Exemplo n.º 1
 public SNMPRawEntryDTO(ISNMPDeviceDataDTO regardingobj, string oid, string data, EnumSNMPOIDType datatype)
     RegardingObject = regardingobj;
     OID             = oid;
     ValueData       = data;
     DataType        = datatype;
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void GetBasicInfo(ISNMPDeviceDataDTO Device, IDictionary <string, IOIDSettingDTO> OIDSettings, IDeviceTopologyInfoDTO TopologyInfo)
            IOIDSettingDTO SelectedSetting;
            IList <Action <IList <string>, string, object> > MappingHandlers;

            //Get setting of interest
            SelectedSetting = OIDSettings["DeviceBasicInfo"];

            //Define handle collection in order
            MappingHandlers = new List <Action <IList <string>, string, object> >();
            MappingHandlers.Add((x, y, z) => { ((IDeviceTopologyInfoDTO)z).Description = y; });
            MappingHandlers.Add((x, y, z) => { ((IDeviceTopologyInfoDTO)z).OIDobjectID = y; });
            MappingHandlers.Add((x, y, z) =>
                EnumDeviceType dvt;
                IDeviceTopologyInfoDTO Data = (IDeviceTopologyInfoDTO)z;
                Data.DeviceName             = y;
                Data.DeviceType             = Enum.TryParse <EnumDeviceType>(Regex.Match(y, @"^.*?(?=[0-9])").ToString(), out dvt) ? dvt : EnumDeviceType.Unknown;
            MappingHandlers.Add((x, y, z) => { ((IDeviceTopologyInfoDTO)z).Location = y; });
            MappingHandlers.Add((x, y, z) => { ((IDeviceTopologyInfoDTO)z).OSIImplementedLayers = (EnumOSILayers)Enum.Parse(typeof(EnumOSILayers), y); });

            //Add network known data
            TopologyInfo.DeviceIPAndMask = $"{Device.TargetIP}/{Device.NetworkMask}";

            if (RegardingObject.ARPTable.Any(x => x.Value == $"{Device.TargetIP}"))
                TopologyInfo.DeviceMAC = RegardingObject.ARPTable.Where(x => x.Value == $"{Device.TargetIP}").First().Key;

            //Collect data mapping with handlers
            StrategyHelper.OIDEntryProcessor(Device, TopologyInfo, SelectedSetting, MappingHandlers);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void SNMPWalkByIP(ISNMPDeviceSettingDTO SNMPSettingEntry)
            IList <IPAddress> IPinventory;
            OctetString       Community;

            //Compute full list of devices that have responded to ARP request
            IPinventory = ModelHelper.GenerateHostList(SNMPSettingEntry.InitialIP, SNMPSettingEntry.FinalIP, SNMPSettingEntry.NetworkMask, ARPTable.Values.ToList());

            Community = new OctetString(SNMPSettingEntry.CommunityString);

            foreach (IPAddress target in IPinventory)
                ISNMPDeviceDataDTO device = BuildSNMPDevice(target, SNMPSettingEntry.NetworkMask);

                    SNMPWalkByOIDSetting(Community, SNMPSettingEntry, device);
                catch (SnmpException e)

                    //Device entry not containing full info for processing
Exemplo n.º 4
 private void ShowData(ISNMPDeviceDataDTO data)
     if (data != null)
         Console.WriteLine($"SNMP device {data.TargetIP}.\n");
Exemplo n.º 5
        public IList <ISNMPDeviceDataDTO> GetSNMPDeviceData(string key = null)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key))
                ISNMPDeviceDataDTO res = null;
                Model.DeviceData.TryGetValue(key, out res);

                return(res == null ? new List <ISNMPDeviceDataDTO>() : new List <ISNMPDeviceDataDTO>(new[] { res }));
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static void OIDEntryProcessor(ISNMPDeviceDataDTO Device, object StrategyDTOobject, IOIDSettingDTO SelectedSetting, IList <Action <IList <string>, string, object> > MappingHandler)
            string[] RootEntries = SelectedSetting.IndexedOIDSettings.Keys.ToArray();

            //Loop of each subset
            for (int i = 0; i < RootEntries.Length; i++)
                //1) select OID data subset
                IList <ISNMPRawEntryDTO> SelectedDeviceOID = OIDDataSelector(Device, RootEntries[i], i + 1 == RootEntries.Length ? RootEntries[i] : RootEntries[i + 1]);

                if (SelectedDeviceOID != null)
                    //2) apply specific handle on entryparser
                    OIDEntryParser(SelectedDeviceOID, new CustomPair <string, IList <EnumSNMPOIDIndexType> >(RootEntries[i], SelectedSetting.IndexedOIDSettings[RootEntries[i]]), StrategyDTOobject, MappingHandler[i]);
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void GetPortMACAddress(ISNMPDeviceDataDTO Device, IDictionary <string, IOIDSettingDTO> OIDSettings, IDeviceTopologyInfoDTO TopologyInfo)
            IOIDSettingDTO SelectedSetting;
            IList <Action <IList <string>, string, object> > MappingHandlers;

