Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void UpdateCursor(System.Windows.Forms.Form mainForm, IView view)
            ICursorLocation cursorLocation = model.ThisPlayer.CursorLocation;

            if (cursorLocation is IBoardCursorLocation)
                IBoardCursorLocation location = (IBoardCursorLocation)cursorLocation;
                mainForm.Cursor = (location.Piece == null ? (model.CurrentSelection == null || model.CurrentSelection.Empty ? view.HandCursor : System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Cross) : view.FingerCursor);

                 * mainForm.Cursor = (location.Piece == null ?
                 *      (model.CurrentSelection == null || model.CurrentSelection.Empty ?
                 *              (model.CurrentGameBox.Reference == model.GameLibrary.DefaultGameBox ? System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.WaitCursor : view.HandCursor) :
                 *              System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Cross) :
                 *      view.FingerCursor);
            else if (cursorLocation is IStackInspectorCursorLocation)
                IStackInspectorCursorLocation location = (IStackInspectorCursorLocation)cursorLocation;
                mainForm.Cursor = (location.Piece == null && location.Icon == StackInspectorIcon.None ? System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default : view.FingerCursor);
            else if (cursorLocation is IDiceBagCursorLocation)
                IDiceBagCursorLocation location = (IDiceBagCursorLocation)cursorLocation;
                mainForm.Cursor = (location.DiceCount == 0 ? System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default : view.FingerDoubleCursor);
            else if (cursorLocation is ITabsCursorLocation)
                ITabsCursorLocation location = (ITabsCursorLocation)cursorLocation;
                mainForm.Cursor = (location.Tab == null && location.Icon == TabsIcon.None ? System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default : view.FingerCursor);
            else if (cursorLocation is IMenuCursorLocation)
                IMenuCursorLocation location = (IMenuCursorLocation)cursorLocation;
                mainForm.Cursor = (location.Item == null ? System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default : view.FingerCursor);
            else if (cursorLocation is IHandCursorLocation)
                IHandCursorLocation location = (IHandCursorLocation)cursorLocation;
                mainForm.Cursor = (location.Piece == null && location.Icon == HandIcon.None ? System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default : (location.Icon == HandIcon.Resize ? System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.HSplit : view.FingerCursor));
                mainForm.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public override void HandleMouseMove(Point previousMouseScreenPosition, Point currentMouseScreenPosition)
            base.HandleMouseMove(previousMouseScreenPosition, currentMouseScreenPosition);

            ICursorLocation cursorLocation = model.ThisPlayer.CursorLocation;

            if (!WaitingForBoardChange && cursorLocation is ITabsCursorLocation)
                ITabsCursorLocation location = (ITabsCursorLocation)cursorLocation;
                IMap tab = location.Tab as IMap;
                if (tab != null && tab != model.CurrentGameBox.CurrentGame.VisibleBoard)
                    WaitingForBoardChange = true;
                    networkClient.Send(new VisibleBoardChangedMessage(model.StateChangeSequenceNumber, tab.Id));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public override void UpdateCursor(System.Windows.Forms.Form mainForm, IView view)
            IPiece pieceBeingDragged = model.ThisPlayer.PieceBeingDragged;

