Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void Output(IRow input, IUnstructuredWriter output)
            if (this.recordCol == -1)
                // Map column names to indices once to avoid mapping overhead for each row.
                this.recordCol         = input.Schema.IndexOf("record");
                this.offsetCol         = input.Schema.IndexOf("offset");
                this.encodingErrorsCol = input.Schema.IndexOf("encodingErrors");

            var record         = input.Get <byte[]>(recordCol);
            var encodingErrors = input.Get <bool>(encodingErrorsCol);

            if (encodingErrors && this.replaceInvalidBytes)
                // Decode the record to substitute invalid bytes with the replacement character.
                // Encode the sanitized record again before writing it to the output file.
                record = this.nonThrowingEncoding.GetBytes(this.nonThrowingEncoding.GetString(record));

            if (this.offsetFormat != null)
                    this.nonThrowingEncoding.GetBytes(string.Format(this.offsetFormat, input.Get <long>(this.offsetCol))));

                var bom = this.nonThrowingEncoding.GetPreamble();
                if (record.Take(bom.Length).SequenceEqual(bom))
                    // This should happen once per file. Prefer code simplicity to performance.
                    record = record.Skip(bom.Length).ToArray();

Exemplo n.º 2
        public override IRow Process(IRow input, IUpdatableRow output)
            double      lat = input.Get <double>(latColumn);
            double      lon = input.Get <double>(lonColumn);
            GeoLocation loc = new GeoLocation {
                Longitude = lon, Latitude = lat
            var country  = _service.FindCountry(loc);
            var USstates = _service.FindUsaState(loc);

            if (country != null && country.Name != null)
                output.Set <string>("country", country.Name);
                output.Set <string>("country", "");
            if (USstates != null && USstates.Name != null)
                output.Set <string>("USstates", USstates.Name);
                output.Set <string>("USstates", "");
        public void TestMyProcessor()
            //Schema: "a:int, b:int"
            USqlColumn <int> col1    = new USqlColumn <int>("a");
            USqlColumn <int> col2    = new USqlColumn <int>("b");
            List <IColumn>   columns = new List <IColumn> {
                col1, col2
            USqlSchema schema = new USqlSchema(columns);

            //Generate one row with specified column values
            object[] values = new object[2] {
                2, 3
            IRow          input  = new USqlRow(schema, values);
            IUpdatableRow output = input.AsUpdatable();

            //Create UDO instance
            MyProcessor processor = new MyProcessor(floor: 4);
            IRow        newOutput = processor.Process(input, output);

            //Verify results
            Assert.IsTrue(newOutput.Schema.Count == 2);
            Assert.IsTrue(newOutput.Get <int>(0) == 2);
            Assert.IsTrue(newOutput.Get <int>(1) == 4);
Exemplo n.º 4
            public override IEnumerable <IRow> Apply(IRow input, IUpdatableRow output)
                DateTime startTime = input.Get <DateTime>(startColumn);
                DateTime endTime   = input.Get <DateTime>(endColumn);
                var      startDate = startTime.Date;
                var      endDate   = endTime.Date;
                DateTime startTimeOfDay;
                DateTime endTimeOfDay;

                var lastSecond = new TimeSpan(23, 59, 59);

                for (var dt = startDate; dt <= endDate; dt = dt.AddDays(1))
                    if (dt == startDate)
                        startTimeOfDay = startTime;
                        startTimeOfDay = dt;
                    if (dt == endDate)
                        endTimeOfDay = endTime;
                        endTimeOfDay = dt + lastSecond;
                    output.Set <DateTime>("startTimeOfDay", startTimeOfDay);
                    output.Set <DateTime>("endTimeOfDay", endTimeOfDay);
                    yield return(output.AsReadOnly());
Exemplo n.º 5
        public override IRow Process(IRow input, IUpdatableRow output)
            var tag = input.Get<string>("Tag");
            var category = input.Get<string>("Category");
            category = "other";
            foreach (var cat in categoryMapper)
                var categoryName = cat.Key;
                var listOfPrefixes = cat.Value;
                var found = false;
                foreach (var pref in listOfPrefixes)
                    if (tag.StartsWith(pref))
                        category = categoryName;
                        found = true;

                if (found)
            output.Set("Category", category);
            return output.AsReadOnly();
        public void TestMyProcessorWithCollection()
            //Schema: "a:int, b:int"
            USqlSchema schema = new USqlSchema(
                new USqlColumn <int>("a"),
                new USqlColumn <int>("b")
            IUpdatableRow output = new USqlRow(schema, null).AsUpdatable();

