Exemplo n.º 1
        public void GetValuesFromTimeSeries()
            ITimeSpaceComponent timeSeries = new TimeSeriesComponent();

            // initialize model

            ITimeSpaceOutput output = (ITimeSpaceOutput)timeSeries.Outputs[0];

            // specify query times
            Time   startTime = new Time(new DateTime(2005, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0));
            double firstTriggerGetValuesTime  = startTime.StampAsModifiedJulianDay;
            double secondTriggerGetValuesTime = firstTriggerGetValuesTime + 12.1;
            double thirdTriggerGetValuesTime  = firstTriggerGetValuesTime + 16.7;

            // get values for specified query times - initial time, will return initial value
            ITimeSpaceValueSet values = output.GetValues(queryItem1);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, values.GetValue(0, 0), "value for first query time");

            // 12.1 days from 01-01
            values = output.GetValues(queryItem1);
            Assert.AreEqual(13, values.GetValue(0, 0), "value for second query time");

            // 16.7 days from 01-01
            values = output.GetValues(queryItem1);
            Assert.AreEqual(17, values.GetValue(0, 0), "value for third query time");
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void Polygon2PointAdaptedOutputGetValues2Consumers()
            Output adaptee = new Output(xyPolygon.Caption + ".Flow")
                SpatialDefinition = xyPolygon, ValueDefinition = waterLevelQuantity
            ITimeSpaceInput consumerA = new Input(xyPointA.Caption + ".Flow")
                SpatialDefinition = xyPointA, ValueDefinition = waterLevelQuantity

            IIdentifiable           selectedAvailableAdaptedOutputId = adaptedOutputFactory.GetAvailableAdaptedOutputIds(adaptee, consumerA)[1];
            ITimeSpaceAdaptedOutput adaptedOutput = (ITimeSpaceAdaptedOutput)adaptedOutputFactory.CreateAdaptedOutput(selectedAvailableAdaptedOutputId, adaptee, consumerA);


            IList <IList> values2D = new List <IList>();

            values2D.Add(new List <double> {
            adaptee.Values = new ValueSet(values2D);

            ITimeSpaceValueSet adaptedValuesA = adaptedOutput.GetValues(consumerA);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, ValueSet.GetTimesCount(adaptedValuesA), "adaptedValuesA.TimesCount");
            Assert.AreEqual(consumerA.ElementSet().ElementCount, ValueSet.GetElementCount(adaptedValuesA), "adaptedValuesA.ElementCount");
        public void GetValuesOnTimeExtrapolator()
            // create the component
            // connect query and output item
            // take care that component becomes valid and produces initial output for connected items
            ITimeSpaceComponent cf             = RainRrCfComponents.CreateChannelFlowInstance("CF-2");
            ITimeSpaceOutput    selectedOutput = RainRrCfCompositions.FindOutputItem(cf, "node-2.waterlevel");


            ITimeSpaceAdaptedOutput timeExtrapolator =
                                                                                             selectedOutput, _waterlevQueryItem,

            // set query time for getting values
            _dischargeQueryItem.TimeSet.SetSingleTimeStamp(new DateTime(2009, 3, 28, 12, 0, 0));
            ITimeSpaceValueSet values = timeExtrapolator.GetValues(_dischargeQueryItem);

            Assert.IsNotNull(values, "values != null");
            Assert.AreEqual(4001.5, (double)values.Values2D[0][0], "value[0] from GetValues 1");

            _dischargeQueryItem.TimeSet.SetSingleTimeStamp(new DateTime(2009, 3, 29, 0, 0, 0));
            values = timeExtrapolator.GetValues(_dischargeQueryItem);
            Assert.IsNotNull(values, "values != null");
            Assert.AreEqual(4002.0, (double)values.Values2D[0][0], "value[0] from GetValues 1");

