Exemplo n.º 1
        public CPythonFunction(ITypeDatabaseReader typeDb, string name, Dictionary<string, object> functionTable, IMemberContainer declaringType, bool isMethod = false) {
            _name = name;
            object doc;
            if (functionTable.TryGetValue("doc", out doc)) {
                _doc = doc as string;

            object value;
            if (functionTable.TryGetValue("builtin", out value)) {
                _isBuiltin = Convert.ToBoolean(value);
            } else {
                _isBuiltin = true;

            if (functionTable.TryGetValue("static", out value)) {
                _isStatic = Convert.ToBoolean(value);
            } else {
                _isStatic = true;

            _hasLocation = false;//PythonTypeDatabase.TryGetLocation(functionTable, ref _line, ref _column);

            _declaringModule = CPythonModule.GetDeclaringModuleFromContainer(declaringType);
            _declaringType = declaringType as IPythonType;

            if (functionTable.TryGetValue("overloads", out value)) {
                _overloads = LoadOverloads(typeDb, value, isMethod);
 public IronPythonConstructorFunction(IronPythonInterpreter interpreter, ObjectIdentityHandle[] infos, IPythonType type) {
     _interpreter = interpreter;
     _interpreter.UnloadingDomain += Interpreter_UnloadingDomain;
     _remote = _interpreter.Remote;
     _infos = infos;
     _type = type;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public AstPythonParameterInfo(PythonAst ast, Parameter p) {
     Name = p.Name;
     Documentation = "";
     DefaultValue = p.DefaultValue?.ToCodeString(ast) ?? "";
     IsParamArray = p.Kind == ParameterKind.List;
     IsKeywordDict = p.Kind == ParameterKind.Dictionary;
     ParameterTypes = new IPythonType[0];
Exemplo n.º 4
 internal CPythonFunction(string name, string doc, bool isBuiltin, bool isStatic, IMemberContainer declaringType) {
     _name = name;
     _doc = doc;
     _isBuiltin = isBuiltin;
     _isStatic = isStatic;
     _declaringModule = CPythonModule.GetDeclaringModuleFromContainer(declaringType);
     _declaringType = declaringType as IPythonType;
     _overloads = new List<IPythonFunctionOverload>();
Exemplo n.º 5
        public AstPythonType(PythonAst ast, IPythonModule declModule, ClassDefinition def, string doc, LocationInfo loc) {
            _members = new Dictionary<string, IMember>();

            Name = def.Name;
            Documentation = doc;
            DeclaringModule = declModule;
            Mro = new IPythonType[0];
            Locations = new[] { loc };
Exemplo n.º 6
 public SequenceBuiltinClassInfo(IPythonType classObj, PythonAnalyzer projectState)
     : base(classObj, projectState) {
     var seqType = classObj as IPythonSequenceType;
     if (seqType != null && seqType.IndexTypes != null) {
         _indexTypes = projectState.GetAnalysisSetFromObjects(seqType.IndexTypes).GetInstanceType();
     } else {
         _indexTypes = AnalysisSet.Empty;
Exemplo n.º 7
        public CPythonSequenceType(IPythonType baseType, ITypeDatabaseReader typeDb, List<object> indexTypes) {
            _type = baseType;

            if (indexTypes != null) {
                _indexTypes = new List<IPythonType>();

                foreach (var indexType in indexTypes) {
                    typeDb.LookupType(indexType, type => _indexTypes.Add(type));
Exemplo n.º 8
        public IList<IPythonType> GetEventParameterTypes() {
            if (_parameterTypes == null) {
                var types = Interpreter.Remote.GetEventParameterPythonTypes(Value);

                var paramTypes = new IPythonType[types.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < paramTypes.Length; i++) {
                    paramTypes[i] = Interpreter.GetTypeFromType(types[i]);

                _parameterTypes = paramTypes;
            return _parameterTypes;
Exemplo n.º 9
        public IList<IPythonType> GetEventParameterTypes() {
            if (_parameterTypes == null) {
                var ri = RemoteInterpreter;
                var types = ri != null ? ri.GetEventParameterPythonTypes(Value) : new ObjectIdentityHandle[0];

                var paramTypes = new IPythonType[types.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < paramTypes.Length; i++) {
                    paramTypes[i] = Interpreter.GetTypeFromType(types[i]);

                _parameterTypes = paramTypes;
            return _parameterTypes;
Exemplo n.º 10
        public CPythonProperty(ITypeDatabaseReader typeDb, Dictionary<string, object> valueDict, IMemberContainer container) {
            _declaringModule = CPythonModule.GetDeclaringModuleFromContainer(container);

            object value;
            if (valueDict.TryGetValue("doc", out value)) {
                _doc = value as string;

            object type;
            if (!valueDict.TryGetValue("type", out type) || type == null) {
                type = new[] { null, "object" };

