Exemplo n.º 1
 public Emitter(EmitterOptions options)
     _options = options;
     _assemblyName = new AssemblyName(_options.AssemblyName);
     _assembly = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(_assemblyName, AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave);// TODO: temp for debugging .RunAndCollect);
     if (_options.DebugOn)
             new CustomAttributeBuilder
                     new System.Type[] { typeof(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes) }
                 new object[]
                     DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations |
     _module = _assembly.DefineDynamicModule(_assemblyName.Name, _assemblyName.Name + ".dll", _options.DebugOn);
     if (_options.DebugOn)
         _symbolWriter = _module.DefineDocument(_options.SourceFileName, Guid.Empty, Guid.Empty, Guid.Empty);
     _tupleToNative = new Dictionary<Type.TupleType, System.Type>();
Exemplo n.º 2
 public ILDynamicMethodDebugImpl(string name, Type delegateType, Type thisType)
     _delegateType = delegateType;
     _expectedLength = 64;
     var mi = delegateType.GetMethod("Invoke");
     var uniqueName = ILDynamicTypeDebugImpl.UniqueName(name);
     _assemblyBuilder = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(new AssemblyName(uniqueName), AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave, DynamicILDirectoryPath.DynamicIL);
     _moduleBuilder = _assemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule(uniqueName + ".dll", true);
     var sourceCodeFileName = Path.Combine(DynamicILDirectoryPath.DynamicIL, uniqueName + ".il");
     _symbolDocumentWriter = _moduleBuilder.DefineDocument(sourceCodeFileName, SymDocumentType.Text, SymLanguageType.ILAssembly, SymLanguageVendor.Microsoft);
     _sourceCodeWriter = new SourceCodeWriter(sourceCodeFileName, _symbolDocumentWriter);
     Type[] parameterTypes;
     if (thisType != null)
         parameterTypes = new[] { thisType }.Concat(mi.GetParameters().Select(pi => pi.ParameterType)).ToArray();
         parameterTypes = mi.GetParameters().Select(pi => pi.ParameterType).ToArray();
     _sourceCodeWriter.StartMethod(name, mi.ReturnType, parameterTypes, MethodAttributes.Static);
     _typeBuilder = _moduleBuilder.DefineType(name, TypeAttributes.Public, typeof(object), Type.EmptyTypes);
     _forbidenInstructions = new ILGenForbidenInstructionsCheating(_typeBuilder);
     _dynamicMethod = _typeBuilder.DefineMethod("Invoke", MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Static, mi.ReturnType, parameterTypes);
     for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.Length; i++)
         _dynamicMethod.DefineParameter(i + 1, ParameterAttributes.In, string.Format("arg{0}", i));
        internal ProxyBuilderGeneratorItems(AssemblyBuilder assembly, ModuleBuilder module,
			ISymbolDocumentWriter symbolDocumentWriter)
            : this()
            this.Assembly = assembly;
            this.Module = module;
            this.SymbolDocumentWriter = symbolDocumentWriter;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public void SetPythonSourceFile(string sourceFileName)
     if (emitDebugInfo)
         sourceFile =
                                     PythonLanguageGuid, SymLanguageVendor.Microsoft, SymDocumentType.Text);
Exemplo n.º 5
 // SetMethodSourceRange() wrapper
 void ISymbolWriter.SetMethodSourceRange(ISymbolDocumentWriter startDoc,
                                         int startLine,
                                         int startColumn,
                                         ISymbolDocumentWriter endDoc,
                                         int endLine,
                                         int endColumn)
     throw new NotSupportedException();   // Intentionally not supported to match desktop CLR
Exemplo n.º 6
 public virtual void MarkSequencePoint(
     ISymbolDocumentWriter document,
     int startLine,       // line number is 1 based
     int startColumn,     // column is 0 based
     int endLine,         // line number is 1 based
     int endColumn)       // column is 0 based
     il.MarkSequencePoint(document, startLine, startColumn, endLine, endColumn);
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: exe.cs Projeto: master/plil
 public void BeginModule(string ifile)
     appdomain	= System.Threading.Thread.GetDomain();
     appname		= getAssemblyName(filename);
     appbuild	= appdomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(appname, AssemblyBuilderAccess.Save, ".");
     emodule		= appbuild.DefineDynamicModule(filename + "_module", io.GetOutputFilename(), io.getGenDebug());
     Guid g 		= System.Guid.Empty;
     if (io.getGenDebug()) srcdoc = emodule.DefineDocument(ifile, g, g, g);
Exemplo n.º 8
        internal static void Emit(this ILGenerator @this,
                                  OpCode opCode, ISymbolDocumentWriter document, StreamWriter file, int lineNumber)
            var line = opCode.Name;