            //Generate Rowset with specified values
            List <object[]> values = new List <object[]> {
                new object[2] {
                    2, 3
                new object[2] {
                    10, 20
            IEnumerable <IRow> rows   = UnitTestHelper.CreateRowsFromValues(schema, values);
            IRowset            rowset = UnitTestHelper.GetRowsetFromCollection(rows, output.AsReadOnly());

            //Create UDO instance
            MyProcessor processor = new MyProcessor(floor: 1, enforce: true);

            foreach (IRow r in rowset.Rows)
                IRow after = processor.Process(r, output);
                //Verify result
                Assert.IsTrue(after.Get <int>(0) == 2);
                Assert.IsTrue(after.Get <int>(1) == 4);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void TestMyProcessor()
            // Define the schema for processor input rowset
            // Schema: "a:int, b:int"
            USqlColumn <int> col1    = new USqlColumn <int>("col1");
            USqlColumn <int> col2    = new USqlColumn <int>("col2");
            List <IColumn>   columns = new List <IColumn> {
                col1, col2
            USqlSchema schema = new USqlSchema(columns);

            // Generate one row with specified column values as input rowset
            object[] values = new object[2] {
                0, 0
            IRow          input  = new USqlRow(schema, values);
            IUpdatableRow output = input.AsUpdatable();

            // Create processor instance for testing and run the processor with fake input
            MyProcessor processor = new MyProcessor();
            IRow        newOutput = processor.Process(input, output);

            //Verify results for processor output
            Assert.IsTrue(newOutput.Schema.Count == 2);
            Assert.IsTrue(newOutput.Get <int>(0) == 1);
            Assert.IsTrue(newOutput.Get <int>(1) == 5);
 public override IRow Process(IRow input, IUpdatableRow output)
     output.Set <int>("DepID", input.Get <int>("DepID"));
     output.Set <string>("DepName", input.Get <string>("DepName"));
     output.Set <string>("HelloWorld", hw);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public override IRow Process(IRow input, IUpdatableRow output)
            int a = input.Get <int>("col1");
            int b = input.Get <int>("col2");

            output.Set <int>("col1", a + 1);
            output.Set <int>("col2", b + 5);
Exemplo n.º 10
        // IRow Process(IRow input, IUpdatableRow output)
        // Actual implementatoin of the user-defined processor. Overwrites the Process method of IProcessor.
        public override IRow Process(IRow input, IUpdatableRow output)
            string first_name = input.Get <string>("first_name");
            string last_name  = input.Get <string>("last_name");
            string name       = first_name.Substring(0, 1) + "." + last_name;

            output.Set <string>("name", name);
            output.Set <int>("id", Int32.Parse(input.Get <string>("id")));
            output.Set <string>("zipcode", input.Get <string>("zipcode"));
            output.Set <string>("country", input.Get <string>("country"));
Exemplo n.º 11
        public override IRow Process(IRow input, IUpdatableRow output)
            string UserID     = input.Get <string>("UserID");
            string Name       = input.Get <string>("Name");
            string Address    = input.Get <string>("Address");
            string City       = input.Get <string>("City");
            string State      = input.Get <string>("State");
            string PostalCode = input.Get <string>("PostalCode");
            string Country    = input.Get <string>("Country");
            string Phone      = input.Get <string>("Phone");

            if (CountryTranslation.Keys.Contains(Country))
                Country = CountryTranslation[Country];
            output.Set <string>(0, UserID);
            output.Set <string>(1, Name);
            output.Set <string>(2, Address);
            output.Set <string>(3, City);
            output.Set <string>(4, State);
            output.Set <string>(5, PostalCode);
            output.Set <string>(6, Country);
            output.Set <string>(7, Phone);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public override void Output(IRow input, IUnstructuredWriter output)
            if (_fileWriter == null)
                _avSchema = Schema.Parse(_avroSchema) as RecordSchema;
                var writer = new GenericDatumWriter <GenericRecord>(_avSchema);
                _fileWriter = DataFileWriter <GenericRecord> .OpenWriter(writer, output.BaseStream);

            var record = new GenericRecord(_avSchema);

            foreach (var x in input.Schema)
                var obj = input.Get <object>(x.Name);

                if (obj != null)
                    var objType = obj.GetType();
                    if (objType.IsGenericType && objType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(SqlArray <>))
                        obj = ((System.Collections.IEnumerable)obj).Cast <object>().ToArray();

                record.Add(x.Name, obj);

