Exemplo n.º 1
 public LoginService(IRepositories repositories)
     this.repositories  = repositories;
     transactionService = AppKernel.Get <ITransactionService>(new[] {
         new ConstructorArgument("repositories", repositories)
Exemplo n.º 2
        public LoginService()
            repositories = AppKernel.Get <IRepositories>();
            ConstructorArgument param = new ConstructorArgument("repositories", repositories);

            transactionService = AppKernel.Get <ITransactionService>(param);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public GatewayService(IDeviceInfo deviceInfo, IHttpService httpService, IRepositories repositories, IInfoService infoService, IMvxMessenger messenger)
            _deviceInfo  = deviceInfo;
            _httpService = httpService;
            _infoService = infoService;
            _messenger   = messenger;

            string urlBase = "http://blueport.gateway.fleetwoodmobile.net:7090";

            //TODO: read this from config or somewhere?
            _gatewayDeviceRequestUrl = urlBase + "/api/gateway/devicerequest";
            _gatewayDeviceCreateUrl  = urlBase + "/api/gateway/createdevice";
            _gatewayConfigRequestUrl = urlBase + "/api/gateway/configrequest";
            _gatewayLogMessageUrl    = urlBase + "/api/gateway/logmessage";
            _gatewayLicenceCheckUrl  = urlBase + "/api/gateway/systemcheck";

            //Local url, will need to change your own IP
            //_gatewayDeviceCreateUrl = "";
            //_gatewayDeviceRequestUrl = "";
            //_gatewayLogMessageUrl = "";
            //_gatewayConfigRequestUrl = "";
            //_gatewayLicenceCheckUrl = "";

            _deviceRepository = repositories.DeviceRepository;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public OrderViewModel(INavigationService navigationService, IRepositories repositories, IInfoService infoService)
     _navigationService = navigationService;
     _repositories      = repositories;
     _infoService       = infoService;
     _configRepository  = repositories.ConfigRepository;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public SvxLinkService(ILogger <SvxLinkService> logger, IRepositories repositories, ScanService scanService, TelemetryClient telemetry, IIniService iniService) : base(logger, telemetry)
            this.logger       = logger;
            this.repositories = repositories;
            this.scanService  = scanService;
            this.telemetry    = telemetry;
            this.iniService   = iniService;
            lastTx            = DateTime.Now;

            tempoTimer = new Timer(1000)
                Enabled = false

            tempoTimer.Elapsed += CheckTemporized;

            scanTimer = new Timer(5000)
                Enabled = false

            scanTimer.Elapsed += CheckScan;
Exemplo n.º 6
        protected override void AdditionalSetup()
            _fixture = new Fixture().Customize(new AutoMoqCustomization());

            IDriverRepository     driverRepo     = Mock.Of <IDriverRepository>(dr => dr.GetByIDAsync(It.IsAny <Guid>()) == Task.FromResult(_fixture.Create <Driver>()));
            IVehicleRepository    vehicleRepo    = Mock.Of <IVehicleRepository>(vr => vr.GetByIDAsync(It.IsAny <Guid>()) == Task.FromResult(_fixture.Create <Vehicle>()));
            IMobileDataRepository mobileDataRepo = Mock.Of <IMobileDataRepository>(mdr => mdr.GetByIDAsync(It.IsAny <Guid>()) == Task.FromResult(_fixture.Create <MobileData>()));

            var mockGpsService = _fixture.InjectNewMock <IGpsService>();

            mockGpsService.Setup(mgps => mgps.GetSmpData(MWF.Mobile.Core.Enums.ReportReason.Begin)).Returns("SMP-BEGIN");
            mockGpsService.Setup(mgps => mgps.GetSmpData(MWF.Mobile.Core.Enums.ReportReason.Drive)).Returns("SMP-DRIVE");
            mockGpsService.Setup(mgps => mgps.GetSmpData(MWF.Mobile.Core.Enums.ReportReason.OnSite)).Returns("SMP-ONSITE");
            mockGpsService.Setup(mgps => mgps.GetSmpData(MWF.Mobile.Core.Enums.ReportReason.Complete)).Returns("SMP-COMPLETE");

