServiceProvider locator,
            HttpContext context)
            if (maybeType.IsFailure)
                return(Try <object> .Error);
            var type = maybeType.Result;

            if (type == null)
                return(Try <object> .Empty);
            if (data == null)
                if (canCreate == false)
                    return(Try.Fail <object>(@"{0} must be provided. Example: 
{1}".With(type.FullName, serializer.EmptyInstanceString(type, context)), context.Response));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    return(Try.Fail <object>(@"Can't create instance of {0}. Data must be provided. Error: {1}. Example: 
{2}".With(type.FullName, ex.Message, serializer.EmptyInstanceString(type, context)), context.Response));
                //TODO: deserialize async
                var sc = new StreamingContext(StreamingContextStates.All, locator);
                //TODO: objects deserialized here will have global scope access. Do OnDeserialized again later in scope
                return(serializer.Deserialize(data, type, context.Request.ContentType, sc));
            catch (TargetInvocationException tie)
                var ex = tie.InnerException ?? tie;
                return(Try.Fail <object>(@"Can't deserialize {0}. Error: {1}. Example: 
{2}".With(type.FullName, ex.Message, serializer.EmptyInstanceString(type, context)), context.Response));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(Try.Fail <object>(@"Can't deserialize {0}. Error: {1}. Example: 
{2}".With(type.FullName, ex.Message, serializer.EmptyInstanceString(type, context)), context.Response));
Exemplo n.º 13
 public RestApplication(
     IProcessingEngine processingEngine,
     IObjectFactory objectFactory,
     IWireSerialization serialization,
     IPluginRepository <IServerCommand> commandsRepository)
     this.ProcessingEngine   = processingEngine;
     this.ObjectFactory      = objectFactory;
     this.Serialization      = serialization;
     this.CommandsRepository = commandsRepository;
Exemplo n.º 14
 public CrudCommands(
     IServiceLocator locator,
     ICommandConverter converter,
     IDomainModel domainModel,
     IWireSerialization serialization)
     this.Locator       = locator;
     this.Converter     = converter;
     this.DomainModel   = domainModel;
     this.Serialization = serialization;
Exemplo n.º 15
 public CrudCommands(
     IServiceProvider locator,
     ICommandConverter converter,
     IDomainModel domainModel,
     IWireSerialization serialization)
     this.Locator = locator;
     this.Converter = converter;
     this.DomainModel = domainModel;
     this.Serialization = serialization;
Exemplo n.º 16
 public CachingDomainCommands(
     IDomainModel domainModel,
     DomainCommands domainCommands,
     IServiceProvider locator,
     IWireSerialization serialization)
     this.DomainModel    = domainModel;
     this.DomainCommands = domainCommands;
     this.Locator        = locator;
     this.Serialization  = serialization;
Exemplo n.º 17
 public CommandConverter(
     RestApplication application,
     IObjectFactory objectFactory,
     IProcessingEngine processingEngine,
     IWireSerialization serialization)
     this.Application      = application;
     this.ObjectFactory    = objectFactory;
     this.ProcessingEngine = processingEngine;
     this.Serialization    = serialization;
Exemplo n.º 18
 public ReportingMiddleware(
     IServiceProvider locator,
     CommandConverter converter,
     IDomainModel domainModel,
     IWireSerialization serialization)
     this.Locator       = locator;
     this.Converter     = converter;
     this.DomainModel   = domainModel;
     this.Serialization = serialization;
Exemplo n.º 19
 public DomainController(
     IServiceProvider locator,
     CommandConverter converter,
     IDomainModel domainModel,
     IWireSerialization serialization)
     this.Locator       = locator;
     this.Converter     = converter;
     this.DomainModel   = domainModel;
     this.Serialization = serialization;
Exemplo n.º 20
 public Routes(IServiceProvider locator, IWireSerialization serialization)
     var totalControllers = 0;
     foreach (var t in AssemblyScanner.GetAllTypes())
         if (t.IsClass && !t.IsAbstract && (t.IsPublic || t.IsNestedPublic))
             var attr = t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ControllerAttribute), false) as ControllerAttribute[];
             if (attr != null && attr.Length > 0)
                 foreach (var a in attr)
                     ConfigureService(locator, serialization, a.RootUrl, t);
     var config = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None);
     var xml = XElement.Load(config.FilePath, LoadOptions.None);
     var sm = xml.Element("system.serviceModel");
     if (sm == null)
         if (totalControllers > 0) return;
         throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("Services not defined. system.serviceModel missing from configuration");
     var she = sm.Element("serviceHostingEnvironment");
     if (she == null)
         if (totalControllers > 0) return;
         throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("Services not defined. serviceHostingEnvironment missing from configuration");
     var sa = she.Element("serviceActivations");
     if (sa == null)
         if (totalControllers > 0) return;
         throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("Services not defined. serviceActivations missing from configuration");
     var services = sa.Elements("add").ToList();
     if (services.Count == 0 && totalControllers == 0)
         throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("Services not defined and controllers not found on path. serviceActivations elements not defined in configuration");
     foreach (XElement s in services)
         var attributes = s.Attributes().ToList();