Exemplo n.º 13
        public override void Output(IRow input, IUnstructuredWriter output)
            ISchema schema = input.Schema;

            if (_ds == null)
                List <SchemaElement> lse = new List <SchemaElement>();
                for (int i = 0; i < schema.Count(); i++)
                    var col = schema[i];
                    lse.Add(new SchemaElement(col.Name, Type.GetType(getColType(col))));
                _ds = new DataSet(new Schema(lse));

                _tempStream   = new MemoryStream();
                _resultStream = output.BaseStream;

                _writer = new ParquetWriter(output.BaseStream, null, writeroptions);

                //create DS based on schema

            List <object> ls = new List <object>();

            for (int i = 0; i < schema.Count; i++)
                ls.Add(input.Get <dynamic>(input.Schema[i].Name));
            Row r = new Row(ls);

Exemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>Apply is called at least once per instance</summary>
        /// <param name="input">A SQLIP row</param>
        /// <param name="output">A SQLIP updatable row.</param>
        /// <returns>IEnumerable of IRow, one IRow per SQLIP row.</returns>
        /// <remarks>Because applier constructor arguments cannot depend on
        /// column references, the name of the column to parse is given as a string. Then
        /// the actual column value is obtained by calling IRow.Get. The rest of the code
        /// is the same as XmlDomExtractor.</remarks>
        public override IEnumerable <IRow> Apply(IRow input, IUpdatableRow output)
            // Make sure that all requested columns are of type string
            IColumn column = output.Schema.FirstOrDefault(col => col.Type != typeof(string));

            if (column != null)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Column '{0}' must be of type 'string', not '{1}'", column.Name, column.Type.Name));

            XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();

            xmlDocument.LoadXml(input.Get <string>(this.xmlColumnName));
            foreach (XmlNode xmlNode in xmlDocument.DocumentElement.SelectNodes(this.rowPath))
                // IUpdatableRow implements a builder pattern to save memory allocations,
                // so call output.Set in a loop
                foreach (IColumn col in output.Schema)
                    var     explicitColumnMapping = this.columnPaths.FirstOrDefault(columnPath => columnPath.Value == col.Name);
                    XmlNode xml = xmlNode.SelectSingleNode(explicitColumnMapping.Key ?? col.Name);
                    output.Set(explicitColumnMapping.Value ?? col.Name, xml == null ? null : xml.InnerXml);

                // then call output.AsReadOnly to build an immutable IRow.
                yield return(output.AsReadOnly());
Exemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary/>
        private static void                     WriteRow(IRow row, JsonTextWriter writer)
            // Row
            //  => { c1:v1, c2:v2, ...}

            // Header

            // Fields
            var columns = row.Schema;

            for (int i = 0; i < columns.Count; i++)
                // Note: We simply delegate to Json.Net for all data conversions
                //  For data conversions beyond what Json.Net supports, do an explicit projection:
                //      ie: SELECT datetime.ToString(...) AS datetime, ...
                object value = row.Get <object>(i);

                // Note: We don't bloat the JSON with sparse (null) properties
                if (value != null)
                    writer.WritePropertyName(columns[i].Name, escape: true);

