Exemplo n.º 1
    public static void ProcessQueue()
        float realtimeSinceStartup = Time.get_realtimeSinceStartup();
        float num = AIThinkManager.framebudgetms / 1000f;

        if (AIThinkManager._removalQueue.get_Count() > 0)
            using (IEnumerator <IThinker> enumerator = AIThinkManager._removalQueue.GetEnumerator())
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    IThinker current = enumerator.Current;
        for (; AIThinkManager.lastIndex < AIThinkManager._processQueue.get_Count() && (double)Time.get_realtimeSinceStartup() < (double)realtimeSinceStartup + (double)num; ++AIThinkManager.lastIndex)
        if (AIThinkManager.lastIndex != AIThinkManager._processQueue.get_Count())
        AIThinkManager.lastIndex = 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
    private static void DoProcessing(ListHashSet <IThinker> process, float budgetSeconds, ref int last)
        float realtimeSinceStartup = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

        while (last < process.Count && Time.realtimeSinceStartup < realtimeSinceStartup + budgetSeconds)
            IThinker thinker = process[last];
            if (thinker != null)
                catch (Exception message)
        if (last >= process.Count)
            last = 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
    public static void ProcessQueue()
        float single  = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
        float single1 = (float)AIThinkManager.framebudgetms / 1000f;

        if (AIThinkManager._removalQueue.Count > 0)
            foreach (IThinker thinker in AIThinkManager._removalQueue)
        while (AIThinkManager.lastIndex < AIThinkManager._processQueue.Count && Time.realtimeSinceStartup < single + single1)
            IThinker item = AIThinkManager._processQueue[AIThinkManager.lastIndex];
            if (item != null)
        if (AIThinkManager.lastIndex == AIThinkManager._processQueue.Count)
            AIThinkManager.lastIndex = 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
            // Create an instance of our Ultron thinker via ThinkerPrototype. //
            // If we created directly with new, it would not be properly      //
            // configured.                                                    //
            // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //

            // Create a configuration for a default ColorShapeLinks match
            MatchConfig mc = new MatchConfig();

            // Get the fully qualified name of our basic Ultron thinker
            string ultronFullName = typeof(UltronThinker).FullName;

            // Create a prototype for our thinker
            ThinkerPrototype tp = new ThinkerPrototype(ultronFullName, "", mc);

            // Create an instance of our basic Ultron thinker
            IThinker ultronThinker = tp.Create();

            // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
            // Create a board so we can test how our thinker will play. //
            // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //

            // A cancellation token, will be ignored
            CancellationToken ct = new CancellationToken();

            // Create a ColorShapeLinks board with default size
            Board board = new Board();

            // Show initial board
            Console.WriteLine("\n=== Initial board ===\n");

            // Make some moves manually
            board.DoMove(PShape.Round, 0);  // White plays round piece in col 0
            board.DoMove(PShape.Square, 4); // Red plays square piece in col 4
            board.DoMove(PShape.Square, 5); // White plays round piece in col 5

            // Show board after our three manual moves
            Console.WriteLine("\n=== Board after three manual moves ===\n");

            // What move would Ultron make at this moment?
            FutureMove ultronMove = ultronThinker.Think(board, ct);

            // Show move
            Console.WriteLine($"-> Ultron will play {ultronMove}");

            // Make the move selected by Ultron
            board.DoMove(ultronMove.shape, ultronMove.column);

            // Show board after Ultron made its move
            Console.WriteLine("\n=== Board after Ultron made move ===\n");
Exemplo n.º 5
 public void RemoveThinker(IThinker thinker)
     if (thinker.NextThinker != null)
         thinker.NextThinker.PrevThinker = thinker.PrevThinker;
     if (thinker.PrevThinker != null)
         thinker.PrevThinker.NextThinker = thinker.NextThinker;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public bool MoveNext()
     if (cur != null && cur.NextThinker != null)
         cur = cur.NextThinker;
Exemplo n.º 7
        // Raise and invalid play event and return the match winner (which is
        // the opponent of the thinker that made an invalid play)
        private Winner OnInvalidPlay(
            PColor color, IThinker thinker, string reason)
            // Set the other thinker as the winner of the match
            Winner winner = color.Other().ToWinner();

