Exemplo n.º 1
        public BasePlayer(IPlayerSettings playerSettings, IPhysicsComponent physicsComponent, IBoundaryCollider boundaryCollider, IWeapons weapons, ITimer timer)
            this.PlayerSettings = playerSettings;
            this.PlayerScore = new PlayerScore();

            if (physicsComponent == null)
                this.PhysicsComponent = new DummyPhysicsComponent();
                this.PhysicsComponent = physicsComponent;

            this.PhysicsComponent.CollidedWithWorld += () => InContactWithLevel = true;
            this.PhysicsComponent.WasShot += Damage;

            this.Weapons = weapons;
            this.Weapons.DamagedAPlayer += (damage, physicsComp) => physicsComp.OnWasShot(this, damage);

            this.Timer = timer;
            this.BoundaryCollider = boundaryCollider;

            this.Health = BasePlayer.StartHealth;
            this.Status = PlayerStatus.Alive;
            this.Position = new Vector2(400, 100);

            this.PhysicsComponent.CollisionGroup = BasePlayer.CollisionGroup;
Exemplo n.º 2
        private bool IsAroundCollider(ITransformComponent transform, IMoverComponent mover,
                                      IPhysicsComponent collider)
            foreach (var entity in _entityManager.GetEntitiesInRange(transform.Owner, mover.GrabRange, true))
                if (entity == transform.Owner)
                    continue; // Don't try to push off of yourself!

                if (!entity.TryGetComponent <IPhysicsComponent>(out var otherCollider))

                // Don't count pulled entities
                if (otherCollider.HasController <PullController>())

                // TODO: Item check.
                var touching = ((collider.CollisionMask & otherCollider.CollisionLayer) != 0x0 ||
                                (otherCollider.CollisionMask & collider.CollisionLayer) != 0x0) && // Ensure collision
                               !entity.HasComponent <IItemComponent>();   // This can't be an item

                if (touching)

        public override void Reallocate()
            renderComponent = null;
            physicsComponent = null;

Exemplo n.º 4
        private void UpdatePosition(IPhysicsComponent physics, float frameTime)
            var ent = physics.Entity;

            if (!physics.CanMove() || (physics.LinearVelocity.LengthSquared < Epsilon && MathF.Abs(physics.AngularVelocity) < Epsilon))

            if (physics.LinearVelocity != Vector2.Zero)
                if (ContainerHelpers.IsInContainer(ent))
                    var relayEntityMoveMessage = new RelayMovementEntityMessage(ent);
                    ent.Transform.Parent !.Owner.SendMessage(ent.Transform, relayEntityMoveMessage);
                    // This prevents redundant messages from being sent if solveIterations > 1 and also simulates the entity "colliding" against the locker door when it opens.
                    physics.LinearVelocity = Vector2.Zero;

            physics.Owner.Transform.DeferUpdates = true;

            // Slow zone up in here
            if (physics.LinearVelocity.Length > _speedLimit)
                physics.LinearVelocity = physics.LinearVelocity.Normalized * _speedLimit;

            physics.WorldRotation += physics.AngularVelocity * frameTime;
            physics.WorldPosition += physics.LinearVelocity * frameTime;
        public override void Initialize()
            renderComponent  = Parent.GetComponent <IRenderComponent>();
            physicsComponent = Parent.GetComponent <IPhysicsComponent>();

Exemplo n.º 6
 public Manifold(IPhysicsComponent a, IPhysicsComponent b, bool hard)
     A      = a;
     B      = b;
     Normal = PhysicsManager.CalculateNormal(a, b);
     Hard   = hard;
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void ProcessFriction(IPhysicsComponent body, float deltaTime)
            if (body.LinearVelocity == Vector2.Zero)

            // sliding friction coefficient, and current gravity at current location
            var(friction, gravity) = GetFriction(body);

            // friction between the two objects
            var effectiveFriction = friction * body.Friction;

            // current acceleration due to friction
            var fAcceleration = effectiveFriction * gravity;

            // integrate acceleration
            var fVelocity = fAcceleration * deltaTime;

