Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the correct shift upon execution.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="time"></param>
        private void ShowShift(ShiftTime time)
            // Refreshes the shift data from the shiftStorage
            shiftStorage = new ShiftMySQL();
            newShift     = shiftStorage.Get(date, time);

            //Department currentSelectedDepartment = currentSelectedDepartment();

            // If a shift exists, show it. Else create a new one
            if (newShift != null)
                shiftEmployees = shiftStorage.GetEmployees(newShift.Id);
                schedule       = new SchedulingWindow(labelCalendarDate.Text, labelCalendarDay.Text, time, date, shiftEmployees, true, newShift.Id, newShift.Capacity, allEmployees, currentSelectedDepartment, loggedInUser);
                schedule = new SchedulingWindow(labelCalendarDate.Text, labelCalendarDay.Text, time, date, shiftEmployees, false, 0, 0, allEmployees, currentSelectedDepartment, loggedInUser);

            // Show a dialog for the shift
            if (schedule.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
Exemplo n.º 2
        public ClockInOutWindow(int id)
            lblDepartment.Visible  = false;
            cmbxDepartment.Visible = false;
            dtpClockIn.Value       = DateTime.Now;
            dtpClockOut.Value      = DateTime.Now;
            this.userid            = id;
            employeeStorage        = new EmployeeMySQL();
            shiftStorage           = new ShiftMySQL();
            departmentStorage      = new DepartmentMySQL();
            ComboboxItem ci = null;

            foreach (Employee e in employeeStorage.GetAll(true))
                ci       = new ComboboxItem();
                ci.Text  = e.Id.ToString() + " - " + e.FirstName + " " + e.SurName;
                ci.Value = e.Id;
                if (e.Id == id)
                    cmbxEmployee.SelectedItem = ci;
        /// <summary>
        /// Logic for the confirm button. Adds each employee in the scheduled listbox to the shift in the shiftStorage.
        /// </summary>
        private void Confirm()
            // Makes sure everything is set up correctly.
            shiftStorage       = new ShiftMySQL();
            workingEmployeeIds = new List <int>();
            int capacityNew = Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDownCapacity.Value);
            int shiftId     = 0;

            // Checks if the shift is in editing mode and chooses whether to edit or create a shift in the shiftStorage
            if (isEditing)
                // Creates a new shift object and sets the list of employeeIds to the one we just created.
                currentShift = new Shift(oldId, date, shiftTime, capacityNew);
                // Removes all information about the shift in the shiftStorage to prevent duplication of entries
                shiftId = oldId;

                foreach (dynamic depDynamic in comboBoxSelectDepartments.Items)
                    Department dep = (depDynamic).Department;
                    if (departmentCapacity.ContainsKey(dep.Id))
                        shiftStorage.UpdateCapacityPerDepartment(shiftId, dep.Id, dep.Capacity);
                        shiftStorage.AddCapacityForDepartment(shiftId, dep.Id, dep.Capacity);
                // Creates a new shift object and sets the list of employeeIds to the one we just created.
                currentShift = new Shift(0, date, shiftTime, capacityNew);
                shiftId      = shiftStorage.Create(currentShift);

                foreach (dynamic depDynamic in comboBoxSelectDepartments.Items)
                    Department dep = (depDynamic).Department;
                    shiftStorage.AddCapacityForDepartment(shiftId, dep.Id, dep.Capacity);

            foreach (dynamic depDynamic in comboBoxSelectDepartments.Items)
                Department dep = (depDynamic).Department;

                // Makes a list of all ids of the employees scheduled for that shift
                foreach (Employee emp in dep.Employees)
                    shiftStorage.Assign(shiftId, emp.Id, dep.Id);

            this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads all of the capacities per department from the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="weekShifts">A list of all of the shifts in this week</param>
        private void LoadAllCapacities(List <Shift> weekShifts)
            shiftStorage = new ShiftMySQL();
            Dictionary <int, Dictionary <int, int> > weekDepartments = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <int, int> >();

            foreach (Shift s in weekShifts)
                Dictionary <int, int> temp = shiftStorage.GetCapacityPerDepartment(s.Id);
                if (temp.Count() > 0)
                    weekDepartments.Add(s.Id, temp);

            this.allDepartmentCapacityInWeek = weekDepartments;
        // Loads all of the department from the departmentStorage and sets them into the combobox
        private void LoadDepartments()
            departmentStorage = new DepartmentMySQL();
            shiftStorage      = new ShiftMySQL();
            allDepartments    = departmentStorage.GetAll();

            if (isEditing)
                this.departmentCapacity = shiftStorage.GetCapacityPerDepartment(oldId);

            foreach (Department d in allDepartments)
                if (isEditing)
                    d.Employees = shiftStorage.GetDepartmentEmployees(oldId, d.Id);
                    if (departmentCapacity.ContainsKey(d.Id))
                        d.Capacity = departmentCapacity[d.Id];
                        d.Capacity = 0;

                comboBoxSelectDepartments.DisplayMember = "Text";
                comboBoxSelectDepartments.ValueMember   = "Department";
                comboBoxSelectDepartments.Items.Add(new { Text = d.Name, Department = d });

            if (previousSelectedDepartment != null)
                foreach (dynamic depDynamic in comboBoxSelectDepartments.Items)
                    Department d = (depDynamic).Department;
                    if (d.Name == previousSelectedDepartment.Name)
                        comboBoxSelectDepartments.SelectedItem = depDynamic;
                        numericUpDownCapacity.Value            = d.Capacity;