Exemplo n.º 1
    private int startOfCurrentLine; //^ invariant 0 <= startOfCurrentLine && startOfCurrentLine <= fragmentIndex;

    /// <summary>
    /// Allocates a preprocessor instance that can be queried for a list of source locations that represent the output from the preprocessor. This output
    /// omits preprocessor directives as well as any excluded sections. It also applies line directives by mapping some of the produced source locations
    /// onto the documents mentioned in the line directives. In other words, the produced source locations will not necessarily come from the document
    /// being preprocessed. Preprocessing happens lazily as the result of calling GetIncludedSections is enumerated.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="documentToProcess">The source document to preprocess.</param>
    /// <param name="options">An object that specifies any preprocessor symbols that are defined as compiler options by the environment.</param>
    internal Preprocessor(IPrimarySourceDocument documentToProcess, SpecSharpOptions options) {
      //TODO: use Dictionary<string,string> instead of StringDictionary.
      this.documentToProcess = documentToProcess;
      List<IErrorMessage> errors = this.errors = new List<IErrorMessage>();
      this.preprocessorInformation = new PreprocessorInformation(documentToProcess, errors);
      Dictionary<string, string> preprocessorDefinedSymbols = new Dictionary<string, string>();
      foreach (string definedSymbol in options.DefinedSymbols)
        preprocessorDefinedSymbols[definedSymbol] = definedSymbol;
      preprocessorDefinedSymbols["true"] = "true";
      this.preprocessorDefinedSymbols = preprocessorDefinedSymbols;
      this.buffer = new char[16];
      //TODO: make this a more realistic size once simple testing is done.
Exemplo n.º 2
        private ISymUnmanagedDocumentWriter GetDocumentWriterFor(IPrimarySourceDocument document)
            ISymUnmanagedDocumentWriter writer;

            if (!this.documentMap.TryGetValue(document, out writer))
                Guid language = document.Language;
                Guid vendor   = document.LanguageVendor;
                Guid type     = document.DocumentType;
                writer = this.SymWriter.DefineDocument(document.Location, ref language, ref vendor, ref type);
                this.documentMap.Add(document, writer);
Exemplo n.º 3
 private void DefineSequencePointsForCurrentDocument()
     if (this.currentDocument != SourceDummy.PrimarySourceDocument)
         ISymUnmanagedDocumentWriter document = this.GetDocumentWriterFor(this.currentDocument);
         uint   seqPointCount = (uint)this.offsets.Count;
         uint[] offsets       = this.offsets.ToArray();
         uint[] startLines    = this.startLines.ToArray();
         uint[] startColumns  = this.startColumns.ToArray();
         uint[] endLines      = this.endLines.ToArray();
         uint[] endColumns    = this.endColumns.ToArray();
         this.SymWriter.DefineSequencePoints(document, seqPointCount, offsets, startLines, startColumns, endLines, endColumns);
     this.currentDocument = SourceDummy.PrimarySourceDocument;
Exemplo n.º 4
        private ISymUnmanagedDocumentWriter GetDocumentWriterFor(IPrimarySourceDocument document)
            Contract.Requires(document != null);
            Contract.Requires(document != SourceDummy.PrimarySourceDocument);

            string filename = document.Location;
            ISymUnmanagedDocumentWriter writer;

            if (!this.documentMap.TryGetValue(filename, out writer))
                Guid language = document.Language;
                Guid vendor   = document.LanguageVendor;
                Guid type     = document.DocumentType;

                writer = this.SymWriter.DefineDocument(filename, ref language, ref vendor, ref type);
                if (document.Checksum != null)
                    writer.SetCheckSum(document.ChecksumAlgorithm, (uint)document.Checksum.Length, document.Checksum);

