Exemplo n.º 1
        protected BasePanel(IVisualBootstrapper visualBootstrapper,
                            IVisualCollection children)

            : base(visualBootstrapper)
            _children = children is VisualCollection good ? good : new VisualCollection(children);
Exemplo n.º 2
        // Returns a FieldDefinition object given a collection and a field name. Does not work for collection fields or entity fields
        public static FieldDefinition GetFieldDefinition(this IVisualCollection collection, string FieldName)
            var             entityType = (IEntityType)collection.Details.GetModel().ElementType;
            bool            isNullable = false;
            FieldDefinition fd         = null;

            foreach (IEntityPropertyDefinition p in entityType.Properties)
                //Ignore hidden fields and computed field
                if (p.Attributes.Where(a => a.Class.Name == "Computed").FirstOrDefault() == null)
                    if (!(p.PropertyType is ISequenceType))
                        //ignore collections and entities
                        if (p.Name == FieldName)
                            fd             = new FieldDefinition();
                            fd.Name        = p.Name;
                            fd.DisplayName = p.Name;
                            fd.TypeName    = GetPropertyType(p.PropertyType, ref isNullable);
                            fd.IsNullable  = isNullable;
                            if (fd.TypeName == "Entity")
                                fd.EntityType = (IEntityType)p.PropertyType;
                            break;                             // TODO: might not be correct. Was : Exit For

 private UniformStackPanel(//IDataBinding<T>? binding,
     IVisualBootstrapper visualBootstrapper,
     IVisualCollection children)
 //: base(binding, visualBootstrapper, children, new SequentialUniformRenderer(children))
     : base(visualBootstrapper, children, new SequentialUniformRenderer(children))
Exemplo n.º 4
 public SequentialUniformRenderer(IVisualCollection visuals,
                                  Boolean isWrapContent = false)
     : base(visuals, isWrapContent)
     _maxHeight       = _maxWidth = 0;
     _lastOrientation = Orientations.Vertical;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public ColumnRenderer(IVisualCollection visuals,
                       Dictionary <Int32, Double> rowHeights)
     : base(visuals)
     _rowHeights = rowHeights;
     RowHeights  = new Dictionary <Int32, Double>();
Exemplo n.º 6
 public ModalWindow(IVisualCollection visualCollection, string dialogName, string entityName = "")
     _collection = visualCollection;
     _dialogName = dialogName;
     _entityName = ((entityName != "") ? entityName : _collection.Details.GetModel().ElementType.Name);
     _screen     = _collection.Screen;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public ModalWindow(IVisualCollection visualCollection, string dialogName, string entityName = "")
     _collection = visualCollection;
     _dialogName = dialogName;
     _entityName = ((entityName != "") ? entityName : _collection.Details.GetModel().ElementType.Name);
     _screen = _collection.Screen;
Exemplo n.º 8
 public SequentialRenderer(IVisualCollection visuals,
                           Boolean isWrapContent = false)
     _measureLock        = new Object();
     _currentlyRendering = new List <IVisualElement>();
     _visuals            = visuals;
     _isWrapContent      = isWrapContent;
     ElementsRendered    = new Dictionary <IVisualElement, ValueRenderRectangle>();
        //protected BaseSequentialPanel(IDataBinding<T>? binding,
        //                              IVisualBootstrapper visualBootstrapper)
        //    : this(binding, visualBootstrapper, new VisualCollection())

        //protected BaseSequentialPanel(IDataBinding<T>? binding,
        //                              IVisualBootstrapper visualBootstrapper,
        //                              IVisualCollection children,
        //                              ISequentialRenderer? renderer = null)
        //    : base(binding, visualBootstrapper, children)
        //    _renderer = EnsureRenderer(renderer);

        //    VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignments.Default;
        //    HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignments.Default;

        protected BaseSequentialPanel(IVisualBootstrapper templateResolver,
                                      IVisualCollection children,
                                      ISequentialRenderer?renderer = null)
        //: this(null, templateResolver, children, renderer)
            : base(templateResolver, children)
            _renderer = EnsureRenderer(renderer);

            VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignments.Default;
            HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignments.Default;
Exemplo n.º 10
        // exports collection to a new workbook starting at cell A1 on the first worksheet
        public static dynamic Export(IVisualCollection collection)
            dynamic result = null;

                ExcelHelper excel = new ExcelHelper();

                List <string> columnNames = new List <string>();

                if (collection.Count > 0)
                    // get column properties
                    IEnumerable <IEntityProperty> columnProperties = collection.OfType <IEntityObject>().First().Details.Properties.All();

                    int columnCounter = 1;
                    int rowCounter    = 1;

                    // add columns names to the list
                    foreach (IEntityProperty entityProperty in columnProperties)

                        // add column headers to Excel workbook
                        excel.Cells(rowCounter, columnCounter, entityProperty.DisplayName);
                        columnCounter += 1;

                    // add values on the row following the headers
                    rowCounter = 2;

