Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Ctor(
            IWebContentService webService, IResourceCacheService cacheService,
            string pathToCardsArt, CancellationToken token)
            _webService     = webService;
            _cacheService   = cacheService;
            _pathToCardsArt = pathToCardsArt;

            _token = token;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static Attachment FromCache(
            IResourceCacheService resourceCacheService,
            CacheAttachment cacheAttachment)
            Ensure.Argument.IsNotNull(cacheAttachment, nameof(cacheAttachment));

            return(new Attachment(resourceCacheService)
                Id = cacheAttachment.Id,
                CreatedAt = cacheAttachment.CreatedAt,
                Size = cacheAttachment.Size
Exemplo n.º 3
        public InternalUserLoader(
            ITables tables,
            ITextHelpers textHelpers,
            IResourceCacheService resourceCacheService)
            Ensure.Argument.IsNotNull(tables, nameof(tables));
            Ensure.Argument.IsNotNull(textHelpers, nameof(textHelpers));
            Ensure.Argument.IsNotNull(resourceCacheService, nameof(resourceCacheService));

            this.textHelpers          = textHelpers;
            this.resourceCacheService = resourceCacheService;
            this.userTable            = tables.TableForVersionedType <CacheUser>();
Exemplo n.º 4
        public AttachmentLoader(
            ITables tables,
            ITextHelpers textHelpers,
            IResourceCacheService resourceCacheService)
            Ensure.Argument.IsNotNull(tables, nameof(tables));
            Ensure.Argument.IsNotNull(textHelpers, nameof(textHelpers));
            Ensure.Argument.IsNotNull(resourceCacheService, nameof(resourceCacheService));

            this.textHelpers          = textHelpers;
            this.resourceCacheService = resourceCacheService;
            this.attachmentsTable     = tables.TableForType <CacheAttachment>();
Exemplo n.º 5
        public ExternalUserLoader(
            IConstants constants,
            ITextHelpers textHelpers,
            IHttp http,
            IProtocol protocol,
            IResourceCacheService resourceCacheService)
            Ensure.Argument.IsNotNull(constants, nameof(constants));
            Ensure.Argument.IsNotNull(textHelpers, nameof(textHelpers));
            Ensure.Argument.IsNotNull(http, nameof(http));
            Ensure.Argument.IsNotNull(protocol, nameof(protocol));
            Ensure.Argument.IsNotNull(resourceCacheService, nameof(resourceCacheService));

            this.constants            = constants;
            this.textHelpers          = textHelpers;
            this.http                 = http;
            this.protocol             = protocol;
            this.resourceCacheService = resourceCacheService;
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static User FromMetaPost(
            ITextHelpers textHelpers,
            IResourceCacheService resourceCacheService,
            ApiPost <MetaPostContent> metaPost)
            Ensure.Argument.IsNotNull(metaPost, nameof(metaPost));

            var dateNow     = DateTime.UtcNow;
            var metaContent = metaPost.Content;

            return(new User(resourceCacheService)
                Id = textHelpers.GenerateUniqueId(),
                CreatedAt = dateNow,

                OriginalCreatedAt = dateNow,

                Entity = metaContent.Entity
Exemplo n.º 7
        public InternalPostLoader(
            ITables tables,
            IPostLicenseLoader postLicenseLoader,
            ITextHelpers textHelpers,
            IResourceCacheService resourceCacheService,
            IInternalUserLoader internalUserLoader,
            IAttachmentLoader attachmentLoader)
            Ensure.Argument.IsNotNull(tables, nameof(tables));
            Ensure.Argument.IsNotNull(postLicenseLoader, nameof(postLicenseLoader));
            Ensure.Argument.IsNotNull(textHelpers, nameof(textHelpers));
            Ensure.Argument.IsNotNull(resourceCacheService, nameof(resourceCacheService));
            Ensure.Argument.IsNotNull(internalUserLoader, nameof(internalUserLoader));
            Ensure.Argument.IsNotNull(attachmentLoader, nameof(attachmentLoader));

            this.textHelpers          = textHelpers;
            this.resourceCacheService = resourceCacheService;
            this.internalUserLoader   = internalUserLoader;
            this.attachmentLoader     = attachmentLoader;
            this.postLicenseLoader    = postLicenseLoader;
            this.postTable            = tables.TableForVersionedType <CachePost>();
Exemplo n.º 8
        public static User FromCache(
            IResourceCacheService resourceCacheService,
            CacheUser cacheUser)
            Ensure.Argument.IsNotNull(cacheUser, nameof(cacheUser));

            return(new User(resourceCacheService)
                Id = cacheUser.Id,
                CreatedAt = cacheUser.CreatedAt,
                DeletedAt = cacheUser.DeletedAt,

                VersionId = cacheUser.VersionId,
                OriginalCreatedAt = cacheUser.OriginalCreatedAt,

