Exemplo n.º 1
        internal async Task WriteMetricsAsync(IScaleMonitor monitor, IEnumerable <ScaleMetrics> metrics, DateTime?now = null)
            var batch = new TableBatchOperation();

            await AccumulateMetricsBatchAsync(batch, monitor, metrics, now);
            await ExecuteBatchSafeAsync(batch, now);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void GetMonitor_ReturnsExpectedValue()
            var functionId    = "FunctionId";
            var eventHubName  = "EventHubName";
            var consumerGroup = "ConsumerGroup";
            var storageUri    = new Uri("https://eventhubsteststorageaccount.blob.core.windows.net/");
            var testLogger    = new TestLogger("Test");
            var listener      = new EventHubListener(
                new Mock <ITriggeredFunctionExecutor>(MockBehavior.Strict).Object,
                new EventHubOptions(),
                new Mock <CloudBlobContainer>(MockBehavior.Strict, new Uri("https://eventhubsteststorageaccount.blob.core.windows.net/azure-webjobs-eventhub")).Object);

            IScaleMonitor scaleMonitor = listener.GetMonitor();

            Assert.Equal(typeof(EventHubsScaleMonitor), scaleMonitor.GetType());
            Assert.Equal($"{functionId}-EventHubTrigger-{eventHubName}-{consumerGroup}".ToLower(), scaleMonitor.Descriptor.Id);

            var scaleMonitor2 = listener.GetMonitor();

            Assert.Same(scaleMonitor, scaleMonitor2);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void GetMonitor_ReturnsExpectedValue()
            var functionId    = "FunctionId";
            var eventHubName  = "EventHubName";
            var consumerGroup = "ConsumerGroup";
            var host          = new EventProcessorHost(consumerGroup,
                                                       new EventProcessorOptions(),
                                                       3, null);

            var consumerClientMock = new Mock <IEventHubConsumerClient>();

            consumerClientMock.SetupGet(c => c.ConsumerGroup).Returns(consumerGroup);
            consumerClientMock.SetupGet(c => c.EventHubName).Returns(eventHubName);

            var listener = new EventHubListener(
                Mock.Of <ITriggeredFunctionExecutor>(),
                Mock.Of <BlobsCheckpointStore>(),
                new EventHubOptions(),
                Mock.Of <LoggerFactory>());

            IScaleMonitor scaleMonitor = listener.GetMonitor();

            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(EventHubsScaleMonitor), scaleMonitor.GetType());
            Assert.AreEqual($"{functionId}-EventHubTrigger-{eventHubName}-{consumerGroup}".ToLower(), scaleMonitor.Descriptor.Id);

            var scaleMonitor2 = listener.GetMonitor();

            Assert.AreSame(scaleMonitor, scaleMonitor2);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public async Task ReadMetricsAsync_NoMetricsForMonitor_ReturnsEmpty()
            var monitor1 = new TestScaleMonitor1();
            var monitors = new IScaleMonitor[] { monitor1 };

            var result = await _repository.ReadMetricsAsync(monitors);

            Assert.Equal(1, result.Count);
Exemplo n.º 5
 public override bool TryGetScaleMonitor(
     string functionId,
     string functionName,
     string hubName,
     string storageConnectionString,
     out IScaleMonitor scaleMonitor)
     scaleMonitor = this.scaleMonitor ??= new SqlScaleMonitor(this.service, hubName);
 /// <summary>
 /// Tries to obtain a scale monitor for autoscaling.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="functionId">Function id.</param>
 /// <param name="functionName">Function name.</param>
 /// <param name="hubName">Task hub name.</param>
 /// <param name="storageConnectionString">Storage account connection string, used for Azure Storage provider.</param>
 /// <param name="scaleMonitor">The scale monitor.</param>
 /// <returns>True if autoscaling is supported, false otherwise.</returns>
 public virtual bool TryGetScaleMonitor(
     string functionId,
     string functionName,
     string hubName,
     string storageConnectionString,
     out IScaleMonitor scaleMonitor)
     scaleMonitor = null;
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void GetMonitor_ReturnsExpectedValue()
            IScaleMonitor scaleMonitor = this.listener.GetMonitor();

            Assert.Equal(typeof(DurableTaskScaleMonitor), scaleMonitor.GetType());
            Assert.Equal($"{this.functionId}-DurableTaskTrigger-DurableTaskHub".ToLower(), scaleMonitor.Descriptor.Id);

            var scaleMonitor2 = this.listener.GetMonitor();

