Exemplo n.º 1
 public UserInfoService(ISecurityDbContext dbcontext, IDistributedCacheService cacheService, IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor, IConfiguration confguration)
     CacheService        = cacheService;
     HttpContextAccessor = httpContextAccessor;
     DbContext           = dbcontext;
     Configuration       = confguration;
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static List <IGrouping <string, EntityRights> > GetEntityRights(ISecurityDbContext context, Guid profileId)
            var rightsQuery = (from prole in context.ProfileRoles
                               .Where(pr => pr.ProfileId == profileId && pr.RecordState != RecordState.D)
                               join role in context.Roles.Where(r => r.IsActive && r.RecordState != RecordState.D)
                               on prole.RoleId equals role.Id
                               join rright in context.RoleRights.Where(rr => rr.RecordState != RecordState.D)
                               on role.Id equals rright.RoleId
                               join right in context.Rights.Where(r => r.IsActive && r.RecordState != RecordState.D)
                               on rright.RightId equals right.Id
                               select new { RoleId = role.Id, RightId = right.Id, right.EntityAccessLevel, right.EntityName })
                              .Union(from pright in context.ProfileRights

                                     .Where(pr => pr.ProfileId == profileId && pr.RecordState != RecordState.D)
                                     join right in context.Rights.Where(r => r.IsActive && r.RecordState != RecordState.D)
                                     on pright.RightId equals right.Id
                                     select new { RoleId = Guid.Empty, RightId = right.Id, right.EntityAccessLevel, right.EntityName });
            var entityRights = rightsQuery.GroupJoin(context.FieldRights,
                                                     r => new { r.RightId, r.EntityAccessLevel },
                                                     fr => new { fr.RightId, EntityAccessLevel = EntityAccessLevel.Partial },
                                                     (r, fr) => new EntityRights
                EntityAccessLevel = r.EntityAccessLevel,
                EntityName        = r.EntityName,
                FieldRights       = fr.Select(f => new FieldRights {
                    FieldName = f.FieldName, AccessLevel = f.AccessLevel
                               //.Select(r => new { r.EntityName, r.EntityAccessLevel, r.FieldRights })
                               .GroupBy(g => g.EntityName)

Exemplo n.º 3
        private static List <RlsRights> GetRlsRights(ISecurityDbContext context, Guid profileId)
            var rlsRightsList = (from usedrls in context.ApplicationRowLevelRights.Where(r => r.IsActive)

                                 join rls in context.RowLevelRights.Where(el => el.ProfileId == profileId)
                                 on usedrls.EntityName equals rls.EntityName into appRowLevelRights
                                 from apprls in appRowLevelRights.DefaultIfEmpty()

                                 join rlsobj in context.RowLevelSecurityObjects
                                 on apprls.Id equals rlsobj.RowLevelRightId into secObjects
                                 from securityObject in secObjects.DefaultIfEmpty()

                                 select new RlsRights
                EntityName = usedrls.EntityName,
                // because of left join AccessType actually CAN be null, so disable this warning
#pragma warning disable CS0472 // The result of the expression is always the same since a value of this type is never equal to 'null'
                AccessType = apprls.AccessType == null ? RowLevelAccessType.No : apprls.AccessType,
#pragma warning restore CS0472 // The result of the expression is always the same since a value of this type is never equal to 'null'
                EntityId = (securityObject.EntityId == null ? Guid.Empty : securityObject.EntityId)

Exemplo n.º 4
        public UserInMemoryService(ISecurityDbContext dbcontext, IMemoryCache cache, IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor, IConfiguration confguration)
            _cache       = cache;
            _httpContext = httpContextAccessor?.HttpContext;
            _dbContext   = dbcontext;

            var rightsInvalidationTime = confguration.GetValue <int>("Rights:InvalidationTime");

            if (rightsInvalidationTime > 0)
                RightsInvalidationTime = rightsInvalidationTime;
Exemplo n.º 5
        private static Dictionary <string, Guid> GetDefaultValues(ISecurityDbContext context, List <RlsRights> rlsRights, Guid?userId)
            var needDefaultValues = userId.HasValue &&
                                    rlsRights.Select(el => el.AccessType)
                                    .Where(el => el == RowLevelAccessType.Default)

            var defaultValues = new Dictionary <string, Guid>();

            if (needDefaultValues)
                defaultValues = context.EmployeeDefaultValues
                                .Where(el => el.UserId == userId.Value)
                                .GroupBy(el => el.EntityName)
                                .Select(g => new { EntityName = g.Key, ValueId = g.Select(el => el.ValueId).FirstOrDefault() })
                                .ToDictionary(k => k.EntityName, v => v.ValueId);

Exemplo n.º 6
        public static UserApplicationRights GetUserRights(this ISecurityDbContext context, Guid profileId, Guid?userId = null)
            var rights = new UserApplicationRights
                EntityRights   = new Dictionary <string, EntityRightData>(),
                RowLevelRights = new Dictionary <string, RowLevelRightData>()

            if (profileId == Guid.Empty)

            rights.EntityRights   = GetEntityRightsModel(context, profileId);
            rights.RowLevelRights = GetRowLevelRightsModel(context, profileId, userId);