                Handle = cacheUser.Handle,
                Entity = new Uri(cacheUser.Entity),
                Email = cacheUser.Email,
                Password = cacheUser.Password,
                PasswordSalt = cacheUser.PasswordSalt,
                IsBotFollowed = cacheUser.IsBotFollowed,
                LastDiscoveryAttempt = cacheUser.LastDiscoveryAttempt
Exemplo n.º 9
        public static async Task <Post> FromCacheAsync(
            IResourceCacheService resourceCacheService,
            IInternalUserLoader internalUserLoader,
            IAttachmentLoader attachmentLoader,
            IPostLicenseLoader postLicenseLoader,
            CachePost cachePost,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            Ensure.Argument.IsNotNull(internalUserLoader, nameof(internalUserLoader));
            Ensure.Argument.IsNotNull(attachmentLoader, nameof(attachmentLoader));
            Ensure.Argument.IsNotNull(postLicenseLoader, nameof(postLicenseLoader));
            Ensure.Argument.IsNotNull(cachePost, nameof(cachePost));

            // Resolve dependencies.
            var userTask         = internalUserLoader.FetchAsync(cachePost.UserId, cancellationToken);
            var permissionsTask  = PostPermissions.FromCacheAsync(internalUserLoader, cachePost.Permissions, cancellationToken);
            var linksTasks       = cachePost.Links?.Select(r => PostReference.FromCacheAsync(internalUserLoader, r, cancellationToken)).ToList() ?? new List <Task <PostReference> >();
            var attachmentsTasks = cachePost.Attachments?.Select(a => PostAttachment.FromCacheAsync(attachmentLoader, a, cancellationToken)).ToList() ?? new List <Task <PostAttachment> >();
            var licensesTasks    = cachePost.Licenses?.Select(l => postLicenseLoader.LoadAsync(l, cancellationToken)).ToList() ?? new List <Task <PostLicense> >();

            await Task.WhenAll(

            // Make sure all of our required dependencies are here.
            var user = userTask.Result;

            Ensure.Dependency.IsNotNull(user, nameof(user));

            var licenses = licensesTasks.Select(t => t.Result).ToList();

            Ensure.Dependency.IsNotNull(licenses, nameof(licenses));

            return(new Post(resourceCacheService)
                Id = cachePost.Id,
                VersionId = cachePost.VersionId,

                CreatedAt = cachePost.CreatedAt,
                DeletedAt = cachePost.DeletedAt,
                OriginalCreatedAt = cachePost.OriginalCreatedAt,

                // User.
                User = user,
                OriginalEntity = cachePost.OriginalEntity,

                // Version.
                Type = PostType.FromString(cachePost.Type),
                Permissions = permissionsTask.Result,
                Links = linksTasks.Select(t => t.Result).ToList(),
                Attachments = attachmentsTasks.Select(t => t.Result).ToList(),
                Licenses = licenses,

                // Dates.
                PublishedAt = cachePost.PublishedAt,
                OriginalPublishedAt = cachePost.OriginalPublishedAt
Exemplo n.º 10
 public Post(IResourceCacheService resourceCacheService)
     Ensure.Argument.IsNotNull(resourceCacheService, nameof(resourceCacheService));
     this.resourceCacheService = resourceCacheService;
Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load
        /// all of your content.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void LoadContent()
            Locale = LocalizationData.Locale;
            Locale = "ru";
            RCS = GetService(typeof(IResourceCacheService)) as IResourceCacheService;
            // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures.
            factory.GetHexFill(410, new Vector2(512, 512));
            //Load splash screen
            Splash = Content.Load<Texture2D>(string.Format("Splash_{0}",Locale));
            spriteBatch.Draw(Splash, Vector2.Zero, Color.White);

            SoundContent = new ContentManager(this, "Content");
            soundTrack = SoundContent.Load<Song>(string.Format("Sound/Music/Song{0}", (DateTime.Now.Second % 5) + 1));
            MenuItemSelected = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("Sound\\Effects\\10");
            DoResearch = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("Sound\\Effects\\08");
            PlanetSelected = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("Sound\\Effects\\07");
            PlanetSelectedInstance = PlanetSelected.CreateInstance();
            FleetSend = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("Sound\\Effects\\08");

            MediaPlayer.MediaStateChanged += new EventHandler<EventArgs>(MediaPlayer_MediaStateChanged);
            if (MediaPlayer.GameHasControl)

            SOMAWP7.SomaAd PublicAd = new SOMAWP7.SomaAd();
            PublicAd.Kws = "Space,Gods,Veles,Conflict,Windows,Phone,Cosmos,Astronomy,Sci-Fi,Russia";
            PublicAd.Adspace = 65766349;   // Developer Ads
            PublicAd.Pub = 923863405;       // Developer Ads
            PublicAd.AdSpaceHeight = 50;
            PublicAd.AdSpaceWidth = 300;

            //AdGameComponent.Initialize(this, "c8eda0b9-c5d9-4dc8-856b-8f0791cd3ddd");
            //AdGameComponent.Current.CountryOrRegion = System.Globalization.RegionInfo.CurrentRegion.TwoLetterISORegionName;
            //DrawableAd bannerAd = AdGameComponent.Current.CreateAd("10040438", new Rectangle(0, 0, 300, 50), true);

            adManager = new AdManager(PublicAd);


            #region Load Stuff

            GameOverlay = RCS.GetObject<Texture2D>("battle_03v");
            //IResourceObject<Texture2D> StrategicOverlay = RCS.GetObject<Texture2D>("Menues/Strategic/Strategy");

