public ActionResult UserPreview(Models.OrderModel order)
            //show what the stats are
            ViewData["count"] = HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("pizzacount");
            //find out what our cost is at, in string form for some reason i can't explain
            ViewData["cost"] = HttpContext.Session.GetString("pizzacost");

            //attempt to push pizza to the database.
            //first create new pizza order
            PizzaOrder finalpizza = new PizzaOrder();

            //obtain value for pizzacounter
            int pizzacounter = (int)HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("pizzacounter");

            //loop through all my sessions that are storing my pizza objects
            //make pizza objects and add them to my order and pizzatable.
            for (int i = 0; i < pizzacounter; i++)
                //intialize temppizzastring
                string temppizzastring = "";
                temppizzastring = HttpContext.Session.GetString($"pizzastring{i + 1}");
                Pizza mypiz = new Pizza();
                mypiz = mypiz.recreatePizza(temppizzastring);

            //add current location to pizzaorder so it doesn't break my sql query
            finalpizza.LocationAddress = HttpContext.Session.GetString("location");

            //make a pizzauser cause its an input for my database add method.
            PizzaUser pizuser = new PizzaUser();

            pizuser.username = HttpContext.Session.GetString("username");

            bool didorderwork = false;

            if (PC.CheckOrderConditions(finalpizza.LocationAddress, pizuser.username))
                didorderwork = PC.AddPizzaOrder(finalpizza, pizuser);
                didorderwork = false;

            if (didorderwork)
                //finally try to add the thing to the database
                ViewData["isOrdervalid"] = "Order is valid";
                return(RedirectToAction("login", "user", order));
                ViewData["isOrdervalid"] = "Order is invalid";