            //Get setting of interest
            SelectedSetting = OIDSettings["PhysPortMACAddress"];

            //Define handle collection in order
            MappingHandlers = new List <Action <IList <string>, string, object> >();
            MappingHandlers.Add((x, y, z) => { ((IDeviceTopologyInfoDTO)z).PortMACAddress.Add(x[0], y); });

            //Define container if necesary
            TopologyInfo.PortMACAddress = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            //Collect data mapping with handlers
            StrategyHelper.OIDEntryProcessor(Device, TopologyInfo, SelectedSetting, MappingHandlers);
Exemplo n.º 8
        private void GetLearnedMACAddresses(ISNMPDeviceDataDTO Device, IDictionary <string, IOIDSettingDTO> OIDSettings, IDeviceTopologyInfoDTO TopologyInfo)
            IOIDSettingDTO SelectedSetting;
            IList <Action <IList <string>, string, object> > MappingHandlers;

            //Get setting of interest
            SelectedSetting = OIDSettings["LearnedMACByPhysPortID"];

            //Define handle collection in order
            MappingHandlers = new List <Action <IList <string>, string, object> >();

            //Initialize container if necesary
            TopologyInfo.PortLearnedAddresses = new Dictionary <string, IDictionary <string, string> >();

            //Collect data mapping with handlers
            StrategyHelper.OIDEntryProcessor(Device, TopologyInfo, SelectedSetting, MappingHandlers);
Exemplo n.º 9
        private void GetAggregateDestinations(ISNMPDeviceDataDTO Device, IDictionary <string, IOIDSettingDTO> OIDSettings, IDeviceTopologyInfoDTO TopologyInfo)
            IOIDSettingDTO SelectedSetting;
            IList <Action <IList <string>, string, object> > MappingHandlers;

            //Get setting of interest
            SelectedSetting = OIDSettings["TrunkDestinationsCDP"];

            //Define handle collection in order
            MappingHandlers = new List <Action <IList <string>, string, object> >();
            MappingHandlers.Add((x, y, z) => { ((IDeviceTopologyInfoDTO)z).PortAggregateDestinations.Add(x[0], new CustomPair <string, string>(y, null)); });
            MappingHandlers.Add((x, y, z) => { ((IDeviceTopologyInfoDTO)z).PortAggregateDestinations[x[0]].Second = y; });

            //Define container if necesary
            TopologyInfo.PortAggregateDestinations = new Dictionary <string, CustomPair <string, string> >();

            //Collect data mapping with handlers
            StrategyHelper.OIDEntryProcessor(Device, TopologyInfo, SelectedSetting, MappingHandlers);
Exemplo n.º 10
        private void SNMPRunAgent(OctetString Community, IOIDSettingDTO OIDSetting, ISNMPDeviceDataDTO SNMPDeviceData)
            bool            nextEntry = true;
            AgentParameters AgParam;
            Pdu             pdu;
            SnmpV2Packet    Result;
            Oid             indexOid = new Oid(OIDSetting.InitialOID); //Walk control
            Oid             finalOid = new Oid(OIDSetting.FinalOID);

            AgParam         = new AgentParameters(Community);
            AgParam.Version = SnmpVersion.Ver2; // Set SNMP version to 2 (GET-BULK only works with SNMP ver 2 and 3)

            pdu = new Pdu(PduType.GetBulk);
            pdu.NonRepeaters   = 0; //NonRepeaters tells how many OID asociated values (leafs of this object) get. 0 is all
            pdu.MaxRepetitions = 5; // MaxRepetitions tells the agent how many Oid/Value pairs to return in the response packet.
            pdu.RequestId      = 1;

            using (UdpTarget UDPtarget = new UdpTarget(SNMPDeviceData.TargetIP, DefaultPort, DefaultTimeout, DefaultRetries))
                while (nextEntry)
                    pdu.VbList.Add(indexOid); //Add starting OID for request