            Font = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("GameFont");
            IResourceObject<Texture2D> MainButton = RCS.GetObject<Texture2D>("Menues/Main/button");
            IResourceObject<Texture2D> CampaingButton = RCS.GetObject<Texture2D>("Menues/Campaing/SelectionButton");
            Campaign campaign1 = new Campaign();
            Campaign campaign2 = new Campaign();
            Campaign tutorial = new Campaign();
            using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(string.Format("Campaigns/Campaign1_{0}.xml", Locale)))
            using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(string.Format("Campaigns/Campaign2_{0}.xml", Locale)))
            using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(string.Format("Campaigns/Tutorial_{0}.xml", Locale)))

            textSettings = new TextManagerSettings();
            textSettings.Font = Font;
            textSettings.Offset = new Vector2(425, 60);
            textSettings.Width = 310;
            textManager = new TextManager();
            textManager.Settings = textSettings;
            textManager.Text = campaign1.ShortDescription;

            selectedCampaing = tutorial;
            selectedEpisode = selectedCampaing.Episodes[0];
            selectedMission = selectedEpisode.Missions[0];
            #region Main Menu
            IResourceObject<Texture2D> MainOverlay = RCS.GetObject<Texture2D>("Menues/Main/MainOverlay");
            IAnimator<Vector2> MainAnimatorOut = new SmoothVectorAnimator();
            MainAnimatorOut.AtStart = Vector2.Zero;
            MainAnimatorOut.AtEnd = new Vector2(-120, 425);
            MainAnimatorOut.Duration = 450;

            IAnimator<Vector2> MainAnimatorIn = new LinearVectorAnimator();
            MainAnimatorIn.AtStart = new Vector2(120, -425);
            MainAnimatorIn.AtEnd = Vector2.Zero;
            MainAnimatorIn.Duration = 375;

            Manager = new MenuManager();
            Manager.ExitOnBack = true;

            Menu One = new Menu(MainAnimatorIn, MainAnimatorOut, BuildMessageBox());
            One.Controls.Add(new Image() { Texture = MainOverlay, Position = Vector2.Zero, Depth = 0.5f });
            Manager.Menues.Add("Main", One);
            bool Nab = playerData.FirstLoad || (playerData.GetProgress("Campaing1") == 1 && playerData.GetProgress("Campaing2") == 1 && playerData.GetProgress("Campaing3") == 1);
            One.Controls.Add(new AdControl(adManager) { Position = new Vector2(417, 411), Scale = 1, Depth = 0 });
                if (Nab)
                    HybridButton tb = new HybridButton(MainButton, MainButton, new Vector2(120 - 15 * 0, 85 + 0 * 55));
                    tb.Text = LocalizationData.NewGame;
                    tb.TextPosition = new Vector2(15, -47);
                    tb.Sound = MenuItemSelected.CreateInstance();
                    tb.UseSound = true;
                    tb.Font = Font;
                    tb.Depth = 0.9f;
                    tb.HoverColor = new Color(50, 238, 50);
                    tb.Origin = new Vector2(0, MainButton.Instance.Height - 7);
                    tb.NextMenu = "Difficulty";
                    HybridButton tb = new HybridButton(MainButton, MainButton, new Vector2(120 - 15 * 0, 85 + 0 * 55));
                    tb.Text = LocalizationData.Continue;
                    tb.TextPosition = new Vector2(15, -47);
                    tb.Font = Font;
                    tb.Depth = 0.9f;
                    tb.Sound = MenuItemSelected.CreateInstance();
                    tb.HoverColor = new Color(50, 238, 50);
                    tb.UseSound = true;
                    tb.Origin = new Vector2(0, MainButton.Instance.Height - 7);
                    tb.NextMenu = "Campaing";
                if (Nab)
                    HybridButton tb = new HybridButton(MainButton, MainButton, new Vector2(120 - 15 * 1, 85 + 1 * 55));
                    tb.Text = LocalizationData.Continue;
                    tb.TextPosition = new Vector2(15, -47);
                    tb.Font = Font;
                    tb.Depth = 0.9f;
                    tb.Sound = MenuItemSelected.CreateInstance();
                    tb.HoverColor = new Color(50, 238, 50);
                    tb.UseSound = true;
                    tb.Origin = new Vector2(0, MainButton.Instance.Height - 7);
                    tb.NextMenu = "Campaing";
                    HybridButton tb = new HybridButton(MainButton, MainButton, new Vector2(120 - 15 * 1, 85 + 1 * 55));
                    tb.Text = LocalizationData.NewGame;
                    tb.TextPosition = new Vector2(15, -47);
                    tb.Sound = MenuItemSelected.CreateInstance();
                    tb.HoverColor = new Color(50, 238, 50);
                    tb.UseSound = true;
                    tb.Font = Font;
                    tb.Depth = 0.9f;
                    tb.Origin = new Vector2(0, MainButton.Instance.Height - 7);
                    tb.NextMenu = "Difficulty";