            _dischargeQueryItem.TimeSet.SetSingleTimeStamp(new DateTime(2009, 3, 30, 0, 0, 0));
            Assert.AreEqual(4002.0, (double)values.Values2D[0][0], "value[0] from GetValues 1");
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns an array of T's from the <paramref name="values"/>, extracting
        /// data from the <paramref name="timeIndex"/> - in principle a typed version
        /// of <see cref="ITimeSpaceValueSet.GetElementValuesForTime"/> returning
        /// an array.
        /// </summary>
        /// <example>
        /// <code>
        /// ITimeSpaceValueSet values = ...
        /// double[] doubleArray = values.GetElementValuesForTime<double>(0);
        /// </code>
        /// </example>
        /// <param name="values">Values to retrieve</param>
        /// <param name="timeIndex">Index to retrieve data from.</param>
        /// <returns>Array of T</returns>
        public static T[] GetElementValuesForTime <T>(this ITimeSpaceValueSet values, int timeIndex)
            IList elmtValues = values.GetElementValuesForTime(timeIndex);

            // Check if it is already an array
            T[] tArray = elmtValues as T[];
            if (tArray != null)

            // Check if it is a generic list, and use C# build in extension method
            IList <T> tList = elmtValues as IList <T>;

            if (tList != null)

            // Do a manual copy (an IList which is not an IList<T>)
            tArray = new T[elmtValues.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < elmtValues.Count; i++)
                tArray[i] = (T)elmtValues[i];

Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the input item, retrieves values from the provider and
        /// sets the values to the engine.
        /// <para>
        /// Is called just before <see cref="LinkableEngine.PerformTimestep"/>
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// The input time is retrieved from <see cref="GetInputTime"/>. Updating
        /// this input can be "disabled" by letting <see cref="GetInputTime"/>
        /// return null.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        protected internal virtual void Update()
            if (_provider != null)
                ITime inputTime = GetInputTime();
                if (inputTime == null)
                    return; // can not update input item if time is null

                ITimeSpaceValueSet incomingValues = _provider.GetValues(this);
                if (_storeValuesInExchangeItem)
                    _values = incomingValues;
                    HasBeenProcessed = false;
                    // Here we do not add this input item to the list of InputItemsToBeProcessed, we process immediately
                    HasBeenProcessed = true;
                throw new Exception("Trying to update an input item without a provider.");
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static void CheckValueSizes(ITimeSpaceExchangeItem exchangeItem, ITimeSpaceValueSet valueSet)
            int timesCount = 1;

            if (exchangeItem.TimeSet != null)
                if (exchangeItem.TimeSet.Times != null)
                    timesCount = exchangeItem.TimeSet.Times.Count;
                    timesCount = 0;

            if (ValueSet.GetTimesCount(valueSet) != timesCount)
                throw new Exception("ExchangeItem \"" + exchangeItem.Caption +
                                    "\": Wrong #times in valueSet (" + ValueSet.GetTimesCount(valueSet) + "), expected #times (" + timesCount + ")");

            int elementCount = 1;

            if (exchangeItem.ElementSet() != null)
                elementCount = exchangeItem.ElementSet().ElementCount;
            if (ValueSet.GetElementCount(valueSet) != elementCount)
                throw new Exception("ExchangeItem \"" + exchangeItem.Caption +
                                    "\": Wrong #times in valueSet (" + ValueSet.GetElementCount(valueSet) + "), expected #times (" + elementCount + ")");
        /// <summary>
        /// Compared to <see cref="GetValues(IBaseExchangeItem)"/>,
        /// this version adds the values to the targetSet (for reuse or adding to a targetSet)
        /// </summary>
        public void GetValues(ITimeSpaceValueSet <double> targetSet, IBaseExchangeItem querySpecifier2)
            ITimeSpaceExchangeItem timeSpaceQuery = querySpecifier2 as ITimeSpaceExchangeItem;

            if (timeSpaceQuery == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("querySpecifier must be an ITimeSpaceExchangeItem - add an adaptor");

            if (!(timeSpaceQuery is ITimeSpaceInput))
                throw new OpenMIException("Get Values can only be called with an Input as argument")
                          Component = Adaptee.Component, Output = this

            // Set query time to internal query item
            _query.TimeSet = timeSpaceQuery.TimeSet;

            ITimeSpaceValueSet incomingValues = _adaptee.GetValues(_query);