            IRepositories repos = Mock.Of <IRepositories>(r => r.DriverRepository == driverRepo && r.VehicleRepository == vehicleRepo && r.MobileDataRepository == mobileDataRepo);

            _fixture.Register <IRepositories>(() => repos);

            _mockGatewayQueuedService = new Mock <IGatewayQueuedService>();

            _mockGatewayQueuedService.Setup(mgqs => mgqs.AddToQueueAsync("fwSyncChunkToServer", It.IsAny <MobileApplicationDataChunkCollection>(), null))
            .Callback <string, MobileApplicationDataChunkCollection, Parameter[]>((s, m, p) => { _mobileDataChunkCollection = m; })

            _mockGatewayQueuedService.Setup(mgqs => mgqs.AddToQueueAsync("fwSyncPhotos", It.IsAny <UploadCameraImageObject>(), null))
            .Callback <string, UploadCameraImageObject, Parameter[]>((s, uo, p) => { _uploadImageObject = uo; })

            _fixture.Inject <IGatewayQueuedService>(_mockGatewayQueuedService.Object);

            _mockInfoService = _fixture.InjectNewMock <IInfoService>();
Exemplo n.º 7
 public InstructionSignatureViewModel(INavigationService navigationService, IRepositories repositories, ICustomUserInteraction userInteraction, IInfoService mobileApplicationDataChunkService)
     _navigationService = navigationService;
     _repositories      = repositories;
     _userInteraction   = userInteraction;
     _infoService       = mobileApplicationDataChunkService;
Exemplo n.º 8
        // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.
        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection serviceCollection)

            IConfigurationService configurationService = new ConfigurationService();

            serviceCollection.AddSingleton <IConfigurationService>(configurationService);

            this.InitIdentity(serviceCollection, configurationService.BlogConnectionString);

            IRepositories repositories = this.BuildRepositories(configurationService.BlogConnectionString);

            serviceCollection.AddSingleton <IRepositories>(repositories);

            IRetrievers retrievers = this.BuildRetrievers(configurationService.BlogConnectionString);

            serviceCollection.AddSingleton <IRetrievers>(retrievers);

            ILog log = this.BuildLog(configurationService.ConfigurationRoot);

            serviceCollection.AddSingleton <ILog>(log);

            var serviceProvider = serviceCollection.BuildServiceProvider();
            RoleManager <ApplicationRole> roleManager = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <RoleManager <ApplicationRole> >();
            IServices services = this.BuildServices(repositories, retrievers, roleManager);

            serviceCollection.AddSingleton <IServices>(services);
Exemplo n.º 9
 public AddShapeViewModel(IRepositories repositories, IShapesCreator shapesCreator)
     _repositories   = repositories;
     _shapesCreator  = shapesCreator;
     AddShapeCommand = new MvxCommand(AddShape);
     CancelCommand   = new MvxCommand(Cancel);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public GatewayPollingService(
            IDeviceInfo deviceInfo,
            IHttpService httpService,
            IReachability reachability,
            IRepositories repositories,
            IMvxMessenger messenger,
            IGatewayService gatewayService,
            IGatewayQueuedService gatewayQueuedService,
            IInfoService infoService,
            IDataChunkService dataChunkService,
            ICustomPresenter customPresenter,
            ILoggingService loggingService
            _deviceInfo           = deviceInfo;
            _httpService          = httpService;
            _reachability         = reachability;
            _repositories         = repositories;
            _messenger            = messenger;
            _gatewayService       = gatewayService;
            _gatewayQueuedService = gatewayQueuedService;
            _infoService          = infoService;
            _dataChunkService     = dataChunkService;
            _customPresenter      = customPresenter;

            _deviceRepository = repositories.DeviceRepository;
            _loggingService   = loggingService;
Exemplo n.º 11
 public SafetyCheckViewModel(IInfoService infoService, INavigationService navigationService, IRepositories repositories, ISafetyCheckService safetyCheckService)
     _infoService        = infoService;
     _repositories       = repositories;
     _navigationService  = navigationService;
     _safetyCheckService = safetyCheckService;
Exemplo n.º 12
        public GatewayQueuedService(
            IDeviceInfo deviceInfo,
            IHttpService httpService,
            Portable.IReachability reachability,
            IRepositories repositories,
            ILoggingService loggingService,
            IMvxMessenger messenger)
            _deviceInfo          = deviceInfo;
            _httpService         = httpService;
            _queueItemRepository = repositories.GatewayQueueItemRepository;
            _reachability        = reachability;
            _loggingService      = loggingService;
            _messenger           = messenger;

            //TODO: read this from config or somewhere?