                    // iterate the collection and extract values by column name
                    foreach (IEntityObject entityObj in collection)
                        for (int i = 0; i <= columnNames.Count - 1; i++)
                            excel.Cells(rowCounter, i + 1, LightSwitchHelper.GetValue(entityObj, columnNames[i]));
                        rowCounter += 1;

                result = excel.Workbook;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

Exemplo n.º 11
        public static bool ValidData(string value, int row, ColumnMapping mapping, IVisualCollection collection, Dictionary <string, IEntityObject> navProperties, List <string> errorList)
            bool        bValid           = false;
            IEntityType targetEntityType = mapping.TableField.EntityType;

            //Need to grab the entity set and check number of results we get
            IApplicationDefinition     appModel = collection.Screen.Details.Application.Details.GetModel();
            IEntityContainerDefinition entityContainerDefinition = (from ecd in appModel.GlobalItems.OfType <IEntityContainerDefinition>()
                                                                    where ecd.EntitySets.Any(es => object.ReferenceEquals(es.EntityType, targetEntityType))
                                                                    select ecd).FirstOrDefault();

            if (entityContainerDefinition == null)
                throw new Exception("Could not find an entity container representing the entity type: " + targetEntityType.Name);

            IEntitySetDefinition entitySetDefinition = (from es in entityContainerDefinition.EntitySets
                                                        where object.ReferenceEquals(es.EntityType, targetEntityType)
                                                        select es).First();

            var dataService = (IDataService)collection.Screen.Details.DataWorkspace.Details.Properties[entityContainerDefinition.Name].Value;
            var entitySet   = (IEntitySet)dataService.Details.Properties[entitySetDefinition.Name].Value;
            var dsQuery     = entitySet.GetQuery();

            //Search for the matching entity for the relationship IEnumerable<IEntityObject>
            var results = SearchEntityMethodInfo().MakeGenericMethod(dsQuery.ElementType).Invoke(null,
                                                                                                 new object[]
            }) as IEnumerable <IEntityObject>;

            int searchCount = results.Count();

            if (searchCount == 0)
                bValid = false;
                errorList.Add(String.Format("Column:{0} Row:{1} Cannot find a matching '{2}' for '{3}'", mapping.OfficeColumn, row, mapping.TableField.DisplayName, value));
            else if (searchCount > 1)
                bValid = true;
                errorList.Add(String.Format("Column:{0} Row:{1} Multiple matching '{2}' for '{3}'.  Will select first match.", mapping.OfficeColumn, row, mapping.TableField.DisplayName, value));
                navProperties[String.Format("{0}_{1}", mapping.TableField.Name, value)] = results.FirstOrDefault();
                bValid = true;
                navProperties[String.Format("{0}_{1}", mapping.TableField.Name, value)] = results.FirstOrDefault();
Exemplo n.º 12
        // exports a collection to a workbook starting at the specified location
        public static dynamic Export(IVisualCollection collection, string Workbook, string Worksheet, string Range, List <string> ColumnNames)
            List <ColumnMapping> mappings = new List <ColumnMapping>();
            ColumnMapping        map      = default(ColumnMapping);

            foreach (string name in ColumnNames)
                map = new ColumnMapping("", name);
                map.TableField.DisplayName = name;

            return(Export(collection, Workbook, Worksheet, Range, mappings));
Exemplo n.º 13
        // Imports a range from workbook chosen by end-user. Assumes table starts at cell A1 on the first worksheet.
        public static void Import(IVisualCollection collection)
            _collection = collection;

            Dispatchers.Main.BeginInvoke(() =>
                OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog();
                dialog.Multiselect    = false;
                dialog.Filter         = "Excel Documents(*.xls;*.xlsx;*.csv)|*.xls;*.xlsx;*.csv|All files (*.*)|*.*";
                if (dialog.ShowDialog() == true)
                    FileInfo f = dialog.File;
                        ExcelHelper excel = new ExcelHelper();
                        _excelDocRange = excel.UsedRange(1, 1);

                        List <FieldDefinition> tablePropertyChoices = GetTablePropertyChoices();

                        _columnMappings  = new List <ColumnMapping>();
                        Int32 numColumns = _excelDocRange.GetLength(1);
                        for (var i = 0; i <= numColumns - 1; i++)
                            _columnMappings.Add(new ColumnMapping(_excelDocRange[0, i], tablePropertyChoices));

                        ColumnMapper columnMapperContent      = new ColumnMapper();
                        columnMapperContent.OfficeColumn.Text = "Excel Column";
                        ScreenChildWindow columnMapperWindow  = new ScreenChildWindow();
                        columnMapperContent.DataContext       = _columnMappings;
                        columnMapperWindow.Closed            += OnMappingDialogClosed;

                        //set parent to current screen
                        IServiceProxy sdkProxy   = VsExportProviderService.GetExportedValue <IServiceProxy>();
                        columnMapperWindow.Owner = (Control)sdkProxy.ScreenViewService.GetScreenView(_collection.Screen).RootUI;
                        columnMapperWindow.Show(_collection.Screen, columnMapperContent);
                    catch (SecurityException ex)
                        collection.Screen.Details.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => { _collection.Screen.ShowMessageBox("Error: Silverlight Security error. Could not load Excel document. Make sure the document is in your 'Documents' directory."); });
                    catch (COMException comEx)
                        _collection.Screen.Details.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => { _collection.Screen.ShowMessageBox("Error: Could not open this file.  It may not be a valid Excel document."); });
Exemplo n.º 14
        // Create HTML table based on IVisualCollection
        public static string HtmlExport(IVisualCollection collection)
            List <string> columnNames = new List <string>();

            string sBody = "";

            if (collection.Count > 0)
                // opening an html tag and creating a table
                //Body = "<html>"
                //sBody = sBody + "</br></br>"
                //sBody = sBody + "<body style=""font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"" >"
                sBody = "<table border=\"1\">";

