
        public static int GenerateWindDirection(IWindDirectionParameters windDir)
            double randNum = Util.Random.GenerateUniform();
            int primeWindDirection = 0;
            double bottom = 0.0;
            double top = 0.0;
            for (int i = 0; i <= 7; i++)
                top += windDir.WindDirections[i];
                if(randNum >= bottom && randNum <= top)
                    primeWindDirection = i * 45;  //45 degrees per slice
                bottom += windDir.WindDirections[i];
            //Next, randomize around cardinal direction:
            int wiggle = (int) ((Util.Random.GenerateUniform() * 45.0) - 22.5);
            //return primeWindDirection + wiggle;
            return primeWindDirection;
        public static Event Initiate(ActiveSite site,
                                     int        timestep,
                                     SizeType   fireSizeType, 
                                     bool       bui,
                                     ISeasonParameters[] seasons, 
                                     IWindDirectionParameters[] windDirs)

            //Adjust ignition probability (measured on an annual basis) for the 
            //user determined fire time step.
            int fuelIndex = SiteVars.CFSFuelType[site];
            //-----Edited by BRM-----
            //double initProb = fuelTypeParms[fuelIndex].InitiationProbability * timestep;
            double initProb = fuelTypeParms[fuelIndex].InitiationProbability;

            //The initial site must exceed the probability of initiation and
            //have a severity > 0 and exceed the ignition threshold:
            if (Util.Random.GenerateUniform() <= initProb)
                Event FireEvent = new Event(site, seasons, windDirs);
                if(!FireEvent.Spread(site, fireSizeType, bui))
                    return null;
                    return FireEvent;
            return null;

        public Parameters(int               timestep,
                          SizeType          fireSizeType,
                          bool              buildUpIndex,
                          ISeasonParameters[]  seasonParameters,
                          IWindDirectionParameters[]  windDirectionParameters,
                          IFuelTypeParameters[]  fuelTypeParameters,
                          IDamageTable[]    damages,
                          string            mapNameTemplate,
                          string            logFileName,
                          string            summaryLogFileName)
            this.timestep = timestep;
            this.fireSizeType = fireSizeType;
            this.buildUpIndex = buildUpIndex;
            this.seasonParameters = seasonParameters;
            this.windDirectionParameters = windDirectionParameters;
            this.fuelTypeParameters = fuelTypeParameters;
            this.damages = damages;
            this.mapNamesTemplate = mapNameTemplate;
            this.logFileName = logFileName;
            this.summaryLogFileName = summaryLogFileName;

        private Event(ActiveSite initiationSite, ISeasonParameters[] seasons, IWindDirectionParameters[] windDirs)
            this.initiationSite = initiationSite;
            this.sitesInEvent = new int[Ecoregions.Dataset.Count];
            foreach(IEcoregion ecoregion in Ecoregions.Dataset)
                this.sitesInEvent[ecoregion.Index] = 0;
            this.cohortsKilled = 0;
            this.eventSeverity = 0;
            this.totalSitesDamaged = 0;
            this.lengthB = 0.0;
            this.lengthA = 0.0;
            this.lengthD = 0.0;
            this.fireSeason           = Weather.GenerateSeason(seasons);
            this.windSpeed            = Weather.GenerateWindSpeed(this.fireSeason);
            this.fineFuelMoistureCode = Weather.GenerateFineFuelMoistureCode(this.fireSeason);
            this.buildUpIndex         = Weather.GenerateBuildUpIndex(this.fireSeason);

            IWindDirectionParameters windDir = windDirs[(int) this.fireSeason.NameOfSeason];
            this.windDirection        = Weather.GenerateWindDirection(windDir);