            _hasLocation = PythonTypeDatabase.TryGetLocation(valueDict, ref _line, ref _column);

            typeDb.LookupType(type, typeValue => _type = typeValue);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public AstPythonFunction(PythonAst ast, IPythonModule declModule, IPythonType declType, FunctionDefinition def, string doc) {
            DeclaringModule = declModule;
            DeclaringType = declType;

            Name = def.Name;
            Documentation = doc;

            foreach (var dec in (def.Decorators?.Decorators).MaybeEnumerate().OfType<NameExpression>()) {
                if (dec.Name == "classmethod") {
                    IsClassMethod = true;
                } else if (dec.Name == "staticmethod") {
                    IsStatic = true;

            _overloads = new List<AstPythonFunctionOverload> {
                new AstPythonFunctionOverload(Documentation, "", MakeParameters(ast, def), MakeReturns(def))
Exemplo n.º 12
 public MemberAssertions(IMember member)
     Subject = member;
     Type    = Subject.GetPythonType();
Exemplo n.º 13
 private static List<IPythonType> GetOldStyleMro(IPythonType oldStyleType)
     List<IPythonType> res = new List<IPythonType>();
     GetOldStyleMroWorker(oldStyleType, res);
     return res;
        public static void CreateExceptionMapping(IPythonType baseType, ExceptionMapping em)
            IPythonType type = CreatePythonException(em.PythonException, em.PythonModule, baseType, em.Creator);

            pythonToClr[type] = em.ClrException;
            clrToPython[em.ClrException] = type;

            if (em.Subtypes != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < em.Subtypes.Count; i++) {
                    CreateExceptionMapping(type, em.Subtypes[i]);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates and returns the IPythonType for a given PythonException in a given module with a given base type using a given exception creator.
        /// Throws InvalidOperationException if it already exists and has a different base type.
        /// Note that specifying the module doesn't actually place the created type in that module.
        /// The type knows about the module, but the module doesn't know about the type. It's the caller's
        /// responsibility to put the returned type in the appropriate module.
        /// </summary>
        public static IPythonType CreatePythonException(string name, string module, IPythonType baseType, ExceptionClassCreator creator)
            IPythonType type;
            QualifiedExceptionName key = new QualifiedExceptionName(name, module);
            if (nameToPython.TryGetValue(key, out type)) {
                if (Ops.Equals(type.BaseClasses, ObjectToTuple(baseType))) {
                    return type;
                } else {
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(module + "." + name + " already exists with different base type(s)");

            IPythonType res = creator(name, module, baseType);
            nameToPython[key] = res;
            return res;
Exemplo n.º 16
 public CPythonConstant(IPythonType type) {
     _type = type;
Exemplo n.º 17
        public IPythonType MakeGenericType(IPythonType[] indexTypes) {
            // TODO: Caching?
            ObjectIdentityHandle[] types = new ObjectIdentityHandle[indexTypes.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; i++) {
                types[i] = ((IronPythonType)indexTypes[i]).Value;

            var ri = RemoteInterpreter;
            return ri != null ? Interpreter.GetTypeFromType(ri.TypeGroupMakeGenericType(Value, types)) : null;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates type info for a list-like strongly typed collection, such as List[T].
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="typeName">Type name.</param>
 /// <param name="typeId">Collection type id. Can be used when list is used to simulate other collections, like a set.</param>
 /// <param name="itemType">List item type.</param>
 /// <param name="interpreter">Python interpreter</param>
 /// <param name="isMutable">Tells of list represents a mutable collection.</param>
 /// <param name="formatName">If true, type will append item type names to the base type name.</param>
 public TypingListType(string typeName, BuiltinTypeId typeId, IPythonType itemType, IPythonInterpreter interpreter, bool isMutable, bool formatName = true)
     : base(null, typeId, interpreter, isMutable)
     ItemType = itemType;
     Name     = formatName ? $"{typeName}[{itemType.Name}]" : typeName;
Exemplo n.º 19
 public RangeInfo(IPythonType seqType, PythonAnalyzer state)
     : base(state.ClassInfos[BuiltinTypeId.List]) {
Exemplo n.º 20
        public Hover GetHover(IDocumentAnalysis analysis, SourceLocation location)
            if (analysis is EmptyAnalysis)
                return(new Hover {
                    contents = Resources.AnalysisIsInProgressHover

            ExpressionLocator.FindExpression(analysis.Ast, location,
                                             FindExpressionOptions.Hover, out var node, out var statement, out var hoverScopeStatement);

            if (!HasHover(node) || !(node is Expression expr))

            var range = new Range {
                start = expr.GetStart(analysis.Ast),
                end   = expr.GetEnd(analysis.Ast)

            var eval = analysis.ExpressionEvaluator;

            switch (statement)
            case FromImportStatement fi when node is NameExpression nex: {
                var contents = HandleFromImport(fi, location, hoverScopeStatement, analysis);
                if (contents != null)
                    return(new Hover {
                            contents = contents,
                            range = range


            case ImportStatement imp: {
                var contents = HandleImport(imp, location, hoverScopeStatement, analysis);
                if (contents != null)
                    return(new Hover {
                            contents = contents,
                            range = range