                HybridButton tb = new HybridButton(MainButton, MainButton, new Vector2(120 - 15 * 2, 85 + 2 * 55));
                tb.Text = LocalizationData.Multiplayer;
                tb.TextPosition = new Vector2(15, -47);
                tb.NextMenu = "MultiplayerMain";
                tb.HoverColor = new Color(50, 238, 50);
                tb.Sound = MenuItemSelected.CreateInstance();
                tb.UseSound = true;
                tb.Font = Font;
                tb.Depth = 0.9f;
                tb.Origin = new Vector2(0, MainButton.Instance.Height - 7);
                HybridButton tb = new HybridButton(MainButton, MainButton, new Vector2(120 - 15 * 3, 85 + 3 * 55));
                tb.Text = LocalizationData.Rate;
                tb.TextPosition = new Vector2(15, -47);
                tb.Sound = MenuItemSelected.CreateInstance();
                tb.HoverColor = new Color(50, 238, 50);
                tb.UseSound = true;
                tb.Font = Font;
                tb.Depth = 0.9f;
                tb.Origin = new Vector2(0, MainButton.Instance.Height - 7);
                tb.OnClick += new EventHandler(Rate_OnClick);
                HybridButton tb = new HybridButton(MainButton, MainButton, new Vector2(120 - 15 * 4, 85 + 4 * 55));
                tb.Text = LocalizationData.Share;
                tb.TextPosition = new Vector2(15, -47);
                tb.Sound = MenuItemSelected.CreateInstance();
                tb.HoverColor = new Color(50, 238, 50);
                tb.OnClick += new EventHandler(share_OnClick);
                tb.UseSound = true;
                tb.Font = Font;
                tb.Depth = 0.9f;
                tb.Origin = new Vector2(0, MainButton.Instance.Height - 7);
                HybridButton tb = new HybridButton(MainButton, MainButton, new Vector2(120 - 15 * 4, 85 + 4 * 55));
                tb.Text = "Editor";
                tb.OnClick+=new EventHandler(EnterEditorMode);
                tb.TextPosition = new Vector2(15, -47);
                tb.HoverColor = new Color(50, 238, 50);
                tb.Sound = MenuItemSelected.CreateInstance();
                tb.UseSound = true;
                tb.Font = Font;
                tb.Depth = 0.9f;
                tb.Origin = new Vector2(0, MainButton.Instance.Height - 7);
                HybridButton tb = new HybridButton(MainButton, MainButton, new Vector2(120 - 15 * 5, 85 + 5 * 55));
                tb.Text = LocalizationData.Exit;
                tb.TextPosition = new Vector2(15, -47);
                tb.HoverColor = new Color(50, 238, 50);
                tb.Sound = MenuItemSelected.CreateInstance();
                tb.UseSound = true;
                tb.Font = Font;
                tb.Depth = 0.9f;
                tb.Origin = new Vector2(0, MainButton.Instance.Height - 7);
                tb.NextMenu = "%Exit%"; //Change
            #region Campaing Menu
            IResourceObject<Texture2D> CampaingOverlay = RCS.GetObject<Texture2D>("Menues/Campaing/Overlay");
            IAnimator<Vector2> CampaingOut = new SmoothVectorAnimator();
            CampaingOut.AtStart = Vector2.Zero;
            CampaingOut.AtEnd = new Vector2(0, 480);
            CampaingOut.Duration = 500;