                // get column properties
                IEnumerable <IEntityProperty> columnProperties = collection.OfType <IEntityObject>().First().Details.Properties.All();

                // add columns names to the list
                // row begins
                sBody = sBody + "<tr>";
                foreach (IEntityProperty entityProperty in columnProperties)
                    sBody = sBody + "<td>";
                    sBody = sBody + " " + entityProperty.DisplayName;
                    sBody = sBody + "</td>";
                // row ends
                sBody = sBody + "</tr>";

                // iterate the collection and extract values by column name
                foreach (IEntityObject entityObj in collection)
                    sBody = sBody + "<tr>";
                    for (int i = 0; i <= columnNames.Count - 1; i++)
                        sBody = sBody + "<td>";
                        sBody = sBody + LightSwitchHelper.GetValue(entityObj, columnNames[i]);
                        sBody = sBody + "</td>";
                    sBody = sBody + "</tr>";

                // closing the tags
                sBody = sBody + "</table>";
                //sBody = sBody + "</body>"
                //sBody = sBody + "</html>"
Exemplo n.º 15
        // Imports a range starting at the location specified by workbook, worksheet, and range.
        // Workbook should be the full path to the workbook.
        public static void Import(IVisualCollection collection, string Workbook, string Worksheet, string Range)
            _collection = collection;

            Dispatchers.Main.BeginInvoke(() =>
                ExcelHelper xlProxy = new ExcelHelper();
                dynamic wb          = null;
                dynamic ws          = null;
                dynamic rg          = null;

                wb = xlProxy.Excel.Workbooks.Open(Workbook);
                if ((wb != null))
                    ws = wb.Worksheets(Worksheet);
                    if ((ws != null))
                        rg             = ws.Range(Range);
                        _excelDocRange = ConvertToArray(rg);

                        List <FieldDefinition> tablePropertyChoices = GetTablePropertyChoices();

                        _columnMappings  = new List <ColumnMapping>();
                        Int32 numColumns = _excelDocRange.GetLength(1);
                        for (var i = 0; i <= numColumns - 1; i++)
                            _columnMappings.Add(new ColumnMapping(_excelDocRange[0, i], tablePropertyChoices));

                        ColumnMapper columnMapperContent      = new ColumnMapper();
                        columnMapperContent.OfficeColumn.Text = "Excel Column";
                        ScreenChildWindow columnMapperWindow  = new ScreenChildWindow();
                        columnMapperContent.DataContext       = _columnMappings;
                        columnMapperWindow.Closed            += OnMappingDialogClosed;

                        //set parent to current screen
                        IServiceProxy sdkProxy   = VsExportProviderService.GetExportedValue <IServiceProxy>();
                        columnMapperWindow.Owner = (Control)sdkProxy.ScreenViewService.GetScreenView(_collection.Screen).RootUI;
                        columnMapperWindow.Show(_collection.Screen, columnMapperContent);

                rg = null;
                ws = null;
                wb = null;
Exemplo n.º 16
        // Create HTML table based on IVisualCollection
        public static string HtmlExport(IVisualCollection Collection, List <string> ColumnNames)
            string sBody = "";

            if (Collection.Count > 0)
                // opening an html tag and creating a table
                //sBody = "<html>"
                //sBody = sBody + "</br></br>"
                //sBody = sBody + "<body style=""font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"" >"
                sBody = "<table border=\"1\">";

                string sColumnName = null;

                // add columns names to the list
                // row begins
                sBody = sBody + "<tr>";
                foreach (string sColumnName_loopVariable in ColumnNames)
                    sColumnName = sColumnName_loopVariable;
                    sBody       = sBody + "<td>";
                    sBody       = sBody + " " + sColumnName;
                    sBody       = sBody + "</td>";
                // row ends
                sBody = sBody + "</tr>";

                // iterate the collection and extract values by column name
                foreach (IEntityObject entityObj in Collection)
                    sBody = sBody + "<tr>";
                    for (int i = 0; i <= ColumnNames.Count - 1; i++)
                        sBody = sBody + "<td>";
                        sBody = sBody + LightSwitchHelper.GetValue(entityObj, ColumnNames[i]);
                        sBody = sBody + "</td>";
                    sBody = sBody + "</tr>";

