Exemplo n.º 1
        private void InsertPageHeaderFooter(WordDocument doc, IWSection section1)
            Assembly execAssm = typeof(HeadersAndFootersDemo).GetTypeInfo().Assembly;

            Stream inputStream = execAssm.GetManifestResourceStream("Syncfusion.SampleBrowser.UWP.DocIO.DocIO.Assets.Northwind_logo.png");

            // Add a new paragraph for header to the document.
            IWParagraph headerPar = new WParagraph(doc);

            // Add a new table to the header
            IWTable table = section1.HeadersFooters.Header.AddTable();

            RowFormat format = new RowFormat();

            // Setting Single table border style.
            format.Borders.BorderType = Syncfusion.DocIO.DLS.BorderStyle.Single;

            // Inserting table with a row and two columns.
            table.ResetCells(1, 2, format, 265);

            // Inserting logo image to the table first cell.
            headerPar = table[0, 0].AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
            //Set Image size.
            (headerPar.Items[0] as WPicture).Width  = 232.5f;
            (headerPar.Items[0] as WPicture).Height = 54.75f;
            // Inserting text to the table second cell.
            headerPar = table[0, 1].AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
            IWTextRange txt = headerPar.AppendText("Company Headquarters,\n2501 Aerial Center Parkway,\nSuite 110, Morrisville, NC 27560,\nTEL 1-888-936-8638.");

            txt.CharacterFormat.FontSize                  = 12;
            txt.CharacterFormat.CharacterSpacing          = 1.7f;
            headerPar.ParagraphFormat.HorizontalAlignment = Syncfusion.DocIO.DLS.HorizontalAlignment.Right;

            // Add a footer paragraph text to the document.
            WParagraph footerPar = new WParagraph(doc);

            footerPar.ParagraphFormat.Tabs.AddTab(523f, TabJustification.Right, TabLeader.NoLeader);
            // Add text.
            footerPar.AppendText("Copyright Northwind Inc. 2001 - 2015");
            // Add page and Number of pages field to the document.
            footerPar.AppendText("\tPage ");
            IWField ff = footerPar.AppendField("Page", FieldType.FieldPage);


            #region Page Number Settings
            section1.PageSetup.RestartPageNumbering = true;
            section1.PageSetup.PageStartingNumber   = Convert.ToInt32(this.numericUpDown1.Value);
            section1.PageSetup.PageNumberStyle      = (PageNumberStyle)Enum.Parse(typeof(PageNumberStyle), this.comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString(), true);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void InsertPageHeaderFooter(WordDocument doc, IWSection section1)
            // Add a new paragraph for header to the document.
            IWParagraph headerPar = new WParagraph(doc);

            // Add a new table to the header
            IWTable table = section1.HeadersFooters.Header.AddTable();

            RowFormat format = new RowFormat();

            // Setting Single table border style.
            format.Borders.BorderType = Syncfusion.DocIO.DLS.BorderStyle.Single;

            // Inserting table with a row and two columns.
            table.ResetCells(1, 2, format, 265);

            // Inserting logo image to the table first cell.
            headerPar = table[0, 0].AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
            string     basePath    = _hostingEnvironment.WebRootPath;
            FileStream imageStream = new FileStream(basePath + @"/images/DocIO/Northwind_logo.png", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

            //Set Image size.
            (headerPar.Items[0] as WPicture).Width  = 232.5f;
            (headerPar.Items[0] as WPicture).Height = 54.75f;
            // Inserting text to the table second cell.
            headerPar = table[0, 1].AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
            IWTextRange txt = headerPar.AppendText("Company Headquarters,\n2501 Aerial Center Parkway,\nSuite 110, Morrisville, NC 27560,\nTEL 1-888-936-8638.");

            txt.CharacterFormat.FontSize                  = 12;
            txt.CharacterFormat.CharacterSpacing          = 1.7f;
            headerPar.ParagraphFormat.HorizontalAlignment = Syncfusion.DocIO.DLS.HorizontalAlignment.Right;

            // Add a footer paragraph text to the document.
            WParagraph footerPar = new WParagraph(doc);

            footerPar.ParagraphFormat.Tabs.AddTab(523f, TabJustification.Right, TabLeader.NoLeader);
            // Add text.
            footerPar.AppendText("Copyright Northwind Inc. 2001 - 2017");
            // Add page and Number of pages field to the document.
            footerPar.AppendText("\tPage ");
            IWField ff = footerPar.AppendField("Page", FieldType.FieldPage);