         var ra = attributes.FirstOrDefault(it => "relativeAddress".Equals(it.Name.LocalName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
         var serv = attributes.FirstOrDefault(it => "service".Equals(it.Name.LocalName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
         if (serv == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(serv.Value))
             throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("Missing service type on serviceActivation element: " + s.ToString());
         if (ra == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ra.Value))
             throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("Missing relative address on serviceActivation element: " + s.ToString());
         var type = Type.GetType(serv.Value);
         if (type == null)
             throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("Invalid service defined in " + ra.Value + ". Type " + serv.Value + " not found.");
         ConfigureService(locator, serialization, ra.Value, type);
Exemplo n.º 21
 public CachingDomainCommands(
     IDomainModel domainModel,
     DomainCommands domainCommands,
     IServiceLocator locator,
     IWireSerialization serialization)
     this.DomainModel = domainModel;
     this.DomainCommands = domainCommands;
     this.Locator = locator;
     this.Serialization = serialization;
Exemplo n.º 22
 public static Stream Serialize(
     IWireSerialization serialization,
     IRequestContext request,
     IResponseContext response,
     object result,
     ChunkedMemoryStream outputStream)
     response.ContentType   = serialization.Serialize(result, request.Accept, outputStream);
     response.ContentLength = outputStream.Position;
     outputStream.Position  = 0;
Exemplo n.º 23
 public RevenjMiddleware(
     RequestDelegate next,
     IObjectFactory objectFactory,
     IWireSerialization serialization,
     IDomainModel domainModel,
     ILoggerProvider loggerProvider)
     this.next           = next;
     this.objectFactory  = objectFactory;
     this.serialization  = serialization;
     this.domainModel    = domainModel;
     this.loggerProvider = loggerProvider;
Exemplo n.º 24
 public DomainCommands(
     IServiceProvider locator,
     ICommandConverter converter,
     IProcessingEngine processing,
     IDomainModel domainModel,
     IWireSerialization serialization)
     this.Locator       = locator;
     this.Converter     = converter;
     this.Processing    = processing;
     this.DomainModel   = domainModel;
     this.Serialization = serialization;
Exemplo n.º 25
 private static string EmptyInstanceString(this IWireSerialization serializer, Type target)
         return(SerializeToString(serializer, Revenj.Utility.TemporaryResources.CreateRandomObject(target)));
     catch (Exception ex)
                                 ? "Error creating instance example: " + ex.Message
                                 : "Error creating instance example ;(");
Exemplo n.º 26
 public DomainCommands(
     IServiceLocator locator,
     ICommandConverter converter,
     IProcessingEngine processing,
     IDomainModel domainModel,
     IWireSerialization serialization)
     this.Locator = locator;
     this.Converter = converter;
     this.Processing = processing;
     this.DomainModel = domainModel;
     this.Serialization = serialization;
Exemplo n.º 27
 public RouteHandler(
     string service,
     string template,
     object instance,
     bool isAsync,
     MethodInfo method,
     IServiceProvider locator,
     IWireSerialization serialization)
     this.Service = "/" + service.ToLowerInvariant();
     this.Template = template;
     this.Pattern = new UriPattern(template == "*" ? "/*" : template);
     this.IsAsync = isAsync;
     this.Url = Service + template;
     var methodParams = method.GetParameters();
     TotalParams = methodParams.Length;
     WithStream = TotalParams != 0 && methodParams[TotalParams - 1].ParameterType == typeof(Stream);
     var lamParams = new ParameterExpression[5];
     lamParams[0] = Expression.Parameter(typeof(string[]), "strArr");
     lamParams[1] = Expression.Parameter(typeof(IRequestContext), "request");
     lamParams[2] = Expression.Parameter(typeof(IResponseContext), "response");
     lamParams[3] = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Stream), "input");
     lamParams[4] = Expression.Parameter(typeof(ChunkedMemoryStream), "output");
     var expArgs = new Expression[TotalParams];
     var argInd = 0;
     for (int i = 0; i < TotalParams; i++)
         var mp = methodParams[i];
         if (mp.ParameterType == typeof(IRequestContext))
             expArgs[i] = lamParams[1];
         else if (mp.ParameterType == typeof(IResponseContext))
             expArgs[i] = lamParams[2];
         else if (i < TotalParams - 1 || !WithStream)
             expArgs[i] = Expression.ArrayIndex(lamParams[0], Expression.Constant(argInd++));
             expArgs[i] = lamParams[3];
     var mce = Expression.Call(Expression.Constant(instance, instance.GetType()), method, expArgs);
     if (typeof(IHtmlView).IsAssignableFrom(method.ReturnType))
         mce = Expression.Call(null, RenderFunc.Method, mce, lamParams[2], lamParams[4]);
     else if (!typeof(Stream).IsAssignableFrom(method.ReturnType) && method.ReturnType != typeof(void))
         var ws = Expression.Constant(serialization);
         mce = Expression.Call(null, SerializeFunc.Method, ws, lamParams[1], lamParams[2], mce, lamParams[4]);
     var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<string[], IRequestContext, IResponseContext, Stream, ChunkedMemoryStream, Stream>>(mce, lamParams);
     Invocation = lambda.Compile();
Exemplo n.º 28
        private static string SerializeToString(this IWireSerialization serializer, object instance, HttpContext context)
            StringValues headers;
            string       accept = null;