            IAnimator<Vector2> CampaingIn = new SmoothVectorAnimator();
            CampaingIn.AtStart = new Vector2(0, -480);
            CampaingIn.AtEnd = Vector2.Zero;
            CampaingIn.Duration = 500;
            Menu Two = new Menu(CampaingIn, CampaingOut, BuildMessageBox());
            Two.Controls.Add(new Image() { Texture = CampaingOverlay, Position = Vector2.Zero, Depth = 0.5f });
            Two.Controls.Add(new AdControl(adManager) { Position = new Vector2(252, 415), Scale = 1, Depth = 0 });
            Two.OnDraw += CampaignOnDraw;
            Manager.Menues.Add("Campaing", Two);
                HybridButton tb = new HybridButton(CampaingButton, CampaingButton, new Vector2(57, 45 + 0 * 53));
                tb.Origin = new Vector2(0, 0);
                tb.Depth = 0.51f;
                tb.Color = Color.LightGreen;
                tb.HoverColor = new Color(50, 238, 50);
                tb.Font = Font;
                tb.UseSound = true;
                tb.Sound = MenuItemSelected.CreateInstance();
                tb.Text = tutorial.Name;
                tb.Tag = tutorial;
                tb.OnClick += CampaignSelected;
                tb.TextPosition = new Vector2(20, CampaingButton.Instance.Height / 4);
                HybridButton tb = new HybridButton(CampaingButton, CampaingButton, new Vector2(57, 45 + 1 * 53));
                tb.Origin = new Vector2(0, 0);
                tb.Depth = 0.51f;
                tb.Font = Font;
                tb.HoverColor = new Color(50, 238, 50);
                tb.UseSound = true;
                tb.Sound = MenuItemSelected.CreateInstance();
                tb.Text = campaign1.Name;
                tb.Tag = campaign1;
                tb.OnClick += CampaignSelected;
                tb.TextPosition = new Vector2(20, CampaingButton.Instance.Height / 4);
                HybridButton tb = new HybridButton(CampaingButton, CampaingButton, new Vector2(57, 45 + 2 * 53));
                tb.Origin = new Vector2(0, 0);
                tb.Depth = 0.51f;
                tb.Font = Font;
                tb.HoverColor = new Color(50, 238, 50);
                tb.UseSound = true;
                tb.Sound = MenuItemSelected.CreateInstance();
                tb.Text = campaign2.Name;
                tb.Tag = campaign2;
                tb.OnClick += CampaignSelected;
                tb.TextPosition = new Vector2(20, CampaingButton.Instance.Height / 4);
            //    HybridButton tb = new HybridButton(CampaingButton, CampaingButton, new Vector2(57, 45 + 1 * 53));
            //    tb.Origin = new Vector2(0, 0);
            //    tb.Depth = 0.51f;
            //    tb.Font = Font;
            //    tb.Text = campaign2.Name;
            //    tb.Tag = campaign2;
            //    tb.OnClick += CampaignSelected;
            //    tb.TextPosition = new Vector2(20, CampaingButton.Height / 4);
            //    Two.Controls.Add(tb);
            HybridButton Left = new HybridButton(RCS.GetObject<Texture2D>("Menues/LeftButton"), RCS.GetObject<Texture2D>("Menues/LeftButton"), new Vector2(43, 444));
            Left.Origin = new Vector2(0, 62);
            Left.NextMenu = "%Back%";
            Left.HoverColor = new Color(50, 238, 50);
            Left.CanOffset = false;
            Left.UseSound = true;
            Left.Sound = MenuItemSelected.CreateInstance();
            Left.Depth = 0.01f;
            Left.Font = Font;
            Left.TextPosition = -Left.Origin + new Vector2(50, 23);
            Left.Text = LocalizationData.Back;
            HybridButton Right = new HybridButton(RCS.GetObject<Texture2D>("Menues/RightButton"), RCS.GetObject<Texture2D>("Menues/RightButton"), new Vector2(757, 444));
            Right.Origin = new Vector2(172, 62);
            Right.CanOffset = false;
            Right.Depth = 0.01f;
            Right.HoverColor = new Color(50, 238, 50);
            Right.UseSound = true;
            Right.Sound = MenuItemSelected.CreateInstance();
            Right.NextMenu = "Base";
            Right.Font = Font;
            Right.TextPosition = -Right.Origin + new Vector2(60, 23);
            Right.Text = LocalizationData.Play;
            #region Base Menu

            IAnimator<Vector2> Empty = new SmoothVectorAnimator();
            Empty.AtStart = Vector2.Zero;
            Empty.AtEnd = Vector2.Zero;
            Empty.Duration = 0;


            MultiplayerMenu multiplayerMenu = new MultiplayerMenu();
            Manager.Menues.Add("MultiplayerMain", multiplayerMenu);

            //Define the strategic menu, but don't bother giving it any controls
            Menu Strategic = new Menu(Empty, Empty, BuildMessageBox());
            Manager.Menues.Add("Strategic", Strategic);
            Strategic.OnDraw += new EventHandler(Strategic_OnDraw);

            //Define the mission menu too
            Menu MissionSelection = new Menu(Empty, Empty, BuildMessageBox());
            Manager.Menues.Add("Mission", MissionSelection);
            MissionSelection.OnDraw += new EventHandler(MissionSelection_OnDraw);

            Menu DifficultySelection = new Menu(MainAnimatorIn, MainAnimatorOut, BuildMessageBox());
            DifficultySelection.NotReturnable = true;
            Manager.Menues.Add("Difficulty", DifficultySelection);
            HybridButton Easy = new HybridButton(MainButton, MainButton, new Vector2(120 - 15 * 0, 85 + 0 * 55));
            Easy.Tag = "Easy";
            Easy.OnClick += new EventHandler(Easy_OnClick);
            Easy.Text = LocalizationData.DifficultyEasy;
            Easy.Font = Font;
            Easy.UseSound = true;
            Easy.Sound = MenuItemSelected.CreateInstance();
            Easy.Depth = 0.9f;
            Easy.NextMenu = "Campaing";
            Easy.Origin = new Vector2(0, MainButton.Instance.Height - 7);
            Easy.TextPosition = new Vector2(15, -47);

            HybridButton Medium = new HybridButton(MainButton, MainButton, new Vector2(120 - 15 * 0, 85 + 0 * 55));
            Medium.Tag = "Medium";
            Medium.OnClick += Easy_OnClick;
            Medium.UseSound = true;
            Medium.HoverColor = new Color(50, 238, 50);
            Medium.Sound = MenuItemSelected.CreateInstance();
            Medium.Text = LocalizationData.DifficultyEasy;
            Medium.NextMenu = "Campaing";
            Medium.Font = Font;
            Medium.Depth = 0.9f;
            Medium.Origin = new Vector2(0, MainButton.Instance.Height - 7);
            Medium.TextPosition = new Vector2(15, -47);

