public StreamEventArrayObservable(
            IStreamable <Empty, TPayload> source,
            Func <StreamEvent <TPayload>[]> generator,
            QueryContainer container,
            string identifier)
            Contract.Requires(source != null);

            this.source     = source;
            this.generator  = generator;
            this.container  = container;
            this.identifier = identifier;
            if (this.container != null)
Exemplo n.º 2
        public PartitionedEndEdgeFreeOutputPipe(IStreamable <TKey, TPayload> stream, IStreamObserver <TKey, TPayload> observer)
            : base(stream, observer)
            this.getPartitionKey = GetPartitionExtractor <TPartitionKey, TKey>();
            this.pool            = MemoryManager.GetMemoryPool <TKey, TPayload>(stream.Properties.IsColumnar);
            this.errorMessages   = stream.ErrorMessages;

            var compoundEqualityExpr = EqualityComparerExtensions.GetCompoundEqualityComparerExpression <ActiveEvent, long, TKey, TPayload>(
                e => e.End, EqualityComparerExpression <long> .Default, e => e.Key, stream.Properties.KeyEqualityComparer, e => e.Payload, stream.Properties.PayloadEqualityComparer);
            var equals      = compoundEqualityExpr.GetEqualsExpr().Compile();
            var getHashCode = compoundEqualityExpr.GetGetHashCodeExpr().Compile();
            var generator   = compoundEqualityExpr.CreateFastDictionary2Generator <ActiveEvent, int>(1, equals, getHashCode, stream.Properties.QueryContainer);

            this.dictPool = new DataStructurePool <FastDictionary2 <ActiveEvent, int> >(() => generator.Invoke());
            this.pool.Get(out this.output);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void DisjointUnionLowWatermarks()
            const int leftKey  = 1;
            const int rightKey = 2;
            var       left     = new Subject <PartitionedStreamEvent <int, int> >();
            var       right    = new Subject <PartitionedStreamEvent <int, int> >();

            var qc         = new QueryContainer();
            var leftInput  = qc.RegisterInput(left);
            var rightInput = qc.RegisterInput(right);

            var actualOutput = new List <PartitionedStreamEvent <int, int> >();
            var inputs       = new IStreamable <PartitionKey <int>, int>[] { leftInput, rightInput };
            var union        = new MultiUnionStreamable <PartitionKey <int>, int>(inputs, guaranteedDisjoint: true);
            var egress       = qc.RegisterOutput(union).ForEachAsync(o => actualOutput.Add(o));
            var process      = qc.Restore();

            left.OnNext(PartitionedStreamEvent.CreatePoint(leftKey, 100, 1));
            left.OnNext(PartitionedStreamEvent.CreateLowWatermark <int, int>(101));

            right.OnNext(PartitionedStreamEvent.CreatePoint(rightKey, 100, 1));
            right.OnNext(PartitionedStreamEvent.CreateLowWatermark <int, int>(110));


            left.OnNext(PartitionedStreamEvent.CreatePoint(leftKey, 101, 1));
            right.OnNext(PartitionedStreamEvent.CreatePoint(rightKey, 110, 1));



            var expected = new PartitionedStreamEvent <int, int>[]
                PartitionedStreamEvent.CreatePoint(leftKey, 100, 1),
                PartitionedStreamEvent.CreatePoint(rightKey, 100, 1),
                PartitionedStreamEvent.CreateLowWatermark <int, int>(101),
                PartitionedStreamEvent.CreatePoint(leftKey, 101, 1),
                PartitionedStreamEvent.CreatePoint(rightKey, 110, 1),
                PartitionedStreamEvent.CreateLowWatermark <int, int>(110),
                PartitionedStreamEvent.CreateLowWatermark <int, int>(StreamEvent.InfinitySyncTime),

Exemplo n.º 4
        public PartitionedIntervalObservable(
            IStreamable <PartitionKey <TKey>, TPayload> source,
            Expression <Func <TKey, long, long, TPayload, TResult> > constructor,
            QueryContainer container,
            string identifier)
            Contract.Requires(source != null);

            this.source      = source;
            this.constructor = constructor;
            this.container   = container;
            this.identifier  = identifier;
            if (this.container != null)
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void Save(IStreamable sender)
            if (sender is IImage)
                var saveFileDialog = new System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog();
                saveFileDialog.FileName      = "*";
                saveFileDialog.DefaultExt    = "jpg";
                saveFileDialog.ValidateNames = true;

                saveFileDialog.Filter = "Image File (.jpg)|*.jpg";