            // Clamp friction because friction can't make you accelerate backwards
            friction = Math.Min(fVelocity, body.LinearVelocity.Length);

            if (friction == 0.0f)

            // No multiplication/division by mass here since that would be redundant.
            var frictionVelocityChange = body.LinearVelocity.Normalized * -friction;

            body.LinearVelocity += frictionVelocityChange;
Exemplo n.º 8
 public PhysicsComponent(IPhysicsComponent entity)
     : this()
     _entity = entity;
     _pos = ZeroPoint2D();
Exemplo n.º 9
 public PhysicsComponent(IPhysicsComponent entity, Point2D pos)
     : this()
     _entity = entity;
     _pos = pos;
        public override void Reallocate()
            renderComponent  = null;
            physicsComponent = null;

        public override void Initialize()
            renderComponent = Parent.GetComponent<IRenderComponent>();
            physicsComponent = Parent.GetComponent<IPhysicsComponent>();

Exemplo n.º 12
 public PhysicsComponent(IPhysicsComponent entity, Point2D pos)
     : this()
     _entity = entity;
     _pos = pos;
Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Call if this entity is relevant for the pathfinder
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity"></param>
        /// TODO: These 2 methods currently don't account for a bunch of changes (e.g. airlock unpowered, wrenching, etc.)
        /// TODO: Could probably optimise this slightly more.
        public void AddEntity(IEntity entity, IPhysicsComponent physicsComponent)
            // If we're a door
            if (entity.HasComponent <AirlockComponent>() || entity.HasComponent <ServerDoorComponent>())
                // If we need access to traverse this then add to readers, otherwise no point adding it (except for maybe tile costs in future)
                // TODO: Check for powered I think (also need an event for when it's depowered
                // AccessReader calls this whenever opening / closing but it can seem to get called multiple times
                // Which may or may not be intended?
                if (entity.TryGetComponent(out AccessReader accessReader) && !_accessReaders.ContainsKey(entity))
                    _accessReaders.Add(entity, accessReader);

            DebugTools.Assert((PathfindingSystem.TrackedCollisionLayers & physicsComponent.CollisionLayer) != 0);

            if (!physicsComponent.Anchored)
                _physicsLayers.Add(entity, physicsComponent.CollisionLayer);
                _blockedCollidables.Add(entity, physicsComponent.CollisionLayer);
Exemplo n.º 14
        public Character(string name) : base(name)
            _physicsComponent = new PhysicsComponent(this);
            _damageComponent  = new DamageableComponent(this);
            _stateComponent   = new StateComponent <ChararacterState>(ChararacterState.Idle);

            DrawableComponent = new DrawableComponent(this);
Exemplo n.º 15
        public LevelPiece(IPhysicsComponent physicsComponent)
            _physicsComponent = physicsComponent;
            _physicsComponent.IsStatic = true;

            Random rnd = new Random((int)(physicsComponent.Size.X + physicsComponent.Size.Y));
            Color = new Color((float)rnd.NextDouble(), (float)rnd.NextDouble(), (float)rnd.NextDouble());
Exemplo n.º 16
 public void SetUp()
     stubPlayerSettings = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IPlayerSettings>();
     stubPhysicsComponent = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IPhysicsComponent>();
     stubBoundaryCollider = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IBoundaryCollider>();
     stubWeapons = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IWeapons>();
     stubTimer = MockRepository.GenerateStub<ITimer>();
     player = new BasePlayer(stubPlayerSettings, stubPhysicsComponent, stubBoundaryCollider, stubWeapons, stubTimer);
Exemplo n.º 17
 private EntityType(short id,
             IInputComponent input,
             IGraphicsComponent graphics,
             IPhysicsComponent physics)
     Id = id;
     Input = input;
     Graphics = graphics;
     Physics = physics;
Exemplo n.º 18
        public static bool IsRelevant(IEntity entity, IPhysicsComponent physicsComponent)
            if (entity.Transform.GridID == GridId.Invalid ||
                (PathfindingSystem.TrackedCollisionLayers & physicsComponent.CollisionLayer) == 0)

