Exemplo n.º 1
 public static Object read(PushbackTextReader r, IPersistentMap opts)
     return read(r, !opts.containsKey(EOF), opts.valAt(EOF), false, opts);
Exemplo n.º 2
 private static void MaybeReflectionWarn(IPersistentMap spanMap, MethodBase method, string methodName)
     if ( method == null && RT.booleanCast(RT.WARN_ON_REFLECTION.deref()) )
         RT.errPrintWriter().WriteLine(string.Format("Reflection warning, {0}:{1} - call to {2} can't be resolved.\n",
             Compiler.SOURCE_PATH.deref(), spanMap != null ? (int)spanMap.valAt(RT.START_LINE_KEY, 0) : 0, methodName));
Exemplo n.º 3
 public Expression MaybeAddDebugInfo(Expression expr, IPersistentMap spanMap)
     if (_isDebuggable && spanMap != null & _docInfo != null)
         int startLine;
         int startCol;
         int finishLine;
         int finishCol;
         if (Compiler.GetLocations(spanMap, out startLine, out startCol, out finishLine, out finishCol))
             return AstUtils.AddDebugInfo(expr,
                 new Microsoft.Scripting.SourceLocation(0, (int)spanMap.valAt(RT.StartLineKey), (int)spanMap.valAt(RT.StartColumnKey)),
                 new Microsoft.Scripting.SourceLocation(0, (int)spanMap.valAt(RT.EndLineKey), (int)spanMap.valAt(RT.EndColumnKey)));
     return expr;
Exemplo n.º 4
        internal Expression GenVar(GenContext context, Var var)
            int i = (int)_vars.valAt(var);

            return(GenConstant(context, i, var));
Exemplo n.º 5
 internal static Expression MaybeAddDebugInfo(Expression expr, IPersistentMap spanMap, bool isDebuggable)
     if ( isDebuggable && spanMap != null & Compiler.DocInfo() != null)
         int startLine;
         int startCol;
         int finishLine;
         int finishCol;
         if (GetLocations(spanMap, out startLine, out startCol, out finishLine, out finishCol))
             return AstUtils.AddDebugInfo(expr,
                 new Microsoft.Scripting.SourceLocation(0, (int)spanMap.valAt(RT.START_LINE_KEY), (int)spanMap.valAt(RT.START_COLUMN_KEY)),
                 new Microsoft.Scripting.SourceLocation(0, (int)spanMap.valAt(RT.END_LINE_KEY), (int)spanMap.valAt(RT.END_COLUMN_KEY)));
     return expr;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public Expression MaybeAddDebugInfo(Expression expr, IPersistentMap spanMap)
     if (_isDebuggable && spanMap != null & _docInfo != null)
         if (Compiler.GetLocations(spanMap, out int startLine, out int startCol, out int finishLine, out int finishCol))
                                          new Microsoft.Scripting.SourceLocation(0, (int)spanMap.valAt(RT.StartLineKey), (int)spanMap.valAt(RT.StartColumnKey)),
                                          new Microsoft.Scripting.SourceLocation(0, (int)spanMap.valAt(RT.EndLineKey), (int)spanMap.valAt(RT.EndColumnKey))));
Exemplo n.º 7
            public Expr Parse(ParserContext pcon, object form)
                // (def x) or (def x initexpr) or (def x "docstring" initexpr)
                string docstring = null;

                if (RT.count(form) == 4 && (RT.third(form) is String))
                    docstring = (String)RT.third(form);
                    form      = RT.list(RT.first(form), RT.second(form), RT.fourth(form));

                if (RT.count(form) > 3)
                    throw new ParseException("Too many arguments to def");

                if (RT.count(form) < 2)
                    throw new ParseException("Too few arguments to def");

                Symbol sym = RT.second(form) as Symbol;

                if (sym == null)
                    throw new ParseException("First argument to def must be a Symbol.");

                //Console.WriteLine("Def {0}", sym.Name);

