public override void NewProperties(PropertySheet ps)
     FrontEnd         = (BaseDataProcessor)ps.GetComponent(FeatureFrontend);
     _scoreNormalizer = (IScoreNormalizer)ps.GetComponent(ScoreNormalizer);
     _storedData      = new LinkedList <IData>();
        virtual public void newProperties(PropertySheet ps)
            ///not mandatory

            this.frontEnd        = (BaseDataProcessor)ps.getComponent(FEATURE_FRONTEND);
            this.scoreNormalizer = (IScoreNormalizer)ps.getComponent(SCORE_NORMALIZER);
 public CheckPasswordService(
     IRuleSetService ruleSetService       = null,
     IRankingSetService rankingSetService = null,
     IScoreNormalizer scoreNormalizer     = null,
     IHaveIBeenPNDService pndService      = null)
     this.ruleSetService    = ruleSetService ?? new RuleSetService();
     this.rankingSetService = rankingSetService ?? new RankingSetService();
     this.scoreNormalizer   = scoreNormalizer ?? new ScoreNormalizer();
     this.pndService        = pndService ?? new HaveIBeenPNDService();
  * /// @param frontEnd the frontend to retrieve features from for scoring
  * /// @param scoreNormalizer optional post-processor for computed scores that will normalize scores. If not set, no normalization will
  * /// applied and the token scores will be returned unchanged.
 public SimpleAcousticScorer(BaseDataProcessor frontEnd, IScoreNormalizer scoreNormalizer)
     this.frontEnd        = frontEnd;
     this.scoreNormalizer = scoreNormalizer;
  * /// @param frontEnd the frontend to retrieve features from for scoring
  * /// @param scoreNormalizer optional post-processor for computed scores that will normalize scores. If not set, no normalization will
  * /// applied and the token scores will be returned unchanged.
 public SimpleAcousticScorer(BaseDataProcessor frontEnd, IScoreNormalizer scoreNormalizer)
     FrontEnd         = frontEnd;
     _scoreNormalizer = scoreNormalizer;
     _storedData      = new LinkedList <IData>();
        private int _minScoreablesPerThread; // min scoreables sent to a thread
        //private concu executorService;

         * /// @param frontEnd
         * ///            the frontend to retrieve features from for scoring
         * /// @param scoreNormalizer
         * ///            optional post-processor for computed scores that will
         * ///            normalize scores. If not set, no normalization will applied
         * ///            and the token scores will be returned unchanged.
         * /// @param minScoreablesPerThread
         * ///            the number of threads that are used to score HMM states. If
         * ///            the isCpuRelative property is false, then is is the exact
         * ///            number of threads that are used to score HMM states. If the
         * ///            isCpuRelative property is true, then this value is combined
         * ///            with the number of available processors on the system. If you
         * ///            want to have one thread per CPU available to score states, set
         * ///            the NUM_THREADS property to 0 and the isCpuRelative to true.
         * ///            If you want exactly one thread to process scores set
         * ///            NUM_THREADS to 1 and isCpuRelative to false.
         * ///            <p/>
         * ///            If the value is 1 isCpuRelative is false no additional thread
         * ///            will be instantiated, and all computation will be done in the
         * ///            calling thread itself. The default value is 0.
         * /// @param cpuRelative
         * ///            controls whether the number of available CPUs on the system is
         * ///            used when determining the number of threads to use for
         * ///            scoring. If true, the NUM_THREADS property is combined with
         * ///            the available number of CPUS to determine the number of
         * ///            threads. Note that the number of threads is constrained to be
         * ///            never lower than zero. Also, if the number of threads is 0,
         * ///            the states are scored on the calling thread, no separate
         * ///            threads are started. The default value is false.
         * /// @param numThreads
         * ///            the minimum number of scoreables sent to a thread. This is
         * ///            used to prevent over threading of the scoring that could
         * ///            happen if the number of threads is high compared to the size
         * ///            of the active list. The default is 50
         * /// @param threadPriority
         * ///            the thread priority of scoring threads. Must be a value between
         * ///            {@link Thread#MIN_PRIORITY} and {@link Thread#MAX_PRIORITY}, inclusive.
         * ///            The default is {@link Thread#NORM_PRIORITY}.
        public ThreadedAcousticScorer(BaseDataProcessor frontEnd, IScoreNormalizer scoreNormalizer,
                                      int minScoreablesPerThread, Boolean cpuRelative, int numThreads, int threadPriority)
            : base(frontEnd, scoreNormalizer)
            Init(minScoreablesPerThread, cpuRelative, numThreads, threadPriority);