/// <summary>
        /// Dependency-injected application settings which are then passed on to other components.
        /// </summary>
        public TransitApiController(IApplicationEnvironment appEnv)
            _repository = new MemoryTransitRepository(appEnv.ApplicationBasePath);
            _client = new TransitClient();

            _getCurrentTime = () => TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(DateTimeOffset.Now, TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Pacific Standard Time"));
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Dependency-injected application settings which are then passed on to other components.
        /// </summary>
        public TransitApiController(IApplicationEnvironment appEnv)
            _repository = new MemoryTransitRepository(appEnv.ApplicationBasePath);
            _client     = new TransitClient();

            _getCurrentTime = () => TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(DateTimeOffset.Now, TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Pacific Standard Time"));
Exemplo n.º 3
 public TransitController(IMailService mailService, ITransitRepository repository, IMapper mapper, UserManager <StoreUser> userManager, IHostingEnvironment hostingEnvironment)
     _mailService        = mailService;
     _repository         = repository;
     _mapper             = mapper;
     _userManager        = userManager;
     _hostingEnvironment = hostingEnvironment;
Exemplo n.º 4
		public TransitController(
			IIdentityService identity,
			ICityRepository cities,
			ITransitRepository transits)
			_identity = identity;
			_cities = cities;
			_transits = transits;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public TransitController(
     IIdentityService identity,
     ICityRepository cities,
     ITransitRepository transits)
     _identity = identity;
     _cities   = cities;
     _transits = transits;
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void TestInitialize()
            _context = new CompositionHelper(Settings.Default.MainConnectionString, Settings.Default.FilesConnectionString);
            _fixture = new Fixture();

            _manager           = _context.Kernel.Get <IClientManager>();
            _userRepository    = _context.Kernel.Get <IUserRepository>();
            _clientRepository  = _context.Kernel.Get <IClientRepository>();
            _transitRepository = _context.Kernel.Get <ITransitRepository>();
Exemplo n.º 7
		public void TestInitialize()
			_context = new CompositionHelper(Settings.Default.MainConnectionString, Settings.Default.FilesConnectionString);
			_fixture = new Fixture();

			_manager = _context.Kernel.Get<IClientManager>();
			_userRepository = _context.Kernel.Get<IUserRepository>();
			_clientRepository = _context.Kernel.Get<IClientRepository>();
			_transitRepository = _context.Kernel.Get<ITransitRepository>();
Exemplo n.º 8
		public SenderApplicationManager(
			IApplicationRepository applications,
			IApplicationEditor editor,
			IForwarderService forwarders,
			ITransitRepository transits)
			_applications = applications;
			_editor = editor;
			_forwarders = forwarders;
			_transits = transits;
Exemplo n.º 9
 public SenderApplicationManager(
     IApplicationRepository applications,
     IApplicationEditor editor,
     IForwarderService forwarders,
     ITransitRepository transits)
     _applications = applications;
     _editor       = editor;
     _forwarders   = forwarders;
     _transits     = transits;
Exemplo n.º 10
		public ApplicationPresenter(
			IApplicationRepository applications,
			IIdentityService identity,
			IStateFilter stateFilter,
			ITransitRepository transits,
			IStateRepository states)
			_applications = applications;
			_identity = identity;
			_stateFilter = stateFilter;
			_transits = transits;
			_states = states;
 public OrderController(IOrderRepository orderRepository, IOrderListRepository orderlistRepository,
                        IHubContext <OrderHub> order, ISequenceRepository sequenceRepository, ITransitRepository transitRepository,
                        ITransactionRepository transactionRepository, ITellerRepository tellerRepository)
     //_get = get;
     _order                 = order;
     _orderRepository       = orderRepository;
     _sequenceRepository    = sequenceRepository;
     _tellerRepository      = tellerRepository;
     _transitRepository     = transitRepository;
     _transactionRepository = transactionRepository;
     _orderlistRepository   = orderlistRepository;
Exemplo n.º 12
 public ApplicationPresenter(
     IApplicationRepository applications,
     IIdentityService identity,
     IStateFilter stateFilter,
     ITransitRepository transits,
     IStateRepository states)
     _applications = applications;
     _identity     = identity;
     _stateFilter  = stateFilter;
     _transits     = transits;
     _states       = states;
        /// <summary>
        /// Dependency-injected application settings which are then passed on to other components.
        /// </summary>
        public TransitApiController()
            if (bool.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UseAzureStorage"]))
                var appSettings = new AppSettings(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings);
                _repository = new AzureTransitRepository(appSettings);
                var filePath = HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~");
                _repository = new MemoryTransitRepository(filePath);
            _client = new TransitClient();