            // Footer
        public override IRow Process(IRow input, IUpdatableRow output)
            var s = input.Get <string>("name");

            output.Set <string>("reversed", Reverse(s));
Exemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>Apply is called at least once per instance</summary>
        /// <param name="input">A SQLIP row</param>
        /// <param name="output">A SQLIP updatable row.</param>
        /// <returns>IEnumerable of IRow, one IRow per SQLIP row.</returns>
        /// <remarks>Because applier constructor arguments cannot depend on
        /// column references, the name of the column to parse is given as a string. Then
        /// the actual column value is obtained by calling IRow.Get. The rest of the code
        /// is the same as XmlDomExtractor.</remarks>
        public override IEnumerable<IRow> Apply(IRow input, IUpdatableRow output)
            // Make sure that all requested columns are of type string
            IColumn column = output.Schema.FirstOrDefault(col => col.Type != typeof(string));
            if (column != null)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Column '{0}' must be of type 'string', not '{1}'", column.Name, column.Type.Name));
            XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
            foreach (XmlNode xmlNode in xmlDocument.DocumentElement.SelectNodes(this.rowPath))
                // IUpdatableRow implements a builder pattern to save memory allocations, 
                // so call output.Set in a loop
                foreach(IColumn col in output.Schema)
                    var explicitColumnMapping = this.columnPaths.FirstOrDefault(columnPath => columnPath.Value == col.Name);
                    XmlNode xml = xmlNode.SelectSingleNode(explicitColumnMapping.Key ?? col.Name);
                    output.Set(explicitColumnMapping.Value ?? col.Name, xml == null ? null : xml.InnerXml);

                // then call output.AsReadOnly to build an immutable IRow.
                yield return output.AsReadOnly();
Exemplo n.º 18
 public override void Output(IRow input, IUnstructuredWriter output)
     using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(output.BaseStream))
         var value = input.Get <int>("value");
Exemplo n.º 19
        public override IRow Process(IRow input, IUpdatableRow output)
            var imgContent = input.Get <byte[]>("content");
            var colorList  = input.Get <SqlMap <int, string> >("colors");

            using (var ms = new MemoryStream(imgContent))
                var bMap   = Image.FromStream(ms) as Bitmap;
                var result = ColorExtractor.GetMostUsedColor(bMap, _topColorCount);
                if (result.Any())
                    colorList = new SqlMap <int, string>(result);
            output.Set("colors", colorList);
Exemplo n.º 20
        public override void Output(IRow input, IUnstructuredWriter output)
            // If this is the first row, then get the stream output set up by the U-SQL runtime
            if (this.outputWriter == null)
                this.outputWriter = output.BaseStream;

            // Get the schema of the row
            var columnSchema = input.Schema;

            // Iterate through the columns in the row and convert the data to XML encoded strings
            StringBuilder rowData = new StringBuilder($@"<{xmlDocType}>");

            foreach (var column in columnSchema)

                // This outputter currently only recognizes int, double, string, and DateTime data.
                if (column.Type == typeof(int))
                if (column.Type == typeof(double))
                if (column.Type == typeof(string))
                if (column.Type == typeof(DateTime))


            // Send the XML encoded string to the output stream
            string data = rowData.ToString();

            this.outputWriter.Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data), 0, data.Length);
        public override IRow Process(IRow input, IUpdatableRow output)
            var a = input.Get <int>("a");
            var b = input.Get <int>("b");

            if (a + b > floor)
                output.Set("a", a);
                output.Set("b", b + 1);
            else if (enforce)
                throw new Exception("Passthrough wasn't enabled: " + (a + b));

Exemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>Apply is called at least once per instance</summary>
        /// <param name="input">A SQLIP row</param>
        /// <param name="output">A SQLIP updatable row.</param>
        /// <returns>IEnumerable of IRow, one IRow per SQLIP row.</returns>
        /// <remarks>Because applier constructor arguments cannot depend on
        /// column references, the name of the column to parse is given as a string. Then
        /// the actual column value is obtained by calling IRow.Get. The rest of the code
        /// is the same as XmlDomExtractor.</remarks>
        public override IEnumerable <IRow> Apply(IRow input, IUpdatableRow output)
            // Make sure that all requested columns are of type string
            IColumn column = output.Schema.FirstOrDefault(col => col.Type != typeof(string));

            if (column != null)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Column '{0}' must be of type 'string', not '{1}'", column.Name, column.Type.Name));

            XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();

            xmlDocument.LoadXml(input.Get <string>(this.xmlColumnName));
            XmlNamespaceManager nsmanager = new XmlNamespaceManager(xmlDocument.NameTable);