            if (pieceBeingDragged == null)
                controller.State = controller.IdleState;
                controller.IdleState.UpdateCursor(mainForm, view);
                ICursorLocation cursorLocation = model.ThisPlayer.CursorLocation;
                if (cursorLocation is IHandCursorLocation)
                    mainForm.Cursor = view.FingerCursor;
                else if (cursorLocation is IBoardCursorLocation)
                    IBoardCursorLocation location = (IBoardCursorLocation)cursorLocation;
                    mainForm.Cursor = (!model.CurrentGameBox.CurrentGame.StackingEnabled || location.Piece == null || location.Piece.Stack.AttachedToCounterSection || location.Piece.GetType() != pieceBeingDragged.GetType() || pieceBeingDragged is ITerrainClone ? view.FingerCursor : view.FingerAddCursor);
                else if (cursorLocation is IStackInspectorCursorLocation)
                    mainForm.Cursor = (model.CurrentSelection == null || model.CurrentSelection.Stack.Pieces[0].GetType() != pieceBeingDragged.GetType() ?
                                       System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.No : view.FingerAddCursor);
                else if (cursorLocation is ITabsCursorLocation)
                    ITabsCursorLocation location = (ITabsCursorLocation)cursorLocation;
                    mainForm.Cursor = (location.Tab is ICounterSheet ? view.FingerRemoveCursor : view.FingerCursor);
                    mainForm.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.No;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public override void HandleLeftMouseButtonDown()
     // over the board
     if (model.ThisPlayer.CursorLocation is IBoardCursorLocation)
         IBoardCursorLocation location = (IBoardCursorLocation)model.ThisPlayer.CursorLocation;
         // over a piece
         if (location.Piece != null)
             PointF piecePosition = location.Piece.Position;
             model.ThisPlayer.DragAndDropAnchor = new PointF(
                 location.ModelPosition.X - piecePosition.X,
                 location.ModelPosition.Y - piecePosition.Y);
             controller.SelectingStackState.StackBottomBeingSelected = location.Piece;
             controller.State = controller.SelectingStackState;
             // over an empty space with the stack inspector visible
         else if (model.CurrentSelection != null && !model.CurrentSelection.Empty)
             controller.State = controller.MovingState;
             // over an empty space (no stack inspector)
             controller.State = controller.ScrollingState;
         // over the tabs
     else if (model.ThisPlayer.CursorLocation is ITabsCursorLocation)
         ITabsCursorLocation location = (ITabsCursorLocation)model.ThisPlayer.CursorLocation;
         // over an icon
         if (location.Icon != TabsIcon.None)
             // Undo
             if (location.Icon == TabsIcon.Undo)
                 if (model.CommandManager.CanUndo)
                     networkClient.Send(new UndoMessage(model.StateChangeSequenceNumber));
                 // Redo
             else if (location.Icon == TabsIcon.Redo)
                 if (model.CommandManager.CanRedo)
                     networkClient.Send(new RedoMessage(model.StateChangeSequenceNumber));
                 // Show/Hide hand
             else if (location.Icon == TabsIcon.Hand)
                 if (model.ThisPlayer.Guid != Guid.Empty)
                     IPlayerHand playerHand = model.CurrentGameBox.CurrentGame.GetPlayerHand(model.ThisPlayer.Guid);
                     if (controller.View.Hand.IsVisible)
                         controller.View.Hand.IsVisible = false;
                         if (playerHand != null && playerHand.Count == 0)
                             networkClient.Send(new RemovePlayerHandMessage(model.StateChangeSequenceNumber));
                         controller.View.Hand.IsVisible = true;
                         if (playerHand == null)
                             networkClient.Send(new AddPlayerHandMessage(model.StateChangeSequenceNumber));
                 // Terrain mode
             else if (location.Icon == TabsIcon.TerrainMode)
                 networkClient.Send(new ChangeModeMessage(model.StateChangeSequenceNumber,
                                                          (model.CurrentGameBox.CurrentGame.Mode == Mode.Terrain ? Mode.Default : Mode.Terrain)));
                 // Stacking
             else if (location.Icon == TabsIcon.Stacking)
                 networkClient.Send(new ChangeStackingMessage(model.StateChangeSequenceNumber));
                 // Hide/reveal board
             else if (location.Icon == TabsIcon.HideReveal)
