Exemplo n.º 1
        static KurushRNG.Program.PuzzleStats WritePuzzles(IQFinal.Program.WaveInformation wi, out KurushRNG.Program.TRNStats trnStats)
            int width = wi.puzWidth, height = wi.puzHeight;

            int[] trns       = wi.trns.ToArray();
            int   numPuzzles = wi.numPuzzles;

            KurushRNG.Program.PuzzleStats puzStats = IQFinal.Program.ComputePuzzleStats(wi.decompPuzzles, width, height);
            trnStats = KurushRNG.Program.ComputeTRNStats(trns);
Exemplo n.º 2
        static public void DumpPuzzles()
            IQFinal.Program.WaveInformation[] waves = new IQFinal.Program.WaveInformation[]
                // Stage 1
                new IQFinal.Program.WaveInformation(0, 5, 5, 5, 0, 0x262),
                new IQFinal.Program.WaveInformation(1, 5, 5, 6, 0x262, 0x262),
                new IQFinal.Program.WaveInformation(2, 5, 5, 7, 0x4c4, 0x25D),
                new IQFinal.Program.WaveInformation(3, 5, 5, 8, 0x721, 0x20A),
                //new IQFinal.Program.WaveInformation(3, 5, 5, 8, 0x721, 0x20A),
                //new IQFinal.Program.WaveInformation(3, 5, 5, 8, 0x721, 0x20A),
                // forbidden maze
                // forbidden wall
                // Stage 2
                new IQFinal.Program.WaveInformation(4, 6, 6, 6, 0x92b, 0x264),
                new IQFinal.Program.WaveInformation(5, 6, 6, 7, 0xb8f, 0x260),
                new IQFinal.Program.WaveInformation(6, 6, 6, 8, 0xdef, 0x25e),
                new IQFinal.Program.WaveInformation(7, 6, 6, 9, 0x104d, 0x1fd),
                //new IQFinal.Program.WaveInformation(7, 6, 6, 9, 0x104d, 0x1fd),
                //new IQFinal.Program.WaveInformation(7, 6, 6, 9, 0x104d, 0x1fd),
                // forbidden maze
                // forbidden wall
                // Stage 3
                new IQFinal.Program.WaveInformation(8, 7, 7, 7, 0x124a, 0x25f),
                new IQFinal.Program.WaveInformation(9, 7, 7, 8, 0x14a9, 0x25c),
                new IQFinal.Program.WaveInformation(10, 7, 7, 9, 0x1705, 0x25b),
                new IQFinal.Program.WaveInformation(11, 7, 7, 10, 0x1960, 0xd4),
                // forbidden maze
                // forbidden wall
                // Stage 4
                new IQFinal.Program.WaveInformation(12, 8, 8, 9, 0x1a34, 0xc4),
                new IQFinal.Program.WaveInformation(13, 8, 8, 10, 0x1afe, 0xd1),
                // forbidden maze
                // forbidden wall
                // Stage 5
                //new IQFinal.Program.WaveInformation(14, 9, 9, 10, 0x1bcf, 0x68),
                new IQFinal.Program.WaveInformation(14, 9, 9, 10, 0x1bcf, 0x68)
                // forbidden maze
                // forbidden wall
            IQFinal.Program.WaveInformation[] mazeWaves = new IQFinal.Program.WaveInformation[]
                // Stage 1
                new IQFinal.Program.WaveInformation(3, 5, 5, 8, 0, 5),
                // Stage 2
                new IQFinal.Program.WaveInformation(7, 6, 6, 9, 5, 5),
                // Stage 3
                new IQFinal.Program.WaveInformation(8, 7, 7, 10, 10, 5),
                // Stage 4
                new IQFinal.Program.WaveInformation(13, 8, 8, 10, 15, 5),
                // Stage 5
                new IQFinal.Program.WaveInformation(14, 9, 9, 10, 20, 5)
            IQFinal.Program.WaveInformation[] wallWaves = new IQFinal.Program.WaveInformation[]
                // Stage 1
                new IQFinal.Program.WaveInformation(3, 5, 5, 8, 0, 5),
                // Stage 2
                new IQFinal.Program.WaveInformation(7, 6, 6, 9, 5, 5),
                // Stage 3
                new IQFinal.Program.WaveInformation(8, 7, 7, 10, 10, 5),
                // Stage 4
                new IQFinal.Program.WaveInformation(13, 8, 8, 10, 15, 5),
                // Stage 5
                new IQFinal.Program.WaveInformation(14, 9, 9, 10, 20, 5)
            byte[]     puzzles      = File.ReadAllBytes(@"F:\Dev-Cpp\Projects\CSharp\IQTracker\KurushRNG\IQRemix-remix.cmp");
            byte[]     mazes        = File.ReadAllBytes(@"F:\Dev-Cpp\Projects\CSharp\IQTracker\KurushRNG\IQRemix-mazes.cmp");
            byte[]     walls        = File.ReadAllBytes(@"F:\Dev-Cpp\Projects\CSharp\IQTracker\KurushRNG\IQRemix-walls.cmp");
            List <int> puzzlePos    = IQFinal.Program.GetPuzzleOffsets(puzzles);
            List <int> mazesPos     = IQFinal.Program.GetPuzzleOffsets(mazes);
            List <int> wallsPos     = IQFinal.Program.GetPuzzleOffsets(walls);
            int        totalCubes   = 0;
            int        advanCubes   = 0;
            int        forbidCubes  = 0;
            float      totalAverage = 0;