            Assert.Same(scaleMonitor, scaleMonitor2);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void GetMonitor_ReturnsExpectedValue()
            IScaleMonitor scaleMonitor = _listener.GetMonitor();

            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(ServiceBusScaleMonitor), scaleMonitor.GetType());
            Assert.AreEqual(scaleMonitor.Descriptor.Id, $"{_functionId}-ServiceBusTrigger-{_entityPath}".ToLower());

            var scaleMonitor2 = _listener.GetMonitor();

            Assert.AreSame(scaleMonitor, scaleMonitor2);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public async Task TableRead_ManyRows_Succeeds()
            var monitor1 = new TestScaleMonitor1();
            var monitors = new IScaleMonitor[] { monitor1 };

            var metricsTable = _repository.GetMetricsTable();
            await _repository.CreateIfNotExistsAsync(metricsTable);

            TableBatchOperation batch = new TableBatchOperation();

            int numRows = 500;

            for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++)
                var sample = new TestScaleMetrics1 {
                    Count = i
                await Task.Delay(5);

                batch.Add(TableStorageScaleMetricsRepository.CreateMetricsInsertOperation(sample, TestHostId, monitor1.Descriptor));

                if (batch.Count % 100 == 0)
                    await metricsTable.ExecuteBatchAsync(batch);

                    batch = new TableBatchOperation();
            if (batch.Count > 0)
                await metricsTable.ExecuteBatchAsync(batch);

            var results = await _repository.ReadMetricsAsync(monitors);

            Assert.Equal(1, results.Count);
            Assert.Equal(numRows, results[monitor1].Count);

            // verify results are returned in the order they were inserted (ascending
            // time order) and the timestamps are monotonically increasing
            var metrics = results[monitor1].ToArray();

            for (int i = 0; i < numRows - 1; i++)
                for (int j = i + 1; j < numRows; j++)
                    var m1 = (TestScaleMetrics1)metrics[i];
                    var m2 = (TestScaleMetrics1)metrics[j];
                    Assert.True(m1.Count < m2.Count);
                    Assert.True(metrics[i].Timestamp < metrics[j].Timestamp);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public async Task WriteAsync_RollsToNewTable()
            // delete any existing non-current metrics tables
            var tables = await _repository.ListOldMetricsTablesAsync();

            foreach (var table in tables)
                await table.DeleteIfExistsAsync();

            // set now to months back
            int numTables = 3;
            var startDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-1 * numTables);

            // now start writing metrics in each old month
            DateTime now      = startDate;
            var      monitor1 = new TestScaleMonitor1();
            var      monitors = new IScaleMonitor[] { monitor1 };

            for (int i = 0; i < numTables; i++)
                var table = _repository.GetMetricsTable(now);

                var monitorMetrics = new List <ScaleMetrics>();
                for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                    monitorMetrics.Add(new TestScaleMetrics1 {
                        Count = j

                await _repository.WriteMetricsAsync(monitor1, monitorMetrics, now);

                now = now.AddMonths(1);

            // verify 3 tables were created
            tables = await _repository.ListOldMetricsTablesAsync();

            Assert.Equal(3, tables.Count());

            // make sure the current metrics table isn't in the list
            var currTable = _repository.GetMetricsTable();

            Assert.False(tables.Select(p => p.Name).Contains(currTable.Name));

            // delete the tables
            await _repository.DeleteOldMetricsTablesAsync();

            tables = await _repository.ListOldMetricsTablesAsync();

Exemplo n.º 11
        internal Type GetMonitorScaleMetricsTypeOrNull(IScaleMonitor monitor)
            var monitorInterfaceType = monitor.GetType().GetInterfaces().SingleOrDefault(p => p.IsGenericType && p.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IScaleMonitor <>));

            if (monitorInterfaceType != null)
            // we require the monitor to implement the generic interface in order to know
            // what type to deserialize into
            _logger.LogWarning($"Monitor {monitor.GetType().FullName} doesn't implement {typeof(IScaleMonitor<>)}.");
Exemplo n.º 12
        public async Task ReadMetricsAsync_InvalidMonitor_ReturnsEmpty()
            var monitor1 = new TestInvalidScaleMonitor();
            var monitors = new IScaleMonitor[] { monitor1 };

            var result = await _repository.ReadMetricsAsync(monitors);

            Assert.Equal(1, result.Count);

            var log = _loggerProvider.GetAllLogMessages().Single();