            _gatewayDeviceRequestUrl = "http://blueport.gateway.fleetwoodmobile.net:7090/api/gateway/devicerequest";

            //Local url will need to change the station number
            //_gatewayDeviceRequestUrl = "";

            _deviceRepository = repositories.DeviceRepository;
Exemplo n.º 13
 public InstructionOnSiteViewModel(INavigationService navigationService, IRepositories repositories, IInfoService infoService, IDataChunkService dataChunkService)
     _navigationService = navigationService;
     _repositories      = repositories;
     _infoService       = infoService;
     _dataChunkService  = dataChunkService;
Exemplo n.º 14
 public CheckOutSignatureViewModel(ICloseApplication closeApplication,
                                   INavigationService navigationService, IRepositories repositories)
     _closeApplication  = closeApplication;
     _navigationService = navigationService;
     _repositories      = repositories;
Exemplo n.º 15
        protected override void AdditionalSetup()
            _fixture = new Fixture().Customize(new AutoMoqCustomization());
            _mockQueueItemRepository = new Mock <Core.Repositories.IGatewayQueueItemRepository>();
            var mockDeviceInfo = new Mock <Core.Services.IDeviceInfo>();

            mockDeviceInfo.SetupGet(m => m.GatewayPassword).Returns("fleetwoodmobile");
            mockDeviceInfo.SetupGet(m => m.MobileApplication).Returns("Orchestrator");
            _fixture.Inject <Core.Services.IDeviceInfo>(mockDeviceInfo.Object);

            // set up info service to have a logged in driver who is licensed
            _infoService = _fixture.Create <InfoService>();
            _fixture.Inject <IInfoService>(_infoService);
            //(relies on driver TEST TEST (on Proteo test site) not being marked as revoked)
            _infoService.CurrentDriverID = new Guid("7B5657F7-A0C3-4CAF-AA5F-D76FE942074B");

            IEnumerable <Device> devices = new List <Device>()
                new Device()
                    DeviceIdentifier = "021PROTEO0000001"
            IDeviceRepository repo  = Mock.Of <IDeviceRepository>(dr => dr.GetAllAsync() == Task.FromResult(devices));
            IRepositories     repos = Mock.Of <IRepositories>(r => r.DeviceRepository == repo &&
                                                              r.GatewayQueueItemRepository == _mockQueueItemRepository.Object);

            _fixture.Register <IRepositories>(() => repos);

            _messengerMock = _fixture.InjectNewMock <IMvxMessenger>();
Exemplo n.º 16
 public ClassService(
     IRepositories repositories,
     ILogger <BaseService> logger,
     IMapper mapper
     ) : base(repositories, logger, mapper)
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the repositories available from the source code host
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='operations'>
 /// The operations group for this extension method.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='sourceHost'>
 /// The source host. Possible values include: 'github', 'bitbucket', 'vsts'
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='ownerName'>
 /// The name of the owner
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='appName'>
 /// The name of the application
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='vstsAccountName'>
 /// Filter repositories only for specified account and project, "vstsProjectId"
 /// is required
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='vstsProjectId'>
 /// Filter repositories only for specified account and project,
 /// "vstsAccountName" is required
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='form'>
 /// The selected form of the object. Possible values include: 'lite', 'full'
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='cancellationToken'>
 /// The cancellation token.
 /// </param>
 public static async Task <IList <SourceRepository> > ListAsync(this IRepositories operations, string sourceHost, string ownerName, string appName, string vstsAccountName = default(string), string vstsProjectId = default(string), string form = default(string), CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
     using (var _result = await operations.ListWithHttpMessagesAsync(sourceHost, ownerName, appName, vstsAccountName, vstsProjectId, form, null, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
Exemplo n.º 18
        public static IDictionary<Brick, Brick> GetContentMap(this IEnumerable<Brick> bricks, IRepositories repos)
            var brickList = bricks.Select(b => b.BrickContentId).ToList();