                DialogResult result = saveFileDialog.ShowDialog();

                if (!(result == DialogResult.OK)) // Test result.

            else if (sender is IVideo || sender is ICamera)
                if (videoWriter == null)
                    var saveFileDialog = new System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog();
                    saveFileDialog.FileName      = "*";
                    saveFileDialog.DefaultExt    = "gyg";
                    saveFileDialog.ValidateNames = true;

                    saveFileDialog.Filter = "Gygax Video (.gyg)|*.gyg";

                    DialogResult result = saveFileDialog.ShowDialog();

                    if (!(result == DialogResult.OK)) // Test result.

                    videoWriter        = new GygaxVideoWriter(saveFileDialog.FileName);
                    videoWriter.Source = (IStreamable)sender;

                    RecordingButton.Visibility     = Visibility.Visible;
                    StopRecordingButton.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
Exemplo n.º 6
        private List <IStreamable> ReceiveObjectList(IZetboxContext ctx, ZetboxStreamReader sr)
            List <IStreamable> result = new List <IStreamable>();
            var cont = sr.ReadBoolean();

            while (cont)
                var objType = sr.ReadSerializableType();

                IStreamable obj = (IStreamable)ctx.Internals().CreateUnattached(_iftFactory(objType.GetSystemType()));

                cont = sr.ReadBoolean();
Exemplo n.º 7
        public StartEdgeObservable(
            IStreamable <Empty, TPayload> source,
            Expression <Func <long, TPayload, TResult> > constructor,
            QueryContainer container,
            string identifier)
            Contract.Requires(source != null);

            this.source      = source;
            this.constructor = constructor;
            this.container   = container;
            this.identifier  = identifier;
            if (this.container != null)
Exemplo n.º 8
        public SprayGroupImportStreamable(
            IStreamable <TKey, TSpray> source,
            int totalBranches,
            bool multicast = false,
            IComparerExpression <TSpray> sprayComparer = null)
            : base(source.Properties.ToMulticore(true))
            Contract.Requires(source != null);

            this.totalBranches          = totalBranches;
            this.Source                 = source;
            this.spraySortOrderComparer = sprayComparer; // source.Properties.PayloadComparer;
            this.IsColumnar             = source.Properties.IsColumnar;
            this.multicast              = multicast;

            this.observerClassId = Guid.NewGuid();
Exemplo n.º 9
        public GroupStreamable(
            IEqualityComparerExpression <TInnerKey> comparer,
            IStreamable <TOuterKey, TSource> source, Expression <Func <TSource, TInnerKey> > keySelector)
            : base(source.Properties.Group(keySelector))
            Contract.Requires(source != null);
            Contract.Requires(keySelector != null);

            Source      = source;
            KeySelector = keySelector;

            if (Source.Properties.IsColumnar && !CanGenerateColumnar())
                properties = properties.ToRowBased();
                Source     = Source.ColumnToRow();
Exemplo n.º 10
        private async Task Peer_OnMessage(BitcoinPeer s, IStreamable msg)
            switch (msg)
            case Addr a:
                foreach (var ip in a.Ips)
                    var ep  = new IPEndPoint(ip.Ip.MapToIPv6(), ip.Port);
                    var epb = ep.ToByteArray();
                    if (!await db.SetContainsAsync("hs:nodes:good-nodes", epb) && !await db.SetContainsAsync("hs:nodes:bad-nodes", epb))

            case Ping a:
                var pong = new Pong();
                pong.Nonce = a.Nonce;

                await s.WriteMessage(pong);


            case bitcoin_lib.P2P.Version a:
                GotVersion = true;

                //send verack and log
                await SetNodeDetails(a);

                var va = new VerAck();
                await s.WriteMessage(va);

                var ga = new GetAddr();
                await s.WriteMessage(ga);

Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public virtual int ExitInput()
            // TODO

            #region Beta

            if (devices[deviceId] == this)
                devices[deviceId] = null;

            if (asVirtualController && m_VirtualController != null)
                int hjId = GetVirtualControllerId();
                if (hjId < 0)
                    Log.w("DeviceBase", "Invalid virtual controller id");
                else if (VirtualController.controllers[hjId] == m_VirtualController)
                    VirtualController.controllers[hjId] = null;