                // closing the tags
                sBody = sBody + "</table>";
                //sBody = sBody + "</body>"
                //sBody = sBody + "</html>"
        private static void TriggerCanExecute(IVisualCollection visualCollection)
            //this will make sure that the CanExecute method is triggered in a potential button for doing something
            //with the selection result.
            //not elegant, but no other option...
            var currentItem = visualCollection.SelectedItem;
            var collection  = visualCollection as IEnumerable <IEntityObject>;

            if (!visualCollection.SelectedItem.Equals(collection.Last()))
                visualCollection.SelectedItem = collection.Last();
                visualCollection.SelectedItem = collection.First();
            visualCollection.SelectedItem = currentItem;
Exemplo n.º 18
        public static dynamic CreateEmail(string Address, string Subject, IVisualCollection Items)
                string sBody = null;
                sBody = HtmlExport(Items);

                if (GetOutlook())
                    dynamic mail   = outlook.CreateItem(olMailItem);
                    var     _with3 = mail;
                    // checking if it contains an html tags
                    if (sBody.ToLower().Contains("<html>"))
                        _with3.BodyFormat = olFormatHTML;
                        _with3.HTMLBody   = sBody;
                        _with3.BodyFormat = olFormatPlain;
                        _with3.Body       = sBody;

                    _with3.Subject = Subject;

                    // Returning the dynamic
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to create email.", ex);
Exemplo n.º 19
        // Imports a range starting at the location specified by workbook, worksheet, and range.
        // Workbook should be the full path to the workbook.
        public static void Import(IVisualCollection collection, string Workbook, string Worksheet, string Range, List <ColumnMapping> ColumnMapping)
            _collection     = collection;
            _columnMappings = ColumnMapping;

            // Ensure that we have the correct and complete field definition.
            foreach (OfficeSharp.ColumnMapping map in _columnMappings)
                map.TableField = collection.GetFieldDefinition(map.TableField.Name);

            Dispatchers.Main.BeginInvoke(() =>
                ExcelHelper xlProxy = new ExcelHelper();
                dynamic wb          = null;
                dynamic ws          = null;
                dynamic rg          = null;

                wb = xlProxy.Excel.Workbooks.Open(Workbook);
                if ((wb != null))
                    ws = wb.Worksheets(Worksheet);
                    if ((ws != null))
                        rg             = ws.Range(Range);
                        _excelDocRange = ConvertToArray(rg);

                rg = null;
                ws = null;
                wb = null;
Exemplo n.º 20
        // Exports an IVisualCollection to a table in either the active (UseActiveDocument = True) or a new document (UseActiveDocument = False)
        public static dynamic Export(IVisualCollection collection, bool UseActiveDocument)
            dynamic doc = null;
            WordHelper wordProxy = new WordHelper();
            bool bUseActiveDocument = false;
            dynamic rg = null;

            // if Word is active then use it
            if (wordProxy.GetWord())
                // obtain a reference to the selection range
                if (UseActiveDocument)
                    rg = wordProxy.Word.Selection.Range;
                    bUseActiveDocument = true;

            List<string> columnNames = new List<string>();

            if (collection.Count > 0)
                // get column properties
                IEnumerable<IEntityProperty> columnProperties = collection.OfType<IEntityObject>().First().Details.Properties.All();
                int columnCounter = 1;
                int rowCounter = 1;

                // add table
                dynamic oTable = null;
                if (bUseActiveDocument)
                    oTable = wordProxy.AddTable(collection.Count + 1, columnProperties.Count(), rg);
                    oTable = wordProxy.AddTable(collection.Count + 1, columnProperties.Count());

                // add columns names to the list
                foreach (IEntityProperty entityProperty in columnProperties)

                    // add column headers to table
                    wordProxy.SetTableCell(oTable, 1, columnCounter, entityProperty.DisplayName);
                    columnCounter += 1;

                // add values on the row following the headers
                rowCounter = 2;

                // iterate the collection and extract values by column name
                foreach (IEntityObject entityObj in collection)
                    for (int i = 0; i <= columnNames.Count - 1; i++)
                        wordProxy.SetTableCell(oTable, rowCounter, i + 1, LightSwitchHelper.GetValue(entityObj, columnNames[i]));
                    rowCounter += 1;


            doc = wordProxy.Document;

            return doc;
Exemplo n.º 21
        // Exports an IVisualCollection to a table in given Document. BookmarkName is the name of the bookmark associated
        // with the table.
        public static dynamic Export(dynamic Document, string BookmarkName, int StartRow, bool BuildColumnHeadings, IVisualCollection collection, List<ColumnMapping> ColumnNames)
            if (collection.Count > 0)
                // get column properties
                int columnCounter = 1;
                int rowCounter = StartRow;

                // validate that the Documnet argument is expected type of Word.Document
                if (!IsWordDocumentObject(Document))
                    throw new System.ArgumentException("'Document' is not the expected type of dynamic. Expected dynamic should be a Word.Document dynamic.", "Document");

                // validate the BookmarkName argument
                if (!IsValidBookmark(Document, BookmarkName))
                    throw new System.ArgumentException("'BookmarkName' was not found in 'Document'", "BookmarkName");

                // validate that the bookmark is part of a table
                if (Document.Bookmarks(BookmarkName).Range.Tables.Count == 0)
                    throw new System.ArgumentException("No table was found at the bookmark", "BookmarkName");

                // add table
                dynamic oTable = null;
                oTable = Document.Bookmarks(BookmarkName).Range.Tables(1);

                // validate the StartRow argument
                if (StartRow > oTable.Rows.Count)
                    throw new System.ArgumentException("'StartRow' is greater then the number of rows in the table", "StartRow");