            IMember     value;
            IPythonType type;

            using (eval.OpenScope(analysis.Document, hoverScopeStatement)) {
                // Here we can be hovering over a class member. Class members are declared
                // as members as well as special variables in the class scope. If this is
                // a name expression (rather than a member expression) and it is a class
                // variable NOT in the immediate class scope, filter it out. Consider:
                //   class A:
                //     x = 1
                //     y = x
                // hover over 'x' in 'y = x' should produce proper tooltip. However, in
                //   class A:
                //     x = 1
                //     def func(self):
                //       y = x
                // hover over 'x' in 'y = x' should not produce tooltip.

                IVariable variable = null;
                if (expr is NameExpression nex)
                    eval.LookupNameInScopes(nex.Name, out _, out variable, LookupOptions.All);
                    if (IsInvalidClassMember(variable, hoverScopeStatement, location.ToIndex(analysis.Ast)))

                value = variable?.Value ?? eval.GetValueFromExpression(expr, LookupOptions.All);
                type  = value?.GetPythonType();
                if (type == null)

            IPythonType self = null;
            string      name = null;

            // If expression is A.B, trim applicable span to 'B'.
            if (expr is MemberExpression mex)
                name  = mex.Name;
                range = new Range {
                    start = mex.Target.GetEnd(analysis.Ast),
                    end   = range.end

                // In case of a member expression get the target since if we end up with method
                // of a generic class, the function will need specific type to determine its return
                // value correctly. I.e. in x.func() we need to determine type of x (self for func).
                var v = eval.GetValueFromExpression(mex.Target);
                self = v?.GetPythonType();

            // Figure out name, if any
            name = name ?? (node as NameExpression)?.Name;

            // Special case hovering over self or cls
            if ((name.EqualsOrdinal("self") || name.EqualsOrdinal("cls")) && type is IPythonClassType)
                return(new Hover {
                    contents = _docSource.GetHover(null, type),
                    range = range

            name = name == null && statement is ClassDefinition cd ? cd.Name : name;
            name = name == null && statement is FunctionDefinition fd ? fd.Name : name;

            return(new Hover {
                contents = _docSource.GetHover(name, value, self),
                range = range
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates type info for a list-like strongly typed collection, such as List[T].
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="typeName">Type name.</param>
 /// <param name="itemType">List item type.</param>
 /// <param name="interpreter">Python interpreter</param>
 /// <param name="isMutable">Tells of list represents a mutable collection.</param>
 /// <param name="formatName">If true, type will append item type names to the base type name.</param>
 public TypingListType(string typeName, IPythonType itemType, IPythonInterpreter interpreter, bool isMutable, bool formatName = true)
     : this(typeName, BuiltinTypeId.List, itemType, interpreter, isMutable, formatName)
        public MarkupContent GetHover(string name, IMember member, IPythonType self, bool includeClassInit = false)
            // We need to tell between instance and type.
            var type = member.GetPythonType();

            if (type.IsUnknown())
                return(new MarkupContent {
                    kind = MarkupKind.Markdown, value = $"```\n{name}\n```"

            string text;

            if (member is IPythonInstance)
                if (!(type is IPythonFunctionType))
                    text = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) ? $"{name}: {type.Name}" : $"{type.Name}";
                    return(new MarkupContent {
                        kind = MarkupKind.Markdown, value = $"```\n{text}\n```"

            var typeDoc = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(type.Documentation) ? $"\n---\n{type.MarkdownDoc()}" : string.Empty;

            switch (type)
            case IPythonPropertyType prop:
                text = GetPropertyString(prop);

            case IPythonFunctionType ft:
                text = GetFunctionString(ft, self);

            case IPythonClassType cls:
                var clsDoc = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(cls.Documentation) ? $"\n---\n{cls.MarkdownDoc()}" : string.Empty;

                string className;
                var    sig = string.Empty;

                if (includeClassInit)
                    className = cls.Name;
                    var init = cls.TryGetFunctionType();
                    if (init != null)
                        sig = GetSignatureString(init, null, out var _, 0, "", true);
                    className = "class " + cls.Name;

                text = $"```\n{className}{sig}\n```{clsDoc}";

            case IPythonModule mod:
                text = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(mod.Name) ? $"```\nmodule {mod.Name}\n```{typeDoc}" : $"`module`{typeDoc}";

                text = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) ? $"```\ntype {name}: {type.Name}\n```{typeDoc}" : $"{type.Name}{typeDoc}";