            @this.MarkSequencePoint(document, lineNumber, 1, lineNumber, line.Length + 1);
Exemplo n.º 9
 public void DefineSequencePoints(ISymbolDocumentWriter document, int[] offsets, int[] lines, int[] columns, int[] endLines, int[] endColumns)
     currentMethod.document   = (Document)document;
     currentMethod.offsets    = offsets;
     currentMethod.lines      = lines;
     currentMethod.columns    = columns;
     currentMethod.endLines   = endLines;
     currentMethod.endColumns = endColumns;
Exemplo n.º 10
            // DefineSequencePoints() wrapper
            void ISymbolWriter.DefineSequencePoints(ISymbolDocumentWriter document,
                                                    int[] offsets,
                                                    int[] lines,
                                                    int[] columns,
                                                    int[] endLines,
                                                    int[] endColumns)
                int spCount = 0;

                if (offsets != null)
                    spCount = offsets.Length;
                else if (lines != null)
                    spCount = lines.Length;
                else if (columns != null)
                    spCount = columns.Length;
                else if (endLines != null)
                    spCount = endLines.Length;
                else if (endColumns != null)
                    spCount = endColumns.Length;
                if (spCount == 0)
                if ((offsets != null && offsets.Length != spCount) ||
                    (lines != null && lines.Length != spCount) ||
                    (columns != null && columns.Length != spCount) ||
                    (endLines != null && endLines.Length != spCount) ||
                    (endColumns != null && endColumns.Length != spCount))
                    throw new ArgumentException();

                // Sure, claim to accept any type that implements ISymbolDocumentWriter but the only one that actually
                // works is the one returned by DefineDocument. The .NET Framework ISymWrapper commits the same signature fraud.
                // Ideally we'd just return a sealed opaque cookie type, which had an internal accessor to
                // get the writer out.
                // Regardless, this cast is important for security - we cannot allow our caller to provide
                // arbitrary instances of this interface.
                SymDocumentWriter docwriter = (SymDocumentWriter)document;
                int hr = m_vtable.DefineSequencePoints(m_pWriter, docwriter.GetUnmanaged(), spCount !, offsets !, lines !, columns !, endLines !, endColumns !);

                if (hr < 0)
                    throw Marshal.GetExceptionForHR(hr) !;
Exemplo n.º 11
        public static ILGenerator GetILGenerator(this MethodBuilder mb, ISymbolDocumentWriter symbolDocumentWriter, int ilsize = 64)
            var ilGenerator = mb.GetILGenerator(ilsize);

            if (symbolDocumentWriter != null)
                ilGenerator.MarkSequencePoint(symbolDocumentWriter, 1, 1, 1, 1);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public SourceUnit(CompilationUnitBase /*!*/ compilationUnit, PhpSourceFile /*!*/ sourceFile, Encoding /*!*/ encoding)
            Debug.Assert(compilationUnit != null && sourceFile != null && encoding != null);

            this.compilationUnit           = compilationUnit;
            this.sourceFile                = sourceFile;
            this.encoding                  = encoding;
            this.namingContextFieldBuilder = null;        // to be filled during compilation just before the unit gets emitted
            this.symbolDocumentWriter      = null;        // to be filled during compilation just before the unit gets emitted
 internal void AddLineNumberInfo(ISymbolDocumentWriter document, int iOffset, int iStartLine, int iStartColumn, int iEndLine, int iEndColumn)
     this.m_iOffsets[this.m_iLineNumberCount] = iOffset;
     this.m_iLines[this.m_iLineNumberCount] = iStartLine;
     this.m_iColumns[this.m_iLineNumberCount] = iStartColumn;
     this.m_iEndLines[this.m_iLineNumberCount] = iEndLine;
     this.m_iEndColumns[this.m_iLineNumberCount] = iEndColumn;
Exemplo n.º 14
        public void DefineSequencePoints(ISymbolDocumentWriter document, uint arraySize, int[] offsets, int[] lines, int[] columns, int[] endLines, int[] endColumns)
            var doc = document as SymbolDocumentWriter;

            if (doc == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("document isn't a non-null SymbolDocumentWriter instance");
            writer.DefineSequencePoints(doc.SymUnmanagedDocumentWriter, arraySize, offsets, lines, columns, endLines, endColumns);
Exemplo n.º 15
        internal static void Emit(this ILGenerator @this, OpCode opcode, MethodInfo method,
                                  ISymbolDocumentWriter document, StreamWriter file, int lineNumber)
            var line = opcode.Name + " " + new MethodDescriptor(
                method, method.DeclaringType.Assembly).Value;