            HybridButton Hard = new HybridButton(MainButton, MainButton, new Vector2(120 - 15 * 1, 85 + 1 * 55));
            Hard.Tag = "Hard";
            Hard.OnClick += Easy_OnClick;
            Hard.UseSound = true;
            Hard.HoverColor = new Color(50, 238, 50);
            Hard.Sound = MenuItemSelected.CreateInstance();
            Hard.Text = LocalizationData.DifficultyMedium;
            Hard.Font = Font;
            Hard.NextMenu = "Campaing";
            Hard.Depth = 0.9f;
            Hard.Origin = new Vector2(0, MainButton.Instance.Height - 7);
            Hard.TextPosition = new Vector2(15, -47);

            HybridButton Insane = new HybridButton(MainButton, MainButton, new Vector2(120 - 15 * 2, 85 + 2 * 55));
            Insane.Tag = "Insane";
            Insane.OnClick += Easy_OnClick;
            Insane.Text = LocalizationData.DifficultyHard;
            Insane.UseSound = true;
            Insane.HoverColor = new Color(50, 238, 50);
            Insane.Sound = MenuItemSelected.CreateInstance();
            Insane.Font = Font;
            Insane.NextMenu = "Campaing";
            Insane.Depth = 0.9f;
            Insane.Origin = new Vector2(0, MainButton.Instance.Height - 7);
            Insane.TextPosition = new Vector2(15, -47);

            HybridButton DiffBack = new HybridButton(MainButton, MainButton, new Vector2(120 - 15 * 3, 85 + 3 * 55));
            DiffBack.Text = LocalizationData.Back;
            DiffBack.Font = Font;
            DiffBack.HoverColor = new Color(50, 238, 50);
            DiffBack.UseSound = true;
            DiffBack.Sound = MenuItemSelected.CreateInstance();
            DiffBack.NextMenu = "%Back%";
            DiffBack.Depth = 0.9f;
            DiffBack.Origin = new Vector2(0, MainButton.Instance.Height - 7);
            DiffBack.TextPosition = new Vector2(15, -47);
            DifficultySelection.Controls.Add(new AdControl(adManager) { Position = new Vector2(417, 411), Scale = 1, Depth = 0 });
            DifficultySelection.Controls.Add(new Image() { Texture = MainOverlay, Position = Vector2.Zero, Depth = 0.5f });

            PauseManager = new MenuManager();
            PauseManager.ExitOnBack = false;
            PauseManager.Enabled = false;
            Menu PauseMenu = new Menu(MainAnimatorIn, MainAnimatorOut, BuildMessageBox());
            PauseManager.Menues.Add("Pause", PauseMenu);
            HybridButton Continue = new HybridButton(MainButton, MainButton, new Vector2(120 - 15 * 0, 85 + 0 * 55));
            Continue.UseSound = true;
            Continue.Sound = MenuItemSelected.CreateInstance();
            Continue.OnClick += new EventHandler(Continue_OnClick);
            Continue.Text = LocalizationData.Continue;
            Continue.Font = Font;
            Continue.HoverColor = new Color(50, 238, 50);
            Continue.Depth = 0.6f;
            Continue.Origin = new Vector2(0, MainButton.Instance.Height - 7);
            Continue.TextPosition = new Vector2(15, -47);
            PauseMenu.Controls.Add(new AdControl(adManager) { Position = new Vector2(417, 411), Scale = 1, Depth = 0 });

            HybridButton ChangeDifficulty = new HybridButton(MainButton, MainButton, new Vector2(120 - 15 * 1, 85 + 1 * 55));
            ChangeDifficulty.UseSound = true;
            ChangeDifficulty.HoverColor = new Color(50, 238, 50);
            ChangeDifficulty.Sound = MenuItemSelected.CreateInstance();
            ChangeDifficulty.Text = LocalizationData.Difficulty;
            ChangeDifficulty.Font = Font;
            ChangeDifficulty.Depth = 0.6f;
            ChangeDifficulty.Origin = new Vector2(0, MainButton.Instance.Height - 7);
            ChangeDifficulty.TextPosition = new Vector2(15, -47);
            ChangeDifficulty.NextMenu = "Difficulty";

            HybridButton Exit = new HybridButton(MainButton, MainButton, new Vector2(120 - 15 * 2, 85 + 2 * 55));
            Exit.OnClick += new EventHandler(Exit_OnClick);
            Exit.HoverColor = new Color(50, 238, 50);
            Exit.UseSound = true;
            Exit.Sound = MenuItemSelected.CreateInstance();
            Exit.Text = LocalizationData.Exit;
            Exit.Font = Font;
            Exit.Depth = 0.6f;
            Exit.Origin = new Vector2(0, MainButton.Instance.Height - 7);
            Exit.TextPosition = new Vector2(15, -47);
            PauseMenu.Controls.Add(new Image() { Texture = MainOverlay, Position = Vector2.Zero, Depth = 0.5f });

