public ActionResult Deals()
            // product path
            string dealPath = "/sitecore/content/home/deals/london";
            // product Id
            string dealID = "{0CD5C7B6-D994-49BF-BB62-AC303D99A5D3}";
            // product name
            string dealName = "sydney";
            // query by product name
            string dealQuery = $"/sitecore/content/home/deals//*[contains(@@name,'{dealName.ToLower()}')]";
            // query type 1 to get multiple products
            string dealsPathType1 = "/sitecore/content/home/deals/*";
            // query type 2 to get multiple products
            string dealsPathType2 = "/sitecore/content/home/deals//*";

            BaseDeal target = _sitecoreService.GetItem <BaseDeal>(dealPath, x => x.LazyDisabled());

            #region Single Item

            #region  Get Item by Id
            //Example 1
            var options = new GetItemByIdOptions(new Guid(dealID))
                InferType = true,
                Lazy      = Glass.Mapper.LazyLoading.Disabled
            var target2 = _sitecoreService.GetItem <BaseDeal>(options);

            #region  Get Item by Path
            // Example 2
            var options1 = new GetItemByPathOptions(dealPath)
                InferType = true,
                Lazy      = Glass.Mapper.LazyLoading.Disabled
            var target3 = _sitecoreService.GetItem <BaseDeal>(options1);

            #region  Get Item by Query
            // Example 3
            var options4 = new GetItemByQueryOptions(new Query(dealQuery))
                InferType = true,
                Lazy      = Glass.Mapper.LazyLoading.Disabled
            var target4 = _sitecoreService.GetItem <BaseDeal>(options4);


            #region Multiple Items

            #region  Get Item by Query
            //Example 1
            var options10 = new GetItemsByQueryOptions(new Query(dealsPathType1))
                InferType = true,
                Lazy      = Glass.Mapper.LazyLoading.Disabled
            var target10 = _sitecoreService.GetItems <BaseDeal>(options10);

            //Example 2
            var options11 = new GetItemsByQueryOptions(new Query(dealsPathType2))
                InferType = true,
                Lazy      = Glass.Mapper.LazyLoading.Disabled
            var target11 = _sitecoreService.GetItems <BaseDeal>(options11);



            return(View("~/Areas/basic/Views/Home/Deals.cshtml", target11));