            @this.MarkSequencePoint(document, lineNumber, 1, lineNumber, line.Length + 1);
            @this.Emit(opcode, method);
Exemplo n.º 16
 internal void AddLineNumberInfo(ISymbolDocumentWriter document, int iOffset, int iStartLine, int iStartColumn, int iEndLine, int iEndColumn)
     this.m_iOffsets[this.m_iLineNumberCount]    = iOffset;
     this.m_iLines[this.m_iLineNumberCount]      = iStartLine;
     this.m_iColumns[this.m_iLineNumberCount]    = iStartColumn;
     this.m_iEndLines[this.m_iLineNumberCount]   = iEndLine;
     this.m_iEndColumns[this.m_iLineNumberCount] = iEndColumn;
     this.m_iLineNumberCount = checked (this.m_iLineNumberCount + 1);
Exemplo n.º 17
 /// <include file='doc\SymWriter.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="SymbolWriter.SetMethodSourceRange"]/*' />
 public void SetMethodSourceRange(ISymbolDocumentWriter startDoc,
                                  int startLine,
                                  int startColumn,
                                  ISymbolDocumentWriter endDoc,
                                  int endLine,
                                  int endColumn)
     m_target.SetMethodSourceRange(((SymDocumentWriter)startDoc).InternalDocumentWriter, startLine, startColumn,
                                   ((SymDocumentWriter)endDoc).InternalDocumentWriter, endLine, endColumn);
Exemplo n.º 18
 /// <include file='doc\SymWriter.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="SymbolWriter.DefineSequencePoints"]/*' />
 public void DefineSequencePoints(ISymbolDocumentWriter document,
                                  int[] offsets,
                                  int[] lines,
                                  int[] columns,
                                  int[] endLines,
                                  int[] endColumns)
     m_target.DefineSequencePoints(((SymDocumentWriter)document).InternalDocumentWriter, offsets.Length,
                                   offsets, lines, columns, endLines, endColumns);
Exemplo n.º 19
		public void MarkSequencePoint(ISymbolDocumentWriter document, int startLine, int startColumn, int endLine, int endColumn)
			SequencePoint sp = new SequencePoint();
			sp.document = document;
			sp.offset = code.Position;
			sp.startLine = startLine;
			sp.startColumn = startColumn;
			sp.endLine = endLine;
			sp.endColumn = endColumn;
Exemplo n.º 20
 public IFluentILGenerator MarkSequencePoint(
     ISymbolDocumentWriter document,
     int startLine,
     int startColumn,
     int endLine,
     int endColumn)
     _logger.LogMeta($"// ({startLine}, {startColumn}) - ({endLine}-{endColumn})");
     _generator.MarkSequencePoint(document, startLine, startColumn, endLine, endColumn);
Exemplo n.º 21
 internal TypeDebugging(TypeBuilder type, HashSet <Type> interfacesToImplement, CodeDocument document,
                        ISymbolDocumentWriter symbolDocument, Indention firstIndent)
     : base()
     this.Builder               = type;
     this.Document              = document;
     this.SymbolDocument        = symbolDocument;
     this.InterfacesToImplement = interfacesToImplement;
Exemplo n.º 22
        internal int WriteBody(bool initLocals)
            if (moduleBuilder.symbolWriter != null)
                Debug.Assert(scope != null && scope.parent == null);
                scope.endOffset = code.Position;