                 Guid visibleBoardOwner = model.CurrentGameBox.CurrentGame.VisibleBoard.Owner;
                 if (model.CurrentGameBox.Reference != model.GameLibrary.DefaultGameBox && model.ThisPlayer.Guid != Guid.Empty)
                     if (visibleBoardOwner == Guid.Empty || visibleBoardOwner == model.ThisPlayer.Guid)
                         networkClient.Send(new HideRevealBoardMessage(model.StateChangeSequenceNumber));
                 // Tab scrollers
             else if (location.Icon == TabsIcon.FirstTab)
             else if (location.Icon == TabsIcon.PreviousTab)
             else if (location.Icon == TabsIcon.NextTab)
             else if (location.Icon == TabsIcon.LastTab)
             // over a tab
         else if (location.Tab != null)
             networkClient.Send(new VisibleBoardChangedMessage(model.StateChangeSequenceNumber, location.Tab.Id));
         // over the stack inspector
     else if (model.ThisPlayer.CursorLocation is IStackInspectorCursorLocation)
         IStackInspectorCursorLocation location = (IStackInspectorCursorLocation)model.ThisPlayer.CursorLocation;
         // over an icon
         if (location.Icon != StackInspectorIcon.None)
             // Close
             if (location.Icon == StackInspectorIcon.Close)
                 if (model.CurrentSelection != null)
                     SelectionChangedMessage.SelectionInfo selectionInfo = new SelectionChangedMessage.SelectionInfo();
                     selectionInfo.StackId = -1;
                     networkClient.Send(new SelectionChangedMessage(model.StateChangeSequenceNumber, selectionInfo));
                 // Recycle
             else if (location.Icon == StackInspectorIcon.Recycle)
                 if (model.CurrentSelection != null && !model.CurrentSelection.Empty && !model.CurrentSelection.Stack.AttachedToCounterSection)
                     // assumption: the stack will remain unchanged in the meantime
                     if (!model.AnimationManager.IsBeingAnimated(model.CurrentSelection.Stack))
                         networkClient.Send(new UnpunchSelectionMessage(model.StateChangeSequenceNumber));
                 // Shuffle
             else if (location.Icon == StackInspectorIcon.Shuffle)
                 if (model.CurrentSelection != null && model.CurrentSelection.Stack.Pieces.Length > 1)
                     // assumption: the stack will remain unchanged in the meantime
                     if (!model.AnimationManager.IsBeingAnimated(model.CurrentSelection.Stack))
                         networkClient.Send(new ShuffleMessage(model.StateChangeSequenceNumber));
                 // Invert
             else if (location.Icon == StackInspectorIcon.Invert)
                 if (model.CurrentSelection != null && model.CurrentSelection.Stack.Pieces.Length > 1)
                     // assumption: the stack will remain unchanged in the meantime
                     if (!model.AnimationManager.IsBeingAnimated(model.CurrentSelection.Stack))
                         networkClient.Send(new InvertMessage(model.StateChangeSequenceNumber));
             // over a piece
         else if (location.Piece != null)
             model.ThisPlayer.DragAndDropAnchor = location.AnchorPosition;
             controller.SelectingPieceState.PieceBeingSelected = location.Piece;
             controller.State = controller.SelectingPieceState;
         // over the hand
     else if (model.ThisPlayer.CursorLocation is IHandCursorLocation)
         IHandCursorLocation location = (IHandCursorLocation)model.ThisPlayer.CursorLocation;
         // over an icon
         if (location.Icon != HandIcon.None)
             // Resize handle
             if (location.Icon == HandIcon.Resize)
                 controller.State = controller.ResizingHandState;
                 // Pin/Unpin
             else if (location.Icon == HandIcon.Pin)
                 view.Hand.IsPinned = !view.Hand.IsPinned;
             // over a piece
         else if (location.Piece != null)
             model.ThisPlayer.DragAndDropAnchor = location.AnchorPosition;
             controller.SelectingPieceState.PieceBeingSelected = location.Piece;
             controller.State = controller.SelectingPieceState;
         // over a menu item
     else if (model.ThisPlayer.CursorLocation is IMenuCursorLocation)
         IMenuCursorLocation location = (IMenuCursorLocation)model.ThisPlayer.CursorLocation;
         if (!location.Item.IsDisabled && location.Item.UserData != null)
Exemplo n.º 5
        public override void Render(IGraphics graphics, long currentTimeInMicroseconds)
            RectangleF area = view.TabsArea;
            IGame      game = model.CurrentGameBox.CurrentGame;