Exemplo n.º 19
        private void UpdatePosition(IPhysicsComponent physics, float frameTime)
            var ent = physics.Entity;

            if (!physics.CanMove() || (physics.LinearVelocity.LengthSquared < Epsilon && MathF.Abs(physics.AngularVelocity) < Epsilon))

            if (physics.LinearVelocity != Vector2.Zero)
                if (ContainerHelpers.IsInContainer(ent))
                    var relayEntityMoveMessage = new RelayMovementEntityMessage(ent);
                    ent.Transform.Parent !.Owner.SendMessage(ent.Transform, relayEntityMoveMessage);
                    // This prevents redundant messages from being sent if solveIterations > 1 and also simulates the entity "colliding" against the locker door when it opens.
                    physics.LinearVelocity = Vector2.Zero;

            physics.Owner.Transform.DeferUpdates = true;

            // Slow zone up in here
            if (physics.LinearVelocity.Length > _speedLimit)
                physics.LinearVelocity = physics.LinearVelocity.Normalized * _speedLimit;

            var newPosition = physics.WorldPosition + physics.LinearVelocity * frameTime;
            var owner       = physics.Owner;
            var transform   = owner.Transform;

            // Change parent if necessary
            if (!ContainerHelpers.IsInContainer(owner))
                // This shoouullddnnn'''tt de-parent anything in a container because none of that should have physics applied to it.
                if (_mapManager.TryFindGridAt(owner.Transform.MapID, newPosition, out var grid) &&
                    grid.GridEntityId.IsValid() &&
                    grid.GridEntityId != owner.Uid)
                    if (grid.GridEntityId != transform.ParentUid)

            physics.WorldRotation += physics.AngularVelocity * frameTime;
            physics.WorldPosition  = newPosition;
Exemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">Root object to which the entity belongs.</param>
        /// <param name="name">Name of the entity.</param>
        public PhysicsPlane(Root root, string name) : base(root, name)
            ISpatialComponent spatial = ComponentFactory.createSpatialComponent(this.Root, "spatial");
            IPhysicsComponent physics = ComponentFactory.createPhysicsComponent(this.Root, "physicsComponent");

            physics.BuildCollisionPlane(new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), 0.0f);
            physics.Immovable = true;

Exemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">Root object to which the entity belongs.</param>
        /// <param name="name">Name of the entity.</param>
        /// <param name="normal">Normal of the plane.</param>
        /// <param name="distance">
        /// Distance along the normal to the plane. For instance, if the normal is (0,1,0), that
        /// is, the Y axis, the created plane will be y = distance.
        /// </param>
        public PhysicsPlane(Root root, string name, Vector3 normal, float distance) : base(root, name)
            ISpatialComponent spatial = ComponentFactory.createSpatialComponent(this.Root, "spatial");
            IPhysicsComponent physics = ComponentFactory.createPhysicsComponent(this.Root, "physicsComponent");

            physics.BuildCollisionPlane(normal, distance);
            physics.Immovable = true;

Exemplo n.º 22
        public Rocket(Vector2 position, Vector2 direction, IPhysicsComponent physicsComponent)
            this.PhysicsComponent = physicsComponent;

            this.IsAlive = true;

            this.PhysicsComponent.Size = Rocket.Size;

            this.PhysicsComponent.Position = position;
            this.PhysicsComponent.LinearVelocity = direction * Rocket.Speed;

            this.PhysicsComponent.CollidedWithWorld += () => this.IsAlive = false;
Exemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>
        /// PlayerJumpState constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pAnimator"></param>
        /// <param name="pArgs"></param>
        public PlayerJumpState(int pEntityID, IAnimator pAnimator, IAudioPlayer pAudioPlayer, IKeyboardInput pArgs, IPhysicsComponent pPhysicsComponent)
            _animator    = pAnimator;
            _audioPlayer = pAudioPlayer;
            _args        = pArgs;
            // INSTANTIATE _frameTime
            _frameTime = 0.009f;
            _entityUID = pEntityID;

            _ySpeed = 3;