            return(new MarkupContent {
                kind = MarkupKind.Markdown, value = text
 public AstPythonProperty(FunctionDefinition fd, IPythonModule declaringModule, IPythonType declaringType, ILocationInfo location)
     : base(fd.Name, declaringModule, null, location)
     FunctionDefinition = fd;
     DeclaringType      = declaringType;
        public IPythonType GetTypeFromLiteral(Expression expr)
            if (expr is ConstantExpression ce)
                if (ce.Value == null)

                switch (Type.GetTypeCode(ce.Value.GetType()))
                case TypeCode.Boolean: return(Interpreter.GetBuiltinType(BuiltinTypeId.Bool));

                case TypeCode.Double: return(Interpreter.GetBuiltinType(BuiltinTypeId.Float));

                case TypeCode.Int32: return(Interpreter.GetBuiltinType(BuiltinTypeId.Int));

                case TypeCode.String: return(Interpreter.GetBuiltinType(BuiltinTypeId.Unicode));

                case TypeCode.Object:
                    switch (ce.Value)
                    case Complex _:

                    case AsciiString _:

                    case BigInteger _:

                    case Ellipsis _:



            if (expr is ListExpression || expr is ListComprehension)

            if (expr is DictionaryExpression || expr is DictionaryComprehension)

            if (expr is TupleExpression tex)
                var types = tex.Items
                            .Select(x => {
                    IPythonType value = null;
                    if (x is NameExpression ne)
                        value = GetInScope(ne.Name)?.GetPythonType();

                    return(value ?? UnknownType);
                var res = Interpreter.GetBuiltinType(BuiltinTypeId.Tuple);
                if (types.Length > 0)
                    var iterRes = Interpreter.GetBuiltinType(BuiltinTypeId.TupleIterator);
                    //res = new PythonSequence(res, Module, types, iterRes);


            if (expr is SetExpression || expr is SetComprehension)

            if (expr is BackQuoteExpression && Interpreter.LanguageVersion.Is2x())

            return(expr is LambdaExpression?Interpreter.GetBuiltinType(BuiltinTypeId.Function) : null);
Exemplo n.º 25
 public static Tuple Calculate(IPythonType startingType, Tuple bases)
     return Calculate(startingType, bases, false);
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates delegate type wrapper over an existing type.
 /// Use dedicated constructor for wrapping builtin types.
 /// </summary>
 public PythonTypeWrapper(IPythonType type) : this(type, type.DeclaringModule)
Exemplo n.º 27
        private bool GetSequenceTypes(string name, IReadOnlyList <IAnalysisSet> args, out IPythonType realType, out IAnalysisSet keyTypes, out IAnalysisSet valueTypes)
            switch (name)
            case "List":
            case "Container":
            case "Sequence":
            case "MutableSequence":
                realType   = Types[BuiltinTypeId.List];
                keyTypes   = ClassInfo[BuiltinTypeId.Int].Instance;
                valueTypes = AnalysisSet.UnionAll(args.Select(ToInstance));

            case "Tuple":
                realType   = Types[BuiltinTypeId.Tuple];
                keyTypes   = ClassInfo[BuiltinTypeId.Int].Instance;
                valueTypes = AnalysisSet.UnionAll(args.Select(ToInstance));

            case "MutableSet":
            case "Set":
                realType   = Types[BuiltinTypeId.Set];
                keyTypes   = null;
                valueTypes = AnalysisSet.UnionAll(args.Select(ToInstance));

            case "FrozenSet":
                realType   = Types[BuiltinTypeId.FrozenSet];
                keyTypes   = null;
                valueTypes = AnalysisSet.UnionAll(args.Select(ToInstance));

            case "KeysView":
                if (args.Count >= 1)
                    realType   = Types[BuiltinTypeId.DictKeys];
                    keyTypes   = null;
                    valueTypes = AnalysisSet.UnionAll(GetTypeList(args[0]).Select(ToInstance));

            case "ValuesView":
                if (args.Count >= 1)
                    realType   = Types[BuiltinTypeId.DictValues];
                    keyTypes   = null;
                    valueTypes = AnalysisSet.UnionAll(GetTypeList(args[0]).Select(ToInstance));

            case "ItemsView":
                if (args.Count >= 2)
                    realType   = Types[BuiltinTypeId.DictItems];
                    keyTypes   = null;
                    valueTypes = MakeTuple(