            // Transform the values from the adaptee
            _elementMapper.MapValues(targetSet, incomingValues);
        public ITimeSpaceValueSet GetValues(IBaseExchangeItem querySpecifier)
            ITimeSpaceExchangeItem timeSpaceQuery = querySpecifier as ITimeSpaceExchangeItem;

            if (timeSpaceQuery == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Must be an ITimeSpaceExchangeItem, add an adaptor", "querySpecifier");

            if (_children.Count == 0)
                return(null); // TODO: Or throw an exception?
            TimeSpaceValueSet <double> resultSet = ElementMapper.CreateResultValueSet(timeSpaceQuery.TimeSet.Times.Count, this.ElementSet().ElementCount);

            // Get values from all adaptees/children, and add them together
            for (int i = 0; i < _children.Count; i++)
                ITimeSpaceOutputAdder addingChild = _children[i] as ITimeSpaceOutputAdder;
                if (addingChild != null)
                    addingChild.GetValues(resultSet, querySpecifier);
                    ITimeSpaceValueSet values = _children[i].GetValues(querySpecifier);
                    AddSourceToTarget(resultSet, values);
Exemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>
 /// MapValues calculates for each set of timestep data
 /// a resulting IValueSet through multiplication of an inputValues IValueSet
 /// vector with the mapping maprix.
 /// <para>
 /// This version can be used if the output value set is to be reused (performance or for
 /// adding up)
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="outputValues">IValueset of mapped values, of the correct size</param>
 /// <param name="inputValues">IValueSet of values to be mapped.</param>
 public void MapValues(ref ITimeSpaceValueSet <double> outputValues, ref ITimeSpaceValueSet inputValues)
     for (int i = 0; i < inputValues.Values2D.Count; i++)
         _mappingMatrix.Product(outputValues.Values2D[i], inputValues.GetElementValuesForTime <double>(i));
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void GetValuesExtrapolateTest()
            string dataFileRoot = @"..\..\..\..\..\Examples\AsciiFileReader\Data\";

            AsciiFileDataComponent ascii = new AsciiFileDataComponent();

            IArgument[] arguments = new IArgument[2];
            arguments[0] = Argument.Create("File1", dataFileRoot + "FlowDataId.txt", false, "Name of first file to load");
            arguments[1] = Argument.Create("File2", dataFileRoot + "WaterlevelDataPoints.txt", false, "Name of second file to load");

            Assert.AreEqual(2, ascii.Outputs.Count);

            ITimeSpaceOutput flowOutput  = (ITimeSpaceOutput)ascii.Outputs[0];
            ITimeSpaceOutput levelOutput = (ITimeSpaceOutput)ascii.Outputs[1];

            Time   startTime       = new Time(new DateTime(2005, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0));
            double startTimeMjd    = startTime.StampAsModifiedJulianDay;
            double afterEndTimeMjd = startTimeMjd + 4;

            double[] expectedFlows  = new double[] { 11, 15.6, 21.3 };
            double[] expectedLevels = new double[] { 1, 5.6, 8.3 };

            // TODO: Make it extrapolate instead!
            ITimeSpaceValueSet flows  = flowOutput.GetValues(_queryItem1);
            ITimeSpaceValueSet levels = levelOutput.GetValues(_queryItem1);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedFlows, flows.Values2D[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedLevels, levels.Values2D[0]);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public override ITimeSpaceValueSet GetValues(IBaseExchangeItem querySpecifier)
            // Note (SH): shouldn't a copy be made here?
            // Reply (ADH): In EngineWrapper2 I effectivly clone via the Values attribute
            // Suggest that standard should require GetValues to return
            // cloned IValueSet.
            // Maybe, more simply, IVAlueSet should implement IClonable
            ITimeSpaceValueSet values = base.GetValues(querySpecifier);

            if (values == null)

            if (!_initialisedFromArgs)

            for (int m = 0; m < values.Values2D.Count; ++m)
                for (int n = 0; n < values.Values2D[m].Count; ++n)
                    if (values.Values2D[m][n] is double)
                        values.Values2D[m][n] = _a * (double)values.Values2D[m][n] + _b;