            ByteBuffer bb = moduleBuilder.methodBodies;

            int localVarSigTok = 0;

            int rva;

            if (localsCount == 0 && exceptions.Count == 0 && maxStack <= 8 && code.Length < 64 && !fatHeader)
                rva = WriteTinyHeaderAndCode(bb);
                rva = WriteFatHeaderAndCode(bb, ref localVarSigTok, initLocals);

            if (moduleBuilder.symbolWriter != null)
                if (sequencePoints.Count != 0)
                    ISymbolDocumentWriter document = sequencePoints[0].document;
                    int[] offsets    = new int[sequencePoints.Count];
                    int[] lines      = new int[sequencePoints.Count];
                    int[] columns    = new int[sequencePoints.Count];
                    int[] endLines   = new int[sequencePoints.Count];
                    int[] endColumns = new int[sequencePoints.Count];
                    for (int i = 0; i < sequencePoints.Count; i++)
                        if (sequencePoints[i].document != document)
                            throw new NotImplementedException();
                        offsets[i]    = sequencePoints[i].offset;
                        lines[i]      = sequencePoints[i].startLine;
                        columns[i]    = sequencePoints[i].startColumn;
                        endLines[i]   = sequencePoints[i].endLine;
                        endColumns[i] = sequencePoints[i].endColumn;
                    moduleBuilder.symbolWriter.DefineSequencePoints(document, offsets, lines, columns, endLines, endColumns);

                WriteScope(scope, localVarSigTok);
Exemplo n.º 23
		public virtual void MarkSequencePoint (ISymbolDocumentWriter document, int startLine,
						       int startColumn, int endLine, int endColumn)
			if (currentSequence == null || currentSequence.Document != document) {
				if (sequencePointLists == null)
					sequencePointLists = new ArrayList ();
				currentSequence = new SequencePointList (document);
				sequencePointLists.Add (currentSequence);
			currentSequence.AddSequencePoint (code_len, startLine, startColumn, endLine, endColumn);
Exemplo n.º 24
        public void DefineSequencePoints(ISymbolDocumentWriter document, int[] ilOffsets, int[] startLines, int[] startColumns, int[] endLines, int[] endColumns)
            // we only support a single call per method
            Debug.Assert(this.document == null);

            this.document     = (DocumentImpl)document;
            this.ilOffsets    = ilOffsets;
            this.startLines   = startLines;
            this.startColumns = startColumns;
            this.endLines     = endLines;
            this.endColumns   = endColumns;
Exemplo n.º 25
 internal SourceCodeWriter(string fileName, ISymbolDocumentWriter symbolDocumentWriter)
     var directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName);
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(directoryName))
     _stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
     _sourceWriter = new StringWriter(_stringBuilder);
     _fileName = fileName;
     _symbolDocumentWriter = symbolDocumentWriter;
     _currentLine = 1;
     Indent = 0;
Exemplo n.º 26
 private void WriteFiles(List <Document> documents)
     foreach (Document doc in documents)
         ISymbolDocumentWriter docwriter = m_writer.DefineDocument(
         m_docWriters.Add(doc.id, docwriter);
 internal DocumentContext(String documentName, int startLine, int startCol, int lastLineInSource, VsaItem sourceItem){
   this.documentName = documentName;
   this.documentWriter = null;
   this.startLine = startLine;
   this.startCol = startCol;
   this.lastLineInSource = lastLineInSource;
   this.sourceItem = sourceItem;
   this.engine = sourceItem.engine;
   this.debugOn = null == engine ? false : engine.GenerateDebugInfo;
   this._compilerGlobals = null;
   this.checkForFirst = false;
Exemplo n.º 28
        internal void Emit(CodeGenerator /*!*/ codeGen)
            if (!compilationUnit.IsTransient || ((TransientCompilationUnit)compilationUnit).EvalKind == EvalKinds.SyntheticEval)
                this.symbolDocumentWriter = compilationUnit.GetSymbolDocumentWriter(sourceFile.FullPath);

            // emit naming context:
            this.namingContextFieldBuilder = EmitInitNamingContext();

            // emit AST content:
 internal DocumentContext(String name, VsaEngine engine){
   this.documentName = name;
   this.documentWriter = null;
   this.startLine = 0;
   this.startCol = 0;
   this.lastLineInSource = 0;
   this.sourceItem = null;
   this.engine = engine;
   this.debugOn = null == engine ? false : engine.GenerateDebugInfo;
   this._compilerGlobals = null;
   this.reportedVariables = null;
   this.checkForFirst = false;
Exemplo n.º 30
        public void BeginModule(string ifile)
            appdomain = System.Threading.Thread.GetDomain();
            appname   = getAssemblyName(filename);
            appbuild  = appdomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(appname, AssemblyBuilderAccess.Save, ".");
            emodule   = appbuild.DefineDynamicModule(filename + "_module", io.GetOutputFilename(), io.getGenDebug());
            Guid g = System.Guid.Empty;

            if (io.getGenDebug())
                srcdoc = emodule.DefineDocument(ifile, g, g, g);
Exemplo n.º 31
        [Category("AndroidNotWorking")]          // Missing Mono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriter assembly
        public void DuplicateSymbolDocument()
            AssemblyBuilder ab = genAssembly();
            ModuleBuilder   mb = ab.DefineDynamicModule("foo.dll", "foo.dll", true);