            Menu PauseMenuDifficulty = new Menu(MainAnimatorIn, MainAnimatorOut, BuildMessageBox());
            HybridButton PauseMenuDifficultyEasy = new HybridButton(MainButton, MainButton, new Vector2(120 - 15 * 0, 85 + 0 * 55));
            PauseMenuDifficultyEasy.Tag = "Easy";
            PauseMenuDifficultyEasy.OnClick += new EventHandler(PauseMenuDifficultyEasy_OnClick);
            PauseMenuDifficultyEasy.Text = LocalizationData.DifficultyEasy;
            PauseMenuDifficultyEasy.Font = Font;
            PauseMenuDifficultyEasy.UseSound = true;
            PauseMenuDifficultyEasy.Sound = MenuItemSelected.CreateInstance();
            PauseMenuDifficultyEasy.Depth = 0.9f;
            PauseMenuDifficultyEasy.NextMenu = "%Back%";
            PauseMenuDifficultyEasy.Origin = new Vector2(0, MainButton.Instance.Height - 7);
            PauseMenuDifficultyEasy.TextPosition = new Vector2(15, -47);

            HybridButton PauseMenuDifficultyMedium = new HybridButton(MainButton, MainButton, new Vector2(120 - 15 * 0, 85 + 0 * 55));
            PauseMenuDifficultyMedium.Tag = "Medium";
            PauseMenuDifficultyMedium.HoverColor = new Color(50, 238, 50);
            PauseMenuDifficultyMedium.OnClick += new EventHandler(PauseMenuDifficultyEasy_OnClick);
            PauseMenuDifficultyMedium.UseSound = true;
            PauseMenuDifficultyMedium.Sound = MenuItemSelected.CreateInstance();
            PauseMenuDifficultyMedium.Text = LocalizationData.DifficultyEasy;
            PauseMenuDifficultyMedium.NextMenu = "%Back%";
            PauseMenuDifficultyMedium.Font = Font;
            PauseMenuDifficultyMedium.Depth = 0.9f;
            PauseMenuDifficultyMedium.Origin = new Vector2(0, MainButton.Instance.Height - 7);
            PauseMenuDifficultyMedium.TextPosition = new Vector2(15, -47);

            HybridButton PauseMenuDifficultyHard = new HybridButton(MainButton, MainButton, new Vector2(120 - 15 * 1, 85 + 1 * 55));
            PauseMenuDifficultyHard.Tag = "Hard";
            PauseMenuDifficultyHard.HoverColor = new Color(50, 238, 50);
            PauseMenuDifficultyHard.OnClick += new EventHandler(PauseMenuDifficultyEasy_OnClick);
            PauseMenuDifficultyHard.UseSound = true;
            PauseMenuDifficultyHard.Sound = MenuItemSelected.CreateInstance();
            PauseMenuDifficultyHard.Text = LocalizationData.DifficultyMedium;
            PauseMenuDifficultyHard.Font = Font;
            PauseMenuDifficultyHard.NextMenu = "%Back%";
            PauseMenuDifficultyHard.Depth = 0.9f;
            PauseMenuDifficultyHard.Origin = new Vector2(0, MainButton.Instance.Height - 7);
            PauseMenuDifficultyHard.TextPosition = new Vector2(15, -47);

            HybridButton PauseMenuDifficultyInsane = new HybridButton(MainButton, MainButton, new Vector2(120 - 15 * 2, 85 + 2 * 55));
            PauseMenuDifficultyInsane.Tag = "Insane";
            PauseMenuDifficultyInsane.HoverColor = new Color(50, 238, 50);
            PauseMenuDifficultyInsane.OnClick += new EventHandler(PauseMenuDifficultyEasy_OnClick);
            PauseMenuDifficultyInsane.Text = LocalizationData.DifficultyHard;
            PauseMenuDifficultyInsane.UseSound = true;
            PauseMenuDifficultyInsane.Sound = MenuItemSelected.CreateInstance();
            PauseMenuDifficultyInsane.Font = Font;
            PauseMenuDifficultyInsane.NextMenu = "%Back%";
            PauseMenuDifficultyInsane.Depth = 0.9f;
            PauseMenuDifficultyInsane.Origin = new Vector2(0, MainButton.Instance.Height - 7);
            PauseMenuDifficultyInsane.TextPosition = new Vector2(15, -47);

            HybridButton PauseMenuDifficultyDiffBack = new HybridButton(MainButton, MainButton, new Vector2(120 - 15 * 3, 85 + 3 * 55));
            PauseMenuDifficultyDiffBack.Text = LocalizationData.Back;
            PauseMenuDifficultyDiffBack.Font = Font;
            PauseMenuDifficultyDiffBack.HoverColor = new Color(50, 238, 50);
            PauseMenuDifficultyDiffBack.UseSound = true;
            PauseMenuDifficultyDiffBack.Sound = MenuItemSelected.CreateInstance();
            PauseMenuDifficultyDiffBack.NextMenu = "%Back%";
            PauseMenuDifficultyDiffBack.Depth = 0.9f;
            PauseMenuDifficultyDiffBack.Origin = new Vector2(0, MainButton.Instance.Height - 7);
            PauseMenuDifficultyDiffBack.TextPosition = new Vector2(15, -47);
            PauseMenuDifficulty.Controls.Add(new AdControl(adManager) { Position = new Vector2(417, 411), Scale = 1, Depth = 0 });
            PauseMenuDifficulty.Controls.Add(new Image() { Texture = MainOverlay, Position = Vector2.Zero, Depth = 0.5f });

            Manager.Enabled = true;