            var result = new Dictionary<Brick, Brick>();
            var contents = repos.BrickContents.Where(c => brickList.Contains(c.BrickContentId)).ToList();

            var linkable = contents.OfType<LinkableBrick>();
            var linkableList = linkable.Select(b => b.LinkedContentId).ToList();
            var linkableContents = repos.BrickContents.Where(c => linkableList.Contains(c.BrickContentId)).ToList();

            foreach (var b in bricks)
                var content = contents.FirstOrDefault(c => b.BrickContentId == c.BrickContentId);
                if (content != null)
                    var linkableContent = content as LinkableBrick;
                    if (linkableContent != null)
                        content = linkableContents.FirstOrDefault(c => c.BrickContentId == linkableContent.LinkedContentId);
                result[b] = content ?? new EmptyContent();
            return result;*/
            return null;
 public void Setup()
     fakeRepos = new Repositories(new FakeClientOrderRepository(),
                                  new FakeIngredientRepository(),
                                  new FakeMenuItemRepository(),
                                  new FakeMenuItemIngredientRepository(),
                                  new FakeRestaurantRepository());
Exemplo n.º 20
 public void Setup()
     logger       = Substitute.For <ILogger <SvxLinkService> >();
     repositories = Substitute.For <IRepositories>();
     scanService  = new ScanService(Substitute.For <ILogger <ScanService> >(), new TelemetryClient());
     telemetry    = new TelemetryClient();
     iniService   = Substitute.For <IIniService>();
Exemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Create new instance of the manager base.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="repositories">Repository instance.</param>
        /// <param name="appSettings">Application settings</param>
        /// <param name="currentUser">Current user instance.</param>
        protected StggManagerBase(IRepositories repositories, IAppSettings appSettings, AppUserVm currentUser)
            Repositories = repositories;
            CurrentUser  = currentUser;
            AppSettings  = appSettings;

            Factories = new Factories();
Exemplo n.º 22
 public static string GetSceneId(this Brick brick, IRepositories repos)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
     //return repos.Scenes.Collection
     //    .Find(Query.EQ("Walls.Bricks.BrickId", ObjectId.Parse(brick.BrickId)))
     //    .Select(c => c.SceneId)
     //    .First();
Exemplo n.º 23
 public PrincipalService(
     IAccountService accountService,
     IRepositories repositories,
     ILogger <BaseService> logger,
     IMapper mapper) : base(repositories, logger, mapper)
     _accountService = accountService;
Exemplo n.º 24
 public UserService(IRepositories <int, User> userRepositories,
                    IRepositories <int, LuckyWheelItem> luckyWheelItemRepositories,
                    IRepositories <int, LuckyWheelHistory> luckyWheelHistoryRepositories)
     _userRepositories              = userRepositories;
     _luckyWheelItemRepositories    = luckyWheelItemRepositories;
     _luckyWheelHistoryRepositories = luckyWheelHistoryRepositories;
Exemplo n.º 25
 public SchoolAdminService(
     IAccountService accountService,
     IRepositories repositories,
     ILogger <BaseService> logger,
     IMapper mapper) : base(repositories, logger, mapper)
     _accountService = accountService;
Exemplo n.º 26
        public CheckOutTermsViewModel(ICloseApplication closeApplication,
                                      INavigationService navigationService, IRepositories repositories)
            _closeApplication  = closeApplication;
            _navigationService = navigationService;
            _repositories      = repositories;

Exemplo n.º 27
        protected override void AdditionalSetup()
            _fixture = new Fixture().Customize(new AutoMoqCustomization());
            _fixture.OmitProperty <MobileApplicationDataChunkContentActivity>("EffectiveDateString");