            // Check that it is possible to redefine a symbol document
            ISymbolDocumentWriter doc1 =
                mb.DefineDocument("foo.il", SymDocumentType.Text,
                                  SymLanguageType.ILAssembly, SymLanguageVendor.Microsoft);
            ISymbolDocumentWriter doc2 =
                mb.DefineDocument("foo.il", SymDocumentType.Text,
                                  SymLanguageType.ILAssembly, SymLanguageVendor.Microsoft);
 internal DocumentContext(String documentName, int startLine, int startCol, int lastLineInSource, VsaItem sourceItem)
     this.documentName     = documentName;
     this.documentWriter   = null;
     this.startLine        = startLine;
     this.startCol         = startCol;
     this.lastLineInSource = lastLineInSource;
     this.sourceItem       = sourceItem;
     this.engine           = sourceItem.engine;
     this.debugOn          = null == engine ? false : engine.GenerateDebugInfo;
     this._compilerGlobals = null;
     this.checkForFirst    = false;
Exemplo n.º 33
        public void SetMethodSourceRange(
            ISymbolDocumentWriter startDoc,
            int startLine,
            int startColumn,
            ISymbolDocumentWriter endDoc,
            int endLine,
            int endColumn)
            int nsId            = GetCurrentNamespace(startDoc);
            SourceMethodImpl sm = new SourceMethodImpl(methodName, currentToken, nsId);

            msw.OpenMethod(((ICompileUnit)startDoc).Entry, nsId, sm);
            methodOpened = true;
 internal DocumentContext(String name, VsaEngine engine)
     this.documentName      = name;
     this.documentWriter    = null;
     this.startLine         = 0;
     this.startCol          = 0;
     this.lastLineInSource  = 0;
     this.sourceItem        = null;
     this.engine            = engine;
     this.debugOn           = null == engine ? false : engine.GenerateDebugInfo;
     this._compilerGlobals  = null;
     this.reportedVariables = null;
     this.checkForFirst     = false;
Exemplo n.º 35
        public void SetMethodSourceRange(
            ISymbolDocumentWriter startDoc,
            int startLine,
            int startColumn,
            ISymbolDocumentWriter endDoc,
            int endLine,
            int endColumn)
            SourceMethodImpl sm = new SourceMethodImpl(methodName, currentToken, GetCurrentNamespace(startDoc));
            msw.OpenMethod(startDoc as ISourceFile, sm, startLine, startColumn, endLine, endColumn);
            methodOpened = true;
        public void DefineSequencePoints(ISymbolDocumentWriter document, int[] offsets, int[] lines,
                                         int[] columns, int[] endLines, int[] endColumns)
            var symDoc = document as SymbolDocumentWriter;