Exemplo n.º 12
 public override void SetValuesToEngine(ITimeSpaceValueSet values)
     throw new OpenMIException("Internal LinkableEngine error: Values are stored in the input item," +
                               " so SetValuesToEngine should not be called")
               Component = Component, Input = this
Exemplo n.º 13
        public void GetValues1A()
            LinkableEngine      riverModelLE = CreateRiverModel();
            ITimeSpaceComponent riverModelLC = riverModelLE;

            // initialize model
            List <IArgument> riverArguments = CreateRiverModelArguments(riverModelLC);

            riverArguments.Add(Argument.Create("ModelID", "RiverModel", true, "argument"));
            riverArguments.Add(Argument.Create("TimeStepLength", 3600));

            // Link output and trigger with a time buffer
            ITimeSpaceOutput      output = (ITimeSpaceOutput)riverModelLC.Outputs[2];
            IAdaptedOutputFactory adaptedOutputFactory = riverModelLC.AdaptedOutputFactories[0];

            IIdentifiable[]         adaptedOutputIds = adaptedOutputFactory.GetAvailableAdaptedOutputIds(output, _queryItem1);
            ITimeSpaceAdaptedOutput adaptedOutput    = (ITimeSpaceAdaptedOutput)
                                                       adaptedOutputFactory.CreateAdaptedOutput(adaptedOutputIds[0], output, _queryItem1);


            Assert.IsTrue(riverModelLC.Status == LinkableComponentStatus.Valid);
            Assert.IsTrue(riverModelLC.Status == LinkableComponentStatus.Updated);

            // specify query times
            double firstTriggerGetValuesTime  = riverModelLE.CurrentTime.StampAsModifiedJulianDay;
            double secondTriggerGetValuesTime = firstTriggerGetValuesTime + 2;
            double thirdTriggerGetValuesTime  = firstTriggerGetValuesTime + 4.3;

            // check initial values
            Assert.AreEqual(1, output.Values.Values2D[0].Count, "#values for " + output.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(7.0, (double)output.Values.GetValue(0, 0), "Value[0] as property");

            // get values for specified query times
            ITimeSpaceValueSet values = adaptedOutput.GetValues(_queryItem1);

            Assert.AreEqual(7.0, values.GetValue(0, 0), "value for first query time");

            // only runoff inflow, 10 L/s
            values = adaptedOutput.GetValues(_queryItem1);
            Assert.AreEqual(35.0 / 4.0, values.GetValue(0, 0), "value for second query time");

            // still only runoff inflow, 10 L/s
            values = adaptedOutput.GetValues(_queryItem1);
            Assert.AreEqual(35.0 / 4.0, values.GetValue(0, 0), "value for third query time");

Exemplo n.º 14
        public void SetValues(ITimeSpaceValueSet values)
            // Assuming elsewhere is taken care of that the sizes are correct.
            // i.e. one time step and same number of elements
            IList elementValues = values.GetElementValuesForTime(0);

            for (int i = 0; i < _vector.Count; i++)
                _vector[i] = (T)elementValues[i];
Exemplo n.º 15
        public void SetValues(ITimeSpaceValueSet values)
            double invScaleFactor = 1.0 / _scaleFactor;
            // Assuming elsewhere is taken care of that the sizes are correct.
            IList elementValues = values.GetElementValuesForTime(0);

            for (int i = 0; i < _vector.Count; i++)
                _vector[i] = ((double)elementValues[i]) * invScaleFactor;
Exemplo n.º 16
        private void AddInflow(ITimeSpaceValueSet values)
            // values are numberOfNodes-1 long (input for each branch.
            // Put inflow at "upstream" node/storage
            IList elementValues = values.GetElementValuesForTime(0);

            for (int i = 0; i < _inflowStorage.Length - 1; i++)
                _inflowStorage[i] += ((double)elementValues[i]) * _timeStepLengthInSeconds;
Exemplo n.º 17
        private static double SumTimeStep(ITimeSpaceValueSet values, int timestepIndex)
            IList <double> vals = (IList <double>)values.GetElementValuesForTime(timestepIndex);
            double         sum  = 0;