                this.documentMap.Add(filename, writer);
 /// <summary>
 /// Allocates a range of source text that corresponds to an identifiable entity.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="primarySourceDocument">The document containing the source text of which this location is a subrange.</param>
 /// <param name="startIndex">The character index of the first character of this location, when treating the source document as a single string.</param>
 /// <param name="length">The number of characters in this source location.</param>
 public PrimarySourceLocation(IPrimarySourceDocument primarySourceDocument, int startIndex, int length)
   : base(startIndex, length)
   //^ requires startIndex >= 0 && startIndex <= primarySourceDocument.Length;
   //^ requires length >= 0 && length <= primarySourceDocument.Length;
   //^ requires 0 <= startIndex + length;
   //^ requires startIndex + length <= primarySourceDocument.Length;
   this.primarySourceDocument = primarySourceDocument;
 /// <summary>
 /// Allocates source location that spans entire primary source document, but that delays computing this.Length until needed so that the document can be streamed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="primarySourceDocument">The document that the resulting source location spans.</param>
 public SourceLocationSpanningEntirePrimaryDocument(IPrimarySourceDocument primarySourceDocument)
   : base(primarySourceDocument, 0, 0) {
Exemplo n.º 7
 /// <summary>
 /// Allocates source location that spans entire primary source document, but that delays computing this.Length until needed so that the document can be streamed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="primarySourceDocument">The document that the resulting source location spans.</param>
 public SourceLocationSpanningEntirePrimaryDocument(IPrimarySourceDocument primarySourceDocument)
   : base(primarySourceDocument, 0, 0) {
   Contract.Requires(primarySourceDocument != null);
 /// <summary>
 /// Allocates an object that represents a primary source document that has a region of text that originally came from another source document.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="wrappedDocument">A primary source document that has an inclusion (but does not know about it).</param>
 /// <param name="originalLineNumber">The starting line number that the included region of text has in the the document it originated from.</param>
 /// <param name="originalDocumentName">The name of the document from which the included region of text has originated.</param>
 /// <param name="startingPositionOfIncludedRegion">The position in the wrapped document where the included region starts.</param>
 public SourceDocumentWithInclusion(IPrimarySourceDocument wrappedDocument, int originalLineNumber, string originalDocumentName, int startingPositionOfIncludedRegion)
   //^ requires 0 <= startingPositionOfIncludedRegion && startingPositionOfIncludedRegion < wrappedDocument.Length;
   this.wrappedDocument = wrappedDocument;
   this.originalLineNumber = originalLineNumber;
   this.originalDocumentName = originalDocumentName;
   this.startingPositionOfIncludedRegion = startingPositionOfIncludedRegion;
Exemplo n.º 9
    /// <summary>
    /// Allocates an object that represents a primary source document that has a region of text that originally came from another source document.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="wrappedDocument">A primary source document that has an inclusion (but does not know about it).</param>
    /// <param name="originalLineNumber">The starting line number that the included region of text has in the the document it originated from.</param>
    /// <param name="originalDocumentName">The name of the document from which the included region of text has originated.</param>
    /// <param name="startingPositionOfIncludedRegion">The position in the wrapped document where the included region starts.</param>
    public SourceDocumentWithInclusion(IPrimarySourceDocument wrappedDocument, int originalLineNumber, string originalDocumentName, int startingPositionOfIncludedRegion) {
      Contract.Requires(wrappedDocument != null);
      Contract.Requires(0 <= startingPositionOfIncludedRegion && startingPositionOfIncludedRegion < wrappedDocument.Length);

      this.wrappedDocument = wrappedDocument;
      this.originalLineNumber = originalLineNumber;
      this.originalDocumentName = originalDocumentName;
      this.startingPositionOfIncludedRegion = startingPositionOfIncludedRegion;
Exemplo n.º 10
    public PrimarySourceLocation(IPrimarySourceDocument primarySourceDocument, int startIndex, int length)
      : base(startIndex, length) {
      Contract.Requires(primarySourceDocument != null);
      Contract.Requires(startIndex >= 0 && startIndex <= primarySourceDocument.Length);
      Contract.Requires(length >= 0 && length <= primarySourceDocument.Length);
      //Contract.Requires(0 <= startIndex + length);
      Contract.Requires(startIndex + length <= primarySourceDocument.Length);