            case "Dict":
            case "Mapping":
                if (args.Count >= 2)
                    realType   = Types[BuiltinTypeId.Dict];
                    keyTypes   = AnalysisSet.UnionAll(GetTypeList(args[0]).Select(ToInstance));
                    valueTypes = AnalysisSet.UnionAll(GetTypeList(args[1]).Select(ToInstance));
            realType   = null;
            keyTypes   = null;
            valueTypes = null;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates delegate type wrapper over an existing type.
 /// Use dedicated constructor for wrapping builtin types.
 /// </summary>
 public PythonTypeWrapper(IPythonType type, IPythonModule declaringModule)
     _innerType      = type ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(type));
     DeclaringModule = declaringModule;
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates MRO according to https://www.python.org/download/releases/2.3/mro/
        /// </summary>
        internal static IReadOnlyList <IPythonType> CalculateMro(IPythonType type, HashSet <IPythonType> recursionProtection = null)
            if (type == null)
                return(Array.Empty <IPythonType>());
            recursionProtection = recursionProtection ?? new HashSet <IPythonType>();
            if (!recursionProtection.Add(type))
                return(Array.Empty <IPythonType>());

            var bases = (type as IPythonClassType)?.Bases;

            if (bases == null)
                var members = (type.GetMember("__bases__") as IPythonCollection)?.Contents ?? Array.Empty <IMember>();
                bases = members.Select(m => m.GetPythonType()).ToArray();

            try {
                var mergeList = new List <List <IPythonType> > {
                    new List <IPythonType>()
                var finalMro = new List <IPythonType> {

                var mros = bases.Select(b => CalculateMro(b, recursionProtection).ToList());

                while (mergeList.Any())
                    // Next candidate is the first head that does not appear in any other tails.
                    var nextInMro = mergeList.FirstOrDefault(mro => {
                        var m = mro.FirstOrDefault();
                        return(m != null && !mergeList.Any(m2 => m2.Skip(1).Contains(m)));

                    if (nextInMro == null)
                        // MRO is invalid, so return just this class
                        return(new[] { type });


                    // Remove all instances of that class from potentially being returned again
                    foreach (var mro in mergeList)
                        mro.RemoveAll(ns => ns == nextInMro);

                    // Remove all lists that are now empty.
                    mergeList.RemoveAll(mro => !mro.Any());

            } finally {
 public ImportInfo(bool moduleImported, bool memberImported, IPythonType symbol) :
     this(moduleImported, memberImported, symbol.MemberType == PythonMemberType.Module)
     Symbol = symbol;
Exemplo n.º 31
 internal CPythonConstant GetConstant(IPythonType type) {
     CPythonConstant constant;
     if (_constants.TryGetValue(type, out constant)) {
         return constant;
     _constants[type] = constant = new CPythonConstant(type);
     return constant;
Exemplo n.º 32
        private void MergeClass(IVariable v, IPythonClassType sourceClass, IPythonType stubType, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // Transfer documentation first so we get class documentation
            // that comes from the class definition win over one that may
            // come from __init__ during the member merge below.
            TransferDocumentationAndLocation(sourceClass, stubType);

            // Replace the class entirely since stub members may use generic types
            // and the class definition is important. We transfer missing members
            // from the original class to the stub.
            _eval.DeclareVariable(v.Name, v.Value, v.Source);

            // First pass: go through source class members and pick those
            // that are not present in the stub class.
            foreach (var name in sourceClass.GetMemberNames().ToArray())

                var sourceMember = sourceClass.GetMember(name);
                if (sourceMember.IsUnknown())
                    continue; // Do not add unknowns to the stub.
                var sourceMemberType = sourceMember?.GetPythonType();
                if (sourceMemberType is IPythonClassMember cm && cm.DeclaringType != sourceClass)
                    continue; // Only take members from this class and not from bases.
                if (!IsFromThisModuleOrSubmodules(sourceMemberType))
                    continue; // Member does not come from module or its submodules.

                var stubMember     = stubType.GetMember(name);
                var stubMemberType = stubMember.GetPythonType();

                // Get documentation from the current type, if any, since stubs
                // typically do not contain documentation while scraped code does.
                TransferDocumentationAndLocation(sourceMemberType, stubMemberType);

                // If stub says 'Any' but we have better type, use member from the original class.
                if (stubMember != null && !(stubType.DeclaringModule is TypingModule && stubType.Name == "Any"))
                    continue; // Stub already have the member, don't replace.

                (stubType as PythonType)?.AddMember(name, stubMember, overwrite: true);

            // Second pass: go through stub class members and if they don't have documentation
            // or location, check if source class has same member and fetch it from there.
            // The reason is that in the stub sometimes members are specified all in one
            // class while in source they may come from bases. Example: datetime.
            foreach (var name in stubType.GetMemberNames().ToArray())

                var stubMember = stubType.GetMember(name);
                if (stubMember.IsUnknown())
                var stubMemberType = stubMember.GetPythonType();
                if (stubMemberType is IPythonClassMember cm && cm.DeclaringType != stubType)
                    continue; // Only take members from this class and not from bases.