                Var v = Compiler.LookupVar(sym, true);

                if (v == null)
                    throw new ParseException("Can't refer to qualified var that doesn't exist");

                if (!v.Namespace.Equals(Compiler.CurrentNamespace))
                    if (sym.Namespace == null)
                        v = Compiler.CurrentNamespace.intern(sym);

                    //throw new Exception(string.Format("Name conflict, can't def {0} because namespace: {1} refers to: {2}",
                    //            sym, Compiler.CurrentNamespace.Name, v));
                        throw new ParseException("Can't create defs outside of current namespace");

                IPersistentMap mm        = sym.meta();
                bool           isDynamic = RT.booleanCast(RT.get(mm, Compiler.DynamicKeyword));

                if (isDynamic)
                if (!isDynamic && sym.Name.StartsWith("*") && sym.Name.EndsWith("*") && sym.Name.Length > 1)
                    RT.errPrintWriter().WriteLine("Warning: {0} not declared dynamic and thus is not dynamically rebindable, "
                                                  + "but its name suggests otherwise. Please either indicate ^:dynamic {0} or change the name. ({1}:{2}\n",
                                                  sym, Compiler.SourcePathVar.get(), Compiler.LineVar.get());

                if (RT.booleanCast(RT.get(mm, Compiler.ArglistsKeyword)))
                    IPersistentMap vm = v.meta();
                    //vm = (IPersistentMap)RT.assoc(vm, Compiler.STATIC_KEY, true);
                    // drop quote
                    vm = (IPersistentMap)RT.assoc(vm, Compiler.ArglistsKeyword, RT.second(mm.valAt(Compiler.ArglistsKeyword)));

                Object source_path = Compiler.SourcePathVar.get();

                source_path = source_path ?? "NO_SOURCE_FILE";
                mm          = (IPersistentMap)RT.assoc(mm, RT.LineKey, Compiler.LineVar.get())
                              .assoc(RT.FileKey, source_path);
                if (docstring != null)
                    mm = (IPersistentMap)RT.assoc(mm, RT.DocKey, docstring);

                //mm = mm.without(RT.DOC_KEY)
                //            .without(Keyword.intern(null, "arglists"))
                //            .without(RT.FILE_KEY)
                //            .without(RT.LINE_KEY)
                //            .without(Keyword.intern(null, "ns"))
                //            .without(Keyword.intern(null, "name"))
                //            .without(Keyword.intern(null, "added"))
                //            .without(Keyword.intern(null, "static"));

                mm = (IPersistentMap)Compiler.ElideMeta(mm);

                Expr meta         = mm == null || mm.count() == 0 ? null : Compiler.Analyze(pcon.EvalOrExpr(), mm);
                Expr init         = Compiler.Analyze(pcon.EvalOrExpr(), RT.third(form), v.Symbol.Name);
                bool initProvided = RT.count(form) == 3;

                return(new DefExpr(
                           v, init, meta, initProvided, isDynamic));
Exemplo n.º 8
        internal Expression GenKeyword(GenContext context, Keyword kw)
            int i = (int)_keywords.valAt(kw);

            return(GenConstant(context, i, kw));
Exemplo n.º 9
 public static Object read(PushbackTextReader r, IPersistentMap opts)
     return(read(r, !opts.containsKey(EOF), opts.valAt(EOF), false, opts));
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void Emit(RHC rhc, ObjExpr objx, CljILGen ilg)
            Label?loopLabel = (Label)Compiler.LoopLabelVar.deref();

            if (loopLabel == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Recur not in proper context.");

                for (int i = 0; i < _loopLocals.count(); i++)
                    LocalBinding lb  = (LocalBinding)_loopLocals.nth(i);
                    Expr         arg = (Expr)_args.nth(i);