      this.primarySourceDocument = primarySourceDocument;
Exemplo n.º 11
 /// <summary>
 /// Flushes accumulated sequence points and re-initializes sequence point state.
 /// </summary>
 private void DefineSequencePointsForCurrentDocument() {
   //^ requires this.currentDocument != null && this.currentDocument != SourceDummy.PrimarySourceDocument
   ISymUnmanagedDocumentWriter document = this.GetDocumentWriterFor(this.currentDocument);
   uint seqPointCount = (uint)this.offsets.Count;
   if (seqPointCount > 0) {
     uint[] offsets = this.offsets.ToArray();
     uint[] startLines = this.startLines.ToArray();
     uint[] startColumns = this.startColumns.ToArray();
     uint[] endLines = this.endLines.ToArray();
     uint[] endColumns = this.endColumns.ToArray();
     this.SymWriter.DefineSequencePoints(document, seqPointCount, offsets, startLines, startColumns, endLines, endColumns);
   this.currentDocument = null;
Exemplo n.º 12
 private ISymUnmanagedDocumentWriter GetDocumentWriterFor(IPrimarySourceDocument document) {
   Contract.Requires(document != null);
   Contract.Requires(document != SourceDummy.PrimarySourceDocument);
   ISymUnmanagedDocumentWriter writer;
   if (!this.documentMap.TryGetValue(document, out writer)) {
     Guid language = document.Language;
     Guid vendor = document.LanguageVendor;
     Guid type = document.DocumentType;
     writer = this.SymWriter.DefineDocument(document.Location, ref language, ref vendor, ref type);
     this.documentMap.Add(document, writer);
   return writer;
Exemplo n.º 13
 internal PreprocessorInformation(IPrimarySourceDocument documentToPreprocess, List<IErrorMessage> errors) {
   this.errors = errors;
   this.sourceDocument = documentToPreprocess;
Exemplo n.º 14
    private ISymUnmanagedDocumentWriter GetDocumentWriterFor(IPrimarySourceDocument document) {
      Contract.Requires(document != null);
      Contract.Requires(document != SourceDummy.PrimarySourceDocument);

      string filename = document.Location;
      ISymUnmanagedDocumentWriter writer;
      if (!this.documentMap.TryGetValue(filename, out writer)) {
        Guid language = document.Language;
        Guid vendor = document.LanguageVendor;
        Guid type = document.DocumentType;

        writer = this.SymWriter.DefineDocument(filename, ref language, ref vendor, ref type);
        if (document.Checksum != null)
          writer.SetCheckSum(document.ChecksumAlgorithm, (uint)document.Checksum.Length, document.Checksum);