            foreach (double d in vals)
                sum += d;
Exemplo n.º 18
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds the content of the source values to the target values. Assumes the two
 /// are equally big.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="targetValues">Target set, where values are added to</param>
 /// <param name="sourceValues">Source set, containing values to add</param>
 private static void AddSourceToTarget(ITimeSpaceValueSet <double> targetValues, ITimeSpaceValueSet sourceValues)
     for (int i = 0; i < targetValues.TimesCount(); i++)
         double[]       sourceTimeValues = sourceValues.GetElementValuesForTime <double>(i);
         IList <double> targetTimeValues = targetValues.Values2D[i];
         for (int j = 0; j < targetValues.ElementCount(); j++)
             targetTimeValues[j] += sourceTimeValues[j];
Exemplo n.º 19
 public static void CheckTimeIndex(ITimeSpaceValueSet valueSet, int timeIndex)
     if (timeIndex < 0)
         throw new Exception("Invalid timeindex (" + timeIndex + "), negative index not allowed");
     if (timeIndex >= GetTimesCount(valueSet))
         throw new Exception("Invalid timeindex (" + timeIndex +
                             "), only " + GetTimesCount(valueSet) + " times available");
Exemplo n.º 20
 public static void CheckElementIndex(ITimeSpaceValueSet valueSet, int elementIndex)
     if (elementIndex < 0)
         throw new Exception("Invalid elementindex (" + elementIndex + "), negative index nog allowed");
     if (elementIndex >= GetElementCount(valueSet))
         throw new Exception("Invalid elementindex (" + elementIndex +
                             "), only " + GetElementCount(valueSet) + " elements available");
Exemplo n.º 21
 private void FillLocalValues()
     if (_Values == null)
         ITimeSpaceValueSet temp = _openMIOutputItem.Values;
         int nVals = temp.Values2D[0].Count;
         _Values = new double[nVals];
         for (int i = 0; i < temp.Values2D[0].Count; i++)
             _Values[i] = (double)temp.GetValue(0, i);
Exemplo n.º 22
        public override void SetEngineValues(EngineInputItem inputItem, ITimeSpaceValueSet values)
            int elementCount = ValueSet.GetElementCount(values);

            double[] avalues = new double[elementCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < elementCount; i++)
                avalues[i] = (double)values.GetValue(0, i);
            ScalarSet scalarSet = new ScalarSet(avalues);

            _engineApiAccess.SetValues(inputItem.ValueDefinition.Caption, inputItem.SpatialDefinition.Caption, scalarSet);
Exemplo n.º 23
        public override ITimeSpaceValueSet GetEngineValues(ExchangeItem exchangeItem)
            if (exchangeItem is EngineInputItem)
                // Input item, provide current internal values for this item
                // NOT supported by this computational core
                throw new ArgumentException("Unknown Exchange Item Id: \"" + exchangeItem.Id + "\"", "exchangeItem");

            ITimeSpaceValueSet values = GetOutputValuesFromComputationalCore(exchangeItem);

Exemplo n.º 24
        public List <double> ApxyLinearly(ITimeSpaceValueSet data, double[] apxValue)
            int           size       = data.Values2D[0].Count;
            double        incrementV = apxValue[0] / size;
            List <double> dvalues    = new List <double>();

            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                dvalues.Add((double)data.GetValue(0, i) + incrementV * i);

            public void GetValues(ITimeSpaceValueSet <double> targetSet, IBaseExchangeItem querySpecifier)
                // Copy values from the adaptee to the targetSet
                ITimeSpaceValueSet sourceValues = _adaptee.GetValues(querySpecifier);

                for (int i = 0; i < targetSet.TimesCount(); i++)
                    double[] sourceTimeValues = sourceValues.GetElementValuesForTime <double>(i);
                    for (int j = 0; j < targetSet.ElementCount(); j++)
                        targetSet.Values2D[i][j] += sourceTimeValues[j];
 private void CheckBuffer()
     if (_buffer == null)
         _buffer = new SmartBuffer();
         ITimeSpaceValueSet outputItemValues = _adaptee.Values;
         IList <ITime>      outputItemTimes  = _adaptee.TimeSet.Times;
         for (int t = 0; t < outputItemTimes.Count; t++)
             ITime time = outputItemTimes[t];
             _buffer.AddValues(time, outputItemValues.GetElementValuesForTime(0));
Exemplo n.º 27
        protected virtual void UpdateLoopVersion(ICollection <EngineOutputItem> requiredOutputItems)
            Status = LinkableComponentStatus.Updating;