            _getCurrentTime = () => TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId(DateTimeOffset.Now, "Pacific Standard Time");
        /// <summary>
        /// Dependency-injected application settings which are then passed on to other components.
        /// </summary>
        public TransitApiController()
            if (bool.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UseAzureStorage"]))
                var appSettings = new AppSettings(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings);
                _repository = new AzureTransitRepository(appSettings);
                var filePath = HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~");
                _repository = new MemoryTransitRepository(filePath);
            _client = new TransitClient();

            _getCurrentTime = () => TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId(DateTimeOffset.Now, "Pacific Standard Time");
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the ETA info for a set of stop IDS.
        /// The outer dictionary takes a route number and gives a dictionary that takes a stop ID to an ETA.
        /// </summary>
        public static async Task <BusArrivalEstimates> GetEtas(ITransitRepository repository, ITransitClient client, IEnumerable <int> stopIds)
            var toPlatformTag = await repository.GetPlatformTagsAsync();

            Func <int, Task <Tuple <int, ConnexionzPlatformET> > > getEtaIfTagExists =
                async id => Tuple.Create(id, toPlatformTag.ContainsKey(id) ? await client.GetEta(toPlatformTag[id]) : null);

            var tasks   = stopIds.Select(getEtaIfTagExists);
            var results = await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

            return(results.ToDictionary(eta => eta.Item1,
                                        eta => eta.Item2?.RouteEstimatedArrivals
                                        ?.ToDictionary(routeEta => routeEta.RouteNo,
                                                       routeEta => routeEta.EstimatedArrivalTime)
                                        ?? new Dictionary <string, List <int> >()));
Exemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the ETA info for a set of stop IDS.
        /// The outer dictionary takes a route number and gives a dictionary that takes a stop ID to an ETA.
        /// </summary>
        public static async Task <BusArrivalEstimates> GetEtas(ITransitRepository repository, ITransitClient client, IEnumerable <int> stopIds)
            var toPlatformTag = await repository.GetPlatformTagsAsync();

            var tasks   = stopIds.Select(getEtaIfTagExists);
            var results = await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

            return(results.ToDictionary(eta => eta.stopId,
                                        eta => eta.platformET?.RouteEstimatedArrivals
                                        ?.ToDictionary(routeEta => routeEta.RouteNo,
                                                       routeEta => routeEta.EstimatedArrivalTime)
                                        ?? new Dictionary <string, List <int> >()));

            async Task <(int stopId, ConnexionzPlatformET?platformET)> getEtaIfTagExists(int id)
            => (id, toPlatformTag.TryGetValue(id, out int tag) ? await client.GetEta(tag) : null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the bus schedule for the given stop IDs, incorporating the ETA from Connexionz.
        /// </summary>
        public static async Task<ClientBusSchedule> GetSchedule(ITransitRepository repository, ITransitClient client, DateTimeOffset currentTime, IEnumerable<int> stopIds)
            var schedulesTask = repository.GetScheduleAsync();
            var estimatesTask = GetEtas(repository, client, stopIds);

            var schedule = await schedulesTask;
            var estimates = await estimatesTask;
            // Holy nested dictionaries batman
            var todaySchedule = stopIds.Where(schedule.ContainsKey)
                                       .ToDictionary(platformNo => platformNo,
                                                     platformNo => schedule[platformNo]
                .ToDictionary(routeSchedule => routeSchedule.RouteNo,
                              routeSchedule => InterleaveRouteScheduleAndEstimates(routeSchedule, estimates.ContainsKey(platformNo) ? estimates[platformNo] : new Dictionary<string, List<int>>(), currentTime)));

            return todaySchedule;
Exemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the bus schedule for the given stop IDs, incorporating the ETA from Connexionz.
        /// </summary>
        public static async Task <ClientBusSchedule> GetSchedule(ITransitRepository repository, ITransitClient client, DateTimeOffset currentTime, IEnumerable <int> stopIds)
            var schedulesTask = repository.GetScheduleAsync();
            var estimatesTask = GetEtas(repository, client, stopIds);

            var schedule  = await schedulesTask;
            var estimates = await estimatesTask;