                // add columns names to the list
                foreach (ColumnMapping map in ColumnNames)
                    if (columnCounter > oTable.Columns.Count)
                    if (BuildColumnHeadings)
                        if (map.TableField.DisplayName.Length > 0)
                            oTable.Cell(rowCounter, columnCounter).Range.Text = map.TableField.DisplayName;
                            oTable.Cell(rowCounter, columnCounter).Range.Text = map.TableField.Name;
                    columnCounter += 1;

                // add values on the row following the headers
                if (BuildColumnHeadings)
                    rowCounter += 1;

                // iterate the collection and extract values by column name
                foreach (IEntityObject entityObj in collection)
                    for (int i = 0; i <= ColumnNames.Count - 1; i++)
                        if (rowCounter > oTable.Rows.Count)
                            oTable.Cell(rowCounter, i + 1).Range.Text = LightSwitchHelper.GetValue(entityObj, ColumnNames[i].TableField.Name);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            throw ex;
                    rowCounter += 1;

                // No items in the collection

            return Document;
Exemplo n.º 22
        // Exports a collection to a table in given Document. BookmarkName is the name of the bookmark associated
        // with the table.
        public static dynamic Export(dynamic Document, string BookmarkName, int StartRow, bool BuildColumnHeadings, IVisualCollection collection, List<string> ColumnNames)
            List<ColumnMapping> mappings = new List<ColumnMapping>();
            ColumnMapping map = default(ColumnMapping);
            FieldDefinition fd = default(FieldDefinition);

            foreach (string name in ColumnNames)
                fd = collection.GetFieldDefinition(name);
                map = new ColumnMapping("", name);
                if (fd == null)
                    map.TableField.DisplayName = name;
                    map.TableField = fd;

            return Export(Document, BookmarkName, StartRow, BuildColumnHeadings, collection, mappings);
Exemplo n.º 23
        // Exports a collection to a table in given Document. BookmarkName is the name of the bookmark associated
        // with the table.
        public static dynamic Export(string DocumentPath, string BookmarkName, int StartRow, bool BuildColumnHeadings, IVisualCollection collection, List<ColumnMapping> ColumnNames)
            dynamic functionReturnValue = null;
            dynamic doc = null;
            WordHelper wordProxy = new WordHelper();

            // if Word is active then use it
            if (!wordProxy.GetWord())
                if (!wordProxy.CreateWord())
                    throw new System.Exception("Could not start Microsoft Word.");

            doc = wordProxy.Document;

            functionReturnValue = Export(doc, BookmarkName, StartRow, BuildColumnHeadings, collection, ColumnNames);
            return functionReturnValue;
Exemplo n.º 24
        // Exports a collection to a table in given Document. BookmarkName is the name of the bookmark associated
        // with the table.
        public static dynamic Export(string DocumentPath, string BookmarkName, int StartRow, bool BuildColumnHeadings, IVisualCollection collection, List<string> ColumnNames)
            dynamic functionReturnValue = null;
            List<ColumnMapping> mappings = new List<ColumnMapping>();
            ColumnMapping map = default(ColumnMapping);
            dynamic doc = null;
            WordHelper wordProxy = new WordHelper();
            FieldDefinition fd = default(FieldDefinition);

            // if Word is active then use it
            if (!wordProxy.GetWord())
                if (!wordProxy.CreateWord())
                    throw new System.Exception("Could not start Microsoft Word.");

            doc = wordProxy.Document;

            foreach (string name in ColumnNames)
                fd = collection.GetFieldDefinition(name);
                map = new ColumnMapping("", name);
                if (fd == null)
                    map.TableField.DisplayName = name;
                    map.TableField = fd;

            functionReturnValue = Export(doc, BookmarkName, StartRow, BuildColumnHeadings, collection, mappings);
            return functionReturnValue;
Exemplo n.º 25
        // exports a collection to a workbook starting at the specified location
        public static dynamic Export(IVisualCollection collection, string Workbook, string Worksheet, string Range)
            ExcelHelper xlProxy = new ExcelHelper();
            dynamic     wb      = null;
            dynamic     ws      = null;
            dynamic     rg      = null;
            dynamic     result  = null;

                wb = xlProxy.Excel.Workbooks.Open(Workbook);
                if ((wb != null))
                    ws = wb.Worksheets(Worksheet);

                    if ((ws != null))
                        rg = ws.Range(Range);

                        List <string> columnNames = new List <string>();

                        if (collection.Count > 0)
                            // get column properties
                            IEnumerable <IEntityProperty> columnProperties = collection.OfType <IEntityObject>().First().Details.Properties.All();

                            int columnCounter = 0;
                            int rowCounter    = 0;

                            // add columns names to the list
                            foreach (IEntityProperty entityProperty in columnProperties)

                                rg.Offset(rowCounter, columnCounter).Value = entityProperty.DisplayName;
                                columnCounter += 1;

                            // add values on the row following the headers
                            rowCounter = 1;

                            // iterate the collection and extract values by column name
                            foreach (IEntityObject entityObj in collection)
                                for (int i = 0; i <= columnNames.Count - 1; i++)
                                    rg.Offset(rowCounter, i).Value = LightSwitchHelper.GetValue(entityObj, columnNames[i]);
                                rowCounter += 1;