                var sourceMember = sourceClass.GetMember(name);
                if (sourceMember.IsUnknown())

                var sourceMemberType = sourceMember.GetPythonType();
                if (sourceMemberType.Location.IsValid && !stubMemberType.Location.IsValid)
                    TransferDocumentationAndLocation(sourceMemberType, stubMemberType);
Exemplo n.º 33
 protected void DeclareBuiltinVariable(string name, IPythonType type, Location location)
 => VariableCollection.DeclareVariable(name, type, VariableSource.Builtin, location);
Exemplo n.º 34
 internal CPythonConstant GetConstant(IPythonType type)
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates and returns the IPythonType for a given PythonException in a given module with a given base type.
 /// Throws InvalidOperationException if it already exists and has a different base type.
 /// Note that specifying the module doesn't actually place the created type in that module.
 /// The type knows about the module, but the module doesn't know about the type. It's the caller's
 /// responsibility to put the returned type in the appropriate module.
 /// </summary>
 public static IPythonType CreatePythonException(string name, string module, IPythonType baseType)
     return CreatePythonException(name, module, baseType, DefaultExceptionCreator);
Exemplo n.º 36
        /// <summary>
        /// Looks up a type and queues a fixup if the type is not yet available.
        /// Receives a delegate which assigns the value to the appropriate field.
        /// </summary>
        public void LookupType(object typeRefOrList, Action <IPythonType> assign)
            var typeRef = typeRefOrList as object[];

            if (typeRef != null && typeRef.Length >= 2)
                string        modName = null, typeName = null;
                List <object> indexTypes = null;
                IPythonType   res        = null;

                modName  = typeRef[0] as string;
                typeName = typeRef[1] as string;
                if (typeRef.Length > 2)
                    indexTypes = typeRef[2] as List <object>;

                if (typeName == null)
                    Debug.Assert(modName == null, "moduleref should not be passed to LookupType");
                    IPythonModule module;
                    if (modName == null)
                        res = BuiltinModule.GetAnyMember(typeName) as IPythonType;
                        if (res != null)
                        string alternateTypeName = typeName;
                        module = GetModuleOrClass(modName, ref alternateTypeName);
                        if (module == null)
                            AddFixup(() => {
                                // Fixup 1: Module was not found.
                                var mod2 = GetModuleOrClass(modName, ref alternateTypeName);
                                if (mod2 != null)
                                    AssignMemberFromModule(mod2, alternateTypeName, null, indexTypes, assign, true);
                        AssignMemberFromModule(module, alternateTypeName, null, indexTypes, assign, true);

            var multiple = typeRefOrList as List <object>;

            if (multiple != null)
                foreach (var typeInfo in multiple)
                    LookupType(typeInfo, assign);
 private static Type GetCLRTypeFromPython(IPythonType type)
     Type clrType;
     if (pythonToClr.TryGetValue(type, out clrType)) {
         return clrType;
     // unknown type...  try walking the type hierarchy and
     // throwing the closest match.
     Tuple curType = Ops.GetAttr(DefaultContext.Default, type, SymbolTable.Bases) as Tuple;
     if (curType != null) {
         for (int i = 0; i < curType.Count; i++) {
             clrType = GetCLRTypeFromPython(curType[i] as IPythonType);
             if (clrType != null) return clrType;
     return typeof(Exception);
Exemplo n.º 38
 public DictBuiltinClassInfo(IPythonType classObj, PythonAnalyzer projectState)
     : base(classObj, projectState)
Exemplo n.º 39
 private static List<IPythonType> GetNewStyleMro(IPythonType oldStyleType)
     List<IPythonType> res = new List<IPythonType>();
     foreach (IPythonType dt in oldStyleType.BaseClasses) {
         res.AddRange(TupleToList(Calculate(dt, dt.BaseClasses, true)));
     return res;
Exemplo n.º 40
 internal BuiltinClassInfo GetBuiltinType(IPythonType type)
                                        () => MakeBuiltinType(type)
                                        ) ?? ClassInfos[BuiltinTypeId.Object]);
Exemplo n.º 41
        private static void GetOldStyleMroWorker(IPythonType curType, List<IPythonType> res)
            if (!res.Contains(curType)) {

                foreach (IPythonType dt in curType.BaseClasses) {
                    GetOldStyleMroWorker(dt, res);
Exemplo n.º 42
        internal static IList <IPythonType> CalculateMro(IPythonType cls, HashSet <IPythonType> recursionProtection = null)
            if (cls == null)
                return(Array.Empty <IPythonType>());
            if (recursionProtection == null)
                recursionProtection = new HashSet <IPythonType>();
            if (!recursionProtection.Add(cls))
                return(Array.Empty <IPythonType>());
            try {
                var mergeList = new List <List <IPythonType> > {
                    new List <IPythonType>()
                var finalMro = new List <IPythonType> {

                var bases = (cls as AstPythonType)?.Bases ??
                            (cls.GetMember(null, "__bases__") as IPythonSequenceType)?.IndexTypes ??
                            Array.Empty <IPythonType>();

                foreach (var b in bases)
                    var b_mro = new List <IPythonType>();
                    b_mro.AddRange(CalculateMro(b, recursionProtection));

                while (mergeList.Any())
                    // Next candidate is the first head that does not appear in
                    // any other tails.
                    var nextInMro = mergeList.FirstOrDefault(mro => {
                        var m = mro.FirstOrDefault();
                        return(m != null && !mergeList.Any(m2 => m2.Skip(1).Contains(m)));

                    if (nextInMro == null)
                        // MRO is invalid, so return just this class
                        return(new IPythonType[] { cls });