            // If namespace declarations have been provided, add them to the namespace manager
            if (this.namespaceDecls != null)
                foreach (var namespaceDecl in this.namespaceDecls)
                    nsmanager.AddNamespace(namespaceDecl.Key, namespaceDecl.Value);

            foreach (XmlNode xmlNode in xmlDocument.DocumentElement.SelectNodes(this.rowPath, nsmanager))
                // IUpdatableRow implements a builder pattern to save memory allocations,
                // so call output.Set in a loop
                foreach (IColumn col in output.Schema)
                    switch (col.Name)
                    // populate hiearchy columns with their XmlNode.Name
                    case "ElementName":
                        output.Set <string>("ElementName", xmlNode.Name);

                    case "ChildName":
                        output.Set <string>("ChildName", xmlNode.FirstChild?.Name);

                    case "GrandChildName":
                        output.Set <string>("GrandChildName", xmlNode.FirstChild?.FirstChild?.Name);

                    // populate mapped columns with their XPath result from XmlNode.InnerXml
                        var explicitColumnMapping = this.columnPaths.FirstOrDefault(columnPath => columnPath.Value == col.Name);
                        var xml = xmlNode.SelectSingleNode(explicitColumnMapping.Key ?? col.Name, nsmanager);
                        output.Set(explicitColumnMapping.Value ?? col.Name, xml?.InnerXml);

                // then call output.AsReadOnly to build an immutable IRow.
                yield return(output.AsReadOnly());
Exemplo n.º 23
        public override IRow Process(IRow input, IUpdatableRow output)
            string geohash7 = input.Get <string>("geohash7");
            var    coord    = Geohash.Decode(geohash7);

            output.Set <string>("geohash7", geohash7);
            output.Set <double>("lat", coord[0]);
            output.Set <double>("lon", coord[1]);
Exemplo n.º 24
 public override void Output(IRow input, IUnstructuredWriter output)
     var obj = input.Get<object>(0);
     byte[] imageArray = (byte[])obj;
     using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(imageArray))
         var image = Image.FromStream(ms);
         image.Save(output.BaseStream, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
Exemplo n.º 25
        public override IRow Process(IRow input, IUpdatableRow output)
            var tags = this.tagger.ProduceTags(input.Get <byte[]>(this.imgColName));

            var stringOfTags = string.Join(";", tags.Select(x => string.Format("{0}:{1}", x.Key, x.Value)));

            output.Set <int>(this.numColName, tags.Count);
            output.Set <string>(this.tagColName, stringOfTags);

        public override IRow Process(IRow input, IUpdatableRow output)
            // Retrieve the data for the row from the input
            string   ticker    = input.Get <string>("Ticker");
            int      price     = input.Get <int>("Price");
            DateTime quoteTime = input.Get <DateTime>("QuoteTime");

            // Mark suspicious movements with an "X" in the Suspicious flag column
            bool   isSuspicious   = SuspiciousMovement(ticker, price, quoteTime);
            string suspiciousFlag = isSuspicious ? "X" : "";

            // Create the output row, including the suspicious flag
            output.Set <string>("Ticker", ticker);
            output.Set <int>("Price", price);
            output.Set <DateTime>("QuoteTime", quoteTime);
            output.Set <string>("Suspicious", suspiciousFlag);

            // The value returned should be a read-only copy of the output row
Exemplo n.º 27
        public override void Output(IRow input, IUnstructuredWriter output)
            var obj = input.Get <object>(0);

            byte[] imageArray = (byte[])obj;
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(imageArray))
                var image = Image.FromStream(ms);
                image.Save(output.BaseStream, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
        // Generate a row that contains the opening price and % change in price for a stock item, identified by the ticker in the input row
        public override IEnumerable <IRow> Apply(IRow input, IUpdatableRow output)
            // Retrieve the ticker, price, and quote time from the input row
            string   ticker    = input.Get <string>("Ticker");
            int      price     = input.Get <int>("Price");
            DateTime quoteTime = input.Get <DateTime>("QuoteTime");

            // Find the opening price for this stock item
            int openingPrice = getOpeningPrice(ticker, price, quoteTime);

            // Calculate the % change
            int    priceDiff     = price - openingPrice;
            double percentChange = ((double)priceDiff / openingPrice) * 100;