            // Set solution to null
            solution = null;

            // Notify listeners that thinker made an invalid play
            InvalidPlay?.Invoke(color, thinker.ToString(), reason);

            // Return the winner
Exemplo n.º 8
 public void AddThinker(IThinker thinker)
     if (Thinkers.First == null)
         thinker.PrevThinker = null;
         thinker.NextThinker = null;
         thinker.PrevThinker        = null;
         thinker.NextThinker        = Thinkers.First;
         Thinkers.First.PrevThinker = thinker;
Exemplo n.º 9
 public void SetFirst(IThinker newFirst)
     first = newFirst;
Exemplo n.º 10
 public ThinkerEnumerator(IThinker firstNode)
     first = firstNode;
Exemplo n.º 11
 public void Reset()
     cur = enumerator.first;
Exemplo n.º 12
 public static void Remove(IThinker toRemove)
Exemplo n.º 13
        /// Current thinker makes its move
        private Winner Play()
            // Get a reference to the current thinker
            IThinker thinker = matchData.CurrentThinker;

            // Determine the color of the current thinker
            PColor color = board.Turn;

            // Match result so far
            Winner winner = Winner.None;

            // Thinking start time
            DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;

            // Real think time in milliseconds
            int thinkTimeMillis;

            // Apparent thinking time left
            int timeLeftMillis;

            // Task to execute the thinker in a separate thread
            Task <FutureMove> thinkTask;

            // Notify listeners that next turn is about to start
            NextTurn?.Invoke(color, thinker.ToString());

            // Ask thinker to think about its next move
            thinkTask = Task.Run(
                () => thinker.Think(board.Copy(), ts.Token));

            // The thinking process might throw an exception, so we wrap
            // task waiting in a try/catch block
                // Wait for thinker to think... until the allowed time limit
                if (thinkTask.Wait(timeLimitMillis))
                    // Thinker successfully made a move within the time limit

                    // Get the move selected by the thinker
                    FutureMove move = thinkTask.Result;

                    // Was the thinker able to chose a move?
                    if (move.IsNoMove)
                        // Thinker was not able to chose a move

                        // Raise an invalid play event and set the other
                        // thinker as the winner of the match
                        winner = OnInvalidPlay(
                            color, thinker,
                            "Thinker unable to perform move");
                        // Thinker was able to chose a move

                        // Perform move in game board, get column where move
                        // was performed
                        int row = board.DoMove(move.shape, move.column);

                        // If the column had space for the move...
                        if (row >= 0)
                            // Obtain thinking end time
                            thinkTimeMillis = (int)(DateTime.Now - startTime)

                            // How much time left for the minimum apparent move
                            // time?
                            timeLeftMillis =
                                minMoveTimeMillis - thinkTimeMillis;

                            // Was the minimum apparent move time reached
                            if (timeLeftMillis > 0)
                                // If not, wait until it is reached

                            // Notify listeners of the move performed
                                color, thinker.ToString(),
                                move, thinkTimeMillis);

                            // Get possible winner and solution
                            winner = board.CheckWinner(solution);
                            // If we get here, column didn't have space for the
                            // move, which means that thinker made an invalid
                            // move and should lose the game

                            // Raise an invalid play event and set the other
                            // thinker as the winner of the match
                            winner = OnInvalidPlay(
                                color, thinker,
                                "Tried to place piece in column "
                                + $"{move.column}, which is full");
                else // Did the time limit expired?
                    // Notify thinker to voluntarily stop thinking

                    // Raise an invalid play event and set the other thinker
                    // as the winner of the match
                    winner = OnInvalidPlay(
                        color, thinker, "Time limit expired");
            catch (Exception e)
                // Is this an inner exception?
                if (e.InnerException != null)
                    // If so, use it for error message purposes
                    e = e.InnerException;