                    // Remove all instances of that class from potentially being returned again
                    foreach (var mro in mergeList)
                        mro.RemoveAll(ns => ns == nextInMro);

                    // Remove all lists that are now empty.
                    mergeList.RemoveAll(mro => !mro.Any());

            } finally {
Exemplo n.º 43
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public static Tuple Calculate(IPythonType startingType, Tuple bases, bool forceNewStyle)
            if (bases.ContainsValue(startingType)) {
                throw Ops.TypeError("a __bases__ item causes an inheritance cycle");

            List<IPythonType> mro = new List<IPythonType>();

            if (bases.Count != 0) {
                List<List<IPythonType>> mroList = new List<List<IPythonType>>();
                // build up the list - it contains the MRO of all our
                // bases as well as the bases themselves in the order in
                // which they appear.
                int oldSytleCount = 0;
                foreach (IPythonType type in bases) {
                    if (!(type is DynamicType))

                foreach (IPythonType type in bases) {
                    DynamicType dt = type as DynamicType;
                    if (dt != null) {
                    } else if (oldSytleCount == 1 && !forceNewStyle) {
                    } else {


                int lastRemove = -1;
                for (; ; ) {
                    bool removed = false, sawNonZero = false;
                    // now that we have our list, look for good heads
                    for (int i = 0; i < mroList.Count; i++) {
                        if (mroList[i].Count == 0) continue;    // we've removed everything from this list.

                        sawNonZero = true;
                        IPythonType head = mroList[i][0];
                        // see if we're in the tail of any other lists...
                        bool inTail = false;
                        for (int j = 0; j < mroList.Count; j++) {
                            if (mroList[j].Count != 0 && !mroList[j][0].Equals(head) && mroList[j].Contains(head)) {
                                inTail = true;

                        if (!inTail) {
                            lastRemove = i;
                            if (mro.Contains(head)) {
                                throw Ops.TypeError("a __bases__ item causes an inheritance cycle");
                            // add it to the linearization, and remove
                            // it from our lists

                            for (int j = 0; j < mroList.Count; j++) {
                            removed = true;

                    if (!sawNonZero) break;

                    if (!removed) {
                        // we've iterated through the list once w/o removing anything
                        throw Ops.TypeError("invalid order for base classes: {0} {1}",

            return new Tuple(mro);
Exemplo n.º 44
 public static bool IsGeneric(this IPythonType value)
 => value is IGenericTypeParameter || (value is IGenericType gt && gt.IsGeneric);
Exemplo n.º 45
 private PythonPropertyType AddProperty(FunctionDefinition node, IPythonModule declaringModule, IPythonType declaringType, bool isAbstract, LocationInfo loc)
     if (!(_eval.LookupNameInScopes(node.Name, LookupOptions.Local) is PythonPropertyType existing))
         existing = new PythonPropertyType(node, declaringModule, declaringType, isAbstract, loc);
         _eval.DeclareVariable(node.Name, existing, VariableSource.Declaration, loc);
     AddOverload(node, existing, o => existing.AddOverload(o));
Exemplo n.º 46
 public ClassView(IModuleContext context, string name, IPythonType member)
     : base(context, name, member) {
     _type = member;
Exemplo n.º 47
 public TupleBuiltinClassInfo(IPythonType classObj, PythonAnalyzer projectState)
     : base(classObj, projectState)
     _tupleTypes = (classObj as IPythonSequenceType)?.IndexTypes?.Select(projectState.GetAnalysisValueFromObjects).ToArray();
Exemplo n.º 48
        private void SpecializeTypes()
            var isV3 = Interpreter.LanguageVersion.Is3x();

            foreach (BuiltinTypeId typeId in Enum.GetValues(typeof(BuiltinTypeId)))
                var m = GetMember("__{0}__".FormatInvariant(typeId));
                if (!(m is PythonType biType && biType.IsBuiltin))

                if (biType.IsUnknown())
                    // Under no circumstances we modify the unknown type.

                if (biType.IsHidden)