            #endregion Beta

            if (m_Stream == null)
                m_Stream = null;
            // Release the Library resource at last.
Exemplo n.º 12
        public void CommunicationDevicePushTest()
            byte[] sendBuf = new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
            byte[] recvBuf = new byte[10];

            Stream      cd   = new Regulus.Remote.Standalone.Stream();
            IStreamable peer = cd as IStreamable;

            cd.Push(sendBuf, 0, sendBuf.Length);
            System.Threading.Tasks.Task <int> receiveResult1 = peer.Receive(recvBuf, 0, 4);
            System.Threading.Tasks.Task <int> receiveResult2 = peer.Receive(recvBuf, 4, 6);

            int receiveCount1 = receiveResult1.GetAwaiter().GetResult();
            int receiveCount2 = receiveResult2.GetAwaiter().GetResult();

            Assert.AreEqual(4, receiveCount1);
            Assert.AreEqual(6, receiveCount2);
Exemplo n.º 13
        internal static IObservable <TResult> ToTemporalObservable <TPayload, TResult>(
            this IStreamable <Empty, TPayload> stream,
            Expression <Func <long, TPayload, TResult> > constructor,
            QueryContainer container,
            string identifier)
            Invariant.IsNotNull(stream, nameof(stream));

            if (stream is IFusibleStreamable <Empty, TPayload> f && f.CanFuseEgressObservable)
                if (stream.Properties.IsStartEdgeOnly)
                    return(f.FuseEgressObservable(Expression.Lambda <Func <long, long, TPayload, Empty, TResult> >(constructor.Body, constructor.Parameters[0], Expression.Parameter(typeof(long)), constructor.Parameters[1], Expression.Parameter(typeof(Empty))), container, identifier));

            return(new StartEdgeObservable <TPayload, TResult>(stream, constructor, container, identifier));
Exemplo n.º 14
        public ShufflecastStreamable(
            IStreamable <TInnerKey, TSource> source,
            int totalBranchesL2,
            Expression <Func <TInnerKey, int, TSource, int[]> > destinationSelector = null)
            : base(source.Properties)
            Contract.Requires(source != null);
            Contract.Requires(totalBranchesL2 > 0);

            this.Source          = source;
            this.totalBranchesL2 = totalBranchesL2;
            this.powerOf2        = ((totalBranchesL2 & (totalBranchesL2 - 1)) == 0);

            if (destinationSelector != null)
                this.destinationSelectorCompiled = destinationSelector.Compile();
Exemplo n.º 15
        public PartitionStreamable(
            IStreamable <Empty, TPayload> source, Expression <Func <TPayload, TPartitionKey> > keySelector, long partitionLag)
            : base(source.Properties.Partition(keySelector))
            Contract.Requires(source != null);
            Contract.Requires(keySelector != null);

            this.Source       = source;
            this.KeySelector  = keySelector;
            this.PartitionLag = partitionLag;

            if (source.Properties.IsColumnar)
                // No current support for partitioned columnar
                this.Source     = this.Source.ColumnToRow();
Exemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Shard a streamable
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TPayload">The event payload type</typeparam>
        /// <param name="source">The stream to shard</param>
        /// <param name="shardArity">The number of shards to create</param>
        /// <returns>A sharded stream across <paramref name="shardArity"/> shards</returns>
        public static IShardedStreamable <Empty, TPayload> Shard <TPayload>(this IStreamable <Empty, TPayload> source, int shardArity = -1)
            if (shardArity == -1)
                shardArity = Config.StreamScheduler.scheduler.MapArity;

            var spray = new SprayGroupImportStreamable <Empty, TPayload>(source, shardArity, false, null);

            var streamables = new IStreamable <Empty, TPayload> [shardArity];

            for (int i = 0; i < shardArity; i++)
                streamables[i] = new PassthroughStreamable <Empty, TPayload>(spray);