            foreach (ITimeSpaceInput inputItem in Inputs)
                if (inputItem.Provider != null)
                    if (!ExchangeItemHelper.OutputAndInputFit((ITimeSpaceOutput)inputItem.Provider, inputItem))
                        Status = LinkableComponentStatus.WaitingForData;

            // All data available, get all values
            // TODO JGr: Check if we can reuse the ProcessActiveInputItems();
            foreach (ITimeSpaceInput inputItem in Inputs)
                if (inputItem.Provider != null)
                    // get and store input
                    ITimeSpaceValueSet incomingValues = (ITimeSpaceValueSet)inputItem.Provider.Values;
                    inputItem.Values = incomingValues;

            // compute and produce output


            // Assuming the time step was successfull, then we can update the time horizon
            // start time of all input items, to indicate that we are never going to ask
            // data before this time. Done here in order to support redoing of time steps
            // to the horizon start time should only be updated on a successfull performTimestep
            foreach (EngineInputItem inputItem in ActiveInputItems)
                // Assuming this input item is never (ever again) going to ask
                // for data before the current inputTime

            // indicate that Update is done
            Status = CurrentTime.StampAsModifiedJulianDay >= EndTime.StampAsModifiedJulianDay
                   ? LinkableComponentStatus.Done
                   : LinkableComponentStatus.Updated;
Exemplo n.º 28
        private void LogIncomingValues(ITimeSpaceInput inputItem, ITimeSpaceValueSet providedValues)
            string message = Caption + " " + inputItem.Caption + " values:";

            foreach (IList valuesArray in providedValues.Values2D)
                foreach (object value in valuesArray)
                    message += " " + value;
            message += " <= " + inputItem.Provider.Caption + " from " + inputItem.Provider.Component.Caption +
Exemplo n.º 29
        private ValueSetArray <double> Convert(ITimeSpaceValueSet values)
            ValueSetArray <double> res = new ValueSetArray <double>();

            for (int n = 0; n < values.Values2D.Count; ++n)
                double[] elmtValues = new double[values.Values2D[n].Count];

                for (int m = 0; m < values.Values2D[n].Count; m++)
                    elmtValues[m] = _a * (double)values.Values2D[n][m] + _b;

        public SWMMTimeSpaceValueSet(ITimeSpaceValueSet timeSpaceValueSet)
            values = new ListIList <T>();

            for (int i = 0; i < timeSpaceValueSet.Values2D.Count; i++)
                IList <T> temp  = new List <T>();
                IList     value = timeSpaceValueSet.Values2D[i];

                for (int j = 0; j < value.Count; j++)

Exemplo n.º 31
 public static void CheckTimeIndex(ITimeSpaceValueSet valueSet, int timeIndex)
     if (timeIndex < 0)
         throw new Exception("Invalid timeindex (" + timeIndex + "), negative index not allowed");
     if (timeIndex >= GetTimesCount(valueSet))
         throw new Exception("Invalid timeindex (" + timeIndex +
             "), only " + GetTimesCount(valueSet) + " times available");
Exemplo n.º 32
 public static int GetElementCount(ITimeSpaceValueSet valueSet)
     return (valueSet.Values2D.Count > 0) ? valueSet.Values2D[0].Count : 0;
Exemplo n.º 33
        public static void CheckValueSizes(ITimeSpaceExchangeItem exchangeItem, ITimeSpaceValueSet valueSet)
            int timesCount = 1;
            if (exchangeItem.TimeSet != null)
                if (exchangeItem.TimeSet.Times != null)
                    timesCount = exchangeItem.TimeSet.Times.Count;
                    timesCount = 0;