            if (context.Request.Headers.TryGetValue("accept", out headers) && headers.Count > 0)
                accept = headers[0];
            using (var cms = ChunkedMemoryStream.Create())
                var ct = serializer.Serialize(instance, accept, cms);
                context.Response.ContentType = ct;
Exemplo n.º 29
        public RestApplication(
            IProcessingEngine processingEngine,
            IObjectFactory objectFactory,
            IWireSerialization serialization,
            IPluginRepository <IServerCommand> commandsRepository)
            Contract.Requires(processingEngine != null);
            Contract.Requires(objectFactory != null);
            Contract.Requires(serialization != null);
            Contract.Requires(commandsRepository != null);

            this.ProcessingEngine   = processingEngine;
            this.ObjectFactory      = objectFactory;
            this.Serialization      = serialization;
            this.CommandsRepository = commandsRepository;
Exemplo n.º 30
        public CommandConverter(
            IRestApplication application,
            IObjectFactory objectFactory,
            IProcessingEngine processingEngine,
            IWireSerialization serialization)
            Contract.Requires(application != null);
            Contract.Requires(objectFactory != null);
            Contract.Requires(processingEngine != null);
            Contract.Requires(serialization != null);

            this.Application      = application;
            this.ObjectFactory    = objectFactory;
            this.ProcessingEngine = processingEngine;
            this.Serialization    = serialization;
Exemplo n.º 31
 public static object ParseExpressionSpecification(IWireSerialization serializer, Type domainType, Stream data)
         var expressionNode = serializer.Deserialize <LambdaExpressionNode>(data, ThreadContext.Request.ContentType);
         return(Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(SpecificationFromNode <>).MakeGenericType(domainType), expressionNode));
     catch (Exception ex)
         if (ex.InnerException != null)
             ex = ex.InnerException;
         Utility.ThrowError(@"Error deserializing expression. " + ex.Message, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
Exemplo n.º 32
        public static Either <object> ParseGenericSpecification(this IWireSerialization serialization, Either <Type> target, Stream data)
            if (target.IsFailure)
            switch (GetIncomingFormat())
            case MessageFormat.Json:
                return(ParseGenericSpecification <string>(serialization, target, data));