        this.documentMap.Add(filename, writer);
      return writer;
Exemplo n.º 15
 internal PreprocessorInformation(IPrimarySourceDocument newDocumentToPreprocess, PreprocessorInformation template) {
   this.sourceDocument = newDocumentToPreprocess;
   SourceDocumentWithInclusion/*?*/ sourceOfInclusion = null;
   List<Directive> directives = new List<Directive>(template.Directives);
   List<IErrorMessage> errors = new List<IErrorMessage>(template.errors);
   List<ISourceLocation> excludedLocations = new List<ISourceLocation>(template.ExcludedLocations);
   List<ISourceLocation> includedLocations = new List<ISourceLocation>(template.IncludedLocations);
   for (int i = 0, n = directives.Count; i < n; i++) {
     //^ assume newDocumentToPreprocess.IsUpdatedVersionOf(directives[i].SourceLocation.SourceDocument);
     directives[i] = directives[i].MakeShallowCopy(newDocumentToPreprocess);
   for (int i = 0, n = errors.Count; i < n; i++) {
     ISourceErrorMessage/*?*/ sourceError = errors[i] as ISourceErrorMessage;
     //^ assume sourceError != null;
     //^ assume newDocumentToPreprocess.IsUpdatedVersionOf(sourceError.SourceLocation.SourceDocument);
     errors[i] = sourceError.MakeShallowCopy(newDocumentToPreprocess);
   for (int i = 0, n = excludedLocations.Count; i < n; i++) {
     ISourceLocation excludedLocation = excludedLocations[i];
     SourceDocumentWithInclusion/*?*/ idoc = excludedLocation.SourceDocument as SourceDocumentWithInclusion;
     if (idoc != null) {
       if (sourceOfInclusion == null || !idoc.IsUpdatedVersionOf(sourceOfInclusion))
         sourceOfInclusion = new SourceDocumentWithInclusion(newDocumentToPreprocess, idoc.OriginalLineNumber, idoc.OriginalDocumentName, idoc.StartingPositionOfIncludedRegion);
       excludedLocations[i] = sourceOfInclusion.GetCorrespondingSourceLocation(excludedLocation);
     } else {
       //^ assume newDocumentToPreprocess.IsUpdatedVersionOf(excludedLocation.SourceDocument);
       excludedLocations[i] =  newDocumentToPreprocess.GetCorrespondingSourceLocation(excludedLocation);
   for (int i = 0, n = includedLocations.Count; i < n; i++) {
     ISourceLocation includedLocation = includedLocations[i];
     SourceDocumentWithInclusion/*?*/ idoc = includedLocation.SourceDocument as SourceDocumentWithInclusion;
     if (idoc != null) {
       if (sourceOfInclusion == null || !idoc.IsUpdatedVersionOf(sourceOfInclusion))
         sourceOfInclusion = new SourceDocumentWithInclusion(newDocumentToPreprocess, idoc.OriginalLineNumber, idoc.OriginalDocumentName, idoc.StartingPositionOfIncludedRegion);
       includedLocations[i] = sourceOfInclusion.GetCorrespondingSourceLocation(includedLocation);
     } else {
       //^ assume newDocumentToPreprocess.IsUpdatedVersionOf(includedLocation.SourceDocument);
       includedLocations[i] =  newDocumentToPreprocess.GetCorrespondingSourceLocation(includedLocation);
   this.directives = directives;
   this.errors = errors;
   this.excludedLocations = excludedLocations;
   this.includedLocations = includedLocations;
Exemplo n.º 16
 //^ requires startIndex >= 0 && startIndex <= primarySourceDocument.Length;
 //^ requires length >= 0 && length <= primarySourceDocument.Length;
 //^ requires 0 <= startIndex + length;
 //^ requires startIndex + length <= primarySourceDocument.Length;
 /// <summary>
 /// Allocates a range of source text that corresponds to an identifiable entity.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="primarySourceDocument">The document containing the source text of which this location is a subrange.</param>
 /// <param name="startIndex">The character index of the first character of this location, when treating the source document as a single string.</param>
 /// <param name="length">The number of characters in this source location.</param>
 public PrimarySourceLocation(IPrimarySourceDocument primarySourceDocument, int startIndex, int length)
     : base(startIndex, length)
     this.primarySourceDocument = primarySourceDocument;
Exemplo n.º 17
 public void DefineSequencePoint(ILocation location, uint offset)
     IPrimarySourceLocation ploc = null;
       foreach (IPrimarySourceLocation psloc in this.sourceLocationProvider.GetPrimarySourceLocationsFor(location)) {
     ploc = psloc;
       if (ploc == null) return;
       if (ploc.Document != this.currentDocument && this.currentDocument != null && ploc.Document != SourceDummy.PrimarySourceDocument)
       if (ploc.Document != SourceDummy.PrimarySourceDocument)
     this.currentDocument = ploc.PrimarySourceDocument;