Exemplo n.º 1
        public async Task Post_CreatesNewStory()
            var newStory = new AddUpdateStoryCommand();

            Mock.Arrange(() => repo.Add(newStory))
            .Returns(() => Task.FromResult(newStory))

            // Act

            await target.Post(newStory);

            // Assert
Exemplo n.º 2
        public ActionResult <StoryCreationViewModel> Post([FromBody] UpdateStoryViewModel model)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            var ownerId      = HttpContext.User.Identity.Name;
            var creationTime = ((DateTimeOffset)DateTime.UtcNow).ToUnixTimeSeconds();
            var storyId      = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var story        = new Story {
                Id           = storyId,
                Title        = model.Title,
                Content      = model.Content,
                Tags         = model.Tags,
                CreationTime = creationTime,
                LastEditTime = creationTime,
                OwnerId      = ownerId,
                Draft        = true


            return(new StoryCreationViewModel {
                StoryId = storyId
        public IActionResult Add(Story story)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Story"));

Exemplo n.º 4
        public async Task <ActionResult> Create(AddUpdateStoryCommand command)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            await repository.Add(command);

Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// не потокобезопасно!
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="room"></param>
        /// <param name="roomId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task AddNewStoriesToDb(Room room, long roomId) //IEnumerable<Story> stories)
            var storiesForSave = room.StoredRoom.Stories.Where(x => x.IdDb == null)
                                 .Select(x => new { tmpId = x.TmpId, story = x.ToDbObject(roomId) }).ToList();
            await _storyRepository.Add(storiesForSave.Select(x => x.story).ToList());

            foreach (var item in storiesForSave)
                var oldStory = room.StoredRoom.Stories.FirstOrDefault(x => x.TmpId == item.tmpId);
                if (oldStory != null)
                    oldStory.IdDb = item.story.Id;
Exemplo n.º 6
        public async Task Create_CallsRepositoryIfValid()
            var command = new AddUpdateStoryCommand
                Title    = "Title",
                Synopsis = "Synposis"

            Mock.Arrange(() => repo.Add(command))
            .Returns(() => Task.FromResult(command))

            // Act
            await target.Create(command);

            // Assert
Exemplo n.º 7
        public HarryPotterStoryUseCase()
            repository = new StoryRepostiory();
            var resourceLoader = StringsResourcesHelpers.SafeGetForCurrentViewAsync().Result;

            foreach (var(order, titleKey, contentKey) in ApplicationSettings.HarryPotterStoryTextResources)
                repository.Add(resourceLoader.GetString(titleKey), resourceLoader.GetString(contentKey));
            AllStories = new ObservableCollection <StoryEntity>(repository.All());

            InitialStory = AllStories.FirstOrDefault();

            CurrentStory = new ReactivePropertySlim <StoryEntity>
                Value = InitialStory
Exemplo n.º 8
        public async Task <CreatedAtActionResult> Post([FromBody] AddUpdateStoryCommand addUpdateStoryCommand)
            var resultingCommand = await repository.Add(addUpdateStoryCommand);

            return(CreatedAtAction(nameof(GetById), new { id = resultingCommand.Id }, resultingCommand));
Exemplo n.º 9
        public virtual StoryCreateResult Create(IUser byUser, string url, string title, string category, string description, string tags, string userIPAddress, string userAgent, string urlReferer, NameValueCollection serverVariables, Func <IStory, string> buildDetailUrl)
            StoryCreateResult result = ValidateCreate(byUser, url, title, category, description, userIPAddress, userAgent);

            if (result == null)
                if (_contentService.IsRestricted(url))
                    result = new StoryCreateResult {
                        ErrorMessage = "Podany url jest zablokowany."

            if (result == null)
                using (IUnitOfWork unitOfWork = UnitOfWork.Begin())
                    IStory alreadyExists = _storyRepository.FindByUrl(url);

                    if (alreadyExists != null)
                        return(new StoryCreateResult {
                            ErrorMessage = "Artykuł z danym url już istnieje.", DetailUrl = buildDetailUrl(alreadyExists)

                    ICategory storyCategory = _categoryRepository.FindByUniqueName(category);

                    if (storyCategory == null)
                        return(new StoryCreateResult {
                            ErrorMessage = "\"{0}\" nie istnieje.".FormatWith(category)
                    if (storyCategory.IsActive == false)
                        return(new StoryCreateResult
                            ErrorMessage = "\"{0}\" jest tylko do odczytu.".FormatWith(category)