            // Holy nested dictionaries batman
            var todaySchedule = stopIds.Where(schedule.ContainsKey)
                                .ToDictionary(platformNo => platformNo,
                                              platformNo => schedule[platformNo]
                                              .ToDictionary(routeSchedule => routeSchedule.RouteNo,
                                                            routeSchedule => InterleaveRouteScheduleAndEstimates(routeSchedule, estimates.ContainsKey(platformNo) ? estimates[platformNo] : new Dictionary <string, List <int> >(), currentTime)));

Exemplo n.º 19
 public ProcessController(IAccountRepository accountRepository, ICustomerRepository customerRepository,
                          ISequenceRepository sequenceRepository, ITellerRepository tellerRepository, ICotRepository cotRepository,
                          IChequeRepository chequeRepository, INominalRepository nominalRepository, ISmsRepository smsRepository,
                          IAccountTypeRepository accounttypeRepository, ILocationRepository locationRepository,
                          ITransactionRepository transactionRepository, IChargeRepository chargeRepository,
                          ISmsApiRepository smsapiRepository, ITransitRepository transitRepository)
     _cotRepository         = cotRepository;
     _smsRepository         = smsRepository;
     _chequeRepository      = chequeRepository;
     _chargeRepository      = chargeRepository;
     _tellerRepository      = tellerRepository;
     _transitRepository     = transitRepository;
     _accountRepository     = accountRepository;
     _nominalRepository     = nominalRepository;
     _customerRepository    = customerRepository;
     _locationRepository    = locationRepository;
     _sequenceRepository    = sequenceRepository;
     _accounttypeRepository = accounttypeRepository;
     _transactionRepository = transactionRepository;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the ETA info for a set of stop IDS.
        /// The outer dictionary takes a route number and gives a dictionary that takes a stop ID to an ETA.
        /// </summary>
        public static async Task<BusArrivalEstimates> GetEtas(ITransitRepository repository, ITransitClient client, IEnumerable<int> stopIds)
            var toPlatformTag = await repository.GetPlatformTagsAsync();
            Func<int, Task<Tuple<int, ConnexionzPlatformET>>> getEtaIfTagExists =
                async id => Tuple.Create(id, toPlatformTag.ContainsKey(id) ? await client.GetEtaAsync(toPlatformTag[id]) : null);

            var tasks = stopIds.Select(getEtaIfTagExists);
            var results = await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

            return results.ToDictionary(eta => eta.Item1,
                eta => eta.Item2?.RouteEstimatedArrivals
                                ?.ToDictionary(routeEta => routeEta.RouteNo,
                                               routeEta => routeEta.EstimatedArrivalTime)
                       ?? new Dictionary<string, List<int>>());
Exemplo n.º 21
		public TransitService(ITransitRepository transits, ICarrierRepository carriers, IEventFacade events)
			_transits = transits;
			_carriers = carriers;
			_events = events;
Exemplo n.º 22
		public ForwarderApplication(ICityRepository cities, IClientRepository clients, ITransitRepository transits)
			_cities = cities;
			_clients = clients;
			_transits = transits;
Exemplo n.º 23
 public UsersController(ITransitRepository repo)
     _repo = repo;
Exemplo n.º 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a user friendly arrivals summary for the requested stops.
        /// Returns a dictionary which takes a stop ID and returns the list of route arrival summaries (used to populate a table).
        /// </summary>
        public static async Task <Dictionary <int, List <RouteArrivalsSummary> > > GetArrivalsSummary(ITransitRepository repository, ITransitClient client, DateTimeOffset currentTime, IEnumerable <int> stopIds)
            var schedule = await GetSchedule(repository, client, currentTime, stopIds);

            return(schedule.ToDictionary(stopSchedule => stopSchedule.Key,
                                         stopSchedule => ToRouteArrivalsSummaries(stopSchedule.Value, currentTime)));
 public StopTimesController(ITransitRepository repo)
     _repo = repo;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a user friendly arrivals summary for the requested stops.
        /// Returns a dictionary which takes a stop ID and returns the list of route arrival summaries (used to populate a table).
        /// </summary>
        public static async Task<Dictionary<int, List<RouteArrivalsSummary>>> GetArrivalsSummary(ITransitRepository repository, ITransitClient client, DateTimeOffset currentTime, IEnumerable<int> stopIds)
            var schedule = await GetSchedule(repository, client, currentTime, stopIds);