            Assert.Equal("Monitor Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Script.Tests.TestInvalidScaleMonitor doesn't implement Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host.Scale.IScaleMonitor`1[TMetrics].", log.FormattedMessage);
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public override bool TryGetScaleMonitor(
     string functionId,
     string functionName,
     string hubName,
     string storageConnectionString,
     out IScaleMonitor scaleMonitor)
     scaleMonitor = new DurableTaskScaleMonitor(
Exemplo n.º 14
        internal async Task AccumulateMetricsBatchAsync(TableBatchOperation batch, IScaleMonitor monitor, IEnumerable <ScaleMetrics> metrics, DateTime?now = null)
            if (!metrics.Any())

            string hostId = await _hostIdProvider.GetHostIdAsync(CancellationToken.None);

            foreach (var sample in metrics)
                var operation = CreateMetricsInsertOperation(sample, hostId, monitor.Descriptor, now);
Exemplo n.º 15
        public async Task InvalidStorageConnection_Handled()
            var configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder().Build();


            var            options       = new ScaleOptions();
            ILoggerFactory loggerFactory = new LoggerFactory();

            var localRepository = new TableStorageScaleMetricsRepository(configuration, _hostIdProviderMock.Object, new OptionsWrapper <ScaleOptions>(options), loggerFactory, new TestEnvironment());

            var monitor1 = new TestScaleMonitor1();
            var monitor2 = new TestScaleMonitor2();
            var monitor3 = new TestScaleMonitor3();
            var monitors = new IScaleMonitor[] { monitor1, monitor2, monitor3 };
            var result   = await localRepository.ReadMetricsAsync(monitors);


            var logs = _loggerProvider.GetAllLogMessages();

            Assert.Equal("Azure Storage connection string is empty or invalid. Unable to read/write scale metrics.", logs[0].FormattedMessage);

            Dictionary <IScaleMonitor, ScaleMetrics> metricsMap = new Dictionary <IScaleMonitor, ScaleMetrics>();

            metricsMap.Add(monitor1, new TestScaleMetrics1 {
                Count = 10
            metricsMap.Add(monitor2, new TestScaleMetrics2 {
                Num = 50
            metricsMap.Add(monitor3, new TestScaleMetrics3 {
                Length = 100
            await localRepository.WriteMetricsAsync(metricsMap);
Exemplo n.º 16
        public async Task ReadMetricsAsync_FiltersExpiredMetrics()
            var monitor1 = new TestScaleMonitor1();
            var monitors = new IScaleMonitor[] { monitor1 };

            // add a bunch of expired samples
            var batch = new TableBatchOperation();

            for (int i = 5; i > 0; i--)
                var metrics = new TestScaleMetrics1
                    Count = i
                var now = DateTime.UtcNow - _scaleOptions.ScaleMetricsMaxAge - TimeSpan.FromMinutes(i);
                await _repository.AccumulateMetricsBatchAsync(batch, monitor1, new ScaleMetrics[] { metrics }, now);

            // add a few samples that aren't expired
            for (int i = 3; i > 0; i--)
                var metrics = new TestScaleMetrics1
                    Count = 77
                var now = DateTime.UtcNow - TimeSpan.FromSeconds(i);
                await _repository.AccumulateMetricsBatchAsync(batch, monitor1, new ScaleMetrics[] { metrics }, now);

            await _repository.ExecuteBatchSafeAsync(batch);

            var result = await _repository.ReadMetricsAsync(monitors);

            var resultMetrics = result[monitor1].Cast <TestScaleMetrics1>().ToArray();

            Assert.Equal(3, resultMetrics.Length);
            Assert.All(resultMetrics, p => Assert.Equal(77, p.Count));
Exemplo n.º 17
        public async Task ReadWriteMetrics_IntegerConversion_HandlesLongs()
            var monitor1 = new TestScaleMonitor1();
            var monitors = new IScaleMonitor[] { monitor1 };

            // first write a couple entities manually to the table to simulate
            // the change in entity property type (int -> long)
            // this shows that the table can have entities of both formats with
            // no versioning issues

            // add an entity with Count property of type int
            var entity = new DynamicTableEntity
                RowKey       = TableStorageScaleMetricsRepository.GetRowKey(DateTime.UtcNow),
                PartitionKey = TestHostId,
                Properties   = new Dictionary <string, EntityProperty>()
            var expectedIntCountValue = int.MaxValue;

            entity.Properties.Add("Timestamp", new EntityProperty(DateTime.UtcNow));
            entity.Properties.Add("Count", new EntityProperty(expectedIntCountValue));
            entity.Properties.Add(TableStorageScaleMetricsRepository.MonitorIdPropertyName, EntityProperty.GeneratePropertyForString(monitor1.Descriptor.Id));
            var batch = new TableBatchOperation();


