Exemplo n.º 1
        private static void ConvertVectorPicturesToRepresentationMarkers(string stylePath)
            IStyleGallery        styleGallery        = GetStyleGallery(stylePath);
            IStyleGalleryStorage styleGalleryStorage = styleGallery as IStyleGalleryStorage;

            styleGalleryStorage.TargetFile = stylePath;
            IEnumStyleGalleryItem enumItems = styleGallery.get_Items("Marker Symbols", stylePath, "Vector");

            IStyleGalleryItem3 originalItem = null;
            IStyleGalleryItem3 newItem      = null;


            originalItem = enumItems.Next() as IStyleGalleryItem3;
            while (originalItem != null)
                newItem = ConvertMarkerItemToRep(originalItem);
                originalItem = enumItems.Next() as IStyleGalleryItem3;
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static void ConvertVectorPicturesToRepresentationMarkers(string stylePath)
            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(stylePath))
                Console.WriteLine("StylePath does NOT exist: " + stylePath);

            IStyleGallery        styleGallery        = GetStyleGallery(stylePath);
            IStyleGalleryStorage styleGalleryStorage = styleGallery as IStyleGalleryStorage;

            styleGalleryStorage.TargetFile = stylePath;
            IEnumStyleGalleryItem enumItems = styleGallery.get_Items("Marker Symbols", stylePath, "");

            IStyleGalleryItem3 originalItem = null;
            IStyleGalleryItem3 newItem      = null;


            originalItem = enumItems.Next() as IStyleGalleryItem3;
            while (originalItem != null)
                IPictureMarkerSymbol pictureMS = originalItem.Item as IPictureMarkerSymbol;
                if (pictureMS != null)
                    // check if it requires conversion to rep marker?
                    // TODO: perhaps make this an option if user doesn't need rep's
                    if (containsVectorTag(originalItem.Tags))
                        newItem = ConvertMarkerItemToRep(originalItem);
                        Console.WriteLine("Converting symbol " + newItem.Name + " to a representation marker");
                    originalItem = enumItems.Next() as IStyleGalleryItem3;
Exemplo n.º 3
        static void ImportMaki(string jsonPath, string stylePath, string renderPath, string emfPath)
            IStyleGallery styleGallery = GetStyleGallery(stylePath);

            IStyleGalleryStorage styleGalleryStorage = styleGallery as IStyleGalleryStorage;

            File.Delete(stylePath); //delete the existing Style to start from scratch
            styleGalleryStorage.TargetFile = stylePath;

            Icon[] icons = Deserialize(jsonPath);
            System.Array.Sort(icons); //sort by name

            IStyleGalleryItem2 styleGalleryItem       = null;
            IStyleGalleryItem2 styleGalleryItemVector = null;
            string             tags = "";

            int[] sizes    = { 16, 24, 32 };
            int[] displays = { 1, 2 };

            //the order here is mainly to produce a pleasing experience in ArcMap.  Add 96 dpi images at each size first
            //then add retina, finally add vector

            foreach (int display in displays) // do regular first, the retina
                foreach (Icon icon in icons)
                    if (icon.tags[0] == "deprecated")
                    foreach (int size in sizes)
                        //raster version
                        IPictureMarkerSymbol rasterPictureMarkerSymbol = MakeMarkerSymbol(renderPath, icon.icon, size, display, false);
                        styleGalleryItem      = new StyleGalleryItemClass();
                        styleGalleryItem.Item = rasterPictureMarkerSymbol;
                        styleGalleryItem.Name = icon.name + " " + size + "px";

                        string displayDescrip = (display == 2) ? "Retina" : "";
                        styleGalleryItem.Category = "Picture " + displayDescrip;

                        tags = string.Join(";", icon.tags); //make array into string

                        styleGalleryItem.Tags = tags + ";png" + ";" + size;

