public async Task <DinazorResult <TokenUser> > Login(BaseTokenUser user)
            if (user == null)
                var res = new DinazorResult <TokenUser>();
                res.Status = ResultStatus.NoSuchObject;

            //firstly check the user whether alredy logged in or not
            var alreadyLoggedInResult = IsUserAlreadyLoggedIn(user.Username, user.Password);

            if (!alreadyLoggedInResult.IsSuccess)
                return(new DinazorResult <TokenUser>());
            if (alreadyLoggedInResult.Data)
                _log.Info("user is already logged in");
                //user already logged in. get the user

            // LICENCE CONTROL

            /*   bool anyCommunicationProblem = false;
             * DinazorRestClient dinazorRestClient = new DinazorRestClient();
             * DinazorResult<List<OrganizationLicenceDto>> licenceResult = new DinazorResult<List<OrganizationLicenceDto>>();
             * try
             * {
             *     licenceResult = await dinazorRestClient.Post(user.Client);
             * }
             * catch (Exception e)
             * {
             *     _log.Error("licence manager communication problem",e);
             *     anyCommunicationProblem = true;
             *     licenceResult.Success();
             * }
             * if (!licenceResult.IsSuccess)
             * {
             *     var licenceErrorResult = new DinazorResult<TokenUser> { Status = licenceResult.Status };
             *     return licenceErrorResult;
             * }
             * //validate the licence
             * if (!anyCommunicationProblem && licenceResult.Data.Count <= 0)
             * {
             *     var noLicenceResult = new DinazorResult<TokenUser> { Status = ResultStatus.NoLicence };
             *     return noLicenceResult;
             * }*/
            if (true)
                // try to login
                var result = await _authorizationOperation.Login(user);

                if (result.IsSuccess)
                    //generate the token
                    var token = TokenGenerator.GenerateUniqueId();
                    //control the token if it already exists
                    while (_tokenStorer.IsTokenExists(token).Status == ResultStatus.Success)
                        token = TokenGenerator.GenerateUniqueId();
                    var tokenUser = result.Data;
                    tokenUser.Token = token;

                    //set the licence information
                    tokenUser.Client             = user.Client;
                    tokenUser.IsLicenceValidated = true;
                    // tokenUser.OrganizationLicence = licenceResult.Data;

                    // get the roles according to licenced modules
                    var userManager    = IocManager.Instance.Resolve <IUserManager>();
                    var roleListResult = await userManager.GetUserByIdWithRoles(tokenUser.Id);

                    if (roleListResult.IsSuccess)
                        tokenUser.RoleList = roleListResult.Data;
                        _log.Error("error while getting the role list");
                    //store the user
                    _tokenStorer.StoreTheToken(token, tokenUser);



                    result.Data = tokenUser;

            /*       else if (anyCommunicationProblem)
             *     {
             *     }*/