            _mobileDataRepositoryMock = new Mock <IMobileDataRepository>();
            _fixture.Inject <IMobileDataRepository>(_mobileDataRepositoryMock.Object);
            _repositories = _fixture.Create <Repositories>();
Exemplo n.º 28
 public SafetyCheckSignatureViewModel(Services.IInfoService infoService, Services.IGatewayQueuedService gatewayQueuedService, ICustomUserInteraction userInteraction, Repositories.IRepositories repositories, INavigationService navigationService, ISafetyCheckService safetyCheckService)
     _infoService          = infoService;
     _gatewayQueuedService = gatewayQueuedService;
     _userInteraction      = userInteraction;
     _navigationService    = navigationService;
     _repositories         = repositories;
     _safetyCheckService   = safetyCheckService;
Exemplo n.º 29
 public BaseService(
     IRepositories repositories,
     ILogger <BaseService> logger,
     IMapper mapper)
     this.Repositories = repositories;
     this.Logger       = logger;
     this.Mapper       = mapper;
Exemplo n.º 30
        public CheckInCompleteViewModel(ICloseApplication closeApplication,
                                        INavigationService navigationService, IRepositories repositories)
            _closeApplication  = closeApplication;
            _navigationService = navigationService;
            _repositories      = repositories;

            Status = "Check In in progress. The application will automatically redirect to Check Out page when the process completes successfully.";
Exemplo n.º 31
        private static void SaveScene(IRepositories repos, Scene scene, bool cloning)
            throw new NotImplementedException();
            // enumerate scene's existing brick contents to track deleted ones
            var existingSceneWalls = repos.Scenes
                .Where(s => s.SceneId == scene.SceneId)
                .ToList() // because SelectMany() is not supported by MongoDB Linq yet
                .SelectMany(s => s.Walls);
            var existingBricks = existingSceneWalls
                .SelectMany(w => w.Bricks.Select(b => b.BrickContentId))
                .Where(id => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))

            // TODO: it's good to implement some kind of version check on each scene
            // so that if designScene version is different from realScene version
            // we throw exception saying that somebody has already updated scene
            // while a user was editing it.

            foreach (var wall in scene.Walls)
                foreach (var brick in wall.Bricks)
                    if (cloning)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(brick.BrickContentId)) // doesn't make sense to clone empty brick
                            var content = repos.BrickContents.First(c => c.BrickContentId == brick.BrickContentId);
                            content.BrickContentId = null;
                            brick.BrickContentId = content.BrickContentId;
                    else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(brick.NewContentTypeName)) // existing brick
                    else  // not empty brick
                        var contentType = MsCms.RegisteredBrickTypes
                            .Where(br => br.Type.Name == brick.NewContentTypeName)
                            .Select(br => br.Type)
                        var newContent = Activator.CreateInstance(contentType) as Brick;
                        brick.BrickContentId = newContent.BrickContentId;

            // save scene document

            // delete removed bricks
              * */
Exemplo n.º 32
 public void BootstrapEventSourcing(
     IEventSourcing eventSourcing,
     IRepositories repositories,
     Action <object> eventPublisher)
     eventSourcing.RegisterEventReplayer <JourneyCreatedEvent>(new JourneyCreatedEventReplayer(repositories, eventPublisher).Replay);
     eventSourcing.RegisterEventReplayer <LiftAddedEvent>(new LiftAddedEventReplayer(repositories).Replay);
     eventSourcing.RegisterEventReplayer <PersonCreatedEvent>(new PersonCreatedEventReplayer(repositories, eventPublisher).Replay);
Exemplo n.º 33
 public TrailerListViewModel(IGatewayService gatewayService,
                             IRepositories repositories,
                             IReachability reachabibilty,
                             IToast toast,
                             IInfoService infoService,
                             INavigationService navigationService) : base(gatewayService, repositories, reachabibilty, toast, infoService, navigationService)
     _applicationProfileRepository = repositories.ApplicationRepository;
Exemplo n.º 34
        public SceneViewModelContext(Controller controller, IConfig config, IRepositories repos, IRatingCalculator rating, ISceneHolder sceneHolder)
            : base(controller, config, repos, rating)
            this.SceneHolder = sceneHolder;

            this.LinkableBricks = new Lazy<Dictionary<string,Brick>>(() =>
                this.Repos.SpecialScenes.Single(s => s.SceneId == Constants.LinkableBricksSceneId)
                    .Scene.Walls.SelectMany(w => w.Bricks)
                    .ToDictionary(b => b.BrickId, b => b));
Exemplo n.º 35
        public static Scene ApplyTemplate(IRepositories repos, string sourceSceneId, string targetSceneId)
            throw new NotImplementedException();
            //var template = repos.Scenes.First(t => t.SceneId == sourceSceneId && t.IsTemplate);
            //template.SceneId = targetSceneId;
            //template.Title = null;
            //template.IsTemplate = false;

