Exemplo n.º 1
        public async Task Publish(IPublisherContext context, CreatedExchange createdExchange,
                                  IMessage message,
                                  CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            ICommand command     = (ICommand)message;
            string   contentType = createdExchange.Definition.ContentType;

            // Serialize the message and get the properties from the default-publisher to be used as
            // the initial list of message properties to which RPC specific properties will be added.
            byte[]            messageBody       = context.Serialization.Serialize(command, contentType);
            MessageProperties messageProperties = DefaultPublisherStrategy.GetMessageProperties(context, createdExchange, command);

            // Get the RPC client associated with the exchange to which the RPC message is being sent.
            IRpcClient client = context.PublisherModule.GetRpcClient(

            // Note:  Consumer replies with same content-type that was used to publish command.

                // Delegate to the client to send the request and wait for response in reply queue.
                byte[] resultBytes = await client.Publish(createdExchange, messageBody,

                // If a successful reply, deserialize the response message into the
                // result type associated with the command.
                var responseObj = context.Serialization.Deserialize(contentType, command.ResultType, resultBytes);

                LogReceivedRpcResponse(context, createdExchange, responseObj);
            catch (RpcReplyException ex)
                // If the consumer didn't supply details about the exception, then just rethrow.
                if (ex.ReplayExceptionBody == null)

                var dispatchEx = context.Serialization.Deserialize <MessageDispatchException>(contentType, ex.ReplayExceptionBody);
                context.Logger.LogError(RabbitMqLogEvents.PublisherException, dispatchEx, "RPC Exception Reply.");
                throw dispatchEx;