public async Task <JsonResult> GetCharacterList([FromServices] IReadonlyCharacterRepository characterRepository)
            if (characterRepository == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(characterRepository));

            //The account id should be in the JWT/claim sent. It's required to load the characters from the database
            //that are associated with the account.
            int accountId = HaloLiveUserManager.GetUserIdInt(User);

            //We don't load additional uneeded information. The Ids are enough for the client to load their names, profiles and appearance if required.
            int[] characterIds = (await characterRepository.LoadAssociatedCharacterIds(accountId)).ToArray();
            characterIds = characterIds ?? Enumerable.Empty <int>().ToArray();

            //We don't need to do anything fancy. The ID of the characters is TRULY enough for the client to then request and piece together all the other missing content
            return(Json(new CharacterListResponse(characterIds)));
        public async Task <IActionResult> NameQuery(int id, [FromServices] IReadonlyCharacterRepository characterRepository)
            if (characterRepository == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(characterRepository));

            if (id < 0)
                return(StatusCode(422));                //Unprocessable Entity
            string name = await characterRepository.GetCharacterName(id);

            //We should assume it's unknown. There could be other issues but the user does not need to know this.
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))
                return(Json(new NameQueryResponse(NameQueryResponseCode.UnknownUserId)));

            return(Json(new NameQueryResponse(name)));
        public async Task <JsonResult> CheckCharacterNameAvailability([FromBody] CharacterNameValidationRequest request, [FromServices] IReadonlyCharacterRepository characterRepository)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request.CharacterName))

            if (!CharacterNameValidator.isNameValidLength(request.CharacterName))

            if (!CharacterNameValidator.isNameValidCharacters(request.CharacterName))

            bool isNameTaken;

            //We wrap this in a try because something could be broken db/network wise. We just want to tell the user that something broke instead of
            //breaking their client with malformed responses too
                //At this point the name looks valid but we still don't know if we have another character with that name.
                isNameTaken = await characterRepository.DoesNameExist(request.CharacterName);
            catch (Exception e)
                //TODO: Logging

                       : GenerateValidationResponse(CharacterNameValidationResponseCode.NameAlreadyTaken));