                        result = wb;
            catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException comException)
                result = null;

                switch (comException.ErrorCode)
                case -2147352565:     // Bad worksheet name
                    throw new System.ArgumentException("Unknown worksheet", "Worksheet");

                case -2146827284:     // Bad path parameter or invalid range reference
                    if (comException.InnerException == null)
                        throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid range reference", "Range");
                        throw new System.ArgumentException("Can't open Excel workbook", comException.InnerException);

                    throw comException;

Exemplo n.º 26
        // Exports a collection to a table in a Word document located at DocumentPath. BookmarkName is the name of the bookmark associated
        // with the table.
        public static dynamic Export(string DocumentPath, string BookmarkName, int StartRow, bool BuildColumnHeadings, IVisualCollection collection)
            dynamic doc    = null;
            dynamic word   = null;
            dynamic result = null;

                word = GetWord();
                if ((word != null))
                    doc = GetDocument(word, DocumentPath);
                    if ((doc != null))
                        result       = Export(doc, BookmarkName, StartRow, BuildColumnHeadings, collection);
                        word.Visible = true;
                        throw new System.Exception("Could not open the document '" + DocumentPath + "'.");
                    throw new System.Exception("Could not obtain a reference to Microsoft Word.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

Exemplo n.º 27
        // Exports an IVisualCollection to a table in given Document. BookmarkName is the name of the bookmark associated
        // with the table.
        public static dynamic Export(dynamic Document, string BookmarkName, int StartRow, bool BuildColumnHeadings, IVisualCollection collection, List <ColumnMapping> ColumnNames)
            if (collection.Count > 0)
                // get column properties
                int columnCounter = 1;
                int rowCounter    = StartRow;

                // validate that the Documnet argument is expected type of Word.Document
                if (!IsWordDocumentObject(Document))
                    throw new System.ArgumentException("'Document' is not the expected type of dynamic. Expected dynamic should be a Word.Document dynamic.", "Document");

                // validate the BookmarkName argument
                if (!IsValidBookmark(Document, BookmarkName))
                    throw new System.ArgumentException("'BookmarkName' was not found in 'Document'", "BookmarkName");

                // validate that the bookmark is part of a table
                if (Document.Bookmarks(BookmarkName).Range.Tables.Count == 0)
                    throw new System.ArgumentException("No table was found at the bookmark", "BookmarkName");

                // add table
                dynamic oTable = null;
                oTable = Document.Bookmarks(BookmarkName).Range.Tables(1);

                // validate the StartRow argument
                if (StartRow > oTable.Rows.Count)
                    throw new System.ArgumentException("'StartRow' is greater then the number of rows in the table", "StartRow");

                // add columns names to the list
                foreach (ColumnMapping map in ColumnNames)
                    if (columnCounter > oTable.Columns.Count)
                    if (BuildColumnHeadings)
                        if (map.TableField.DisplayName.Length > 0)
                            oTable.Cell(rowCounter, columnCounter).Range.Text = map.TableField.DisplayName;
                            oTable.Cell(rowCounter, columnCounter).Range.Text = map.TableField.Name;
                    columnCounter += 1;

                // add values on the row following the headers
                if (BuildColumnHeadings)
                    rowCounter += 1;

                // iterate the collection and extract values by column name
                foreach (IEntityObject entityObj in collection)
                    for (int i = 0; i <= ColumnNames.Count - 1; i++)
                        if (rowCounter > oTable.Rows.Count)
                            oTable.Cell(rowCounter, i + 1).Range.Text = LightSwitchHelper.GetValue(entityObj, ColumnNames[i].TableField.Name);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            throw ex;
                    rowCounter += 1;
                // No items in the collection

Exemplo n.º 28
        // Create HTML table based on IVisualCollection
        public static string HtmlExport(IVisualCollection collection)
            List<string> columnNames = new List<string>();

            string sBody = "";

            if (collection.Count > 0)
                // opening an html tag and creating a table
                //Body = "<html>"
                //sBody = sBody + "</br></br>"
                //sBody = sBody + "<body style=""font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"" >"
                sBody = "<table border=\"1\">";

                // get column properties
                IEnumerable<IEntityProperty> columnProperties = collection.OfType<IEntityObject>().First().Details.Properties.All();

                // add columns names to the list
                // row begins
                sBody = sBody + "<tr>";
                foreach (IEntityProperty entityProperty in columnProperties)
                    sBody = sBody + "<td>";
                    sBody = sBody + " " + entityProperty.DisplayName;
                    sBody = sBody + "</td>";
                // row ends
                sBody = sBody + "</tr>";

                // iterate the collection and extract values by column name
                foreach (IEntityObject entityObj in collection)
                    sBody = sBody + "<tr>";
                    for (int i = 0; i <= columnNames.Count - 1; i++)
                        sBody = sBody + "<td>";
                        sBody = sBody + LightSwitchHelper.GetValue(entityObj, columnNames[i]);
                        sBody = sBody + "</td>";
                    sBody = sBody + "</tr>";