            //now add vector versions to the end of the list
            //vector version
            foreach (Icon icon in icons)
                if (icon.tags[0] == "deprecated")
                foreach (int size in sizes)
                    IPictureMarkerSymbol vectorPictureMarkerSymbol = MakeMarkerSymbol(emfPath, icon.icon, size, 1, true);
                    styleGalleryItemVector          = new StyleGalleryItemClass();
                    styleGalleryItemVector.Item     = vectorPictureMarkerSymbol;
                    styleGalleryItemVector.Name     = icon.name + " " + size + "px";
                    styleGalleryItemVector.Category = "Vector";
                    tags = string.Join(";", icon.tags); //make array into string
                    styleGalleryItemVector.Tags = tags + ";emf" + ";" + size;
Exemplo n.º 4
        static void ImportCSV(string csvPath, string stylePath)
            //the expected field names for this util
            string filePath          = "filePath";
            string pointSize         = "pointSize";
            string styleItemName     = "styleItemName";
            string styleItemCategory = "styleItemCategory";
            string styleItemTags     = "styleItemTags";

            IStyleGallery styleGallery = GetStyleGallery(stylePath);

            IStyleGalleryStorage styleGalleryStorage = styleGallery as IStyleGalleryStorage;

            styleGalleryStorage.TargetFile = stylePath;

            ITable             table = OpenCSVAsTable(csvPath);
            IRow               row = null;
            int                filePathIdx, styleItemNameIdx, pointSizeIdx, styleItemCategoryIdx, styleItemTagsIdx;
            IStyleGalleryItem3 styleGalleryItem = null;

            using (ComReleaser comReleaser = new ComReleaser())
                // Create the cursor.
                ICursor cursor = table.Search(null, false);
                filePathIdx          = cursor.FindField(filePath);
                styleItemNameIdx     = cursor.FindField(styleItemName);
                pointSizeIdx         = cursor.FindField(pointSize);
                styleItemCategoryIdx = cursor.FindField(styleItemCategory);
                styleItemTagsIdx     = cursor.FindField(styleItemTags);

                int rowCount = 0;
                while ((row = cursor.NextRow()) != null)

                        String itemFilePath = (string)row.get_Value(filePathIdx);
                        IPictureMarkerSymbol pictureMarkerSymbol = MakeMarkerSymbol(itemFilePath, Convert.ToDouble(row.get_Value(pointSizeIdx)));

                        if (pictureMarkerSymbol == null)
                            Console.WriteLine("Image not found: Row: " + rowCount + ", Image: " + itemFilePath);

                        styleGalleryItem          = new StyleGalleryItemClass();
                        styleGalleryItem.Item     = pictureMarkerSymbol;
                        styleGalleryItem.Name     = row.get_Value(styleItemNameIdx) as string;
                        styleGalleryItem.Category = row.get_Value(styleItemCategoryIdx) as string;
                        object obj = row.get_Value(styleItemTagsIdx);

                        // set a default tag, just in case tags field is empty
                        string tags = styleGalleryItem.Category + ";" + styleGalleryItem.Name;

                        // Make sure tags are set & a valid string type before converting to string
                        if (!((obj == null) || (obj is DBNull)))
                            tags = obj as string;

                        const int MAX_TAG_LENGTH = 255;

                        int tagsLength = tags.Length;
                        if (tagsLength > MAX_TAG_LENGTH)
                            // WORKAROUND if length > 255 (a hard limit), trim from the front (last most important)
                            tags = tags.Substring(tagsLength - MAX_TAG_LENGTH, MAX_TAG_LENGTH);

                        // Note: Tag vector symbols for later (see: containsVectorTag)
                        // + switch to disable if desired
                        const bool TAG_EMFS_WITH_VECTOR_TAG = true;
                        if (TAG_EMFS_WITH_VECTOR_TAG &&
                            (itemFilePath.Substring(itemFilePath.Length - 4) == ".emf") &&
                            tags = tags + ";vector";

                        styleGalleryItem.Tags = tags;

                        //we want tags for search. If they weren't specified, use the default tags
                        if (styleGalleryItem.Tags == "")
                            styleGalleryItem.Tags = styleGalleryItem.DefaultTags;

                        Console.WriteLine("Importing symbol " + rowCount + " : " + styleGalleryItem.Name);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        // Catch-all exception for row processing, just so 1 bad row doesn't abort the whole process
                        Console.WriteLine("Skipping bad row: " + rowCount + ", Exception : " + ex.Message);