Exemplo n.º 1
        private void SetupCalibration()
            leftCaptureDevice = new DirectShowCapture2();
            leftCaptureDevice.InitVideoCapture(leftDeviceID, FrameRate._30Hz, Resolution._640x480,
                                               ImageFormat.R8G8B8_24, false);

            // Add left video capture device to the scene for rendering left eye image

            rightCaptureDevice = new DirectShowCapture2();
            rightCaptureDevice.InitVideoCapture(rightDeviceID, FrameRate._30Hz, Resolution._640x480,
                                                ImageFormat.R8G8B8_24, false);

            // Add right video capture device to the scene for rendering right eye image

            // Create holders for retrieving the captured video images
            leftImagePtr  = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(leftCaptureDevice.Width * leftCaptureDevice.Height * 3);
            rightImagePtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(rightCaptureDevice.Width * rightCaptureDevice.Height * 3);

            // Associate each video devices to each eye
            scene.LeftEyeVideoID  = 0;
            scene.RightEyeVideoID = 1;

            scene.ShowCameraImage = true;

            float markerSize = 32.4f;

            // Initialize a marker tracker for tracking an marker array used for calibration
            markerTracker = new ALVARMarkerTracker();
            markerTracker.MaxMarkerError = 0.02f;
            markerTracker.ZNearPlane     = 0.1f;
            markerTracker.ZFarPlane      = 1000;
            markerTracker.InitTracker(leftCaptureDevice.Width, leftCaptureDevice.Height, LEFT_CALIB, markerSize);
            ((StereoCamera)scene.CameraNode.Camera).LeftProjection = markerTracker.CameraProjection;

            // Add another marker detector for tracking right video capture device
            ALVARDllBridge.alvar_add_marker_detector(markerSize, 5, 2);

            ALVARDllBridge.alvar_add_camera(RIGHT_CALIB, rightCaptureDevice.Width, rightCaptureDevice.Height);
            double[] projMat = new double[16];
            double   cameraFovX = 0, cameraFovY = 0;

            ALVARDllBridge.alvar_get_camera_params(1, projMat, ref cameraFovX, ref cameraFovY, 1000, 0.1f);
            ((StereoCamera)scene.CameraNode.Camera).RightProjection = new Matrix(
                (float)projMat[0], (float)projMat[1], (float)projMat[2], (float)projMat[3],
                (float)projMat[4], (float)projMat[5], (float)projMat[6], (float)projMat[7],
                (float)projMat[8], (float)projMat[9], (float)projMat[10], (float)projMat[11],
                (float)projMat[12], (float)projMat[13], (float)projMat[14], (float)projMat[15]);

            // Add a marker array to be tracked
            markerID = markerTracker.AssociateMarker("ALVARGroundArray.xml");

            relativeTransforms = new List <Matrix>();
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void SetupCalibration()
            if (useImageSequence)
                captureDevice = new NullCapture();
                captureDevice = new DirectShowCapture();
            captureDevice.InitVideoCapture(0, FrameRate._30Hz, Resolution._640x480,
                                           ImageFormat.R8G8B8_24, false);
            if (useImageSequence)
                imageNames = Directory.GetFiles(imageDirectory);

                if (imageNames != null && imageNames.Length > 0)
                    ((NullCapture)captureDevice).StaticImageFile = imageNames[0];
                    MessageBox.Show("No images are found in " + imageDirectory + " for static image calibration");

            // Add this video capture device to the scene so that it can be used for
            // the marker tracker

            imagePtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(captureDevice.Width * captureDevice.Height * 3);

            scene.ShowCameraImage = true;

            // Initializes ALVAR camera
            ALVARDllBridge.alvar_add_camera(null, captureDevice.Width, captureDevice.Height);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void SetupCalibration()
            leftCaptureDevice = new DirectShowCapture2();
            leftCaptureDevice.InitVideoCapture(leftDeviceID, FrameRate._30Hz, Resolution._640x480,
                ImageFormat.R8G8B8_24, false);

            // Add left video capture device to the scene for rendering left eye image

            rightCaptureDevice = new DirectShowCapture2();
            rightCaptureDevice.InitVideoCapture(rightDeviceID, FrameRate._30Hz, Resolution._640x480,
                ImageFormat.R8G8B8_24, false);

            // Add right video capture device to the scene for rendering right eye image

            // Create holders for retrieving the captured video images
            leftImagePtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(leftCaptureDevice.Width * leftCaptureDevice.Height * 3);
            rightImagePtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(rightCaptureDevice.Width * rightCaptureDevice.Height * 3);

            // Associate each video devices to each eye
            scene.LeftEyeVideoID = 0;
            scene.RightEyeVideoID = 1;

            scene.ShowCameraImage = true;

            float markerSize = 32.4f;

            // Initialize a marker tracker for tracking an marker array used for calibration
            markerTracker = new ALVARMarkerTracker();
            markerTracker.MaxMarkerError = 0.02f;
            markerTracker.ZNearPlane = 0.1f;
            markerTracker.ZFarPlane = 1000;
            markerTracker.InitTracker(leftCaptureDevice.Width, leftCaptureDevice.Height, LEFT_CALIB, markerSize);
            ((StereoCamera)scene.CameraNode.Camera).LeftProjection = markerTracker.CameraProjection;

            // Add another marker detector for tracking right video capture device
            ALVARDllBridge.alvar_add_marker_detector(markerSize, 5, 2);

            ALVARDllBridge.alvar_add_camera(RIGHT_CALIB, rightCaptureDevice.Width, rightCaptureDevice.Height);
            double[] projMat = new double[16];
            double cameraFovX = 0, cameraFovY = 0;
            ALVARDllBridge.alvar_get_camera_params(1, projMat, ref cameraFovX, ref cameraFovY, 1000, 0.1f);
            ((StereoCamera)scene.CameraNode.Camera).RightProjection = new Matrix(
                (float)projMat[0], (float)projMat[1], (float)projMat[2], (float)projMat[3],
                (float)projMat[4], (float)projMat[5], (float)projMat[6], (float)projMat[7],
                (float)projMat[8], (float)projMat[9], (float)projMat[10], (float)projMat[11],
                (float)projMat[12], (float)projMat[13], (float)projMat[14], (float)projMat[15]);

            // Add a marker array to be tracked
            markerID = markerTracker.AssociateMarker("ALVARGroundArray.xml");

            relativeTransforms = new List<Matrix>();