            IBoard[] boards = game.Boards;

            int boardCount = tabCount;

            if (boardCount > 1)
                float  position     = area.X;
                IBoard visibleBoard = game.VisibleBoard;

                IBoard tabAtMousePosition = null;
                if (model.ThisPlayer.CursorLocation is ITabsCursorLocation)
                    tabAtMousePosition = ((ITabsCursorLocation)model.ThisPlayer.CursorLocation).Tab;

                float tabShownOffset = 0.0f;

                // calculate total width
                float totalWidth = 16.0f;
                for (int i = 0; i < boards.Length; ++i)
                    IBoard        board        = boards[i];
                    ICounterSheet counterSheet = board as ICounterSheet;
                    if (counterSheet == null || counterSheet.Properties.Type != CounterSheetType.Terrain || game.Mode == Mode.Terrain)
                        string boardName = board.Name;
                        float  textWidth = graphics.GetTextWidthInPixels(font, boardName);
                        totalWidth += textWidth + 10.0f;
                        if (i < tabShown)
                            tabShownOffset += textWidth + 10.0f;

                // if total width exceeds screen width (minus margin), display scrollers
                float widthOverflow = totalWidth + 150.0f - area.Width;
                scrollersNeeded = (widthOverflow > 0.0f);

                if (scrollersNeeded)
                    // calculate last tab stop
                    widthOverflow += 63.0f;
                    for (int i = 0; i < boards.Length; ++i)
                        IBoard        board        = boards[i];
                        ICounterSheet counterSheet = board as ICounterSheet;
                        if (counterSheet == null || counterSheet.Properties.Type != CounterSheetType.Terrain || game.Mode == Mode.Terrain)
                            string boardName = board.Name;
                            float  textWidth = graphics.GetTextWidthInPixels(font, boardName);
                            widthOverflow -= textWidth + 10.0f;
                            if (widthOverflow <= 0.0f)
                                lastTabStop = i + 1;

                    scrollOffset = (scrollOffset < tabShownOffset ? Math.Min(scrollOffset + 40.0f, tabShownOffset) : Math.Max(scrollOffset - 40.0f, tabShownOffset));
                    position    -= scrollOffset;
                    tabsImageElements[7].Render(new RectangleF(position, area.Y, 63.0f, 26.0f));
                    position += 63.0f;
                    scrollOffset = 0.0f;
                    lastTabStop  = 0;
                    tabShown     = 0;

                bool previousBoardIsVisible  = false;
                bool previousBoardIsOwned    = false;
                uint previousBoardOwnerColor = 0;
                int  boardIndex = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < boards.Length; ++i)
                    IBoard        board        = boards[i];
                    ICounterSheet counterSheet = board as ICounterSheet;
                    if (counterSheet == null || counterSheet.Properties.Type != CounterSheetType.Terrain || game.Mode == Mode.Terrain)
                        string boardName = board.Name;
                        float  textWidth = graphics.GetTextWidthInPixels(font, boardName);

                        if (boardIndex == 0)
                            tabsImageElements[board == visibleBoard ? 8 : 0].Render(new RectangleF(position, area.Y, 16.0f, 26.0f));
                        else if (board != visibleBoard)
                            tabsImageElements[previousBoardIsVisible ? 5 : 2].Render(new RectangleF(position, area.Y, 16.0f, 26.0f));
                        if (previousBoardIsOwned)
                            hiddenIcon.Render(new RectangleF(position - 9.0f, area.Y + 4.0f, 17.0f, 11.0f), previousBoardOwnerColor);
                        if (boardIndex != 0 && board == visibleBoard)
                            tabsImageElements[3].Render(new RectangleF(position, area.Y, 16.0f, 26.0f));
                        position += 16.0f;

                        tabsImageElements[board == visibleBoard ? 4 : 1].Render(new RectangleF(position, area.Y, textWidth - 6.0f, 26.0f));
                        graphics.DrawText(font, (board == tabAtMousePosition ? 0xFF7FFF7F : (board == visibleBoard ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0xFFBFBFBF)),
                                          new RectangleF(position - 3.0f, area.Y + 7.0f, textWidth, 26.0f), StringAlignment.Center, boardName);
                        position += textWidth - 6.0f;