            _physicsComponent = pPhysicsComponent;
Exemplo n.º 24
        private (float friction, float gravity) GetFriction(IPhysicsComponent body)
            if (!body.OnGround)
                return(0f, 0f);

            var location = body.Owner.Transform;
            var grid     = _mapManager.GetGrid(location.Coordinates.GetGridId(EntityManager));
            var tile     = grid.GetTileRef(location.Coordinates);
            var tileDef  = _tileDefinitionManager[tile.Tile.TypeId];

            return(tileDef.Friction, grid.HasGravity ? 9.8f : 0f);
Exemplo n.º 25
        public Projectile(string name, Weapon parentWeapon, Vector pos, Vector vel, float damage, float explRad, float damageRad) : base(name)
            _parentWeapon     = parentWeapon;
            _physicsComponent = new PhysicsComponent(this)
                Pos = pos,
                Vel = vel

            _stateComponent = new StateComponent <ProjectileState>(ProjectileState.Alive);

            _baseDamage = damage;
            _explRad    = explRad;
            _damageRad  = damageRad;
        protected override void OnCollision(IPhysicsComponent physicsComponent, IPhysicsComponent colliding, Contact contact)
            //Fire the damage action.
            var damageAction = Parent.ActionFactory.GetAction<BasicDamageAction>();
            damageAction.Damage = damageComponent.Damage;

            var particleAction = Parent.ActionFactory.GetAction<EmitParticleAction>();
            particleAction.ParticleName = "BallCollisionParticle";
            particleAction.TargetPosition = ParentGameObject.Position;


            var compositeAction = Parent.ActionFactory.GetAction<ParallelGameAction>();

            Parent.FireAction(compositeAction, colliding.Parent);
        public static Dictionary<string, Body> DeserializeBodies(XElement element, IPhysicsManager physicsManager, IPhysicsComponent parent)
            Dictionary<string, Body> bodies = new Dictionary<string, Body>();
            IEnumerable<XElement> elements = element.Elements("body");

            foreach (XElement bodyElement in elements)
                Body body = DeserializeBody(bodyElement, physicsManager, parent);

                if (body != null)
                    string name = ((FarseerUserData) body.UserData).Name;
                    bodies.Add(name, body);

            return bodies;
Exemplo n.º 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for PlayerRunState
        /// </summary>
        public PlayerRunState(int pEntityID, IAnimator pAnimator, IAudioPlayer pAudioPlayer, IKeyboardInput pArgs, PassFloat pInvertTexture, IPhysicsComponent pPhysicsComponent)
            // INSTANTIATE _animator
            _animator = pAnimator;
            // INSTANTIATE _audioPlayer
            _audioPlayer = pAudioPlayer;
            // INSTANTIATE _args
            _args = pArgs;
            // INSTANTIATE _frameTime
            _frameTime = 0.009f;
            _entityUID = pEntityID;

            // set _xSpeed
            _xSpeed = 7;
            // set _ySpeed
            _ySpeed = 35;
            // set facing direction
            _facingDirectionX = 1;

            _invertTexture    = pInvertTexture;
            _physicsComponent = pPhysicsComponent;
Exemplo n.º 29
        public void StartPull(IPhysicsComponent puller)

            if (_puller == puller)

            _puller = puller;

            if (ControlledComponent == null)


            var message = new PullStartedMessage(this, _puller, ControlledComponent);

            _puller.Owner.SendMessage(null, message);
            ControlledComponent.Owner.SendMessage(null, message);
Exemplo n.º 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the collision detection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="owner">The owner.</param>
        /// <param name="collidee">The collidee.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected bool HandleCollisionDetection(CollisionSkin owner, CollisionSkin collidee)
            // If there are handlers for the CollisionDetected event we trigger it. We use the
            // Owner property of the PhysicsObject to obtain the IPhysicsComponent to which the body
            // belongs. From that we can get the entities that are colliding.
            if (CollisionDetected != null)
                PhysicsBody body1 = owner.Owner as PhysicsBody;
                PhysicsBody body2 = collidee.Owner as PhysicsBody;
                if (body1 != null && body2 != null)
                    IPhysicsComponent component1 = body1.Owner;
                    IPhysicsComponent component2 = body2.Owner;
                    if (component1 != null && component2 != null)
                        CollisionDetected(component1.Owner, component2.Owner);