            //SaveScene(repos, template, true);

            //return template;
Exemplo n.º 36
        public ViewModelContext(Controller controller, IConfig config, IRepositories repos, IRatingCalculator rating)
            this.controller = controller;

            this.UrlHelper = new UrlHelper(controller.HttpContext.Request.RequestContext);

            this.HtmlHelper = new HtmlHelper(new ViewContext(controller.ControllerContext, new WebFormView(
                controller.ControllerContext, "fake"), new ViewDataDictionary(), new TempDataDictionary(), new StringWriter()), new ViewPage());

            this.Config = config;
            this.Repos = repos;
            this.RatingCalculator = rating;

            this.ViewBag = controller.ViewBag;
Exemplo n.º 37
        // Due Dates
        public KleineServiceApi(IRepositories repo, INotification notify)
            this.repo = repo;
            this.notify = notify;

            // currently static date, we'll add this in the future to be dynamic from the database
            this.outcome = new PredictionOutcome
                Gender = "Female",
                Date = new DateTime(2013, 12, 10),
                Time = new DateTime(2013, 12, 10, 17, 42, 0),
                Weight = 7.2M,
                Length = 20.75M
Exemplo n.º 38
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets brick content.
 /// NOTE: ensures linked content if content is linkable.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="brick"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static Brick GetContent(this Brick brick, IRepositories repos)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
     //var list = repos.BrickContents.ToList();
     //var content = repos.BrickContents.FirstOrDefault(c => c.BrickContentId == brick.BrickContentId);
     //if (content != null)
     //    var linkableContent = content as LinkableBrick;
     //    if (linkableContent != null)
     //    {
     //        content = repos.BrickContents.FirstOrDefault(c => c.BrickContentId == linkableContent.LinkedContentId);
     //    }
     //return content ?? new Brick();
Exemplo n.º 39
        public static void Init(IRepositories repos)
            // just a simple check whether there is need to initialize data
            if (repos.SpecialScenes.Where(s => s.SceneId == Constants.LinkableBricksSceneId).Any()) { return; }

            repos.SpecialScenes.Insert(new SpecialScene
                SceneId = Constants.LinkableBricksSceneId,
                Title = "Linkable Bricks Scene",
                Scene = new Scene
                    Walls = new[]
                        new Wall
                            Title = "Wall",
                            Width = 100.0f
Exemplo n.º 40
 public SceneController(IConfig config, IRepositories repos, IRatingCalculator rating)
     this.config = config;
     this.repos = repos;
     this.rating = rating;
Exemplo n.º 41
 public GroupManager(IRepositories repositories)
     r = repositories;
 public static void Load(IRepositories repositoryFactory)
     _soleInstance = repositoryFactory;
 public TemplateSceneController(IConfig config, IRepositories repos, IRatingCalculator rating)
     : base(config, repos, rating)
     this.repos = repos;
Exemplo n.º 44
 public BrickController(IConfig config, IRepositories repos)
     this.config = config;
     this.repos = repos;
Exemplo n.º 45
 public DepartmentManager(IRepositories r)
     this.r = r;
Exemplo n.º 46
 public static void SaveScene(IRepositories repos, Scene scene)
     SaveScene(repos, scene, false);
Exemplo n.º 47
 public RatingCalculator(IConfig config, IRepositories repos)
     this.config = config;
     this.repos = repos;
Exemplo n.º 48
 public ReviewsController(IRepositories repos)
     this.repos = repos;
Exemplo n.º 49
 public ScheduleManager(IRepositories r)
     this.r = r;