                // Raise an invalid play event and set the other thinker as
                // the winner of the match
                winner = OnInvalidPlay(
                    color, thinker,
                    $"Thinker exception: '{e.Message}'");

            // Notify listeners that the board was updated

            // Return winner
Exemplo n.º 14
 static void Main(string[] args)
     MatchConfig      mc      = new MatchConfig(); // Use default values
     ThinkerPrototype tp      = new ThinkerPrototype(typeof(MyThinker).FullName, "", mc);
     IThinker         thinker = tp.Create();
Exemplo n.º 15
 /// <summary>
 /// This method will be called before a match starts and is used for
 /// instantiating a new <see cref="G10NossaAIThinker"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <seealso cref="AIPlayer.Setup"/>
 public override void Setup()
     thinker = new G10NossaAIThinker();
Exemplo n.º 16
 public static void AddAnimal(IThinker toAdd)
Exemplo n.º 17
 /// <summary>
 /// This method will be called before a match starts and is used for
 /// instantiating a new <see cref="SequentialAIThinker"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <seealso cref="AIPlayer.Setup"/>
 public override void Setup()
     thinker = new SequentialAIThinker();
Exemplo n.º 18
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
            // Create an instance of our Oizys thinker via ThinkerPrototype. //
            // If we created directly with new, it would not be properly      //
            // configured.                                                    //
            // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //

            // Create a configuration for a default ColorShapeLinks match
            MatchConfig mc = new MatchConfig();

            // Get the fully qualified name of our basic Oizys thinker
            string oizysFullName = typeof(OizysThinker).FullName;

            // Create a prototype for our thinker
            ThinkerPrototype tp = new ThinkerPrototype(oizysFullName, "", mc);

            // Create an instance of our basic Oizys thinker
            IThinker oizysThinker = tp.Create();

            // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
            // Create a board so we can test how our thinker will play. //
            // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //

            // A cancellation token, will be ignored
            CancellationToken ct = new CancellationToken();

            // Create a ColorShapeLinks board with default size
            Board board = new Board();

            // Show initial board
            Console.WriteLine("\n=== Initial board ===\n");

            // Make some moves manually
            board.DoMove(PShape.Round, 3);  // White plays (Round,col 3)
            board.DoMove(PShape.Square, 3); // Red   plays (Square,col 3)
            board.DoMove(PShape.Round, 2);  // White plays (Round,col 2)
            // board.DoMove(PShape.Square, 3); // Red   plays (Square,col 3)
            // board.DoMove(PShape.Round, 1);  // White plays (Round,col 1)
            // board.DoMove(PShape.Square, 3); // Red   plays (Square,col 3)
            // board.DoMove(PShape.Round, 3); // White plays (Round,col 3)

            // Show board after our three manual moves
            Console.WriteLine("\n=== Board after three manual moves ===\n");

            // Starts timer
            DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;

            // What move would Oizys make at this moment?
            FutureMove oizysMove = oizysThinker.Think(board, ct);

            // Show move and time
                                  "-> Oizys will play {0} after {1} ms.",
                                  oizysMove, (DateTime.Now - startTime).TotalMilliseconds));

            // Make the move selected by Oizys
            board.DoMove(oizysMove.shape, oizysMove.column);

            // Show board after Oizys made its move
            Console.WriteLine("\n=== Board after Oizys made move ===\n");
Exemplo n.º 19
 public static void Remove(IThinker toRemove)
Exemplo n.º 20
 public static void Add(IThinker toAdd)
Exemplo n.º 21
 public static void RemoveAnimal(IThinker toRemove)
Exemplo n.º 22
 public Enumerator(ThinkerEnumerator thinkerEnum)
     enumerator        = thinkerEnum;
     first.NextThinker = enumerator.first;
     cur = first;
Exemplo n.º 23
    // Update is called once per frame
    private void Update()
        // Don't run update if the game's over
        if (matchOver)