            //We return true because we want the physics engine to handle the collision.
        public static Body DeserializeBody(XElement element, IPhysicsManager physicsManager, IPhysicsComponent parent)
            Body body = null;
            FarseerUserData userData = new FarseerUserData();
            //Read the shape used for this body.
            BodyType bodyType = BodyType.Static;
            if (element.Attribute("bodyType") != null)
                if (element.Attribute("bodyType").Value.StartsWith("d", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    bodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;
                else if (element.Attribute("bodyType").Value.StartsWith("s", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    bodyType = BodyType.Static;
                else if (element.Attribute("bodyType").Value.StartsWith("k", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    bodyType = BodyType.Kinematic;

            bool primary = false;
            if (element.Attribute("primary") != null)
                bool.TryParse(element.Attribute("primary").Value, out primary);

            Shape shape = null;
            XElement shapeElement = element.Element("shape");

            if (shapeElement != null && shapeElement.Attribute("type") != null)
                if (shapeElement.Attribute("type").Value.StartsWith("b", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    shape = DeserializeBoxShape(shapeElement);
                else if (shapeElement.Attribute("type").Value.StartsWith("c", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    shape = DeserializeCircleShape(shapeElement);
                else if (shapeElement.Attribute("type").Value.StartsWith("p", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    shape = DeserializePolygonShape(shapeElement);

            if (shape != null)
                string name;

                body = BodyFactory.CreateBody(physicsManager.PhysicsWorld);
                body.BodyType = bodyType;
                Vector2 offset = Vector2.Zero;

                float friction = 0.5f, linearDamping = 5f, restitution = 0f, mass = 1f;
                bool fixedRotation = false;

                if (element.Element("friction") != null)
                    float.TryParse(element.Element("friction").Value, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out friction);

                if (element.Element("linearDamping") != null)
                    float.TryParse(element.Element("linearDamping").Value, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out linearDamping);

                if (element.Element("restitution") != null)
                    float.TryParse(element.Element("restitution").Value, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out restitution);

                if (element.Element("mass") != null)
                    float.TryParse(element.Element("mass").Value, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out mass);

                if (element.Element("fixedRotation") != null)
                    bool.TryParse(element.Element("fixedRotation").Value, out fixedRotation);

                if (element.Element("offset") != null)
                    offset = offset.DeserializeOffset(element.Element("offset"));
                body.Friction = friction;
                body.LinearDamping = linearDamping;
                body.Restitution = restitution;
                body.Mass = mass;
                body.FixedRotation = fixedRotation;

                name = element.Attribute("name") != null ? element.Attribute("name").Value : body.BodyId.ToString();

                userData.TopLeftOffset = ConvertUnits.GetTopLeftCorner(body.FixtureList[0], 0);
                userData.Name = name;
                userData.Primary = primary;
                userData.Owner = parent;
                userData.Offset = offset;

                body.UserData = userData;

            return body;
Exemplo n.º 32
 public LocalPlayer(IPlayerSettings playerSettings, IPhysicsComponent physicsComponent, IBoundaryCollider boundaryCollider, IWeapons weapons, ITimer timer)
     : base(playerSettings, physicsComponent, boundaryCollider, weapons, timer)
     Console.Write("Creating Local Player");
Exemplo n.º 33
        protected void UpdateKinematics(ITransformComponent transform, IMoverComponent mover, IPhysicsComponent physics)
            physics.EnsureController <MoverController>();

            var weightless = transform.Owner.IsWeightless();

            if (weightless)
                // No gravity: is our entity touching anything?
                var touching = IsAroundCollider(transform, mover, physics);

                if (!touching)
                    transform.LocalRotation = physics.LinearVelocity.GetDir().ToAngle();