                        Result    = (SnmpV2Packet)UDPtarget.Request(pdu, AgParam);
                        nextEntry = SNMPDecodeData(Result, indexOid, finalOid, OIDSetting.InclusiveInterval, SNMPDeviceData);
                    catch //(SnmpException e)
                        //Prepare PDU object for iteration. Otherwise, wipe contents of pdu
Exemplo n.º 11
        public static IList <ISNMPRawEntryDTO> OIDDataSelector(ISNMPDeviceDataDTO Device, string currentRoot, string nextRoot)
            if (Device.SNMPRawDataEntries == null)

            if (currentRoot != nextRoot)
                return(Device.SNMPRawDataEntries.Where(x => CompareOID(x.Key, currentRoot) >= 0 && CompareOID(x.Key, nextRoot) < 0)
                       .OrderBy(x => x.Key, Comparer <string> .Create(CompareOID))
                       .Select(x => x.Value)
                return(Device.SNMPRawDataEntries.Where(x => CompareOID(x.Key, currentRoot) >= 0 && CompareOID(x.Key, nextRoot) <= 0)
                       .OrderBy(x => x.Key, Comparer <string> .Create(CompareOID))
                       .Select(x => x.Value)
Exemplo n.º 12
        private bool SNMPDecodeData(SnmpV2Packet Result, Oid indexOid, Oid finalOid, bool InclusiveInterval, ISNMPDeviceDataDTO SNMPDeviceData)
            bool nextEntry = true;

            if (Result != null && Result.Pdu.ErrorStatus == 0)
                // Walk through returned variable bindings
                foreach (Vb ResBinding in Result.Pdu.VbList)
                    // Check that retrieved Oid is higher than the limit or is the last block of leafs
                    if (ResBinding.Oid < finalOid || finalOid.IsRootOf(ResBinding.Oid) && InclusiveInterval)
                        //Check OID Value Type. If unknown we break loop and storage
                        EnumSNMPOIDType OIDType = (EnumSNMPOIDType)Enum.Parse(typeof(EnumSNMPOIDType), SnmpConstants.GetTypeName(ResBinding.Value.Type));

                        if (OIDType != EnumSNMPOIDType.Unknown)
                            ISNMPRawEntryDTO SNMPRawData = SNMPDeviceData.BuildSNMPRawEntry(ResBinding.Oid.ToString(), ResBinding.Value.ToString(), OIDType);
                            nextEntry = false;

                        //Check if we have already drilled down all contents
                        if (ResBinding.Value.Type != SnmpConstants.SMI_ENDOFMIBVIEW)
                            indexOid.Set(ResBinding.Oid); //If we use = operator, we are changing references! In that case, ref keyword is mandatory
                            nextEntry = true;
                        nextEntry = false;
                //Console.WriteLine("Error in SNMP reply. Error {0} index {1}", Result.Pdu.ErrorStatus, Result.Pdu.ErrorIndex);

Exemplo n.º 13
        private void SNMPWalkByOIDSetting(OctetString Community, ISNMPDeviceSettingDTO SNMPSettingEntry, ISNMPDeviceDataDTO SNMPDeviceData)
            //Get all OID requested for all processing algorithms
            IEnumerable <IOIDSettingDTO> OIDSettingCollection = Processes.Values.SelectMany(x => x.OIDSettings.Values);

            foreach (IOIDSettingDTO OIDSetting in OIDSettingCollection)
                    SNMPRunAgent(Community, OIDSetting, SNMPDeviceData);
                catch //(SnmpException e)
Exemplo n.º 14
        private void GetVLANInfo(ISNMPDeviceDataDTO Device, IDictionary <string, IOIDSettingDTO> OIDSettings, IDeviceTopologyInfoDTO TopologyInfo)
            //Key: Port ID, Value: Tuple of VLAN ID and VLAN name
            //IDictionary<string, CustomPair<string, string>> VLANByInterfaceID { get; set; }

            IOIDSettingDTO SelectedSetting;
            IList <Action <IList <string>, string, object> > MappingHandlers;
            IDictionary <string, string> VLANMappingResult;

            SelectedSetting = OIDSettings["VLANDescription"];
            MappingHandlers = new List <Action <IList <string>, string, object> >();

            #region VLAN description

            MappingHandlers.Add((x, y, z) => { ((IDictionary <string, string>)z).Add(x[0], y); });
            TopologyInfo.VLANInventory = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            StrategyHelper.OIDEntryProcessor(Device, TopologyInfo.VLANInventory, SelectedSetting, MappingHandlers);


            #region VLAN Mapping

            //By default, all ports are access ports. Initialize dictionary
            MappingHandlers.Add((x, y, z) => { ((IDictionary <string, string>)z).Add(x[0], y); });

            VLANMappingResult = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            SelectedSetting   = OIDSettings["VLANMapping"];

            StrategyHelper.OIDEntryProcessor(Device, VLANMappingResult, SelectedSetting, MappingHandlers);