            if (symDoc == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

                                       symDoc.Unmanaged, offsets.Length, offsets,
                                       lines, columns, endLines, endColumns));
Exemplo n.º 37
 public ILDynamicTypeDebugImpl(string name, Type baseType, Type[] interfaces)
     _name = name;
     var uniqueName = UniqueName(name);
     _assemblyBuilder = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(new AssemblyName(uniqueName), AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave, "dynamicIL");
     _moduleBuilder = _assemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule(uniqueName + ".dll", true);
     var sourceCodeFileName = Path.GetFullPath("dynamicIL/" + uniqueName + ".il");
     _symbolDocumentWriter = _moduleBuilder.DefineDocument(sourceCodeFileName, SymDocumentType.Text, SymLanguageType.ILAssembly, SymLanguageVendor.Microsoft);
     _sourceCodeWriter = new SourceCodeWriter(sourceCodeFileName, _symbolDocumentWriter);
     _sourceCodeWriter.WriteLine(string.Format("class {0} : {1}{2}", name, baseType.ToSimpleName(), string.Concat(interfaces.Select(i => ", " + i.ToSimpleName()))));
     _typeBuilder = _moduleBuilder.DefineType(name, TypeAttributes.Public, baseType, interfaces);
     _forbidenInstructions = new ILGenForbidenInstructionsCheating(_typeBuilder);
Exemplo n.º 38
        internal SourceCodeWriter(string fileName, ISymbolDocumentWriter symbolDocumentWriter)
            var directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(directoryName))
            _stringBuilder        = new StringBuilder();
            _sourceWriter         = new StringWriter(_stringBuilder);
            _fileName             = fileName;
            _symbolDocumentWriter = symbolDocumentWriter;
            _currentLine          = 1;
            Indent = 0;
Exemplo n.º 39
 public ILDynamicTypeDebugImpl(string name, Type baseType, Type[] interfaces)
     _name = name;
     var uniqueName = UniqueName(name, 259 - (DynamicILDirectoryPath.DynamicIL.Length + 1 + 4));
     _assemblyBuilder = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(new AssemblyName(uniqueName), AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave, DynamicILDirectoryPath.DynamicIL);
     _moduleBuilder = _assemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule(uniqueName + ".dll", true);
     var sourceCodeFileName = Path.Combine(DynamicILDirectoryPath.DynamicIL, uniqueName + ".il");
     _symbolDocumentWriter = _moduleBuilder.DefineDocument(sourceCodeFileName, SymDocumentType.Text, SymLanguageType.ILAssembly, SymLanguageVendor.Microsoft);
     _sourceCodeWriter = new SourceCodeWriter(sourceCodeFileName, _symbolDocumentWriter);
         $"class {name} : {baseType.ToSimpleName()}{string.Concat(interfaces.Select(i => ", " + i.ToSimpleName()))}");
     _typeBuilder = _moduleBuilder.DefineType(name, TypeAttributes.Public, baseType, interfaces);
     _forbidenInstructions = new ILGenForbidenInstructionsCheating(_typeBuilder);
Exemplo n.º 40
        public void SetMethodSourceRange(ISymbolDocumentWriter startDoc, int startLine, int startColumn, ISymbolDocumentWriter endDoc, int endLine, int endColumn)
            var sdoc = startDoc as SymbolDocumentWriter;

            if (sdoc == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("startDoc isn't a non-null SymbolDocumentWriter instance");
            var edoc = endDoc as SymbolDocumentWriter;

            if (edoc == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("endDoc isn't a non-null SymbolDocumentWriter instance");
            writer.SetMethodSourceRange(sdoc.SymUnmanagedDocumentWriter, (uint)startLine, (uint)startColumn, edoc.SymUnmanagedDocumentWriter, (uint)endLine, (uint)endColumn);
Exemplo n.º 41
        private GenContext(string directory, AssemblyName aname, string extension, bool createDynInitHelper, string sourceName)
            // TODO: Make this settable from a *debug* flag
            #if DEBUG
            _isDebuggable = true;
            _isDebuggable = false;

            _assyGen = new AssemblyGen(aname, directory, extension, _isDebuggable);
            if ( createDynInitHelper )
                _dynInitHelper = new DynInitHelper(_assyGen, GenerateName());
            if (_isDebuggable)
                _docWriter = ModuleBuilder.DefineDocument(sourceName, ClojureContext.Default.LanguageGuid, ClojureContext.Default.VendorGuid, Guid.Empty);
            _docInfo = Expression.SymbolDocument(sourceName);
 internal DocumentContext(VsaItem sourceItem){
   if (sourceItem.codebase != null)
     this.documentName = sourceItem.codebase;
     string rootMoniker = sourceItem.engine.RootMoniker;
     this.documentName = rootMoniker + (rootMoniker.EndsWith("/", StringComparison.Ordinal) ? "" : "/") + sourceItem.Name;
   this.documentWriter = null;
   this.startLine = 0;
   this.startCol = 0;
   this.lastLineInSource = 0;
   this.sourceItem = sourceItem;
   this.engine = sourceItem.engine;
   this.debugOn = null == engine ? false : engine.GenerateDebugInfo;
   this._compilerGlobals = null;
   this.checkForFirst = false;
 private int FindDocument(ISymbolDocumentWriter document)
     if ((this.m_iLastFound >= this.m_DocumentCount) || (this.m_Documents[this.m_iLastFound].m_document != document))
         for (int i = 0; i < this.m_DocumentCount; i++)
             if (this.m_Documents[i].m_document == document)
                 this.m_iLastFound = i;
                 return this.m_iLastFound;
         this.m_iLastFound = this.m_DocumentCount;
         this.m_Documents[this.m_iLastFound] = new REDocument(document);
     return this.m_iLastFound;
Exemplo n.º 44
        public Emitter(EmitterOptions options)
            _options = options;

