// String Replace function
 FuncMethod ReplaceFunction(ITypeSupplier supplier) => new FuncMethodBuilder()
     Name          = "Replace",
     Documentation = "Results in a String Value. This String Value will be built from the specified String Value, where all occurrences of the pattern String are replaced with the replacement String.",
     ReturnType    = supplier.String(),
     Parameters    = new CodeParameter[] {
         new CodeParameter("pattern", "The String pattern to be replaced.", supplier.String()),
         new CodeParameter("replacement", "The String Value in which to replace the pattern String.", supplier.String())
     Action = (actionSet, methodCall) => Element.Part("String Replace", actionSet.CurrentObject, methodCall.Get(0), methodCall.Get(1))
 // String Slice function
 FuncMethod IndexOfFunction(ITypeSupplier supplier) => new FuncMethodBuilder()
     Name          = "IndexOf",
     Documentation = "The index of a character within a String or -1 of no such character can be found.",
     ReturnType    = supplier.Number(),
     Parameters    = new CodeParameter[] {
         new CodeParameter("character", "The character for which to search.", supplier.String()),
     Action = (actionSet, methodCall) => Element.Part("Index Of String Char", actionSet.CurrentObject, methodCall.Get(0))
 // String Slice function
 FuncMethod CharInStringFunction(ITypeSupplier supplier) => new FuncMethodBuilder()
     Name          = "CharAt",
     Documentation = "The character found at a specified index of a String.",
     ReturnType    = supplier.String(),
     Parameters    = new CodeParameter[] {
         new CodeParameter("index", "The index of the character.", supplier.Number()),
     Action = (actionSet, methodCall) => Element.Part("Char In String", actionSet.CurrentObject, methodCall.Get(0))
 // String Split function
 FuncMethod SplitFunction(ITypeSupplier supplier) => new FuncMethodBuilder()
     Name          = "Split",
     Documentation = "Results in an Array of String Values. These String Values will be built from the specified String Value, split around the seperator String.",
     ReturnType    = supplier.Array(supplier.String()),
     Parameters    = new CodeParameter[] {
         new CodeParameter("seperator", "The seperator String with which to split the String Value.", supplier.String()),
     Action = (actionSet, methodCall) => Element.Part("String Split", actionSet.CurrentObject, methodCall.Get(0))
 // String Slice function
 FuncMethod SliceFunction(ITypeSupplier supplier) => new FuncMethodBuilder()
     Name          = "Slice",
     Documentation = "Gets a substring from the string by a specified length.",
     ReturnType    = supplier.String(),
     Parameters    = new CodeParameter[] {
         new CodeParameter("start", "The starting index of the substring.", supplier.Number()),
         new CodeParameter("length", "The length of the substring.", supplier.Number())
     Action = (actionSet, methodCall) => Element.Part("String Slice", actionSet.CurrentObject, methodCall.Get(0), methodCall.Get(1))
 public ConstStringParameter(string name, string documentation, ITypeSupplier typeSupplier) : base(name, documentation, typeSupplier.String())
 // String Contains function
 FuncMethod ContainsFunction(ITypeSupplier supplier) => new FuncMethodBuilder()
     Name          = "Contains",
     Documentation = "Determines if the string contains the specified value.",
     ReturnType    = supplier.Boolean(),
     Parameters    = new CodeParameter[] {
         new CodeParameter("value", "The substring that will be searched for.", supplier.String())
     Action = (actionSet, methodCall) => Element.Part("String Contains", actionSet.CurrentObject, methodCall.Get(0))