Exemplo n.º 1
		public RouteAction(Type controllerType, MethodInfo method, object[] parameters, RouteAction childAction)
			ControllerType = controllerType;
			Method = method;
			Parameters = parameters;
			ChildAction = childAction;
		void IEntryControllerBinding.SerializeToPath(IRouteAction action, IPathStack path)
			if (Mappings != null)
				foreach (IMappingBinding mapping in this.Mappings)

			base.SerializeToPath(action, path);
Exemplo n.º 3
        protected async Task WhenAction <T>(IRouteAction action, Func <T, Task> operation)
            where T : class, IRouteAction
            var convertedAction = action as T;

            if (convertedAction != null)
                await operation(convertedAction);
Exemplo n.º 4
 private async Task HandleRouteNavigationAsync(IRouteAction action, Transition transition, bool shouldCloseAppIfNeeded)
     await WhenAction <NavigateRouteAction>(action, async n =>
         if (Navigator.Peek() != transition)
             await Navigator.PushAsync(transition);
     await WhenAction <NavigateBackWhileRouteAction>(action, async n =>
         while (Navigator.TransitionStack.Count > 0 && n.GoBackWhile(Navigator.Peek()))
             await this.BackAsync(shouldCloseAppIfNeeded);
		private void SerializePath(IRouteAction action, IPathStack path, bool requireEntry)
			IControllerBinding[] bindings = GetControllerBindings(action.ControllerType);
			if (bindings == null || bindings.Length == 0) throw new BindingException(String.Format("Type \"{0}\" is not bindable.", action.ControllerType.FullName));
			IPathStack bestStack = null;
			foreach (IControllerBinding b in bindings)
				if (!requireEntry || b is IEntryControllerBinding)
					IPathStack trialStack = new PathStack(false);
					if (requireEntry)
						((IEntryControllerBinding)b).SerializeToPath(action, trialStack);
						b.SerializeToPath(action, trialStack);

					IRouteAction childAction = action.ChildAction;
					if (childAction != null)
						SerializePath(childAction, trialStack, false);

					if (bestStack == null || trialStack.Index > bestStack.Index || (trialStack.Index == bestStack.Index && trialStack.QueryString.Count > bestStack.QueryString.Count))
						bestStack = trialStack;
			if (bestStack != null)
				throw new BindingException(String.Format("Type \"{0}\" is not a bindable EntryController.", action.ControllerType.FullName));
		public void SerializeRelativePath(IRouteAction action, IPathStack path)
			SerializePath(action, path, false);
		public void SerializeAbsoutePath(IRouteAction action, IPathStack path)
			SerializePath(action, path, true);
Exemplo n.º 8
 private async Task HandleRoutePresentation(IRouteAction action, Transition transition)
     await WhenAction <PresentRouteAction>(action, async p => { await PresentAsync(p, transition); });
Exemplo n.º 9
 private async Task HandleRouteActionAsync(IRouteAction action, Transition transition, bool shouldCloseAppIfNeeded)
     await HandleRouteNavigationAsync(action, transition, shouldCloseAppIfNeeded);
     await HandleRoutePresentation(action, transition);
		public virtual void SerializeToPath(IRouteAction action, IPathStack path)
			// TODO: child action binding

			if (_handlers == null) return;

			IPathStack bestStack = null;
			foreach (ActionHandler handler in _handlers)
				if (handler.Action == action.Method)
					IPathStack trialStack = new PathStack(false);
					handler.Binding.SerializePath(trialStack, action.Parameters);

					if (action.ChildAction != null)
						if (!(handler is ParentActionHandler)) throw new BindingException("Method is not a parent action and can't handle further calls.");
						if (handler is ParentActionHandler) throw new BindingException("Method is a parent action. You should add the default sub-action.");

					if (trialStack.Index == 0) trialStack.TrailingSlash = !DisableTrailingSlash;

					if (bestStack == null || trialStack.Index > bestStack.Index || (trialStack.Index == bestStack.Index && trialStack.QueryString.Count > bestStack.QueryString.Count))
						bestStack = trialStack;
			if (bestStack != null)
				throw new BindingException(String.Format("Method \"{0}\" is not bindable.", action.Method.Name));
 public override void SerializeToPath(IRouteAction action, IPathStack path)
		public override void SerializeToPath(IRouteAction action, IPathStack path) { }