            return(new ShardedStreamable <Empty, TPayload>(streamables));
Exemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// ConsecutivePairs with gap_tolerance
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TKey">Key type</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TPayload">Payload type</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TResult">Result type</typeparam>
        /// <param name="stream">Input stream</param>
        /// <param name="resultSelector">Compose result tuple using matching input events</param>
        /// <param name="gap_tol">Gap tolerance</param>
        /// <param name="period">Period of input stream (default: 1)</param>
        /// <returns>Pattern result stream</returns>
        public static IStreamable <TKey, TResult> ConsecutivePairs <TKey, TPayload, TResult>(
            this IStreamable <TKey, TPayload> stream,
            Expression <Func <TPayload, TPayload, TResult> > resultSelector,
            long gap_tol,
            long period = 1)
            var clippedStream = stream
                                .AlterEventDuration((s, e) => e - s + gap_tol)
                                .Multicast(xs => xs.ClipEventDuration(xs))
                                .AlterEventDuration((s, e) => (e - s > gap_tol) ? period : e - s)

            var result = clippedStream
                         .Multicast(xs => xs
                                    .Join(xs.AlterEventDuration(1), resultSelector));

Exemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Re-distribute the data across shards
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newLocation">Assign an optional new location descriptor</param>
        /// <returns>A new sharded streamable with the new key type and values</returns>
        public IShardedStreamable <TKey, TPayload> ReDistribute(ILocationDescriptor newLocation = null)
            int newShardArity = (newLocation != null && (int)newLocation.GetLocation() > 0) ? (int)newLocation.GetLocation() : this.Streamables.Length;

            var shuffleL1Results = new ShuffleSameKeyStreamable <TKey, TPayload, TKey> [this.Streamables.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < this.Streamables.Length; i++)
                shuffleL1Results[i] = new ShuffleSameKeyStreamable <TKey, TPayload, TKey>(this.Streamables[i], newShardArity, i);

            var shuffleResults = new IStreamable <TKey, TPayload> [newShardArity];

            for (int i = 0; i < newShardArity; i++)
                shuffleResults[i] = new MultiUnionStreamable <TKey, TPayload>(shuffleL1Results);
            return(new ShardedStreamable <TKey, TPayload>(shuffleResults));
Exemplo n.º 19
 /// <summary>
 /// Normalize a signal using standard score.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="source">Input stream</param>
 /// <param name="window">Normalization window</param>
 /// <returns>Normalized signal</returns>
 public static IStreamable <Empty, Signal> Normalize(
     this IStreamable <Empty, Signal> source,
     long window
                s => s.Select(e => e.val),
                w => w.JoinedAggregate(
                    w.Average(e => e),
                    w.StandardDeviation(e => e),
                    (avg, std) => new { avg, std }
                (signal, agg) =>
                new Signal(signal.ts, (float)((signal.val - agg.avg) / agg.std)),
                window, window, window - 1
Exemplo n.º 20
        private static void JoinPointsTest(bool fixedInterval = false)
            var left  = new Subject <StreamEvent <string> >();
            var right = new Subject <StreamEvent <string> >();

            var qc = new QueryContainer();
            IStreamable <Empty, string> leftInput  = qc.RegisterInput(left);
            IStreamable <Empty, string> rightInput = qc.RegisterInput(right);

            if (fixedInterval)
                leftInput  = leftInput.AlterEventDuration(1);
                rightInput = rightInput.AlterEventDuration(1);

            var query = leftInput.Join(
                l => (l != null ? l[0].ToString() : null),
                r => (r != null ? r[0].ToString() : null),
                (l, r) => $"{l},{r}");

            var output = new List <StreamEvent <string> >();

            qc.RegisterOutput(query).ForEachAsync(o => output.Add(o));
            var process = qc.Restore();

            // Should match and egress immediately
            left.OnNext(StreamEvent.CreatePoint(100, "A1"));
            right.OnNext(StreamEvent.CreatePoint(100, "A2"));

            var expected = new StreamEvent <string>[]
                StreamEvent.CreatePoint(100, "A1,A2"),


Exemplo n.º 21
        public static bool IsOrderSensitiveEquivalentTo <TPayload>(this IStreamable <Empty, TPayload> input, StreamEvent <TPayload>[] comparison)
            Invariant.IsNotNull(input, "input");
            Invariant.IsNotNull(comparison, "comparison");
            var events = input.ToStreamEventArray();

            // Reodrer stream events with the same timstamp
            var orderedEvents = (StreamEvent <TPayload>[])events.Clone();
            int start         = 0;

            while (start < events.Length)
                int end = start + 1;
                while (end < events.Length && events[end].SyncTime == events[start].SyncTime && !events[start].IsPunctuation && !events[end].IsPunctuation)

                var segment = new ArraySegment <StreamEvent <TPayload> >(events, start, end - start);
                segment.OrderBy(e => e.OtherTime).ThenBy(e => e.Payload).ToArray().CopyTo(orderedEvents, start);
                start = end;