            if (ValueSet.GetTimesCount(valueSet) != timesCount)
                throw new Exception("ExchangeItem \"" + exchangeItem.Caption +
                    "\": Wrong #times in valueSet (" + ValueSet.GetTimesCount(valueSet) + "), expected #times (" + timesCount + ")");

            int elementCount = 1;
            if (exchangeItem.ElementSet() != null)
                elementCount = exchangeItem.ElementSet().ElementCount;
            if (ValueSet.GetElementCount(valueSet) != elementCount)
                throw new Exception("ExchangeItem \"" + exchangeItem.Caption +
                    "\": Wrong #times in valueSet (" + ValueSet.GetElementCount(valueSet) + "), expected #times (" + elementCount + ")");

 protected override void SetValuesTimeImplementation(ITimeSpaceValueSet values)
         "Orphaned Input, does not implement get values calls");
        protected override void SetValuesTimeImplementation(ITimeSpaceValueSet values)
            _valuesExplicitOverride = values;

            SendItemChangedEvent(string.Format("InputSpaceTime({0}).Values.set, explicit override {1}",
                Caption, values == null ? "deactivated" : "activated"));
Exemplo n.º 36
 public static int GetTimesCount(ITimeSpaceValueSet valueSet)
     return valueSet.Values2D.Count;
 protected override void SetValuesTimeImplementation(ITimeSpaceValueSet values)
     throw new NotImplementedException("Not meant to be used at runtime, composition building tool only");
Exemplo n.º 38
 public static void CheckElementIndex(ITimeSpaceValueSet valueSet, int elementIndex)
     if (elementIndex < 0)
         throw new Exception("Invalid elementindex (" + elementIndex + "), negative index nog allowed");
     if (elementIndex >= GetElementCount(valueSet))
         throw new Exception("Invalid elementindex (" + elementIndex +
             "), only " + GetElementCount(valueSet) + " elements available");
Exemplo n.º 39
 /// <summary>
 /// MapValues calculates for each set of timestep data 
 /// a resulting IValueSet through multiplication of an inputValues IValueSet
 /// vector with the mapping maprix. 
 /// <para>
 /// This version can be used if the output value set is to be reused (performance or for
 /// adding up)
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="outputValues">IValueset of mapped values, of the correct size</param>
 /// <param name="inputValues">IValueSet of values to be mapped.</param>
 public void MapValues(ITimeSpaceValueSet<double> outputValues, ITimeSpaceValueSet inputValues)
     for (int i = 0; i < inputValues.Values2D.Count; i++)
         _mappingMatrix.Product(outputValues.Values2D[i], inputValues.GetElementValuesForTime<double>(i));
      public void GetValues(ITimeSpaceValueSet<double> targetSet, IBaseExchangeItem querySpecifier)
        // Copy values from the adaptee to the targetSet
        ITimeSpaceValueSet sourceValues = _adaptee.GetValues(querySpecifier);

        for (int i = 0; i < targetSet.TimesCount(); i++)
          double[] sourceTimeValues = sourceValues.GetElementValuesForTime<double>(i);
          for (int j = 0; j < targetSet.ElementCount(); j++)
            targetSet.Values2D[i][j] += sourceTimeValues[j];
Exemplo n.º 41
        /// <summary>
        /// MapValues calculates for each set of timestep data 
        /// a resulting IValueSet through multiplication of an inputValues IValueSet
        /// vector with the mapping maprix. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputValues">IValueSet of values to be mapped.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A IValueSet found by mapping of the inputValues on to the toElementSet.
        /// </returns>
        public TimeSpaceValueSet<double> MapValues(ITimeSpaceValueSet inputValues)
            if (!_isInitialised)
                throw new Exception(
                    "ElementMapper objects needs to be initialised before the MapValue method can be used");
            if (!ValueSet.GetElementCount(inputValues).Equals(_numberOfColumns))
                throw new Exception("Dimension mismatch between inputValues and mapping matrix");

            // Make a time-space value set of the correct size
            TimeSpaceValueSet<double> result = CreateResultValueSet(inputValues.TimesCount(), _numberOfRows);

            MapValues(result, inputValues);
            return result;