                    StoryContent content = _contentService.Get(url);

                    if (content == StoryContent.Empty)
                        return(new StoryCreateResult {
                            ErrorMessage = "Podany Url wydaje się być wadliwy."

                    var splittedTags = tags.NullSafe().Split(',');
                    if (splittedTags.Length == 1) //only one tag
                        var tag = splittedTags[0].Trim();
                        if (String.Compare(".net", tag, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0 || String.Compare("c#", tag, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                            return(new StoryCreateResult {
                                ErrorMessage = "Proszę, pomyśl chwilę nad lepszymi tagami."
                    if (splittedTags.Length == 2) //two tags, maybe not .net and C#
                        var tag1 = splittedTags[0].Trim();
                        var tag2 = splittedTags[1].Trim();
                        if (
                            (String.Compare(".net", tag1, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0 && String.Compare("c#", tag2, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) ||
                            (String.Compare(".net", tag1, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0 && String.Compare("c#", tag2, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                            return(new StoryCreateResult {
                                ErrorMessage = "Tagi: .Net i C#. Srsly?"

                    description = _htmlSanitizer.Sanitize(description);

                    if (!_settings.AllowPossibleSpamStorySubmit && ShouldCheckSpamForUser(byUser))
                        result = EnsureNotSpam <StoryCreateResult>(byUser, userIPAddress, userAgent, url, urlReferer, description, "social news", serverVariables, "Artykuł odrzucony: {0}, {1}".FormatWith(url, byUser), "Twój artykuł wydaje się być spamem.");

                        if (result != null)

                    // If we are here which means story is not spam
                    IStory story = _factory.CreateStory(storyCategory, byUser, userIPAddress, title.StripHtml(), description, url);


                    // The Initial vote;
                    story.Promote(story.CreatedAt, byUser, userIPAddress);

                    // Capture the thumbnail, might speed up the thumbnail generation process

                    // Subscribe comments by default

                    AddTagsToContainers(tags, new ITagContainer[] { story, byUser });

                    string detailUrl = buildDetailUrl(story);

                    if (_settings.AllowPossibleSpamStorySubmit && _settings.SendMailWhenPossibleSpamStorySubmitted && ShouldCheckSpamForUser(byUser))
                        _spamProtection.IsSpam(CreateSpamCheckContent(byUser, userIPAddress, userAgent, url, urlReferer, description, "social news", serverVariables), (source, isSpam) => _spamPostprocessor.Process(source, isSpam, detailUrl, story));
                        _eventAggregator.GetEvent <StorySubmitEvent>().Publish(new StorySubmitEventArgs(story, detailUrl));

                    result = new StoryCreateResult {
                        NewStory = story, DetailUrl = detailUrl

Exemplo n.º 10
 public virtual void Add(IStory entity)
Exemplo n.º 11
        public virtual StoryCreateResult Create(IUser byUser, string url, string title, string category, string description, string tags, string userIPAddress, string userAgent, string urlReferer, NameValueCollection serverVariables, Func <IStory, string> buildDetailUrl)
            StoryCreateResult result = ValidateCreate(byUser, url, title, category, description, userIPAddress, userAgent);

            if (result == null)
                using (IUnitOfWork unitOfWork = UnitOfWork.Get())
                    IStory alreadyExists = _storyRepository.FindByUrl(url);

                    if (alreadyExists != null)
                        return(new StoryCreateResult {
                            ErrorMessage = "Wpis z takim samym url ju¿ istnieje.", DetailUrl = buildDetailUrl(alreadyExists)

                    ICategory storyCategory = _categoryRepository.FindByUniqueName(category);

                    if (storyCategory == null)
                        return(new StoryCreateResult {
                            ErrorMessage = "\"{0}\" - kategoria nie istnieje.".FormatWith(category)

                    StoryContent content = _contentService.Get(url);

                    if (content == StoryContent.Empty)
                        return(new StoryCreateResult {
                            ErrorMessage = "Podany url wydaje siê nie byæ poprawnym."

                    description = _htmlSanitizer.Sanitize(description);

                    if (!_settings.AllowPossibleSpamStorySubmit && ShouldCheckSpamForUser(byUser))
                        result = EnsureNotSpam <StoryCreateResult>(byUser, userIPAddress, userAgent, url, urlReferer, description, "social news", serverVariables, "Spamowy wpis odrzucony : {0}, {1}".FormatWith(url, byUser), "Twój wpis wydaje siê byæ spamem.");