            //// TODO: setup separate app domain with appropriate cache path, shadow copying etc.
            //var domainName = "plan" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();
            //var domain = AppDomain.CreateDomain(domainName);

            _assemblyName = new AssemblyName(_options.AssemblyName);
            _assembly =
                    _options.DebugOn ? AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave : AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndCollect
            if (_options.DebugOn)
                    new CustomAttributeBuilder
                            new System.Type[] { typeof(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes) }
                        new object[]
                            DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations |

            _module = _assembly.DefineDynamicModule(_assemblyName.Name, _assemblyName.Name + ".dll", _options.DebugOn);
            if (_options.DebugOn)
                _symbolWriter = _module.DefineDocument(_options.SourceFileName, Guid.Empty, Guid.Empty, Guid.Empty);
            _tupleToNative = new Dictionary<TupleType, System.Type>();
Exemplo n.º 45
 internal void AddLineNumberInfo(
     ISymbolDocumentWriter document,
     int             iOffset,
     int             iStartLine,
     int             iStartColumn,
     int             iEndLine,
     int             iEndColumn)
     int         i;
     // make sure that arrays are large enough to hold addition info
     i = FindDocument(document);
     Contract.Assert(i < m_DocumentCount, "Bad document look up!");
     m_Documents[i].AddLineNumberInfo(document, iOffset, iStartLine, iStartColumn, iEndLine, iEndColumn);
Exemplo n.º 46
 public virtual void MarkSequencePoint(
     ISymbolDocumentWriter document,
     int startLine,       // line number is 1 based
     int startColumn,     // column is 0 based
     int endLine,         // line number is 1 based
     int endColumn)       // column is 0 based
     if (startLine == 0 || startLine < 0 || endLine == 0 || endLine < 0)
         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("startLine");
     m_LineNumberInfo.AddLineNumberInfo(document, m_length, startLine, startColumn, endLine, endColumn);
Exemplo n.º 47
 /// <include file='doc\SymWriter.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="SymbolWriter.SetMethodSourceRange"]/*' />
 public void SetMethodSourceRange(ISymbolDocumentWriter startDoc,
                                  int startLine,
                                  int startColumn,
                                  ISymbolDocumentWriter endDoc,
                                  int endLine,
                                  int endColumn)
     m_target.SetMethodSourceRange(((SymDocumentWriter)startDoc).InternalDocumentWriter, startLine, startColumn,
                                   ((SymDocumentWriter)endDoc).InternalDocumentWriter, endLine, endColumn);
Exemplo n.º 48
 /// <include file='doc\SymWriter.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="SymbolWriter.DefineSequencePoints"]/*' />
 public void DefineSequencePoints(ISymbolDocumentWriter document,
                           int[] offsets,
                           int[] lines,
                           int[] columns,
                           int[] endLines,
                           int[] endColumns)
     m_target.DefineSequencePoints(((SymDocumentWriter)document).InternalDocumentWriter, offsets.Length,
                                 offsets, lines, columns, endLines, endColumns);
Exemplo n.º 49
		public virtual void MarkSequencePoint (ISymbolDocumentWriter document, int startLine,
						       int startColumn, int endLine, int endColumn)
			if (currentSequence == null || currentSequence.Document != document) {
				if (sequencePointLists == null)
					sequencePointLists = new ArrayList ();
				currentSequence = new SequencePointList (document);
				sequencePointLists.Add (currentSequence);
			currentSequence.AddSequencePoint (code_len, startLine, startColumn, endLine, endColumn);
Exemplo n.º 50
 internal void AddLineNumberInfo(
     ISymbolDocumentWriter document,
     int             iOffset,
     int             iStartLine,
     int             iStartColumn,
     int             iEndLine,
     int             iEndColumn)
     Contract.Assert(document == m_document, "Bad document look up!");
     // make sure that arrays are large enough to hold addition info
     m_iOffsets[m_iLineNumberCount] = iOffset;
     m_iLines[m_iLineNumberCount] = iStartLine;
     m_iColumns[m_iLineNumberCount] = iStartColumn;
     m_iEndLines[m_iLineNumberCount] = iEndLine;
     m_iEndColumns[m_iLineNumberCount] = iEndColumn;
     checked { m_iLineNumberCount++; }
 internal REDocument(ISymbolDocumentWriter document)
