Exemplo n.º 1
 public void Record(ITimelineEvent timelineEvent)
     if (_isRecording)
         var entry = new TimelineEntry
             RecordTime    = GetCurrentAdjustedTime(),
             TimelineEvent = timelineEvent
Exemplo n.º 2
            public TimelineData(ITimelineEvent timelineEvent)
                EventType = timelineEvent.EventType;
                Timestamp = timelineEvent.Timestamp;
                Category  = timelineEvent.Category;
                Name      = timelineEvent.Name;
                Data      = timelineEvent.Data;

                if (timelineEvent is ITimelineScope timelineScope)
                    Duration = (long)timelineScope.Duration.TotalMilliseconds;
                    Children = timelineScope.Children.Select(x => new TimelineData(x)).ToArray();
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a list of actions that need to be executed to produce the specified output items.
        /// </summary>
        public static HashSet <Action> GetActionsToExecute(List <Action> Actions, List <Action> PrerequisiteActions, CppDependencyCache CppDependencies, ActionHistory History, bool bIgnoreOutdatedImportLibraries)
            ITimelineEvent GetActionsToExecuteTimer = Timeline.ScopeEvent("ActionGraph.GetActionsToExecute()");

            // Build a set of all actions needed for this target.
            Dictionary <Action, bool> IsActionOutdatedMap = new Dictionary <Action, bool>();

            foreach (Action Action in PrerequisiteActions)
                IsActionOutdatedMap.Add(Action, true);

            // For all targets, build a set of all actions that are outdated.
            Dictionary <Action, bool> OutdatedActionDictionary = new Dictionary <Action, bool>();

            GatherAllOutdatedActions(Actions, History, OutdatedActionDictionary, CppDependencies, bIgnoreOutdatedImportLibraries);

            // Build a list of actions that are both needed for this target and outdated.
            HashSet <Action> ActionsToExecute = new HashSet <Action>(Actions.Where(Action => Action.CommandPath != null && IsActionOutdatedMap.ContainsKey(Action) && OutdatedActionDictionary[Action]));


Exemplo n.º 4
        public Vector? GetCenteringVector(ITimelineEvent target)
            //if (target == null)                                                             // Only call during or after the arrange pass.
            //    return null;

            //var eventIndex = 0;

            //foreach (var timelineEvent in Events)
            //    if (timelineEvent == target)
            //    {
            //        break;
            //    }

            //    eventIndex++;

            //var eventControlLeftEdge = Ruler.ToPixels(Dates.Earliest(), target.Dates.Start.Earliest());
            //var eventControlHalfWidth = target.ActualWidth / 2;
            //var viewportHalfWidth = ActualWidth / 2;

            //var x = eventControlLeftEdge + eventControlHalfWidth - viewportHalfWidth;

            //var eventControlTopEdge = eventIndex * (EventHeight + EventSpacing);
            //var eventControlHalfHeight = target.ActualHeight / 2;
            //var viewportHalfHeight = ActualHeight / 2;

            //var y = eventControlTopEdge + eventControlHalfHeight - viewportHalfHeight;

            return new Vector(); // new Vector(x - HorizontalOffset, y - VerticalOffset);
Exemplo n.º 5
 private void AddEvent(ITimelineEvent ev)
     m_HourlyActivity.Add(ev.Time.Ticks / TICKS_PER_HOUR * TICKS_PER_HOUR);
     m_DailyActivity.Add(ev.Time.Ticks / TICKS_PER_DAY * TICKS_PER_DAY);
     m_MonthlyActivity.Add(new DateTime(ev.Time.Year, ev.Time.Month, 1).Ticks);