            // TODO: movement check.
            var(walkDir, sprintDir) = mover.VelocityDir;
            var combined = walkDir + sprintDir;

            if (combined.LengthSquared < 0.001 || !ActionBlockerSystem.CanMove(mover.Owner) && !weightless)
                if (physics.TryGetController(out MoverController controller))
                if (weightless)
                    if (physics.TryGetController(out MoverController controller))
                        controller.Push(combined, mover.CurrentPushSpeed);

                    transform.LocalRotation = physics.LinearVelocity.GetDir().ToAngle();

                var total = walkDir * mover.CurrentWalkSpeed + sprintDir * mover.CurrentSprintSpeed;

                    if (physics.TryGetController(out MoverController controller))
                        controller.Move(total, 1);

                transform.LocalRotation = total.GetDir().ToAngle();

Exemplo n.º 34
 public virtual void SetPhysicsComponent(IPhysicsComponent pPhysicsComponent)
     _physicsComponent = pPhysicsComponent;
Exemplo n.º 35
 public override void Initialize()
     ballPhysics = ParentGameObject.GetComponent<IPhysicsComponent>();
Exemplo n.º 36
 public const float SMOOTHING_FACTOR = 0.8f;     // 1f tries to catch up completely between each tick and is likely to be unstable
 public NetworkPlayer(IPlayerSettings playerSettings, IPhysicsComponent physicsComponent, IWeapons weapons, ITimer timer)
     : base(playerSettings, physicsComponent, null, weapons, timer)
     LastReceivedPosition = this.Position;
Exemplo n.º 37
 public void SetUp()
     stubPhysicsComponent = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IPhysicsComponent>();
     player = new NetworkPlayer(null, stubPhysicsComponent, MockRepository.GenerateStub<IWeapons>(), null);
Exemplo n.º 38
 protected abstract void OnCollision(IPhysicsComponent physicsComponent, IPhysicsComponent colliding, Contact contact);
Exemplo n.º 39
 protected PullMessage(IPhysicsComponent puller, IPhysicsComponent pulled)
     Puller = puller;
     Pulled = pulled;
        protected void UpdateKinematics(ITransformComponent transform, IMoverComponent mover, IPhysicsComponent physics,
                                        ICollidableComponent?collider = null)
            physics.EnsureController <MoverController>();

            var weightless = !transform.Owner.HasComponent <MovementIgnoreGravityComponent>() &&

            if (weightless && collider != null)
                // No gravity: is our entity touching anything?
                var touching = IsAroundCollider(transform, mover, collider);

                if (!touching)

            // TODO: movement check.
            var(walkDir, sprintDir) = mover.VelocityDir;
            var combined = walkDir + sprintDir;

            if (combined.LengthSquared < 0.001 || !ActionBlockerSystem.CanMove(mover.Owner) && !weightless)
                if (physics.TryGetController(out MoverController controller))
                //Console.WriteLine($"{IoCManager.Resolve<IGameTiming>().TickStamp}: {combined}");

                if (weightless)
                    if (physics.TryGetController(out MoverController controller))
                        controller.Push(combined, mover.CurrentPushSpeed);

                    transform.LocalRotation = walkDir.GetDir().ToAngle();

                var total = walkDir * mover.CurrentWalkSpeed + sprintDir * mover.CurrentSprintSpeed;
                //Console.WriteLine($"{walkDir} ({mover.CurrentWalkSpeed}) + {sprintDir} ({mover.CurrentSprintSpeed}): {total}");

                { if (physics.TryGetController(out MoverController controller))
                      controller.Move(total, 1);

                transform.LocalRotation = total.GetDir().ToAngle();

        private void CollisionHandler(IPhysicsComponent source, IPhysicsComponent colliding, Contact contact)
            if (colliding.Parent.HasMetadata("bottom"))
                if (player != null)
                    int lives;
                    int.TryParse(player.GetMetadata("lives").ToString(), NumberStyles.Integer,CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out lives);

                    if (lives == 0)
                        GameOver = true;
                        player.UpdateMetadata("lives", lives - 1);