     this.m_document = document;
Exemplo n.º 52
		/// <summary>
		/// Marks a sequence point in the Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) stream.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="document">The document for which the sequence point is being defined.</param>
		/// <param name="startLine">The line where the sequence point begins.</param>
		/// <param name="startColumn">The column in the line where the sequence point begins.</param>
		/// <param name="endLine">The line where the sequence point ends.</param>
		/// <param name="endColumn">The column in the line where the sequence point ends.</param>
		/// <returns>Current instance of the EmitHelper.</returns>
		public EmitHelper MarkSequencePoint(
			ISymbolDocumentWriter document,
			int startLine,
			int startColumn,
			int endLine,
			int endColumn)
			_ilGenerator.MarkSequencePoint(document, startLine, startColumn, endLine, endColumn);
			return this;
Exemplo n.º 53
		internal void DefineSymbolDocument(ModuleBuilder module, string url, Guid language, Guid languageVendor, Guid documentType)
			symbols = module.DefineDocument(url, language, languageVendor, documentType);
Exemplo n.º 54
 /// <summary>
 /// Marks a sequence point in the Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) stream.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="il"/>
 /// <param name="document">The document for which the sequence point is being defined.</param>
 /// <param name="startLine">The line where the sequence point begins.</param>
 /// <param name="startColumn">The column in the line where the sequence point begins.</param>
 /// <param name="endLine">The line where the sequence point ends.</param>
 /// <param name="endColumn">The column in the line where the sequence point ends.</param>
 public static ILGenerator MarkSequencePoint(
     this ILGenerator il,
     ISymbolDocumentWriter document,
     int startLine,
     int startColumn,
     int endLine,
     int endColumn)
     il.MarkSequencePoint(document, startLine, startColumn, endLine, endColumn);
     return il;
Exemplo n.º 55
 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Contracts", "CC1055")]  // Skip extra error checking to avoid *potential* AppCompat problems.
 public override void MarkSequencePoint(ISymbolDocumentWriter document,
                                        int startLine,
                                        int startColumn,
                                        int endLine,
                                        int endColumn)
     throw new NotSupportedException(Environment.GetResourceString("InvalidOperation_NotAllowedInDynamicMethod"));
Exemplo n.º 56
 // Find a REDocument representing document. If we cannot find one, we will add a new entry into
 // the REDocument array.
 private int FindDocument(ISymbolDocumentWriter document)
     int         i;
     // This is an optimization. The chance that the previous line is coming from the same
     // document is very high.
     if (m_iLastFound < m_DocumentCount && m_Documents[m_iLastFound].m_document == document)
         return m_iLastFound;
     for (i = 0; i < m_DocumentCount; i++)
         if (m_Documents[i].m_document == document)
             m_iLastFound = i;
             return m_iLastFound;
     // cannot find an existing document so add one to the array                                       
     m_iLastFound = m_DocumentCount;
     m_Documents[m_iLastFound] = new REDocument(document);
     checked { m_DocumentCount++; }
     return m_iLastFound;
Exemplo n.º 57
 internal REDocument(ISymbolDocumentWriter document)
     // initialize data variables
     m_iLineNumberCount = 0;
     m_document = document;
 internal void EmitLineInfo(ILGenerator ilgen, int line, int column, int endLine, int endColumn) {
   if (debugOn) {
     if (checkForFirst && line == this.firstStartLine && column == this.firstStartCol && endLine == this.firstEndLine
         && endColumn == this.firstEndCol)
       checkForFirst = false;
       if (this.documentWriter == null) 
         this.documentWriter = this.GetSymDocument(documentName);
       ilgen.MarkSequencePoint(this.documentWriter, this.startLine + line - this.lastLineInSource, this.startCol + column + 1,
               this.startLine - this.lastLineInSource + endLine, this.startCol + endColumn + 1);
Exemplo n.º 59
		/// <summary>
		/// Marks a sequence point in the Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) stream.
		/// </summary>
		public void MarkSequencePoint(ISymbolDocumentWriter document, int startLine, int startColumn, int endLine,
			int endColumn)
		{ il.MarkSequencePoint(document, startLine, startColumn, endLine, endColumn); }
Exemplo n.º 60
		public SequencePointList (ISymbolDocumentWriter doc)
			this.doc = doc;