Exemplo n.º 7
 public SecurityRepository(ISecurityDbContext context) : base(context)
Exemplo n.º 8
 public AuthenticationRepository(ISecurityDbContext ISecurityDbContext)
     this.ISecurityDbContext = ISecurityDbContext;
Exemplo n.º 9
 public UserDiklzInfoService(ISecurityDbContext dbcontext, IDistributedCacheService cacheService, IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor, IConfiguration confguration)
     : base(dbcontext, cacheService, httpContextAccessor, confguration)
Exemplo n.º 10
 public FeedBackService(ICommonDataService dataService, MigrationDbContext context, IUserInfoService userInfoService, ISecurityDbContext dbcontext, IObjectMapper objectMapper)
     _dataService     = dataService;
     _userInfoService = userInfoService;
     _context         = context;
     _objectMapper    = objectMapper;
Exemplo n.º 11
        private static Dictionary <string, EntityRightData> GetEntityRightsModel(ISecurityDbContext context, Guid profileId)
            var entityRights      = GetEntityRights(context, profileId);
            var entityRightsModel = new Dictionary <string, EntityRightData>();

            foreach (var right in entityRights)
                var maxAccessLevel = right.Max(el => el.EntityAccessLevel);
                var entityRight    = new EntityRightData
                    EntityName        = right.Key,
                    EntityAccessLevel = maxAccessLevel
                entityRightsModel.Add(right.Key, entityRight);

                if (maxAccessLevel != EntityAccessLevel.Partial)

                // in case of partial access we need combining rights in a special way
                // if there is role with full entity read access, then we need reflection to get all the properties
                var fieldRights = new Dictionary <string, AccessLevel>();
                foreach (var fields in right)
                    if (fields.EntityAccessLevel == EntityAccessLevel.Partial)
                        foreach (var field in fields.FieldRights)
                            fieldRights.Add(field.FieldName, field.AccessLevel);
                    else if (fields.EntityAccessLevel == EntityAccessLevel.Read)
                        var properties = context.GetApplicationModels()
                                         .Where(model => model.Name == fields.EntityName)
                                         ?.GetProperties(System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance);
                        if (properties != null)
                            foreach (var prop in properties)
                                fieldRights.Add(prop.Name, AccessLevel.Read);

                var combinedFieldRights = fieldRights.GroupBy(kv => kv.Key)
                                          .Select(g => new { FieldName = g.Key, AccessLevel = g.Max(el => el.Value) })
                                          .Where(kv => kv.AccessLevel != AccessLevel.No)
                                          .ToDictionary(g => g.FieldName, g => g.AccessLevel);

                if (combinedFieldRights.Count == 0)
                    entityRight.EntityAccessLevel = EntityAccessLevel.No;
                    entityRight.FieldRights = combinedFieldRights;
Exemplo n.º 12
        private static Dictionary <string, RowLevelRightData> GetRowLevelRightsModel(ISecurityDbContext context, Guid profileId, Guid?userId)
            var rlsRights = GetRlsRights(context, profileId);

            var defaultValues = GetDefaultValues(context, rlsRights, userId);

            var enumConverter = new EnumConverter();
            var rightsModel   = new Dictionary <string, RowLevelRightData>();

            var groupedRlsList = rlsRights.GroupBy(el => el.EntityName);

            foreach (var right in groupedRlsList)
                var maxAccessType = right.Max(el => el.AccessType);
                var rlsRight      = new RowLevelRightData
                    Name           = right.Key,
                    PermissionType = enumConverter.ToRowLevelModelPermissionType(maxAccessType),
                    Entities       = new List <string>()
                rightsModel.Add(right.Key, rlsRight);

                if (maxAccessType != RowLevelAccessType.No && maxAccessType != RowLevelAccessType.All)
                    // in case of specific access we need combining rights in a special way
                    // if there is right "Except" we need create combined "Except" rule
                    // otherwise it will be "Specified" rule
                    var rlsExceptObjects  = new List <string>();
                    var rlsIncludeObjects = new List <string>();
                    foreach (var rlsr in right)
                        if (rlsr.AccessType == RowLevelAccessType.Default)
                            if (defaultValues.TryGetValue(rlsr.EntityName, out var defValue) &&
                                defValue != Guid.Empty)
                        else if (rlsr.AccessType == RowLevelAccessType.Specified && rlsr.EntityId != Guid.Empty)
                        else if (rlsr.AccessType == RowLevelAccessType.Except && rlsr.EntityId != Guid.Empty)

                    rlsExceptObjects  = rlsExceptObjects.Distinct().ToList();
                    rlsIncludeObjects = rlsIncludeObjects.Distinct().ToList();

                    if (rlsExceptObjects.Count > 0)

                    if (rlsRight.Entities.Count == 0)
                        if (rlsRight.PermissionType == RowLevelModelPermissionType.Specified)
                            rlsRight.PermissionType = RowLevelModelPermissionType.No;
                        else if (rlsRight.PermissionType == RowLevelModelPermissionType.Except)
                            rlsRight.PermissionType = RowLevelModelPermissionType.All;