            // Reodrer stream events with the same timstamp
            var orderedComparison = (StreamEvent <TPayload>[])comparison.Clone();

            start = 0;
            while (start < comparison.Length)
                int end = start + 1;
                while (end < comparison.Length && comparison[end].SyncTime == comparison[start].SyncTime && !comparison[start].IsPunctuation && !comparison[end].IsPunctuation)

                var segment = new ArraySegment <StreamEvent <TPayload> >(comparison, start, end - start);
                segment.OrderBy(e => e.OtherTime).ThenBy(e => e.Payload).ToArray().CopyTo(orderedComparison, start);
                start = end;

Exemplo n.º 22
 /// <summary>
 /// Resample signal from one frequency to a different one.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="source">Input stream</param>
 /// <param name="iperiod">Period of input signal stream</param>
 /// <param name="operiod">Period of output signal stream</param>
 /// <param name="offset">Offset</param>
 /// <returns>Result (output) stream in the new signal frequency</returns>
 public static IStreamable <Empty, Signal> Resample(
     this IStreamable <Empty, Signal> source,
     long iperiod,
     long operiod,
     long offset = 0)
            .Multicast(s => s.ClipEventDuration(s))
            .Multicast(s => s
                             (l, r) => new { st = l.ts, sv = l.val, et = r.ts, ev = r.val }))
            .AlterEventLifetime(t => t - iperiod, iperiod)
            .Chop(offset, operiod)
            .HoppingWindowLifetime(1, operiod)
            .Select((t, e) => new Signal(t, ((e.ev - * (t - / ( - +
Exemplo n.º 23
 protected void Initialize()
     if (this.Left.Properties.IsColumnar && this.Right.Properties.IsColumnar)
         if (!CanGenerateColumnar())
             this.Left       = this.Left.ColumnToRow();
             this.Right      = this.Right.ColumnToRow();
     else if (this.Left.Properties.IsColumnar)
         this.Left = this.Left.ColumnToRow();
     else if (this.Right.Properties.IsColumnar)
         this.Right = this.Right.ColumnToRow();
Exemplo n.º 24
        internal static IObservable <StreamEvent <TPayload> > ToStreamEventObservable <TPayload>(
            this IStreamable <Empty, TPayload> stream,
            QueryContainer container,
            string identifier,
            ReshapingPolicy reshapingPolicy)
            Invariant.IsNotNull(stream, nameof(stream));

            if (stream is IFusibleStreamable <Empty, TPayload> f && f.CanFuseEgressObservable)
                if (reshapingPolicy == ReshapingPolicy.None)
                    return(f.FuseEgressObservable((s, e, p, k) => new StreamEvent <TPayload>(s, e, p), container, identifier));

            return((reshapingPolicy == ReshapingPolicy.None)
                ? new StreamEventObservable <TPayload>(stream, container, identifier)
                : new StreamEventObservable <TPayload>(stream.ToEndEdgeFreeStream(), container, identifier));
Exemplo n.º 25
        public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task CommunicationDevicePushTest()
            byte[] sendBuf = new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
            byte[] recvBuf = new byte[10];

            Stream      cd   = new Regulus.Remote.Standalone.Stream();
            IStreamable peer = cd as IStreamable;
            await cd.Push(sendBuf, 0, sendBuf.Length);

            int receiveCount1 = await peer.Receive(recvBuf, 0, 4);

            int receiveCount2 = await peer.Receive(recvBuf, 4, 5);

            int receiveCount3 = await peer.Receive(recvBuf, 9, 2);

            Assert.Equal(4, receiveCount1);
            Assert.Equal(5, receiveCount2);
            Assert.Equal(1, receiveCount3);
Exemplo n.º 26
 internal static void ToTextStream <TKey, TPayload>(this IStreamable <TKey, TPayload> input, Stream textStream)
     using (var sw = new StreamWriter(textStream))
         .SynchronousForEach(message =>
             var bv = message.bitvector.col;
             for (int i = 0; i < message.Count; i++)
                 if ((bv[i >> 6] & (1L << (i & 0x3f))) == 0)
                     sw.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}", message.vsync.col[i], message.vother.col[i], message.key.col[i], message[i]);
Exemplo n.º 27
        /// <summary>
        /// Broadcast operation on a sharded streamable
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newLocation">Assign an optional new location descriptor</param>
        /// <returns>A new sharded streamable post-broadcast</returns>
        public IShardedStreamable <TKey, TPayload> Broadcast(ILocationDescriptor newLocation = null)
            int newShardArity = (newLocation != null && (int)newLocation.GetLocation() > 0) ? (int)newLocation.GetLocation() : this.Streamables.Length;