            case MessageFormat.ProtoBuf:
                return(ParseGenericSpecification <MemoryStream>(serialization, target, data));

                return(ParseGenericSpecification <XElement>(serialization, target, data));
Exemplo n.º 33
        public static object ParseObject(
            IWireSerialization serializer,
            Type type,
            Stream data,
            bool canCreate,
            IServiceLocator locator)
            if (data == null)
                if (canCreate == false)
                    ThrowError(@"{0} must be provided. Example: 
{1}".With(type.FullName, serializer.EmptyInstanceString(type)), HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ThrowError(@"Can't create instance of {0}. Data must be provided. Error: {1}. Example: 
{2}".With(type.FullName, ex.Message, serializer.EmptyInstanceString(type)), HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
                var sc = new StreamingContext(StreamingContextStates.All, locator);
                //TODO: objects deserialized here will have global scope access. Do OnDeserialized again later in scope
                return(serializer.Deserialize(data, type, ThreadContext.Request.ContentType, sc));
            catch (TargetInvocationException tie)
                var ex = tie.InnerException ?? tie;
                throw new WebFaultException <string>(@"Can't deserialize {0}. Error: {1}. Example: 
{2}".With(type.FullName, ex.Message, serializer.EmptyInstanceString(type)), HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new WebFaultException <string>(@"Can't deserialize {0}. Error: {1}. Example: 
{2}".With(type.FullName, ex.Message, serializer.EmptyInstanceString(type)), HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
Exemplo n.º 34
 public static Either <object> ParseExpressionSpecification(IWireSerialization serializer, Either <Type> domainType, Stream data)
     if (domainType.IsFailure)
         var expressionNode = serializer.Deserialize <LambdaExpressionNode>(data, ThreadContext.Request.ContentType);
         return(Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(SpecificationFromNode <>).MakeGenericType(domainType.Result), expressionNode));
     catch (Exception ex)
         if (ex.InnerException != null)
             ex = ex.InnerException;
         return(@"Error deserializing expression. " + ex.Message);
Exemplo n.º 35
        public static Try <object> ParseGenericSpecification(this IWireSerialization serialization, Try <Type> target, HttpContext context)
            if (target.IsFailure)
                return(Try <object> .Error);
            var request = context.Request;

            switch (GetIncomingFormat(request))
            case MessageFormat.Json:
                return(ParseGenericSpecification <string>(serialization, target, request.Body, context));

            case MessageFormat.ProtoBuf:
                return(ParseGenericSpecification <MemoryStream>(serialization, target, request.Body, context));

                return(ParseGenericSpecification <XElement>(serialization, target, request.Body, context));
Exemplo n.º 36
 public static object Deserialize(
     IWireSerialization serialization,
     Stream input,
     Type target,
     string contentType,
     StreamingContext context)
     return serialization.Deserialize(input, target, contentType, context);
Exemplo n.º 37
 public static Stream Serialize(
     IWireSerialization serialization,
     IRequestContext request,
     IResponseContext response,
     object result,
     ChunkedMemoryStream outputStream)
     response.ContentType = serialization.Serialize(result, request.Accept, outputStream);
     response.ContentLength = outputStream.Position;
     outputStream.Position = 0;
     return outputStream;
Exemplo n.º 38
 private void ConfigureService(IServiceProvider locator, IWireSerialization serialization, string name, Type type)
     var instance = locator.GetService(type);
     foreach (var i in new[] { type }.Union(type.GetInterfaces()))
         foreach (var m in i.GetMethods())
             var inv = (WebInvokeAttribute[])m.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(WebInvokeAttribute), false);
             var get = (WebGetAttribute[])m.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(WebGetAttribute), false);
             var route = (RouteAttribute[])m.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(RouteAttribute), false);
             foreach (var at in inv)
                 var rh = new RouteHandler(name, at.UriTemplate, instance, true, m, locator, serialization);
                 Add(at.Method, rh);
             foreach (var at in get)
                 var rh = new RouteHandler(name, at.UriTemplate, instance, true, m, locator, serialization);
                 Add("GET", rh);
             foreach (var at in route)
                 var rh = new RouteHandler(name, at.Path, instance, at.IsAsync, m, locator, serialization);
                 Add(at.Method, rh);