                        if (OnPlayerLivesChanged != null)
                            OnPlayerLivesChanged(player, lives - 1);


            if (colliding.Parent.HasMetadata("brick")) //We've collided with a brick, check if they're all gone and, if so, you win!
                IGameObject brick = gameObjectManager.FindWithMetadata("brick");

                if (brick == null)
Exemplo n.º 42
 public void RemoveComponent(IPhysicsComponent component)
     component.Physics.Enabled = false;
Exemplo n.º 43
        public static Dictionary <string, Body> DeserializeBodies(XElement element, IPhysicsManager physicsManager, IPhysicsComponent parent)
            Dictionary <string, Body> bodies   = new Dictionary <string, Body>();
            IEnumerable <XElement>    elements = element.Elements("body");

            foreach (XElement bodyElement in elements)
                Body body = DeserializeBody(bodyElement, physicsManager, parent);

                if (body != null)
                    string name = ((FarseerUserData)body.UserData).Name;
                    bodies.Add(name, body);

 protected abstract void OnCollision(IPhysicsComponent physicsComponent, IPhysicsComponent colliding, Contact contact);
 public PullStartedMessage(IPhysicsComponent puller, IPhysicsComponent pulled) :
     base(puller, pulled)
Exemplo n.º 46
        public static Body DeserializeBody(XElement element, IPhysicsManager physicsManager, IPhysicsComponent parent)
            Body            body     = null;
            FarseerUserData userData = new FarseerUserData();

            //Read the shape used for this body.
            BodyType bodyType = BodyType.Static;

            if (element.Attribute("bodyType") != null)
                if (element.Attribute("bodyType").Value.StartsWith("d", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    bodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;
                else if (element.Attribute("bodyType").Value.StartsWith("s", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    bodyType = BodyType.Static;
                else if (element.Attribute("bodyType").Value.StartsWith("k", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    bodyType = BodyType.Kinematic;

            bool primary = false;

            if (element.Attribute("primary") != null)
                bool.TryParse(element.Attribute("primary").Value, out primary);

            Shape    shape        = null;
            XElement shapeElement = element.Element("shape");

            if (shapeElement != null && shapeElement.Attribute("type") != null)
                if (shapeElement.Attribute("type").Value.StartsWith("b", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    shape = DeserializeBoxShape(shapeElement);
                else if (shapeElement.Attribute("type").Value.StartsWith("c", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    shape = DeserializeCircleShape(shapeElement);
                else if (shapeElement.Attribute("type").Value.StartsWith("p", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    shape = DeserializePolygonShape(shapeElement);

            if (shape != null)
                string name;

                body          = BodyFactory.CreateBody(physicsManager.PhysicsWorld);
                body.BodyType = bodyType;
                Vector2 offset = Vector2.Zero;

                float friction = 0.5f, linearDamping = 5f, restitution = 0f, mass = 1f;
                bool  fixedRotation = false;

                if (element.Element("friction") != null)
                    float.TryParse(element.Element("friction").Value, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out friction);

                if (element.Element("linearDamping") != null)
                    float.TryParse(element.Element("linearDamping").Value, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out linearDamping);

                if (element.Element("restitution") != null)
                    float.TryParse(element.Element("restitution").Value, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out restitution);

                if (element.Element("mass") != null)
                    float.TryParse(element.Element("mass").Value, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out mass);

                if (element.Element("fixedRotation") != null)
                    bool.TryParse(element.Element("fixedRotation").Value, out fixedRotation);

                if (element.Element("offset") != null)
                    offset = offset.DeserializeOffset(element.Element("offset"));

                body.Friction      = friction;
                body.LinearDamping = linearDamping;
                body.Restitution   = restitution;
                body.Mass          = mass;
                body.FixedRotation = fixedRotation;

                name = element.Attribute("name") != null?element.Attribute("name").Value : body.BodyId.ToString();

                userData.TopLeftOffset = ConvertUnits.GetTopLeftCorner(body.FixtureList[0], 0);
                userData.Name          = name;
                userData.Primary       = primary;
                userData.Owner         = parent;
                userData.Offset        = offset;

                body.UserData = userData;