        // Is the current player human? If so, let's see if we're supposed to
        // show him a message or if we've done so already
        if (matchData.CurrentPlayer.IsHuman)
            if (showHumanTurnMessage)
                    $"Attention {CurrPlrNameColor}, it's your turn");
                showHumanTurnMessage = false;

        // If the current player is an AI, let's see if we have to start
        // the AI thinking task, if the task is running, if it's completed, etc.
            // If the AI task is null, we need to start an AI thinking task
            if (aiTask == null)
                // Submit a message informing the user the AI is thinking
                    $"{CurrPlrNameColor} is thinking, please wait...");

                // Keep note of task start time (both system time and game time)
                taskStartSysTime  = DateTime.Now;
                taskStartGameTime = Time.time;

                // Create a new task cancellation token, so task can be
                // interrupted
                ts = new CancellationTokenSource();

                // Get this AI's thinker
                IThinker thinker = matchData.CurrentPlayer.Thinker;

                // Start task in a separate thread using a copy of the board
                aiTask = Task.Run(() => thinker.Think(board.Copy(), ts.Token));
            else // This else will run if the task is not null
                // Is the AI thinking task completed?
                if (aiTask.IsCompleted)
                    // Register task duration, if we haven't done so yet
                    if (float.IsNaN(lastTaskDuration))
                        lastTaskDuration =
                            (float)((DateTime.Now - taskStartSysTime).Ticks /

                    // Did we pass the minimum time between AI moves?
                    if (Time.time >
                        taskStartGameTime + matchData.MinAIGameMoveTime)
                        // If so, submit a message informing of the move
                        // chosen and the system time it took the AI to think
                                               "{0} placed a {1} piece at column {2} after {3}",
                                               $"thinking for {lastTaskDuration:f4}s"));

                        // Perform the actual move

                        // Set the task to null, so it can be started again
                        aiTask = null;

                        // Reset the last task duration
                        lastTaskDuration = float.NaN;
                // Did the task throw an exception?
                else if (aiTask.IsFaulted)
                    // If so, notify user

                    // Log exception as an error

                    // Send a cancellation token to the task in the hope it
                    // might actually terminate

                    // Set task to null
                    aiTask = null;

                    // The AI player that throwed the exception will lose the
                    // game, sorry
                    this.Result = board.Turn == PColor.White
                        ? Winner.Red : Winner.White;
                // Is the task overdue?
                else if (DateTime.Now - taskStartSysTime > aiTimeLimit)
                    // If so, notify user
                        $"Time limit exceeded for {CurrPlrNameColor}!");

                    // Inform the task it should cancel its thinking

                    // Set task to null
                    aiTask = null;

                    // The AI player that was overdue loses the game
                    this.Result = board.Turn == PColor.White
                        ? Winner.Red : Winner.White;
Exemplo n.º 24
 /// <summary>
 /// This method will be called before a match starts and is used for
 /// instantiating a new <see cref="RandomAIThinker"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <seealso cref="AIPlayer.Setup"/>
 public override void Setup()
     thinker = new RandomAIThinker();
Exemplo n.º 25
 public override void Setup()
     thinker = new G0A1Thinker();
Exemplo n.º 26
 /// <summary>
 /// This method will be called before a match starts and is used for
 /// instantiating a new <see cref="LoserSleeperAIThinker"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <seealso cref="AIPlayer.Setup"/>
 public override void Setup()
     thinker = new LoserSleeperAIThinker();
Exemplo n.º 27
        // Update is called once per frame
        private void Update()
            // Don't run update if the game's over
            if (matchOver)

            // Is the current player human? If so, let's see if we're supposed
            // to show him a message or if we've done so already
            if (matchData.CurrentThinker is HumanThinker)
                if (showHumanTurnMessage)
                        $"Attention {CurrPlrNameColor}, it's your turn");
                    showHumanTurnMessage = false;

            // If the current player is an AI, let's see if we have to start
            // the AI thinking task, if the task is running, if it's completed,
            // etc.
                // If the AI task is null, we need to start an AI thinking task
                if (aiTask == null)
                    // Submit a message informing the user the AI is thinking
                        $"{CurrPlrNameColor} is thinking, please wait...");

