Exemplo n.º 1
        public IActionResult All(int pageSize, int pageNumber)
            var model = new ArgumentModel();

            ViewBag.description = "Categorie disponibili";

            var excludeRecords = (pageSize * pageNumber) - pageSize;
            var total          = _argumentService.GetAll().Count;

            model.sectionName = "Lista Categorie";
            model.pageSize    = pageSize;
            model.pageTotal   = Math.Ceiling((double)total / pageSize);
            model.arguments   = _argumentService.GetAll();

            foreach (var argument in model.arguments)
                model.argumentsDisplay.Add(new ArgumentDisplay()
                    id          = argument.id,
                    slug        = _slugService.GetById(argument.slugId).name,
                    coverImage  = _photoService.GetById(argument.coverImageId).path,
                    title       = argument.name,
                    descrizione = argument.description.Length > 200 ? argument.description.Substring(0, 200) : argument.description

Exemplo n.º 2
        public void UpdateSlug(CategoryModel category)
            var categorySlug = _commonService.cleanStringPath(category.name);

            //Get all argument with this category id and update slug
            var arguments = _argumentService.GetByCategoryId(category.id);

            foreach (var arg in arguments)
                var slug    = _slugService.GetById(arg.slugId).name;
                var replace = _slugService.GetById(category.slugId).name.Split('/').Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).ToArray();
                var newSlug = slug.Replace(replace[replace.Length - 1], categorySlug);
                _slugService.Update(arg.slugId, newSlug);

            //Get all post with this category id and update slug
            var posts = _postService.GetAllByCategory(category.id);

            foreach (var post in posts)
                var slug    = _slugService.GetById(post.slugId).name;
                var replace = _slugService.GetById(category.slugId).name.Split('/').Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).ToArray();
                var newSlug = slug.Replace(replace[replace.Length - 1], categorySlug);
                _slugService.Update(post.slugId, newSlug);

            var oldSlug   = _slugService.GetById(category.slugId).name;
            var slugArray = oldSlug.Split('/').Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).ToArray();
            var name      = oldSlug.Replace(slugArray[slugArray.Length - 1], categorySlug);

            _slugService.Update(category.slugId, name);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public IActionResult Index()
            var model = new HomeModel();

            var homeSetting = _homeService.GetSetting();

            ViewBag.description = homeSetting.headerTesto;

            //Get last post
            var posts = _postService.GetLast(5);

            var newsletterImageId         = _homeService.GetSetting().newsletterImageId;
            var newsletterBackgroundImage = _photoService.GetById(newsletterImageId).path;

            model.Newsletter.backgroundImage = newsletterBackgroundImage;

            foreach (var post in posts)
                model.PostDisplays.Add(new PostDisplayModel()
                    id         = post.id,
                    slug       = _slugService.GetById(post.slugId).name,
                    coverImage = _photoService.GetById(post.PhotoId).path,
                    title      = post.title,
                    testo      = Regex.Replace(post.testo, "<.*?>", string.Empty).Substring(0, 200)

            var podcasts = _podcastService.GetAll();

            foreach (var podcast in podcasts)
                model.podcasts.Add(new PodcastModel()
                    id          = podcast.id,
                    name        = podcast.name,
                    description = podcast.description,
                    path        = podcast.path

Exemplo n.º 4
        public int InsertSlug(ArgumentModel argument, int categoryId)
            var categorySlugId = _categoryService.GetById(categoryId).slugId;
            var categorySlug   = _slugService.GetById(categorySlugId).name;
            var name           = "";

            if (argument.idPadre > 0)
                var idPadre   = _argumentService.GetById(argument.idPadre).id;
                var nomePadre = _argumentService.GetById(idPadre).name;
                name = string.Concat(categorySlug, nomePadre, '/', _commonService.cleanStringPath(argument.name), '/');
                name = string.Concat(categorySlug, _commonService.cleanStringPath(argument.name), '/');

            var model = new SlugModel();

            model.name       = name;
            model.entityname = "Argument";


Exemplo n.º 5
        public IActionResult Preview(int id)
            var model = new PostModel();

            //Convert slugId to Int and Find Post
            var post = _postService.GetById(id);

            model.categoryName = _categoryService.GetById(post.categoryId).name;
            var argument = _argumentService.GetById(post.argumentId);

            if (argument != null)
                model.argumentName = argument.name;
            model.breadcrumb = string.Concat(model.categoryName, " > ", model.argumentName, " > ", post.title);

            //Post data
            model.id         = post.id;
            model.coverImage = _photoService.GetById(post.PhotoId).path;
            model.title      = post.title;
            model.subtitle   = post.subtitle;
            model.testo      = post.testo;
            model.albumId    = post.albumId;
            model.argumentId = post.argumentId;

            ViewBag.title    = post.title;
            ViewBag.subtitle = post.subtitle;

            //Related Post
            var realtedPosts = _postService.GetByCategoryId(post.categoryId);

            foreach (var relatedPost in realtedPosts)
                model.realtedPost.Add(new ArgumentDisplay()
                    id       = relatedPost.id,
                    title    = relatedPost.title,
                    subtitle = relatedPost.subtitle,
                    slug     = _slugService.GetById(relatedPost.slugId).name

            //Related argument
            var relatedArguments = _argumentService.GetByCategoryId(post.categoryId);

            foreach (var relatedArgument in relatedArguments)
                model.realtedArgument.Add(new ArgumentDisplay()
                    id         = relatedArgument.id,
                    title      = relatedArgument.name,
                    nOfElement = _postService.GetByArgumentId(relatedArgument.id).Count,
                    slug       = _slugService.GetById(relatedArgument.slugId).name

            var album = _albumService.GetById(post.albumId);

            if (album != null)
                var imageIds = album.idImmagini.Split('|');
                foreach (var imageId in imageIds)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageId))

                var videoIds = album.idVideo.Split('|');
                foreach (var videoId in videoIds)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(videoId))

Exemplo n.º 6
        public IActionResult All(int pageSize, int pageNumber)
            var model = new PostModel();

            ViewBag.description = "Tutti i Post disponibili";

            var excludeRecords = (pageSize * pageNumber) - pageSize;
            var total          = _postService.GetAllActive().Count;

            model.sectionName = "Lista Post";
            model.pageSize    = pageSize;
            model.pageTotal   = Math.Ceiling((double)total / pageSize);
            model.posts       = _postService.GetAllActive(excludeRecords, pageSize);

            foreach (var post in model.posts)
                model.postsDisplay.Add(new PostDisplayModel()
                    id         = post.id,
                    slug       = _slugService.GetById(post.slugId).name,
                    coverImage = _photoService.GetById(post.PhotoId).path,
                    title      = post.title,
                    testo      = Regex.Replace(post.testo, "<.*?>", string.Empty).Substring(0, 200)