                        if (result != null)

                    // If we are here which means story is not spam
                    IStory story = _factory.CreateStory(storyCategory, byUser, userIPAddress, title.StripHtml(), description, url);


                    // The Initial vote;
                    story.Promote(story.CreatedAt, byUser, userIPAddress);

                    // Capture the thumbnail, might speed up the thumbnail generation process

                    // Subscribe comments by default

                    AddTagsToContainers(tags, new ITagContainer[] { story, byUser });


                    string detailUrl = buildDetailUrl(story);

                    if (_settings.AllowPossibleSpamStorySubmit && _settings.SendMailWhenPossibleSpamStorySubmitted && ShouldCheckSpamForUser(byUser))
                        _spamProtection.IsSpam(CreateSpamCheckContent(byUser, userIPAddress, userAgent, url, urlReferer, description, "social news", serverVariables),
                                               (source, isSpam) => _spamPostprocessor.Process(source, isSpam, detailUrl, story));

                    // Ping the Story
                    PingStory(content, story, detailUrl);

                    result = new StoryCreateResult {
                        NewStory = story, DetailUrl = detailUrl

Exemplo n.º 12
        public virtual StoryCreateResult Create(IUser byUser, string url, string title, string category, string description, string tags, string userIPAddress, string userAgent, string urlReferer, NameValueCollection serverVariables, Func <IStory, string> buildDetailUrl)
            StoryCreateResult result = ValidateCreate(byUser, url, title, category, description, userIPAddress, userAgent);

            if (result == null)
                if (_contentService.IsRestricted(url))
                    result = new StoryCreateResult {
                        ErrorMessage = "Specifed url has match with our banned url list."

            if (result == null)
                using (IUnitOfWork unitOfWork = UnitOfWork.Begin())
                    IStory alreadyExists = _storyRepository.FindByUrl(url);

                    if (alreadyExists != null)
                        return(new StoryCreateResult {
                            ErrorMessage = "Story with the same url already exists.", DetailUrl = buildDetailUrl(alreadyExists)

                    ICategory storyCategory = _categoryRepository.FindByUniqueName(category);

                    if (storyCategory == null)
                        return(new StoryCreateResult {
                            ErrorMessage = "\"{0}\" category does not exist.".FormatWith(category)

                    StoryContent content = _contentService.Get(url);

                    if (content == StoryContent.Empty)
                        return(new StoryCreateResult {
                            ErrorMessage = "Specified url appears to be broken."

                    description = _htmlSanitizer.Sanitize(description);

                    if (!_settings.AllowPossibleSpamStorySubmit && ShouldCheckSpamForUser(byUser))
                        result = EnsureNotSpam <StoryCreateResult>(byUser, userIPAddress, userAgent, url, urlReferer, description, "social news", serverVariables, "Spam story rejected : {0}, {1}".FormatWith(url, byUser), "Your story appears to be a spam.");

                        if (result != null)

                    // If we are here which means story is not spam
                    IStory story = _factory.CreateStory(storyCategory, byUser, userIPAddress, title.StripHtml(), description, url);


                    // The Initial vote;
                    story.Promote(story.CreatedAt, byUser, userIPAddress);

                    // Capture the thumbnail, might speed up the thumbnail generation process

                    // Subscribe comments by default

                    AddTagsToContainers(tags, new ITagContainer[] { story, byUser });

                    string detailUrl = buildDetailUrl(story);

                    if (_settings.AllowPossibleSpamStorySubmit && _settings.SendMailWhenPossibleSpamStorySubmitted && ShouldCheckSpamForUser(byUser))
                        _spamProtection.IsSpam(CreateSpamCheckContent(byUser, userIPAddress, userAgent, url, urlReferer, description, "social news", serverVariables), (source, isSpam) => _spamPostprocessor.Process(source, isSpam, detailUrl, story));
                        _eventAggregator.GetEvent <StorySubmitEvent>().Publish(new StorySubmitEventArgs(story, detailUrl));

                    result = new StoryCreateResult {
                        NewStory = story, DetailUrl = detailUrl

Exemplo n.º 13
 public void CreateStory(Story story)