            foreach (IQFinal.Program.WaveInformation wi in mazeWaves)
                IQFinal.Program.DecompWavePuzzles(wi, mazes, mazesPos);
            foreach (IQFinal.Program.WaveInformation wi in wallWaves)
                IQFinal.Program.DecompWavePuzzles(wi, walls, wallsPos);
            foreach (IQFinal.Program.WaveInformation wi in waves)
                IQFinal.Program.DecompWavePuzzles(wi, puzzles, puzzlePos);
                KurushRNG.Program.TRNStats    trnStats;
                KurushRNG.Program.PuzzleStats puzStats = WritePuzzles(wi, out trnStats);
                totalCubes   += puzStats.totalPuzzleCubes;
                advanCubes   += puzStats.advanCubes;
                forbidCubes  += puzStats.forbiddenCubes;
                totalAverage += trnStats.average;
            totalAverage /= waves.Length;
            int normalCubes = totalCubes - advanCubes - forbidCubes;

            Console.WriteLine("I.Q. Remix+ stats:");
            Console.WriteLine("Average TRN of the game: {0:f2}", totalAverage);
            Console.WriteLine("Total advan cubes: {0} ({1:f2}%)", advanCubes, (((float)advanCubes / totalCubes) * 100.0f));
            Console.WriteLine("Total forbid cubes: {0} ({1:f2}%)", forbidCubes, (((float)forbidCubes / totalCubes) * 100.0f));
            Console.WriteLine("Total normal cubes: {0} ({1:f2}%)", normalCubes, (((float)normalCubes / totalCubes) * 100.0f));
Exemplo n.º 3
        //for IQ Final
        static ushort DetermineWhichPuzzle(uint arg, IQFinal.Program.WaveInformation wi)
            ushort numPuzzles        = wi.numPuzzles; // this is lw $v0, dword_1F800050; lw $v0, 0xDBC($v0); lh $v1, 6($v0)
            int    puzzlesToDivBy100 = 500;           // li      $v0, 500

             * bne     $v1, $v0, loc_800438B8
             * li      $a3, 200
             * li      $a3, 100*/
            uint divisor      = (numPuzzles != puzzlesToDivBy100) ? 200u : 100u; // the above sequence
            uint multiplicand = 0x51eb851f;                                      // li      $a2, 0x51EB851F

            arg &= 0xffff;
            ulong mulRes     = IQFinal.Program.UBigMul(arg, multiplicand); // multu
            uint  highRes    = (uint)(mulRes >> 32);                       // mfhi
            uint  twoPercent = highRes >> 4;                               // srl     $v1, $t0, 4
            uint  runningVal = twoPercent << 1;                            // sll     $v0, $v1, 1

            runningVal  += twoPercent;                                     // addu    $v0, $v1
            runningVal <<= 3;                                              //sll     $v0, 3
            runningVal  += twoPercent;                                     // addu    $v0, $v1
            runningVal <<= 1;                                              // sll     $v0, 1
            arg         -= runningVal;                                     // subu    $a0, $v0
            arg         &= 0xffff;                                         // andi a0, 0xffff
            uint a1 = twoPercent;

            if (arg < 23)
                // if above =
                // sltiu   $v0, $a0, 23     # v0 = (a0 < 23)
                // beqz    $v0, loc_80043930  # jump if not (a0 >= 23)
                // move    $a1, $v1         # a1 = 2%
                // div     $v0, $a3
                // mfhi    $v1
                // move    $a1, $v1
                uint a1Anded = a1 & 0xffff;
                a1 = a1Anded % divisor;
            else if (arg < 38)
                arg = a1 & 0xffff;
                // else if above =
                // sltiu   $v0, $a0, 38
                // beqz    $v0, loc_80043968
                mulRes  = IQFinal.Program.UBigMul(arg, multiplicand); // multu   $a0, $a2
                highRes = (uint)(mulRes >> 32);                       // mfhi
                uint halfPercent = highRes >> 6;                      // srl     $v1, $t0, 6
                runningVal   = halfPercent << 1;                      // sll     $v0, $v1, 1
                runningVal  += halfPercent;                           // addu    $v0, $v1
                runningVal <<= 3;                                     //sll     $v0, 3
                runningVal  += halfPercent;                           // addu    $v0, $v1
                runningVal <<= 3;                                     // sll     $v0, 3
                arg         -= runningVal;                            // subu    $a0, $v0
                a1           = divisor + arg;                         // addu    $a1, $a3, $a0
            else // arg >= 38
                arg     = a1 & 0xffff;
                mulRes  = IQFinal.Program.UBigMul(arg, multiplicand); // multu   $a0, $a2
                highRes = (uint)(mulRes >> 32);                       // mfhi
                uint halfPercent = highRes >> 6;                      // srl     $v1, $t0, 6
                runningVal   = halfPercent << 1;                      // sll     $v0, $v1, 1
                runningVal  += halfPercent;                           // addu    $v0, $v1
                runningVal <<= 3;                                     //sll     $v0, 3
                runningVal  += halfPercent;                           // addu    $v0, $v1
                runningVal <<= 3;                                     // sll     $v0, 3
                arg         -= runningVal;                            // subu    $a0, $v0
                uint temp = divisor + 200;
                a1 = arg + temp;
            // this is 80043994
            uint temp2 = a1 & 0xffff; // andi    $v0, $a1, 0xFFFF

            while (temp2 >= numPuzzles)
                a1   -= 200;
                temp2 = a1 & 0xffff;
            //a1 += 200;
            return((ushort)(a1 & 0xffffu));