public void ExitTemplateMode(bool fSwitchingTemplates, bool fNested, bool fSave)
         if (!fSwitchingTemplates)
             this._currentTemplateGroup = null;
             if (!fNested)
                 IWebFormsDocumentService service = (IWebFormsDocumentService)this.GetService(typeof(IWebFormsDocumentService));
                 if (service != null)
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <include file='doc\URLBuilder.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="UrlBuilder.BuildUrl2"]/*' />
        /// <devdoc>
        ///   Launches the Url Picker to build a color.
        /// </devdoc>
        public static string BuildUrl(IComponent component, System.Windows.Forms.Control owner, string initialUrl, string caption, string filter, UrlBuilderOptions options)
            string baseUrl = String.Empty;
            string result  = null;

            ISite componentSite = component.Site;

            Debug.Assert(componentSite != null, "Component does not have a valid site.");

            if (componentSite == null)
                Debug.Fail("Component does not have a valid site.");

            // Work out the base Url.
            IWebFormsDocumentService wfdServices =

            if (wfdServices != null)
                baseUrl = wfdServices.DocumentUrl;

            IWebFormsBuilderUIService builderService =

            if (builderService != null)
                result = builderService.BuildUrl(owner, initialUrl, baseUrl, caption, filter, options);

        public static string BuildUrl(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, Control owner, string initialUrl, string caption, string filter, UrlBuilderOptions options)
            string        baseUrl = string.Empty;
            string        str2    = null;
            IDesignerHost host    = (IDesignerHost)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost));

            if (host != null)
                WebFormsRootDesigner designer = host.GetDesigner(host.RootComponent) as WebFormsRootDesigner;
                if (designer != null)
                    baseUrl = designer.DocumentUrl;
            if (baseUrl.Length == 0)
                IWebFormsDocumentService service = (IWebFormsDocumentService)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IWebFormsDocumentService));
                if (service != null)
                    baseUrl = service.DocumentUrl;
            IWebFormsBuilderUIService service2 = (IWebFormsBuilderUIService)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IWebFormsBuilderUIService));

            if (service2 != null)
                str2 = service2.BuildUrl(owner, initialUrl, baseUrl, caption, filter, options);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the designer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="component">Component for which this designer is for.</param>
        /// <remarks>It sets up all parameters for the designer and updates web.config file.</remarks>
        public override void Initialize(IComponent component)
            _mapControl = component as MapControl;
            IDesignerHost            host       = (IDesignerHost)component.Site.GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost));
            IWebFormsDocumentService docService = (IWebFormsDocumentService)component.Site.GetService(typeof(IWebFormsDocumentService));
            string documentUrl = docService.DocumentUrl;

        /// <include file='doc\TemplatedControlDesigner.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="TemplatedControlDesigner.ExitTemplateMode"]/*' />
        /// <devdoc>
        ///    <para>
        ///       Closes the currently active template editing frame after saving any relevant changes.
        ///    </para>
        /// </devdoc>
        public void ExitTemplateMode(bool fSwitchingTemplates, bool fNested, bool fSave)
            Debug.Assert(ActiveTemplateEditingFrame != null, "Invalid current template frame!");

            try {
                IWebFormsDocumentService wfServices = (IWebFormsDocumentService)GetService(typeof(IWebFormsDocumentService));
                Debug.Assert(wfServices != null, "Did not get IWebFormsDocumentService");

                // First let the inner/nested designers handle exiting of their template mode.
                // Note: This has to be done inside-out in order to ensure that the changes
                // made in a particular template are saved before its immediate outer level
                // control designer saves its children.

                // Save the current contents of all the templates within the active frame, and
                // close the frame by removing it from the tree.

                // Reset the pointer to the active template frame.
                // NOTE: Do not call activeTemplateFrame.Dispose here - we're in the process of exiting template mode
                //       and calling Dispose will attempt to exit template mode again. Calling dispose would also
                //       throw away the cached html tree, which we want to hang on for perf reasons.
                activeTemplateFrame = null;

                if (!fSwitchingTemplates)
                    // No longer in template editing mode.
                    // This will fire the OnTemplateModeChanged notification
                    SetTemplateMode(false, fSwitchingTemplates);

                    // When not switching from one template frame to another and it is the
                    // outer most designer being switched out of template editing, then
                    // update its design-time html:

                    if (!fNested)

                        // Invalidate the type descriptor so that proper filtering of properties
                        // is done when exiting template mode.

                        if (wfServices != null)
            catch (Exception) {
 public void EnterTemplateMode(ITemplateEditingFrame newTemplateEditingFrame)
     if ((this.ActiveTemplateEditingFrame != newTemplateEditingFrame) && (this.BehaviorInternal != null))
         IControlDesignerBehavior behaviorInternal = (IControlDesignerBehavior)this.BehaviorInternal;
             bool fSwitchingTemplates = false;
             if (this.InTemplateModeInternal)
                 fSwitchingTemplates = true;
                 this.ExitTemplateModeInternal(fSwitchingTemplates, false, true);
             else if (behaviorInternal != null)
                 behaviorInternal.DesignTimeHtml = string.Empty;
             this._currentTemplateGroup = (TemplatedControlDesignerTemplateGroup)this.TemplateGroupTable[newTemplateEditingFrame];
             if (this._currentTemplateGroup == null)
                 this._currentTemplateGroup = new TemplatedControlDesignerTemplateGroup(null, newTemplateEditingFrame);
             if (!fSwitchingTemplates)
             base.IsDirtyInternal = true;
         IWebFormsDocumentService service = (IWebFormsDocumentService)this.GetService(typeof(IWebFormsDocumentService));
         if (service != null)
        /// <include file='doc\TemplatedControlDesigner.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="TemplatedControlDesigner.EnterTemplateMode"]/*' />
        /// <devdoc>
        ///    <para>
        ///       Opens a particular template frame object for editing in the designer.
        ///    </para>
        /// </devdoc>
        public void EnterTemplateMode(ITemplateEditingFrame newTemplateEditingFrame)
            Debug.Assert(newTemplateEditingFrame != null, "New template frame passed in is null!");

            // Return immediately when trying to open (again) the currently active template frame.
            if (ActiveTemplateEditingFrame == newTemplateEditingFrame)

            Debug.Assert((Behavior == null) || (Behavior is IControlDesignerBehavior), "Invalid element behavior!");
            IControlDesignerBehavior behavior = (IControlDesignerBehavior)Behavior;

            IWebFormsDocumentService wfServices = (IWebFormsDocumentService)GetService(typeof(IWebFormsDocumentService));

            Debug.Assert(wfServices != null, "Did not get IWebFormsDocumentService");

            try {
                bool switchingTemplates = false;
                if (InTemplateMode)
                    // This is the case of switching from template frame to another.
                    switchingTemplates = true;
                    ExitTemplateMode(switchingTemplates, /*fNested*/ false, /*fSave*/ true);
                    // Clear the design time HTML when entering template mode from read-only/preview mode.
                    if (behavior != null)
                        behavior.DesignTimeHtml = String.Empty;

                // Hold onto the new template frame as the currently active template frame.
                this.activeTemplateFrame = newTemplateEditingFrame;

                // The designer is now in template editing mode.
                if (templateMode == false)
                    SetTemplateMode(/*templateMode*/ true, switchingTemplates);

                // Open the new template frame and make it visible.

                // Mark the designer as dirty when in template mode.
                IsDirty = true;

                // Invalidate the type descriptor so that proper filtering of properties
                // is done when entering template mode.
            catch (Exception) {

            if (wfServices != null)