                // closing the tags
                sBody = sBody + "</table>";
                //sBody = sBody + "</body>"
                //sBody = sBody + "</html>"
            return sBody;
Exemplo n.º 29
        // Create HTML table based on IVisualCollection
        public static string HtmlExport(IVisualCollection Collection, List<string> ColumnNames)
            string sBody = "";

            if (Collection.Count > 0)
                // opening an html tag and creating a table
                //sBody = "<html>"
                //sBody = sBody + "</br></br>"
                //sBody = sBody + "<body style=""font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"" >"
                sBody = "<table border=\"1\">";

                string sColumnName = null;

                // add columns names to the list
                // row begins
                sBody = sBody + "<tr>";
                foreach (string sColumnName_loopVariable in ColumnNames)
                    sColumnName = sColumnName_loopVariable;
                    sBody = sBody + "<td>";
                    sBody = sBody + " " + sColumnName;
                    sBody = sBody + "</td>";
                // row ends
                sBody = sBody + "</tr>";

                // iterate the collection and extract values by column name
                foreach (IEntityObject entityObj in Collection)
                    sBody = sBody + "<tr>";
                    for (int i = 0; i <= ColumnNames.Count - 1; i++)
                        sBody = sBody + "<td>";
                        sBody = sBody + LightSwitchHelper.GetValue(entityObj, ColumnNames[i]);
                        sBody = sBody + "</td>";
                    sBody = sBody + "</tr>";

                // closing the tags
                sBody = sBody + "</table>";
                //sBody = sBody + "</body>"
                //sBody = sBody + "</html>"

            return sBody;
Exemplo n.º 30
        public static dynamic CreateEmail(string Address, string Subject, IVisualCollection Items)
                string sBody = null;
                sBody = HtmlExport(Items);

                if (GetOutlook())
                    dynamic mail = outlook.CreateItem(olMailItem);
                    var _with3 = mail;
                    // checking if it contains an html tags
                    if (sBody.ToLower().Contains("<html>"))
                        _with3.BodyFormat = olFormatHTML;
                        _with3.HTMLBody = sBody;
                        _with3.BodyFormat = olFormatPlain;
                        _with3.Body = sBody;

                    _with3.Subject = Subject;

                    // Returning the dynamic
                    return mail;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to create email.", ex);
            return null;
Exemplo n.º 31
 public VisualCollection(IVisualCollection collection)
     : this(collection.GetFromEachChild(c => c))
Exemplo n.º 32
 private WrapPanel(IVisualBootstrapper visualBootstrapper,
                   IVisualCollection children) :
     base(visualBootstrapper, children, new SequentialUniformRenderer(children))
Exemplo n.º 33
        // Exports an IVisualCollection to a table in either the active (UseActiveDocument = True) or a new document (UseActiveDocument = False)
        public static dynamic Export(IVisualCollection collection, bool UseActiveDocument)
            dynamic    doc                = null;
            WordHelper wordProxy          = new WordHelper();
            bool       bUseActiveDocument = false;
            dynamic    rg = null;

            // if Word is active then use it
            if (wordProxy.GetWord())
                // obtain a reference to the selection range
                if (UseActiveDocument)
                    rg = wordProxy.Word.Selection.Range;
                    bUseActiveDocument = true;

            List <string> columnNames = new List <string>();

            if (collection.Count > 0)
                // get column properties
                IEnumerable <IEntityProperty> columnProperties = collection.OfType <IEntityObject>().First().Details.Properties.All();
                int columnCounter = 1;
                int rowCounter    = 1;

                // add table
                dynamic oTable = null;
                if (bUseActiveDocument)
                    oTable = wordProxy.AddTable(collection.Count + 1, columnProperties.Count(), rg);
                    oTable = wordProxy.AddTable(collection.Count + 1, columnProperties.Count());

                // add columns names to the list
                foreach (IEntityProperty entityProperty in columnProperties)

                    // add column headers to table
                    wordProxy.SetTableCell(oTable, 1, columnCounter, entityProperty.DisplayName);
                    columnCounter += 1;

                // add values on the row following the headers
                rowCounter = 2;

                // iterate the collection and extract values by column name
                foreach (IEntityObject entityObj in collection)
                    for (int i = 0; i <= columnNames.Count - 1; i++)
                        wordProxy.SetTableCell(oTable, rowCounter, i + 1, LightSwitchHelper.GetValue(entityObj, columnNames[i]));
                    rowCounter += 1;

            doc = wordProxy.Document;

Exemplo n.º 34
        // Exports a collection to a table in given Document. BookmarkName is the name of the bookmark associated
        // with the table.
        public static dynamic Export(string DocumentPath, string BookmarkName, int StartRow, bool BuildColumnHeadings, IVisualCollection collection, List <ColumnMapping> ColumnNames)
            dynamic    functionReturnValue = null;
            dynamic    doc       = null;
            WordHelper wordProxy = new WordHelper();