            // add an entity with Count property of type long
            entity = new DynamicTableEntity
                RowKey       = TableStorageScaleMetricsRepository.GetRowKey(DateTime.UtcNow),
                PartitionKey = TestHostId,
                Properties   = new Dictionary <string, EntityProperty>()
            var expectedLongCountValue = long.MaxValue;

            entity.Properties.Add("Timestamp", new EntityProperty(DateTime.UtcNow));
            entity.Properties.Add("Count", new EntityProperty(expectedLongCountValue));
            entity.Properties.Add(TableStorageScaleMetricsRepository.MonitorIdPropertyName, EntityProperty.GeneratePropertyForString(monitor1.Descriptor.Id));

            await _repository.ExecuteBatchSafeAsync(batch);

            // push a long max value through serialization
            var metricsMap = new Dictionary <IScaleMonitor, ScaleMetrics>();

            metricsMap.Add(monitor1, new TestScaleMetrics1 {
                Count = long.MaxValue
            await _repository.WriteMetricsAsync(metricsMap);

            // add one more
            metricsMap = new Dictionary <IScaleMonitor, ScaleMetrics>();
            metricsMap.Add(monitor1, new TestScaleMetrics1 {
                Count = 12345
            await _repository.WriteMetricsAsync(metricsMap);

            // read the metrics back
            var result = await _repository.ReadMetricsAsync(monitors);

            Assert.Equal(1, result.Count);
            var monitorMetricsList = result[monitor1];

            Assert.Equal(4, monitorMetricsList.Count);

            // verify the explicitly written int record was read correctly
            var currSample = (TestScaleMetrics1)monitorMetricsList[0];

            Assert.Equal(expectedIntCountValue, currSample.Count);

            // verify the explicitly written long record was read correctly
            currSample = (TestScaleMetrics1)monitorMetricsList[1];
            Assert.Equal(expectedLongCountValue, currSample.Count);

            // verify the final roundtripped values
            currSample = (TestScaleMetrics1)monitorMetricsList[2];
            Assert.Equal(long.MaxValue, currSample.Count);

            currSample = (TestScaleMetrics1)monitorMetricsList[3];
            Assert.Equal(12345, currSample.Count);
Exemplo n.º 18
        public async Task WriteMetricsAsync_PersistsMetrics()
            var monitor1 = new TestScaleMonitor1();
            var monitor2 = new TestScaleMonitor2();
            var monitor3 = new TestScaleMonitor3();
            var monitors = new IScaleMonitor[] { monitor1, monitor2, monitor3 };

            var result = await _repository.ReadMetricsAsync(monitors);

            Assert.Equal(3, result.Count);

            // simulate 10 sample iterations
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                Dictionary <IScaleMonitor, ScaleMetrics> metricsMap = new Dictionary <IScaleMonitor, ScaleMetrics>();

                metricsMap.Add(monitor1, new TestScaleMetrics1 {
                    Count = i
                metricsMap.Add(monitor2, new TestScaleMetrics2 {
                    Num = i
                metricsMap.Add(monitor3, new TestScaleMetrics3 {
                    Length = i

                await _repository.WriteMetricsAsync(metricsMap);

            // read the metrics back
            result = await _repository.ReadMetricsAsync(monitors);

            Assert.Equal(3, result.Count);

            var monitorMetricsList = result[monitor1];

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                var currSample = (TestScaleMetrics1)monitorMetricsList[i];
                Assert.Equal(i, currSample.Count);
                Assert.NotEqual(default(DateTime), currSample.Timestamp);

            monitorMetricsList = result[monitor2];
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                var currSample = (TestScaleMetrics2)monitorMetricsList[i];
                Assert.Equal(i, currSample.Num);
                Assert.NotEqual(default(DateTime), currSample.Timestamp);

            monitorMetricsList = result[monitor3];
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                var currSample = (TestScaleMetrics3)monitorMetricsList[i];
                Assert.Equal(i, currSample.Length);
                Assert.NotEqual(default(DateTime), currSample.Timestamp);

            // if no monitors are presented result will be empty
            monitors = new IScaleMonitor[0];
            result   = await _repository.ReadMetricsAsync(monitors);

            Assert.Equal(0, result.Count);