Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Отправить запрос на получение списка инструментов по заданному фильтру.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="requestId">Идентификатор запроса.</param>
        /// <param name="searchField">Поле, по которому необходимо искать данные.</param>
        /// <param name="searchText">Строка поиска.</param>
        /// <param name="filterType">Тип фильтра.</param>
        /// <param name="filterValue">Значения фильтра.</param>
        public void RequestSecurities(long requestId, IQFeedSearchField searchField, string searchText, IQFeedFilterType filterType, params string[] filterValue)
            //Symbols By Filter - A symbol search by symbol or description. Can be filtered by providing a list of Listed Markets or Security Types.
            //SBF,[Field To Search],[Search String],[Filter Type],[Filter Value],[RequestID]<CR><LF>
            //	[Field To Search] - "s" to search symbols. "d" to search descriptions.
            //	[Search String] - What you want to search for.
            //	[Filter Type] - "e" to search within specific Listed Markets. "t" to search within specific Security Types.
            //	[Filter Value] - A space delimited list of listed markets or security types (based upon the Filter Type parameter).
            //	NOTE: A list of security types or listed marekts can be retrieved dynamicly from the server using the SLM and SST requests below.
            //	[RequestID] - This parameter allows you to specify an identier that will be attached to the returned data inserted as the FIRST field in the output message.

            var request = "SBF,{0},{1},{2},{3},{4}"
                (searchField == IQFeedSearchField.Symbol) ? "s" : "d",
                searchText, (filterType == IQFeedFilterType.Market) ? "e" : "t",
                filterValue.Join(" "), ToIQFeedId(requestId));

Exemplo n.º 2
		/// <summary>
		/// To send the request for the list of instruments by the specified filter.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="requestId">Request identifier.</param>
		/// <param name="searchField">The field by which you need to search for data.</param>
		/// <param name="searchText">The search string.</param>
		/// <param name="filterType">Filter type.</param>
		/// <param name="filterValue">Filter value.</param>
		public void RequestSecurities(long requestId, IQFeedSearchField searchField, string searchText, IQFeedFilterType filterType, params string[] filterValue)
			//Symbols By Filter - A symbol search by symbol or description. Can be filtered by providing a list of Listed Markets or Security Types. 
			//SBF,[Field To Search],[Search String],[Filter Type],[Filter Value],[RequestID]<CR><LF> 
			//	[Field To Search] - "s" to search symbols. "d" to search descriptions.
			//	[Search String] - What you want to search for.
			//	[Filter Type] - "e" to search within specific Listed Markets. "t" to search within specific Security Types.
			//	[Filter Value] - A space delimited list of listed markets or security types (based upon the Filter Type parameter).
			//	NOTE: A list of security types or listed marekts can be retrieved dynamicly from the server using the SLM and SST requests below.
			//	[RequestID] - This parameter allows you to specify an identier that will be attached to the returned data inserted as the FIRST field in the output message.

			var request = "SBF,{0},{1},{2},{3},{4}"
					(searchField == IQFeedSearchField.Symbol) ? "s" : "d",
					searchText, (filterType == IQFeedFilterType.Market) ? "e" : "t",
					filterValue.Join(" "), ToIQFeedId(requestId));