            // Generate and return the new row
            output.Set <string>("Ticker", ticker);
            output.Set <int>("OpeningPrice", openingPrice);
            output.Set <double>("PercentChange", percentChange);
            yield return(output.AsReadOnly());
Exemplo n.º 29
        // IRow Process(IRow input, IUpdatableRow output)
        // Actual implementatoin of the user-defined processor. Overwrites the Process method of IProcessor.
        public override IRow Process(IRow input, IUpdatableRow output)
            string text = input.Get <string>("country");

            if (EnglishCountryNames.CountryTranslation.Keys.Contains(text))
                text = EnglishCountryNames.CountryTranslation[text];
            output.Set <string>("country", text);
Exemplo n.º 30
            public override IEnumerable <IRow> Apply(IRow input, IUpdatableRow output)
                DateTime startTime     = input.Get <DateTime>(startColumn);
                DateTime endTime       = input.Get <DateTime>(endColumn);
                var      startValueCol = (from x in input.Schema where x.Name == startValueColumn select x).First();

                if (startValueCol.Type == typeof(bool))
                    var startValue = input.Get <bool>(startValueColumn);
                    return(locf <bool>(startTime, endTime, startValue, output));
                else if (startValueCol.Type == typeof(int))
                    var startValue = input.Get <int>(startValueColumn);
                    return(locf <int>(startTime, endTime, startValue, output));
                else if (startValueCol.Type == typeof(double))
                    var startValue = input.Get <double>(startValueColumn);
                    return(locf <double>(startTime, endTime, startValue, output));
                else if (startValueCol.Type == typeof(string))
                    var startValue = input.Get <string>(startValueColumn);
                    return(locf <string>(startTime, endTime, startValue, output));
Exemplo n.º 31
        public override IRow Process(IRow input, IUpdatableRow output)
            string year     = input.Get <string>("year");
            string category = input.Get <string>("category");
            string winner   = input.Get <string>("winner");
            string entity   = input.Get <string>("entity");
            string sentence = string.Empty;

            var current = string.Empty;

            if (Sentence.TryGetValue(entity, out current))
                sentence = current;

            output.Set <string>(0, year);
            output.Set <string>(1, category);
            output.Set <string>(2, winner);
            output.Set <string>(3, entity);
            output.Set <string>(4, sentence);
Exemplo n.º 32
    public static dynamic ToExpando(this IRow row)
        var obj = new ExpandoObject();

        ((IDictionary <string, object>)obj)["searchaction"] = "upload";
        row.Schema.ToList().ForEach(x =>
            ((IDictionary <string, object>)obj)[x.Name] = row.Get <object>(x.Name);

Exemplo n.º 33
        public override IRow Process(IRow input, IUpdatableRow output)
            var img = input.Get<byte[]>("image_data");

                // load image only once into memory per row
                using (StreamImage inImage = new StreamImage(img))
                    output.SetColumnIfExists("equipment_make", inImage.getStreamImageProperty(ImageProperties.equipment_make));
                    output.SetColumnIfExists("equipment_model", inImage.getStreamImageProperty(ImageProperties.equipment_model));
                    output.SetColumnIfExists("description", inImage.getStreamImageProperty(ImageProperties.description));
                    output.SetColumnIfExists("copyright", inImage.getStreamImageProperty(ImageProperties.copyright));
                    output.SetColumnIfExists("thumbnail", inImage.scaleStreamImageTo(150, 150));
                return output.AsReadOnly();
Exemplo n.º 34
Arquivo: Class1.cs Projeto: Azure/usql
 // void Output(IRow row, IUnstructuredWriter output)
 // Actual implementation of DriverOutputter that overwrites the Output method of IOutputter.
 public override void Output(IRow row, IUnstructuredWriter output)
     using (StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(output.BaseStream, this._encoding))
         streamWriter.NewLine = this._row_delim;
         ISchema schema = row.Schema;
         for (int i = 0; i < schema.Count; i++)
             object val = row.Get<object>(i);
             if (i > 0)
             this.WriteValue(val, streamWriter);
Exemplo n.º 35
Arquivo: Class1.cs Projeto: Azure/usql
        // IRow Process(IRow input, IUpdatableRow output)
        // Actual implementatoin of the user-defined processor. Overwrites the Process method of IProcessor.
        public override IRow Process(IRow input, IUpdatableRow output)
            List<string> list = new List<string>();
            foreach (var current in input.Schema)
                if (current.Type.IsGenericType && current.Type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(SqlMap) && current.Type.GetGenericArguments()[0] == typeof(string))