            // if Word is active then use it
            if (!wordProxy.GetWord())
                if (!wordProxy.CreateWord())
                    throw new System.Exception("Could not start Microsoft Word.");

            doc = wordProxy.Document;

            functionReturnValue = Export(doc, BookmarkName, StartRow, BuildColumnHeadings, collection, ColumnNames);
Exemplo n.º 35
        // Exports a collection to a table in given Document. BookmarkName is the name of the bookmark associated
        // with the table.
        public static dynamic Export(string DocumentPath, string BookmarkName, int StartRow, bool BuildColumnHeadings, IVisualCollection collection, List <string> ColumnNames)
            dynamic functionReturnValue   = null;
            List <ColumnMapping> mappings = new List <ColumnMapping>();
            ColumnMapping        map      = default(ColumnMapping);
            dynamic         doc           = null;
            WordHelper      wordProxy     = new WordHelper();
            FieldDefinition fd            = default(FieldDefinition);

            // if Word is active then use it
            if (!wordProxy.GetWord())
                if (!wordProxy.CreateWord())
                    throw new System.Exception("Could not start Microsoft Word.");

            doc = wordProxy.Document;

            foreach (string name in ColumnNames)
                fd  = collection.GetFieldDefinition(name);
                map = new ColumnMapping("", name);
                if (fd == null)
                    map.TableField.DisplayName = name;
                    map.TableField = fd;

            functionReturnValue = Export(doc, BookmarkName, StartRow, BuildColumnHeadings, collection, mappings);
Exemplo n.º 36
        // Exports a collection to a table in given Document. BookmarkName is the name of the bookmark associated
        // with the table.
        public static dynamic Export(dynamic Document, string BookmarkName, int StartRow, bool BuildColumnHeadings, IVisualCollection collection, List <string> ColumnNames)
            List <ColumnMapping> mappings = new List <ColumnMapping>();
            ColumnMapping        map      = default(ColumnMapping);
            FieldDefinition      fd       = default(FieldDefinition);

            foreach (string name in ColumnNames)
                fd  = collection.GetFieldDefinition(name);
                map = new ColumnMapping("", name);
                if (fd == null)
                    map.TableField.DisplayName = name;
                    map.TableField = fd;

            return(Export(Document, BookmarkName, StartRow, BuildColumnHeadings, collection, mappings));
Exemplo n.º 37
        public static bool ValidData(string value, int row, ColumnMapping mapping, IVisualCollection collection, Dictionary<string, IEntityObject> navProperties, List<string> errorList)
            bool bValid = false;
            IEntityType targetEntityType = mapping.TableField.EntityType;

            //Need to grab the entity set and check number of results we get
            IApplicationDefinition appModel = collection.Screen.Details.Application.Details.GetModel();
            IEntityContainerDefinition entityContainerDefinition = (from ecd in appModel.GlobalItems.OfType<IEntityContainerDefinition>()
                                                                    where ecd.EntitySets.Any(es => object.ReferenceEquals(es.EntityType, targetEntityType))
                                                                    select ecd).FirstOrDefault();

            if (entityContainerDefinition == null)
                throw new Exception("Could not find an entity container representing the entity type: " + targetEntityType.Name);

            IEntitySetDefinition entitySetDefinition = (from es in entityContainerDefinition.EntitySets
                                                        where object.ReferenceEquals(es.EntityType, targetEntityType)
                                                        select es).First();

            var dataService = (IDataService)collection.Screen.Details.DataWorkspace.Details.Properties[entityContainerDefinition.Name].Value;
            var entitySet = (IEntitySet)dataService.Details.Properties[entitySetDefinition.Name].Value;
            var dsQuery = entitySet.GetQuery();

            //Search for the matching entity for the relationship IEnumerable<IEntityObject>
            var results = SearchEntityMethodInfo().MakeGenericMethod(dsQuery.ElementType).Invoke(null,
                new object[]
                }) as IEnumerable<IEntityObject>;

            int searchCount = results.Count();
            if (searchCount == 0)
                bValid = false;
                errorList.Add(String.Format("Column:{0} Row:{1} Cannot find a matching '{2}' for '{3}'", mapping.OfficeColumn, row, mapping.TableField.DisplayName, value));
            else if (searchCount > 1)
                bValid = true;
                errorList.Add(String.Format("Column:{0} Row:{1} Multiple matching '{2}' for '{3}'.  Will select first match.", mapping.OfficeColumn, row, mapping.TableField.DisplayName, value));
                navProperties[String.Format("{0}_{1}", mapping.TableField.Name, value)] = results.FirstOrDefault();
                bValid = true;
                navProperties[String.Format("{0}_{1}", mapping.TableField.Name, value)] = results.FirstOrDefault();
            return bValid;
Exemplo n.º 38
        // Exports a collection to a table in a Word document located at DocumentPath. BookmarkName is the name of the bookmark associated
        // with the table.
        public static dynamic Export(string DocumentPath, string BookmarkName, int StartRow, bool BuildColumnHeadings, IVisualCollection collection)
            dynamic doc = null;
            dynamic word = null;
            dynamic result = null;

                word = GetWord();
                if ((word != null))
                    doc = GetDocument(word, DocumentPath);
                    if ((doc != null))
                        result = Export(doc, BookmarkName, StartRow, BuildColumnHeadings, collection);
                        word.Visible = true;
                        throw new System.Exception("Could not open the document '" + DocumentPath + "'.");
                    throw new System.Exception("Could not obtain a reference to Microsoft Word.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

            return result;