                    Type primt = lb.PrimitiveType;
                    if (primt != null)
                        MaybePrimitiveExpr mpeArg = arg as MaybePrimitiveExpr;
                        Type pt = Compiler.MaybePrimitiveType(arg);
                        if (pt == primt)
                            mpeArg.EmitUnboxed(RHC.Expression, objx, ilg);
                        else if (primt == typeof(long) && pt == typeof(int))
                            mpeArg.EmitUnboxed(RHC.Expression, objx, ilg);
                        else if (primt == typeof(double) && pt == typeof(float))
                            mpeArg.EmitUnboxed(RHC.Expression, objx, ilg);
                        else if (primt == typeof(int) && pt == typeof(long))
                            mpeArg.EmitUnboxed(RHC.Expression, objx, ilg);
                        else if (primt == typeof(float) && pt == typeof(double))
                            mpeArg.EmitUnboxed(RHC.Expression, objx, ilg);
                            throw new ArgumentException(String.Format(
                                                            "{0}:{1} recur arg for primitive local: {2} is not matching primitive, had: {3}, needed {4}",
                                                            _source, _spanMap != null ? (int)_spanMap.valAt(RT.StartLineKey, 0) : 0,
                                                            lb.Name, (arg.HasClrType ? arg.ClrType.Name : "Object"), primt.Name));
                        arg.Emit(RHC.Expression, objx, ilg);
            for (int i = _loopLocals.count() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                LocalBinding lb = (LocalBinding)_loopLocals.nth(i);
                //Type primt = lb.PrimitiveType;
                if (lb.IsArg)
                    //ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Starg, lb.Index - (objx.IsStatic ? 0 : 1));
                    if (lb.DeclaredType != typeof(Object) && !lb.DeclaredType.IsPrimitive)
                        ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, lb.DeclaredType);
                    ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, lb.LocalVar);

            ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Br, loopLabel.Value);
Exemplo n.º 11
            public Expr Parse(ParserContext pcon, object frm)
                string         source  = (string)Compiler.SourceVar.deref();
                IPersistentMap spanMap = (IPersistentMap)Compiler.SourceSpanVar.deref();  // Compiler.GetSourceSpanMap(form);

                ISeq form = (ISeq)frm;

                IPersistentVector loopLocals = (IPersistentVector)Compiler.LoopLocalsVar.deref();

                if (pcon.Rhc != RHC.Return || loopLocals == null)
                    throw new ParseException("Can only recur from tail position");

                if (Compiler.NoRecurVar.deref() != null)
                    throw new ParseException("Cannot recur across try");

                IPersistentVector args = PersistentVector.EMPTY;

                for (ISeq s = RT.seq(form.next()); s != null; s = s.next())
                    args = args.cons(Compiler.Analyze(pcon.SetRhc(RHC.Expression).SetAssign(false), s.first()));
                if (args.count() != loopLocals.count())
                    throw new ParseException(string.Format("Mismatched argument count to recur, expected: {0} args, got {1}",
                                                           loopLocals.count(), args.count()));

                for (int i = 0; i < loopLocals.count(); i++)
                    LocalBinding lb    = (LocalBinding)loopLocals.nth(i);
                    Type         primt = lb.PrimitiveType;
                    if (primt != null)
                        bool mismatch = false;
                        Type pt       = Compiler.MaybePrimitiveType((Expr)args.nth(i));
                        if (primt == typeof(long))
                            if (!(pt == typeof(long) || pt == typeof(int) || pt == typeof(short) || pt == typeof(uint) || pt == typeof(ushort) || pt == typeof(ulong) ||
                                  pt == typeof(char) || pt == typeof(byte) || pt == typeof(sbyte)))
                                mismatch = true;
                        else if (primt == typeof(double))
                            if (!(pt == typeof(double) || pt == typeof(float)))
                                mismatch = true;