            Dictionary<string, ArrayList> maps_to_be_changed = new Dictionary<string, ArrayList>();
            foreach (var current2 in output.Schema)
                bool flag = list.Contains(current2.Name);
                if (-1 < input.Schema.IndexOf(current2.Name) && !flag)
                    output.Set<object>(current2.Name, input.Get<object>(current2.Name));
                else if (!flag)
                    foreach (string current3 in list)
                        SqlMap<string, string> sqlMap = input.Get<SqlMap<string, string>>(current3);
                        SqlArray<string> sqlArray = null;
                        List<string> list2 = null;
                        if (sqlMap != null)
                            sqlArray = sqlMap.Keys;
                            if (sqlMap.Values != null)
                                list2 = sqlMap.Values.ToList<string>();
                        int num = (sqlArray == null) ? -1 : sqlArray.ToList<string>().IndexOf(current2.Name);
                        if (num != -1)
                            output.Set<string>(current2.Name, list2[num]);
                            if (maps_to_be_changed.Keys.Contains(current3))
                                maps_to_be_changed.Add(current3, new ArrayList
                        output.Set<object>(current2.Name, current2.Type.IsValueType ? Activator.CreateInstance(current2.Type) : null);

            using (IEnumerator<IColumn> enumerator = output.Schema.GetEnumerator())
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    IColumn out_col = enumerator.Current;
                    bool flag = list.Contains(out_col.Name);
                    if (flag)
                        SqlMap<string, string> sqlMap = input.Get<SqlMap<string, string>>(out_col.Name);
                        if (maps_to_be_changed != null && maps_to_be_changed.Keys.Contains(out_col.Name))
                            sqlMap = new SqlMap<string, string>(
                                from kvp in sqlMap
                                where !maps_to_be_changed[out_col.Name].Contains(kvp.Key)
                                select kvp);
                        output.Set<SqlMap<string, string>>(out_col.Name, sqlMap);
            return output.AsReadOnly();
Exemplo n.º 36
        /// <summary/>
        private static void                     WriteRow(IRow row, JsonTextWriter writer)
            // Row
            //  => { c1:v1, c2:v2, ...}

            // Header

            // Fields
            var columns = row.Schema;
            for(int i=0; i<columns.Count; i++)
                // Note: We simply delegate to Json.Net for all data conversions
                //  For data conversions beyond what Json.Net supports, do an explicit projection:
                //      ie: SELECT datetime.ToString(...) AS datetime, ...
                object value = row.Get<object>(i);

                // Note: We don't bloat the JSON with sparse (null) properties
                if(value != null)
                    writer.WritePropertyName(columns[i].Name, escape:true);

            // Footer
Exemplo n.º 37
Arquivo: Class1.cs Projeto: Azure/usql
 // IRow Process(IRow input, IUpdatableRow output)
 // Actual implementatoin of the user-defined processor. Overwrites the Process method of IProcessor.
 public override IRow Process(IRow input, IUpdatableRow output)
     string text = input.Get<string>("country");
     if (EnglishCountryNames.CountryTranslation.Keys.Contains(text))
         text = EnglishCountryNames.CountryTranslation[text];
     output.Set<string>("country", text);
     return output.AsReadOnly();
Exemplo n.º 38
        /// <summary>Output is called at least once per instance</summary>
        /// <param name="input">A SQLIP row</param>
        /// <param name="output">Wrapper for a Stream</param>
        public override void Output(IRow input, IUnstructuredWriter output)
            IColumn badColumn = input.Schema.FirstOrDefault(col => col.Type != typeof(string));
            if (badColumn != null)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Column '{0}' must be of type 'string', not '{1}'", badColumn.Name, badColumn.Type.Name));

            using (var writer = XmlWriter.Create(output.BaseStream, this.fragmentSettings))
                foreach (IColumn col in input.Schema)
                    var value = input.Get<string>(col.Name);
                    if (value != null)
                        // Skip null values in order to distinguish them from empty strings
                        writer.WriteElementString(this.columnPaths[col.Name] ?? col.Name, value);