            PopupMB = new MessageBox("", 700, 300, Font, RCS.GetObject<Texture2D>("Corner"), RCS.GetObject<Texture2D>("Border"), RCS.GetObject<Texture2D>("BackgroundPattern"));
            PopupMB.Depth = 0.01f;
            PopupMB.OnClosed += new Action(PopupMB_OnClosed);
            PopupMB.Origin = new Vector2(350, 150);
            PopupMB.Position = new Vector2(400, 240);
            PopupTextManager = new TextManager();
            PopupTextManager.Settings = PopupTextSettings = new TextManagerSettings();
            PopupTextSettings.Depth = 0;
            PopupTextSettings.Font = Font;
            PopupTextSettings.Origin = new Vector2(400, 240);
            PopupTextManager.Settings.Offset = new Vector2(100 - 34, 105);
            PopupTextSettings.Width = 700 - 28;

            textSettings.Depth = 0.49f;
            IInputService input = Atom.Shared.Globals.Engine.GetService(typeof(IInputService)) as IInputService;
            MainMenuContract = input.CreateContract();
            MainMenuContract.SubscribedTouchEvents = TouchStates.OnDrag | TouchStates.OnDoubleTap | TouchStates.OnTap | TouchStates.OnFlick;
            MainMenuContract.TouchEventHandler += new EventHandler<TouchEventArgs>(contract_TouchEventHandler);
            SinglePlayerContract = input.CreateContract();
            SinglePlayerContract.Enabled = false;
            SinglePlayerContract.SubscribedTouchEvents = TouchStates.OnDrag | TouchStates.OnTap | TouchStates.OnDoubleTap | TouchStates.OnPinch | TouchStates.OnFlick;
            SinglePlayerContract.TouchEventHandler += new EventHandler<TouchEventArgs>(SinglePlayerContract_TouchEventHandler);

            Manager.OnEndMenuChange += new EventHandler<MenuChangeEventArgs>(Manager_OnEndMenuChange);
            Manager.OnBeginMenuChange += new EventHandler<MenuChangeEventArgs>(Manager_OnBeginMenuChange);
            Background = RCS.GetObject<Texture2D>("Menues/11v");
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Menu> menu in Manager.Menues)
Exemplo n.º 12
        public MultiplayerMenu()
            : base()
            RCS = Globals.Engine.GetService<IResourceCacheService>();
            IAnimator<Vector2> MainAnimatorOut = new SmoothVectorAnimator();
            MainAnimatorOut.AtStart = Vector2.Zero;
            MainAnimatorOut.AtEnd = new Vector2(-120, 425);
            MainAnimatorOut.Duration = 450;

            IAnimator<Vector2> MainAnimatorIn = new LinearVectorAnimator();
            MainAnimatorIn.AtStart = new Vector2(120, -425);
            MainAnimatorIn.AtEnd = Vector2.Zero;
            MainAnimatorIn.Duration = 375;

            InVectorAnimator = MainAnimatorIn;
            OutVectorAnimator = MainAnimatorOut;
            IResourceObject<Texture2D> MainOverlay = RCS.GetObject<Texture2D>("Menues/Main/MainOverlay");
            IResourceObject<Texture2D> MainButton = RCS.GetObject<Texture2D>("Menues/Main/button");

            this.MessageBox = GameBase.BuildMessageBox(new Vector2(300,100));
            this.MessageBox.Parent = this;
            this.MessageBox.OnClosed += MessageBox_OnClosed;

            Controls.Add(new Image() { Texture = MainOverlay, Position = Vector2.Zero, Depth = 0.5f });
            Controls.Add(new AdControl(GameBase.adManager) { Position = new Vector2(252, 415), Scale = 1, Depth = 0 });
                HybridButton tb = new HybridButton(MainButton, MainButton, new Vector2(120 - 15 * 0, 85 + 0 * 55));
                tb.Text = LocalizationData.QuickMatch;
                tb.TextPosition = new Vector2(15, -47);
                tb.OnClick += tb_OnClick;
                //tb.Sound = MenuItemSelected.CreateInstance();
                //tb.UseSound = true;
                tb.Font = GameBase.Font;
                tb.Depth = 0.9f;
                tb.HoverColor = new Color(50, 238, 50);
                tb.Origin = new Vector2(0, MainButton.Instance.Height - 7);
                //.NextMenu = LocalizationData.QuickMatch;
                HybridButton tb = new HybridButton(MainButton, MainButton, new Vector2(120 - 15 * 1, 85 + 1 * 55));
                tb.Text = LocalizationData.Back;
                tb.TextPosition = new Vector2(15, -47);
                //tb.Sound = MenuItemSelected.CreateInstance();
                //tb.UseSound = true;
                tb.Font = GameBase.Font;
                tb.Depth = 0.9f;
                tb.HoverColor = new Color(50, 238, 50);
                tb.Origin = new Vector2(0, MainButton.Instance.Height - 7);
                tb.OnClick += OnBack;
                tb.NextMenu = "%Back%";
            progressBar = new Image();
            progressBar.Texture = RCS.GetObject<Texture2D>("Menues/Multiplayer/ProgressWheel");
            progressBar.Origin = new Vector2(25, 25);
            progressBar.Position = new Vector2(400, 230);
            progressBar.Scale = 1f;
            progressBar.Visible = false;
            progressBar.Enabled = true;