            var broadcastResults = new SprayGroupImportStreamable <TKey, TPayload> [this.Streamables.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < this.Streamables.Length; i++)
                broadcastResults[i] = new SprayGroupImportStreamable <TKey, TPayload>(this.Streamables[i], newShardArity, true);

            var unionResults = new IStreamable <TKey, TPayload> [newShardArity];

            for (int i = 0; i < newShardArity; i++)
                unionResults[i] = new MultiUnionStreamable <TKey, TPayload>(broadcastResults);

            return(new ShardedStreamable <TKey, TPayload>(unionResults));
Exemplo n.º 28
        public static void Test()
            IStreamable <Empty, SensorReading> inputStream = CreateStream();
            const int threshold = 42;

            var crossedThreshold = inputStream.Multicast(
                input =>
                // Alter all events 1 sec in the future.
                var alteredForward = input.AlterEventLifetime(s => s + 1, 1);

                // Compare each event that occurs at input with the previous event.
                // Note that, this one works for strictly ordered, strictly (e.g 1 sec) regular streams.
                var filteredInputStream   = input.Where(s => s.Value > threshold);
                var filteredAlteredStream = alteredForward.Where(s => s.Value < threshold);
                           filteredAlteredStream, (evt, prev) => new { evt.Time, Low = prev.Value, High = evt.Value }));

            crossedThreshold.ToStreamEventObservable().ForEachAsync(r => Console.WriteLine(r)).Wait();
Exemplo n.º 29
 /// <summary>
 /// Peak detection query.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="source">Input stream</param>
 /// <param name="period">Period of input stream</param>
 /// <param name="window">Mean window</param>
 /// <param name="factor">Scaling factor</param>
 /// <returns>Peaks in the signal stream</returns>
 public static IStreamable <Empty, Signal> Peaks(
     this IStreamable <Empty, Signal> source,
     long period,
     float factor,
     long window = 400
                s => s.Select(e => e.val),
                w => w.Average(e => e * factor),
                (signal, avg) => new { signal, avg },
                2 * window, 1, window
            .Where(e => e.signal.val > e.avg)
            .Select(e => e.signal)
            .StitchAggregate(w => w.TopK(e => e.val, 1))
            .Select(e => e.First().Payload)
Exemplo n.º 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Detect a pattern over the incoming stream. Takes augmented finite automaton (AFA) as input. Create AFA using the Regex.* API or direct AFA specification.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TKey">Key type</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TPayload">Payload type</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TRegister">Result type (output of matcher is the register at an accepting state of the AFA)</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TAccumulator">Accumulator type</typeparam>
        /// <param name="source">Source stream</param>
        /// <param name="afa">AFA specification</param>
        /// <param name="maxDuration">Maximum duration (window) for the pattern</param>
        /// <param name="allowOverlappingInstances">States whether to allow more than one state machine instance to be in effect at a time</param>
        /// <param name="isDeterministic">States whether to consider the AFA as deterministic</param>
        /// <returns>A stream of the matched results</returns>
        public static IStreamable <TKey, TRegister> Detect <TKey, TPayload, TRegister, TAccumulator>(
            this IStreamable <TKey, TPayload> source,
            Afa <TPayload, TRegister, TAccumulator> afa, long maxDuration = 0, bool allowOverlappingInstances = true, bool isDeterministic = false)
            Invariant.IsNotNull(source, nameof(source));

            if (maxDuration == 0)
                if (!(source.Properties.IsConstantDuration && (source.Properties.ConstantDurationLength != null)))
                    throw new Exception("Either specify a MaxDuration parameter or use an input stream that is windowed by a constant");

                maxDuration = source.Properties.ConstantDurationLength.Value;

            afa.AllowOverlappingInstances = allowOverlappingInstances;
            afa.IsDeterministic           = isDeterministic;

            return(new AfaStreamable <TKey, TPayload, TRegister, TAccumulator>(source, afa, maxDuration));