            return schedule.ToDictionary(stopSchedule => stopSchedule.Key,
                stopSchedule => ToRouteArrivalsSummaries(stopSchedule.Value, currentTime));
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a user friendly arrivals summary for the requested stops.
        /// Returns a dictionary which takes a stop ID and returns the list of route arrival summaries (used to populate a table).
        /// </summary>
        public static async Task <Dictionary <int, List <RouteArrivalsSummary> > > GetArrivalsSummary(ITransitRepository repository, ITransitClient client, DateTimeOffset currentTime, IEnumerable <int> stopIds)
            var schedule = await GetSchedule(repository, client, currentTime, stopIds);

            var staticData = await repository.GetStaticDataAsync();

            var matchingStopIds   = stopIds.Where(staticData.Stops.ContainsKey);
            var arrivalsSummaries = matchingStopIds.ToDictionary(stopId => stopId,
                                                                 stopId => ToRouteArrivalsSummaries(staticData.Stops[stopId].RouteNames, schedule[stopId], currentTime));

Exemplo n.º 28
 public TransitService(ITransitRepository transits, ICarrierRepository carriers, IEventFacade events)
     _transits = transits;
     _carriers = carriers;
     _events   = events;
        public static async Task<List<FavoriteStopViewModel>> GetFavoritesViewModel(ITransitRepository repository,
            ITransitClient client, DateTimeOffset currentTime, IEnumerable<int> stopIds, LatLong? optionalUserLocation)
            var staticData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<BusStaticData>(await repository.GetSerializedStaticDataAsync());

            var favoriteStops = GetFavoriteStops(staticData, stopIds, optionalUserLocation);

            var scheduleTask = GetSchedule(repository, client, currentTime, favoriteStops.Select(f => f.Id));

            var schedule = await scheduleTask;

            var result = favoriteStops.Select(favorite => ToViewModel(favorite, staticData, schedule, currentTime))

            return result;
Exemplo n.º 30
 public TransitApiController(IHostingEnvironment env)
     _repository     = new MemoryTransitRepository(env.WebRootPath);
     _client         = new TransitClient();
     _getCurrentTime = () => TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId(DateTimeOffset.Now, _destinationTimeZoneId);
Exemplo n.º 31
 public TransitController(ITransitRepository transitRepository, ISequenceRepository sequenceRepository)
     _transitRepository  = transitRepository;
     _sequenceRepository = sequenceRepository;
 public PPDCTransitReport([Dependency("PPDC")] IValidateInput inputValidation,
                          [Dependency("PPDC")] ITransitRepository transitRepo) : base(inputValidation, transitRepo)
        public static async Task <List <FavoriteStopViewModel> > GetFavoritesViewModel(ITransitRepository repository,
                                                                                       ITransitClient client, DateTimeOffset currentTime, IEnumerable <int> stopIds, LatLong?optionalUserLocation)
            var staticData = await repository.GetStaticDataAsync();

            var favoriteStops = GetFavoriteStops(staticData, stopIds, optionalUserLocation);

            var scheduleTask = GetSchedule(repository, client, currentTime, favoriteStops.Select(f => f.Id));

            var schedule = await scheduleTask;

            var result = favoriteStops.Select(favorite => ToViewModel(favorite, staticData, schedule, currentTime))

Exemplo n.º 34
 public ForwarderApplication(ICityRepository cities, IClientRepository clients, ITransitRepository transits)
     _cities   = cities;
     _clients  = clients;
     _transits = transits;
 protected TransitReportBase(IValidateInput inputValidation,
                             ITransitRepository transitRepo)
     _inputValidation = inputValidation;
     _transitRepo     = transitRepo;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a user friendly arrivals summary for the requested stops.
        /// Returns a dictionary which takes a stop ID and returns the list of route arrival summaries (used to populate a table).
        /// </summary>
        public static async Task<Dictionary<int, List<RouteArrivalsSummary>>> GetArrivalsSummary(ITransitRepository repository, ITransitClient client, DateTimeOffset currentTime, IEnumerable<int> stopIds)
            var schedule = await GetSchedule(repository, client, currentTime, stopIds);
            var staticData = await repository.GetStaticDataAsync();

            var matchingStopIds = stopIds.Where(staticData.Stops.ContainsKey);
            var arrivalsSummaries = matchingStopIds.ToDictionary(stopId => stopId,
                stopId => ToRouteArrivalsSummaries(staticData.Stops[stopId].RouteNames, schedule[stopId], currentTime));
            return arrivalsSummaries;
 public TransitController(ITransitRepository transitRepository)
     _transitRepository = transitRepository;