private static void DeletionByRandomRegeneration(IRandom random, ISymbolicExpressionTree symbolicExpressionTree, DefunTreeNode selectedDefunBranch)
            // find first invocation and replace it with a randomly generated tree
            // can't find all invocations in one step because once we replaced a top level invocation
            // the invocations below it are removed already
            var invocationCutPoint = (from node in symbolicExpressionTree.IterateNodesPrefix()
                                      from subtree in node.Subtrees.OfType <InvokeFunctionTreeNode>()
                                      where subtree.Symbol.FunctionName == selectedDefunBranch.FunctionName
                                      select new CutPoint(node, subtree)).FirstOrDefault();

            while (invocationCutPoint != null)
                // deletion by random regeneration
                ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode replacementTree = null;
                var allowedSymbolsList = invocationCutPoint.Parent.Grammar.GetAllowedChildSymbols(invocationCutPoint.Parent.Symbol, invocationCutPoint.ChildIndex).ToList();
                var weights            = allowedSymbolsList.Select(s => s.InitialFrequency);

#pragma warning disable 612, 618
                var selectedSymbol = allowedSymbolsList.SelectRandom(weights, random);
#pragma warning restore 612, 618

                int minPossibleLength = invocationCutPoint.Parent.Grammar.GetMinimumExpressionLength(selectedSymbol);
                int maxLength         = Math.Max(minPossibleLength, invocationCutPoint.Child.GetLength());
                int minPossibleDepth  = invocationCutPoint.Parent.Grammar.GetMinimumExpressionDepth(selectedSymbol);
                int maxDepth          = Math.Max(minPossibleDepth, invocationCutPoint.Child.GetDepth());
                replacementTree = selectedSymbol.CreateTreeNode();
                if (replacementTree.HasLocalParameters)
                invocationCutPoint.Parent.InsertSubtree(invocationCutPoint.ChildIndex, replacementTree);

                ProbabilisticTreeCreator.PTC2(random, replacementTree, maxLength, maxDepth);

                invocationCutPoint = (from node in symbolicExpressionTree.IterateNodesPrefix()
                                      from subtree in node.Subtrees.OfType <InvokeFunctionTreeNode>()
                                      where subtree.Symbol.FunctionName == selectedDefunBranch.FunctionName
                                      select new CutPoint(node, subtree)).FirstOrDefault();
        private static bool TryCreateFullTreeFromSeed(IRandom random, ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode root,
                                                      int targetLength, int maxDepth)
            List <TreeExtensionPoint> extensionPoints = new List <TreeExtensionPoint>();
            int currentLength = 0;
            int actualArity   = SampleArity(random, root, targetLength, maxDepth);

            if (actualArity < 0)

            for (int i = 0; i < actualArity; i++)
                // insert a dummy sub-tree and add the pending extension to the list
                var dummy = new SymbolicExpressionTreeNode();
                var x = new TreeExtensionPoint {
                    Parent = root, ChildIndex = i, ExtensionPointDepth = 0
                FillExtensionLengths(x, maxDepth);
            //necessary to use long data type as the extension point length could be int.MaxValue
            long minExtensionPointsLength = extensionPoints.Select(x => (long)x.MinimumExtensionLength).Sum();
            long maxExtensionPointsLength = extensionPoints.Select(x => (long)x.MaximumExtensionLength).Sum();

            // while there are pending extension points and we have not reached the limit of adding new extension points
            while (extensionPoints.Count > 0 && minExtensionPointsLength + currentLength <= targetLength)
                int randomIndex = random.Next(extensionPoints.Count);
                TreeExtensionPoint nextExtension = extensionPoints[randomIndex];
                ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode parent = nextExtension.Parent;
                int argumentIndex  = nextExtension.ChildIndex;
                int extensionDepth = nextExtension.ExtensionPointDepth;

                if (parent.Grammar.GetMinimumExpressionDepth(parent.Symbol) > maxDepth - extensionDepth)
                    ReplaceWithMinimalTree(random, root, parent, argumentIndex);
                    int insertedTreeLength = parent.GetSubtree(argumentIndex).GetLength();
                    currentLength            += insertedTreeLength;
                    minExtensionPointsLength -= insertedTreeLength;
                    maxExtensionPointsLength -= insertedTreeLength;
                    //remove currently chosen extension point from calculation
                    minExtensionPointsLength -= nextExtension.MinimumExtensionLength;
                    maxExtensionPointsLength -= nextExtension.MaximumExtensionLength;

                    var symbols = from s in parent.Grammar.GetAllowedChildSymbols(parent.Symbol, argumentIndex)
                                  where s.InitialFrequency > 0.0
                                  where parent.Grammar.GetMinimumExpressionDepth(s) <= maxDepth - extensionDepth
                                  where parent.Grammar.GetMinimumExpressionLength(s) <= targetLength - currentLength - minExtensionPointsLength
                                  select s;
                    if (maxExtensionPointsLength < targetLength - currentLength)
                        symbols = from s in symbols
                                  where parent.Grammar.GetMaximumExpressionLength(s, maxDepth - extensionDepth) >= targetLength - currentLength - maxExtensionPointsLength
                                  select s;
                    var allowedSymbols = symbols.ToList();

                    if (allowedSymbols.Count == 0)
                    var weights = allowedSymbols.Select(x => x.InitialFrequency).ToList();

#pragma warning disable 612, 618
                    var selectedSymbol = allowedSymbols.SelectRandom(weights, random);
#pragma warning restore 612, 618

                    ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode newTree = selectedSymbol.CreateTreeNode();
                    if (newTree.HasLocalParameters)
                    parent.InsertSubtree(argumentIndex, newTree);

                    var topLevelNode = newTree as SymbolicExpressionTreeTopLevelNode;
                    if (topLevelNode != null)

                    actualArity = SampleArity(random, newTree, targetLength - currentLength, maxDepth - extensionDepth);
                    if (actualArity < 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < actualArity; i++)
                        // insert a dummy sub-tree and add the pending extension to the list
                        var dummy = new SymbolicExpressionTreeNode();
                        var x = new TreeExtensionPoint {
                            Parent = newTree, ChildIndex = i, ExtensionPointDepth = extensionDepth + 1
                        FillExtensionLengths(x, maxDepth);
                        maxExtensionPointsLength += x.MaximumExtensionLength;
                        minExtensionPointsLength += x.MinimumExtensionLength;
            // fill all pending extension points
            while (extensionPoints.Count > 0)
                int randomIndex = random.Next(extensionPoints.Count);
                TreeExtensionPoint nextExtension = extensionPoints[randomIndex];
                ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode parent = nextExtension.Parent;
                int a = nextExtension.ChildIndex;
                ReplaceWithMinimalTree(random, root, parent, a);