            TopologyInfo.PortVLANMapping = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();

            if (VLANMappingResult.Count != 0)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> VLANMaskInfo in VLANMappingResult)
                    string[] positions = StrategyHelper.GetFlagArrayPositions(VLANMaskInfo.Value);

                    for (int i = 0; i < positions.Length; i++)
                        if (TopologyInfo.PortDescriptions.ContainsKey(positions[i]))
                            if (TopologyInfo.PortVLANMapping.ContainsKey(positions[i]))
                                TopologyInfo.PortVLANMapping.Add(positions[i], new List <string>()

Exemplo n.º 15
        private void GetPortIDInfo(ISNMPDeviceDataDTO Device, IDictionary <string, IOIDSettingDTO> OIDSettings, IDeviceTopologyInfoDTO TopologyInfo)
            IOIDSettingDTO SelectedSetting;
            IList <Action <IList <string>, string, object> > MappingHandlers;
            IDictionary <string, IList <string> >            LACPResults;
            IDictionary <string, IList <string> >            PortHierarchyResults;

            #region Port description

            SelectedSetting = OIDSettings["PhysPortDescription"];

            MappingHandlers = new List <Action <IList <string>, string, object> >();
            MappingHandlers.Add((x, y, z) => { ((IDeviceTopologyInfoDTO)z).PortDescriptions.Add(x[0], y); });

            TopologyInfo.PortDescriptions = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            StrategyHelper.OIDEntryProcessor(Device, TopologyInfo, SelectedSetting, MappingHandlers);


            #region Port typology

            //By default, all ports are access ports. Initialize dictionary
            TopologyInfo.PortSettings = new Dictionary <string, CustomPair <EnumPhysPortType, string> >();

            foreach (string portID in TopologyInfo.PortMACAddress.Keys)
                TopologyInfo.PortSettings.Add(portID, new CustomPair <EnumPhysPortType, string>(EnumPhysPortType.Access, null));

            //Detect ports without MAC --> type loopback
            IEnumerable <string> LoopbackPorts = TopologyInfo.PortMACAddress.Where(x => string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Value)).Select(x => x.Key);
            foreach (string loopbackitem in LoopbackPorts)
                TopologyInfo.PortSettings[loopbackitem].First = EnumPhysPortType.Loopback;

            // Adrress by port > LearnedMACThreshold --> InferedTrunks
            IEnumerable <string> InferedTrunks = TopologyInfo.PortLearnedAddresses.Where(x => x.Value.Count > LearnedMACThreshold).Select(x => x.Key);
            foreach (string inferedtrunkitem in InferedTrunks)
                TopologyInfo.PortSettings[inferedtrunkitem].First = EnumPhysPortType.InferedTrunk;

            // VirtualPort - Trunk
            PortHierarchyResults = new Dictionary <string, IList <string> >();
            SelectedSetting      = OIDSettings["PortHierarchy"];

            StrategyHelper.OIDEntryProcessor(Device, PortHierarchyResults, SelectedSetting, MappingHandlers);

            if (PortHierarchyResults.Count != 0)
                //Virtual ports
                if (PortHierarchyResults.ContainsKey("0"))
                    foreach (string vlanport in PortHierarchyResults["0"])
                        TopologyInfo.PortSettings[vlanport].First = EnumPhysPortType.VirtualPort;

                //Trunk ports (any protocol)
                IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, IList <string> > > trunkports = PortHierarchyResults.Where(x => x.Value.Count > 1 && x.Key != "0").Where(x => !PortHierarchyResults["0"].Contains(x.Key));

                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, IList <string> > trunkentry in trunkports)
                    TopologyInfo.PortSettings[trunkentry.Key].First = EnumPhysPortType.Trunk;

                    foreach (string aggregateentry in trunkentry.Value)
                        TopologyInfo.PortSettings[aggregateentry].First  = EnumPhysPortType.Aggregate;
                        TopologyInfo.PortSettings[aggregateentry].Second = trunkentry.Key;

            //LACP - Aggregate
            LACPResults     = new Dictionary <string, IList <string> >();
            SelectedSetting = OIDSettings["LACPSetting"];

            StrategyHelper.OIDEntryProcessor(Device, LACPResults, SelectedSetting, MappingHandlers);

            if (LACPResults.Count != 0)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, IList <string> > lacpentry in LACPResults)
                    TopologyInfo.PortSettings[lacpentry.Key].First = EnumPhysPortType.LACP;

                    foreach (string groupedport in lacpentry.Value)
                        if (TopologyInfo.PortSettings.ContainsKey(groupedport))
                            TopologyInfo.PortSettings[groupedport].First  = EnumPhysPortType.Aggregate;
                            TopologyInfo.PortSettings[groupedport].Second = lacpentry.Key;