                        if (board.Owner != Guid.Empty)
                            previousBoardIsOwned = true;
                            IPlayer player = model.GetPlayerByGuid(board.Owner);
                            previousBoardOwnerColor = (player != null ? player.Color : 0xffffffff);
                            previousBoardIsOwned = false;

                        if (boardIndex == boardCount - 1)
                            tabsImageElements[board == visibleBoard ? 9 : 6].Render(new RectangleF(position, area.Y, 16.0f, 26.0f));
                            previousBoardIsVisible = (board == visibleBoard);
                if (previousBoardIsOwned)
                    hiddenIcon.Render(new RectangleF(position - 7.0f, area.Y + 4.0f, 17.0f, 11.0f), previousBoardOwnerColor);
                position += 16.0f;
                tabsImageElements[7].Render(new RectangleF(position, area.Y, area.Right - position, 26.0f));
                scrollersNeeded = false;

            // icons
            ITabsCursorLocation cursorLocation = model.ThisPlayer.CursorLocation as ITabsCursorLocation;

            if (scrollersNeeded)
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                    tabScrollers[i].Render(new RectangleF(area.Left + i * 16.0f + 1.0f, area.Bottom - 20.0f, 15.0f, 15.0f),
                                           (cursorLocation != null && cursorLocation.Icon == (TabsIcon.FirstTab + i) && model.ThisPlayer.StackBeingDragged == null && model.ThisPlayer.PieceBeingDragged == null ? 0xff7fff7f : 0xffffffff));
            hideRevealIcon.Render(new RectangleF(area.Right - 154.0f, area.Bottom - 19.0f, 21.0f, 17.0f),
                                  (model.CurrentGameBox.Reference == model.GameLibrary.DefaultGameBox || model.ThisPlayer.Guid == Guid.Empty || (game.VisibleBoard.Owner != Guid.Empty && game.VisibleBoard.Owner != model.ThisPlayer.Guid) ? 0xFF7F7F7F : (cursorLocation != null && cursorLocation.Icon == TabsIcon.HideReveal && model.ThisPlayer.StackBeingDragged == null && model.ThisPlayer.PieceBeingDragged == null ? 0xff7fff7f : 0xffffffff)));
            if (game.StackingEnabled)
                stackingEnabledIcon.Render(new RectangleF(area.Right - 127.0f, area.Bottom - 19.0f, 21.0f, 18.0f),
                                           (cursorLocation != null && cursorLocation.Icon == TabsIcon.Stacking && model.ThisPlayer.StackBeingDragged == null && model.ThisPlayer.PieceBeingDragged == null ? 0xff7fff7f : 0xffffffff));
                stackingDisabledIcon.Render(new RectangleF(area.Right - 127.0f, area.Bottom - 19.0f, 21.0f, 18.0f),
                                            (cursorLocation != null && cursorLocation.Icon == TabsIcon.Stacking && model.ThisPlayer.StackBeingDragged == null && model.ThisPlayer.PieceBeingDragged == null ? 0xff7fff7f : 0xffffffff));
            if (game.Mode == Mode.Terrain)
                // computes pulsation
                float pulsation = 1.15f + 0.15f * (float)Math.Sin((double)(currentTimeInMicroseconds % (long)400000) * (Math.PI / 200000.0));
                terrainModeIcon.Render(new RectangleF(area.Right - 100.0f + 13.5f * (1.0f - pulsation), area.Bottom - 19.0f + 9.5f * (1.0f - pulsation), 27.0f * pulsation, 19.0f * pulsation),
                                       (cursorLocation != null && cursorLocation.Icon == TabsIcon.TerrainMode && model.ThisPlayer.StackBeingDragged == null && model.ThisPlayer.PieceBeingDragged == null ? 0xff7fff7f : 0xffffffff));
                terrainModeIcon.Render(new RectangleF(area.Right - 100.0f, area.Bottom - 19.0f, 27.0f, 19.0f),
                                       (cursorLocation != null && cursorLocation.Icon == TabsIcon.TerrainMode && model.ThisPlayer.StackBeingDragged == null && model.ThisPlayer.PieceBeingDragged == null ? 0xff7fff7f : 0xffffffff));
            handIcon.Render(new RectangleF(area.Right - 66.0f, area.Bottom - 19.0f, 17.0f, 18.0f),
                            (model.ThisPlayer.Guid == Guid.Empty ? 0xFF7F7F7F : (cursorLocation != null && cursorLocation.Icon == TabsIcon.Hand && model.ThisPlayer.StackBeingDragged == null && model.ThisPlayer.PieceBeingDragged == null ? 0xff7fff7f : 0xffffffff)));
            undoIcon.Render(new RectangleF(area.Right - 42.0f, area.Bottom - 19.0f, 16.0f, 16.0f),
                            (!model.CommandManager.CanUndo ? 0xFF7F7F7F : (cursorLocation != null && cursorLocation.Icon == TabsIcon.Undo && model.ThisPlayer.StackBeingDragged == null && model.ThisPlayer.PieceBeingDragged == null ? 0xff7fff7f : 0xffffffff)));
            redoIcon.Render(new RectangleF(area.Right - 19.0f, area.Bottom - 19.0f, 16.0f, 16.0f),
                            (!model.CommandManager.CanRedo ? 0xFF7F7F7F : (cursorLocation != null && cursorLocation.Icon == TabsIcon.Redo && model.ThisPlayer.StackBeingDragged == null && model.ThisPlayer.PieceBeingDragged == null ? 0xff7fff7f : 0xffffffff)));