            #region Page Number Settings
            section1.PageSetup.RestartPageNumbering = true;
            section1.PageSetup.PageStartingNumber   = 1;
            section1.PageSetup.PageNumberStyle      = PageNumberStyle.Arabic;
            #endregion Page Number Settings
        private void InsertPageHeader(WordDocument doc, IWSection section1)
            // Add a new paragraph for header to the document.
            IWParagraph headerPar = new WParagraph(doc);

            // Add a new table to the header
            IWTable table = section1.HeadersFooters.Header.AddTable();

            RowFormat format = new RowFormat();

            // Setting cleared table border style.
            format.Borders.BorderType = Syncfusion.DocIO.DLS.BorderStyle.Single;

            // Inserting table with a row and two columns.
            table.ResetCells(1, 2, format, 265);

            // Inserting logo image to the table first cell.
            headerPar = table[0, 0].AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
            //Set Image size.
            (headerPar.Items[0] as WPicture).Width  = 232.5f;
            (headerPar.Items[0] as WPicture).Height = 54.75f;
            // Inserting text to the table second cell.
            headerPar = table[0, 1].AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
            IWTextRange txt = headerPar.AppendText("Company Headquarters,\n2501 Aerial Center Parkway,\nSuite 110, Morrisville, NC 27560,\nTEL 1-888-936-8638.");

            txt.CharacterFormat.FontSize                  = 12;
            txt.CharacterFormat.CharacterSpacing          = 1.7f;
            headerPar.ParagraphFormat.HorizontalAlignment = Syncfusion.DocIO.DLS.HorizontalAlignment.Right;

            // Add a footer paragraph text to the document.
            WParagraph footerPar = new WParagraph(doc);

            footerPar.ParagraphFormat.Tabs.AddTab(523f, TabJustification.Right, TabLeader.NoLeader);
            // Add text.
            footerPar.AppendText("Copyright Northwind Inc. 2001 - 2017");
            // Add page and Number of pages field to the document.
            footerPar.AppendText("\tPage ");
            IWField ff = footerPar.AppendField("Page", FieldType.FieldPage);


            #region Page Number Settings
            section1.PageSetup.RestartPageNumbering = true;
            section1.PageSetup.PageStartingNumber   = Convert.ToInt32(this.DropDownList2.Text);
            section1.PageSetup.PageNumberStyle      = (PageNumberStyle)Enum.Parse(typeof(PageNumberStyle), this.DropDownList1.SelectedItem.ToString(), true);
        protected void EmployeesGrid_ServerWordColumnTemplateInfo(object arg1, object arg2)
            WTableCell wCell = (WTableCell)arg1;
            object     templatevalue;

            foreach (var ds in arg2.GetType().GetProperties())
                if (wCell.LastParagraph.Text.ToString().Contains(ds.Name))
                    templatevalue = arg2.GetType().GetProperty(ds.Name).GetValue(arg2, null);
                    var regex = new Regex("<a [^>]*href=(?:'(?<href>.*?)')|(?:\"(?<href>.*?)\")", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                    var urls  = regex.Matches(wCell.LastParagraph.Text).OfType <Match>().Select(m => m.Groups["href"].Value).SingleOrDefault();
                    wCell.LastParagraph.Text = "";
                    IWField field = wCell.LastParagraph.AppendHyperlink(urls, templatevalue.ToString(), HyperlinkType.WebLink);
        public void WordTemplateInfo(object currentCell, object row)
            WTableCell wCell = (WTableCell)currentCell;
            object     templatevalue;

            foreach (var ds in row.GetType().GetProperties())
                if (wCell.LastParagraph.Text.ToString().Contains(ds.Name))
                    templatevalue = row.GetType().GetProperty(ds.Name).GetValue(row, null);
                    var regex = new Regex("<a [^>]*href=(?:'(?<href>.*?)')|(?:\"(?<href>.*?)\")", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                    var urls  = regex.Matches(wCell.LastParagraph.Text).OfType <Match>().Select(m => m.Groups["href"].Value).SingleOrDefault();
                    wCell.LastParagraph.Text = "";
                    IWField field = wCell.LastParagraph.AppendHyperlink(urls, templatevalue.ToString(), HyperlinkType.WebLink);