                // In V2 Unicode string is 'Unicode' and regular string is 'Str' or 'Bytes'.
                // In V3 Unicode and regular strings are 'Str' and ASCII/byte string is 'Bytes'.
                switch (typeId)
                case BuiltinTypeId.Bytes: {
                    var id = !isV3 ? BuiltinTypeId.Str : BuiltinTypeId.Bytes;
                    biType.AddMember(@"__iter__", BuiltinsSpecializations.__iter__(Interpreter, id), true);

                case BuiltinTypeId.BytesIterator: {
                    biType.TrySetTypeId(!isV3 ? BuiltinTypeId.StrIterator : BuiltinTypeId.BytesIterator);

                case BuiltinTypeId.Unicode: {
                    var id = isV3 ? BuiltinTypeId.Str : BuiltinTypeId.Unicode;
                    biType.AddMember(@"__iter__", BuiltinsSpecializations.__iter__(Interpreter, id), true);

                case BuiltinTypeId.UnicodeIterator: {
                    biType.TrySetTypeId(isV3 ? BuiltinTypeId.StrIterator : BuiltinTypeId.UnicodeIterator);

                case BuiltinTypeId.Str: {
                    biType.AddMember(@"__iter__", BuiltinsSpecializations.__iter__(Interpreter, typeId), true);

                case BuiltinTypeId.Unknown:

                    switch (typeId)
                    case BuiltinTypeId.Bool:
                        _boolType = _boolType ?? biType;


            var location = new Location(this);

            if (_boolType != null)
                Analysis.GlobalScope.DeclareVariable("True", _boolType, VariableSource.Builtin, location);
                Analysis.GlobalScope.DeclareVariable("False", _boolType, VariableSource.Builtin, location);

            Analysis.GlobalScope.DeclareVariable("None", new PythonNone(this), VariableSource.Builtin, location);

            foreach (var n in GetMemberNames())
                var t = GetMember(n).GetPythonType();
                if (t.TypeId == BuiltinTypeId.Unknown && t.MemberType != PythonMemberType.Unknown)
                    if (t is PythonType pt)
                        // For Python 3+ make sure base is object
Exemplo n.º 49
 public IronPythonConstructorFunction(IronPythonInterpreter interpreter, ObjectIdentityHandle[] infos, IPythonType type) {
     _interpreter = interpreter;
     _infos = infos;
     _type = type;
Exemplo n.º 50
 public RangeInfo(IPythonType seqType, PythonAnalyzer state)
     : base(state.ClassInfos[BuiltinTypeId.List])
Exemplo n.º 51
 private object MakeInstance(ICallerContext context, IPythonType cls, object[] args)
     if (cls is OldClass) {
         OldInstance inst = new OldInstance((OldClass)cls);
         if (args.Length != 0 || Ops.HasAttr(context, cls, SymbolTable.GetInitArgs)) {
             Ops.Call(Ops.GetAttr(context, inst, SymbolTable.Init), args);
         return inst;
     return Ops.Call(cls, args);
Exemplo n.º 52
 public static bool IsGenericParameter(this IPythonType value)
 => value is IGenericTypeParameter;
Exemplo n.º 53
 public DictBuiltinClassInfo(IPythonType classObj, PythonAnalyzer projectState)
     : base(classObj, projectState) {
 public IronPythonConstructorFunction(IronPythonInterpreter interpreter, ObjectIdentityHandle[] infos, IPythonType type)
     _interpreter = interpreter;
     _interpreter.UnloadingDomain += Interpreter_UnloadingDomain;
     _remote = _interpreter.Remote;
     _infos  = infos;
     _type   = type;
Exemplo n.º 55
        public IList<IPythonType> GetTypesPropagatedOnCall() {
            if (_eventInvokeArgs == null) {
                var ri = RemoteInterpreter;
                var types = ri != null ? ri.GetTypeGroupEventInvokeArgs(Value) : null;
                if (types == null) {
                    _eventInvokeArgs = IronPythonType.EmptyTypes;
                } else {
                    var args = new IPythonType[types.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; i++) {
                        args[i] = Interpreter.GetTypeFromType(types[i]);
                    _eventInvokeArgs = args;

            return _eventInvokeArgs == IronPythonType.EmptyTypes ? null : _eventInvokeArgs;
 internal BuiltinInstanceInfo GetInstance(IPythonType type)
Exemplo n.º 57
 public Argument(string name, ParameterKind kind, Expression valueValueExpression, IPythonType type, Node location)
     Name            = name;
     Kind            = kind;
     Type            = type;
     ValueExpression = valueValueExpression;
     Location        = location;
Exemplo n.º 58
 public ClassView(IModuleContext context, string name, IPythonType member)
     : base(context, name, member)
     _type = member;
Exemplo n.º 59
 internal CPythonConstant GetConstant(IPythonType type) {
     return _sharedState.GetConstant(type);
Exemplo n.º 60
 public Argument(IPythonType type) : this(type.Name, type)