            // tool tips
            if (cursorLocation != null && model.ThisPlayer.StackBeingDragged == null && model.ThisPlayer.PieceBeingDragged == null)
                if (cursorLocation.Icon == TabsIcon.Undo)
                    graphics.DrawText(font, (!model.CommandManager.CanUndo ? 0xFF7F7F7F : 0xff7fff7f),
                                      new RectangleF(area.Right - 42.0f, area.Bottom - 19.0f - 17.0f, 16.0f, 17.0f), StringAlignment.Far,
                else if (cursorLocation.Icon == TabsIcon.Redo)
                    graphics.DrawText(font, (!model.CommandManager.CanRedo ? 0xFF7F7F7F : 0xff7fff7f),
                                      new RectangleF(area.Right - 19.0f, area.Bottom - 19.0f - 17.0f, 16.0f, 17.0f), StringAlignment.Far,
                else if (cursorLocation.Icon == TabsIcon.Hand)
                    graphics.DrawText(font, (model.ThisPlayer.Guid == Guid.Empty ? 0xFF7F7F7F : 0xff7fff7f),
                                      new RectangleF(area.Right - 66.0f, area.Bottom - 19.0f - 17.0f, 16.0f, 17.0f), StringAlignment.Far,
                                      (view.Hand.IsVisible ? Resources.ToolTipHideHand : Resources.ToolTipShowHand));
                else if (cursorLocation.Icon == TabsIcon.TerrainMode)
                    graphics.DrawText(font, 0xff7fff7f,
                                      new RectangleF(area.Right - 100.0f, area.Bottom - 19.0f - 17.0f, 16.0f, 17.0f), StringAlignment.Far,
                else if (cursorLocation.Icon == TabsIcon.Stacking)
                    graphics.DrawText(font, 0xff7fff7f,
                                      new RectangleF(area.Right - 127.0f, area.Bottom - 19.0f - 17.0f, 16.0f, 17.0f), StringAlignment.Far,
                else if (cursorLocation.Icon == TabsIcon.HideReveal)
                    graphics.DrawText(font, (model.CurrentGameBox.Reference == model.GameLibrary.DefaultGameBox || model.ThisPlayer.Guid == Guid.Empty || (game.VisibleBoard.Owner != Guid.Empty && game.VisibleBoard.Owner != model.ThisPlayer.Guid) ? 0xFF7F7F7F : 0xff7fff7f),
                                      new RectangleF(area.Right - 154.0f, area.Bottom - 19.0f - 17.0f, 16.0f, 17.0f), StringAlignment.Far,
                                      (game.VisibleBoard.Owner == Guid.Empty ? Resources.ToolTipHideBoard : Resources.ToolTipRevealBoard));