Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a PMT for the program.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// There will be a lot of randomly choosen values just to make the transport
        /// stream valid. Each audio stream will be reported as <i>german</i> and
        /// similiar defaults are attached to a teletext stream.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>The table describing the related program.</returns>
        protected override byte[] CreateTable()
            // Create buffer
            TableConstructor buffer = new TableConstructor();

            // Append to buffer
            buffer.Add((byte)(0xe0 | (PCRPID / 256)));
            buffer.Add((byte)(PCRPID & 0xff));
            buffer.Add(0xf0, 0x00);

            // All entries
            for (int ip = 0; ip < m_Streams.Count;)
                // Load
                short       pid  = m_Streams[ip++];
                StreamTypes type = m_Type[pid];

                // Is teletext or audio
                bool ttx = (StreamTypes.TeleText == type);
                bool sub = !ttx && (StreamTypes.SubTitles == type);
                bool ac3 = !ttx && !sub && (StreamTypes.Private == type);
                bool aud = ac3 || (!ttx && !sub && (StreamTypes.Audio == type));

                // Append to buffer
                buffer.Add((ttx || sub) ? (byte)StreamTypes.Private : m_Encoding[pid]);
                buffer.Add((byte)(0xe0 | (pid / 256)));
                buffer.Add((byte)(pid & 0xff));

                // Length
                int lengthPos = buffer.CreateDynamicLength();

                // Create stream identifier
                buffer.Add(new StreamIdentifier((byte)ip));

                // Check for additional data
                if (ttx)
                    // Create teletext descriptor
                    buffer.Add(new Teletext());
                else if (sub)
                    // Load descriptor list
                    SubtitleInfo[] subInfos = DVBSubtitles[pid];

                    // Create the descriptor
                    Subtitle subDescr = new Subtitle();

                    // Check mode
                    if ((null == subInfos) || (subInfos.Length < 1))
                        // Create a brand new pseudo entry
                        subDescr.Subtitles.Add(new SubtitleInfo("deu", EPG.SubtitleTypes.DVBNormal, 1, 1));
                        // Use as is

                    // Serialize to buffer
                else if (aud)
                    // Load language
                    string language;
                    if (!m_AudioNames.TryGetValue(pid, out language))
                        language = "deu";

                    // Create language descriptor
                    ISOLanguage audioDescriptor = new ISOLanguage();

                    // Append language item
                    audioDescriptor.Languages.Add(new LanguageItem(language, ac3 ? EPG.AudioTypes.Undefined : EPG.AudioTypes.CleanEffects));

                    // Append to buffer

                    // Fill AC3 descriptor
                    if (ac3)
                        buffer.Add(new AC3());

                // Finish

            // Report
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Takes an prepopulated IDataReader and creates an array of ISOLanguages
        /// </summary>
        public static List<ISOLanguage> PopulateObjectWithJoin(IDataReader dr)
            ColumnFieldList list = new ColumnFieldList(dr);

            List<ISOLanguage> arr = new List<ISOLanguage>();

            ISOLanguage obj;

            while (dr.Read())
                obj = new ISOLanguage();
                if (list.IsColumnPresent("ISOLanguageID")) { obj._iSOLanguageID = (int)dr["ISOLanguageID"]; }
                if (list.IsColumnPresent("ISO639_1")) { obj._iSO639_1 = (string)dr["ISO639_1"]; }
                if (list.IsColumnPresent("ISO639_2")) { obj._iSO639_2 = (string)dr["ISO639_2"]; }
                if (list.IsColumnPresent("ISO639_3")) { obj._iSO639_3 = (string)dr["ISO639_3"]; }
                if (list.IsColumnPresent("Name")) { obj._name = (string)dr["Name"]; }



            return arr;