                    // Keep note of task start time (both system time and game
                    // time)
                    taskStartGameTime = Time.time;

                    // Create a new task cancellation token, so task can be
                    // interrupted
                    ts = new CancellationTokenSource();

                    // Get this AI's thinker
                    thinker = matchData.CurrentThinker;

                    // Start task in a separate thread using a copy of the
                    // board
                    aiTask = Task.Run(
                        () => thinker.Think(board.Copy(), ts.Token));
                else // This else will run if the task is not null
                    // Did the task throw an exception?
                    if (aiTask.IsFaulted)
                        // If so, notify user
                                               "{0} exception: {1}",

                        // Send a cancellation token to the task in the hope it
                        // might actually terminate

                        // Set task to null
                        aiTask = null;

                        // The AI player that throwed the exception will lose
                        // the game, sorry
                    // Is the AI thinking task completed in time?
                    else if (aiTask.IsCompleted &&
                             cancellationStopwatch == null)
                        // Register task duration, if we haven't done so yet
                        if (float.IsNaN(lastTaskDuration))
                            lastTaskDuration = (float)(

                        // Did we pass the minimum time between AI moves?
                        if (Time.time >
                            taskStartGameTime + matchConfig.MinMoveTimeSeconds)
                            // Get the move chosen by the thinker
                            FutureMove move = aiTask.Result;

                            // Was the thinker able to chose a move?
                            if (move.IsNoMove)
                                // Thinker was not able to chose a move,
                                // submit a message informing user of this
                                                       "{0} unable to perform move",

                                // The AI player unable to move will lose
                                // the game, sorry
                                    // If so, submit a message informing of
                                    // the move chosen and the system time it
                                    // took the AI to think
                                                           "{0} placed a {1} piece at column {2} after {3}",
                                                           $"thinking for {lastTaskDuration:f4}s"));

                                    // Player was able to make a move decision,
                                    // let's perform the actual move
                                catch (Exception e)
                                    // The act of making an actual move caused
                                    // an exception, which means the thinker
                                    // chose an invalid move, as such,
                                    // notify user of this
                                                           "{0} exception: {1}",
                                                           CurrPlrNameColor, e.Message));

                                    // The AI player that caused the exception
                                    // will lose the game, sorry

                            // Set the task to null, so it can be
                            // started again
                            aiTask = null;

                            // Reset the last task duration
                            lastTaskDuration = float.NaN;
                    // Is the task overdue?
                    else if (stopwatch.Elapsed > aiTimeLimit)
                        // If so, check the status of the thinking cancellation
                        // process
                        if (cancellationStopwatch is null)
                            // The thinking cancellation process has not yet
                            // been started, so let's start it

                            // Inform user that the time limit for
                            // the current thinker has been exceeded
                                $"Time limit exceeded for {CurrPlrNameColor}!");

                            // Notify task it should cancel its thinking

                            // Start cancellation stopwatch
                            cancellationStopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                        else if (aiTask.IsCompleted)
                            // The thinking task is completed after the
                            // cancelation request, terminate match normally

                            // Set task to null
                            aiTask = null;

                            // Set cancellation stopwatch to null
                            cancellationStopwatch = null;

                            // The AI player that was overdue loses the game
                        else if (cancellationStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds >
                            UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning($"{cancellationStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms have passed :(");

                            // If the hard thinking process time limit has been
                            // reached, throw an exception to terminate the app
                            throw new UncooperativeThinkerException(thinker);
Exemplo n.º 28
 public override void Setup()
     thinker = new G06KiwIAThinker(depth);
Exemplo n.º 29
 /// @copydoc ColorShapeLinks.TextBased.Lib.IThinkerListener.ListenTo
 /// <seealso cref="ColorShapeLinks.TextBased.Lib.IThinkerListener.ListenTo"/>
 public void ListenTo(IThinker subject)
     subject.ThinkingInfo += ThinkingInfo;
Exemplo n.º 30
 public static void Add(IThinker toAdd)