                        if (mismatch)
                            lb.RecurMismatch = true;
                            if (RT.booleanCast(RT.WarnOnReflectionVar.deref()))
                                RT.errPrintWriter().WriteLine("{0}:{1} recur arg for primitive local: {2} is not matching primitive, had: {3}, needed {4}",
                                                              source, spanMap != null ? (int)spanMap.valAt(RT.StartLineKey, 0) : 0,
                                                              lb.Name, pt != null ? pt.Name : "Object", primt.Name);

                return(new RecurExpr(source, spanMap, loopLocals, args));
Exemplo n.º 12
        private static void EmitExposers(TypeBuilder proxyTB, Type superClass, IPersistentMap exposesFields)
            for (ISeq s = RT.seq(exposesFields); s != null; s = s.next())
                IMapEntry      me = (IMapEntry)s.first();
                Symbol         protectedFieldSym = (Symbol)me.key();
                IPersistentMap accessMap         = (IPersistentMap)me.val();

                string fieldName = protectedFieldSym.Name;
                Symbol getterSym = (Symbol)accessMap.valAt(_getKw, null);
                Symbol setterSym = (Symbol)accessMap.valAt(_setKW, null);

                FieldInfo fld = null;

                if (getterSym != null || setterSym != null)
                    fld = superClass.GetField(fieldName, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance);

                if (getterSym != null)
                    MethodAttributes attribs = MethodAttributes.Public;
                    if (fld.IsStatic)
                        attribs |= MethodAttributes.Static;

                    MethodBuilder mb  = proxyTB.DefineMethod(getterSym.Name, attribs, fld.FieldType, Type.EmptyTypes);
                    CljILGen      gen = new CljILGen(mb.GetILGenerator());
                    //if (fld.IsStatic)
                    //    gen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldsfld, fld);
                    //    gen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
                    //    gen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, fld);
                    if (!fld.IsStatic)


                if (setterSym != null)
                    MethodAttributes attribs = MethodAttributes.Public;
                    if (fld.IsStatic)
                        attribs |= MethodAttributes.Static;

                    MethodBuilder mb  = proxyTB.DefineMethod(setterSym.Name, attribs, typeof(void), new Type[] { fld.FieldType });
                    CljILGen      gen = new CljILGen(mb.GetILGenerator());
                    if (fld.IsStatic)
                        //gen.Emit(OpCodes.Stsfld, fld);
                        //gen.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, fld);
Exemplo n.º 13
        private static void EmitMethods(TypeBuilder proxyTB,
                                        List <MethodSignature> sigs,
                                        Dictionary <string, List <MethodSignature> > overloads,
                                        Dictionary <string, FieldBuilder> varMap,
                                        IPersistentMap exposesMethods)
            foreach (MethodSignature sig in sigs)
                FieldBuilder regularFB  = varMap[sig.Name];
                FieldBuilder overloadFB = null;
                if (overloads.ContainsKey(sig.Name))
                    overloadFB = varMap[OverloadName(sig)];

                switch (sig.Source)
                case "super":
                    EmitForwardingMethod(proxyTB, false, regularFB, overloadFB, sig,
                                         delegate(CljILGen gen)
                        gen.EmitLoadArg(0);                                     // gen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
                        for (int i = 0; i < sig.ParamTypes.Length; i++)
                            gen.EmitLoadArg(i + 1);                             // gen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg, (i + 1));
                        gen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, sig.Method);                     // not gen.EmitCall(sig.Method) -- we need call versus callvirt

                case "interface":
                    EmitForwardingMethod(proxyTB, false, regularFB, overloadFB, sig,
                                         delegate(CljILGen gen)
                        EmitUnsupported(gen, sig.Name);

                    EmitForwardingMethod(proxyTB, sig.IsStatic, regularFB, overloadFB, sig,
                                         delegate(CljILGen gen)
                        EmitUnsupported(gen, sig.Name);

            if (exposesMethods != null)
                foreach (MethodSignature sig in sigs)
                    if (sig.Source == "super")
                        Symbol name = Symbol.intern(sig.Name);
                        if (exposesMethods.containsKey(name))
                            CreateSuperCall(proxyTB, (Symbol)exposesMethods.valAt(name), sig.Method);
Exemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the method for a dispatch value and cache it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dispatchVal">The disaptch value.</param>
        /// <returns>The mest method.</returns>
        private IFn FindAndCacheBestMethod(object dispatchVal)
            object         bestValue;
            IPersistentMap mt = _methodTable;
            IPersistentMap pt = _preferTable;
            object         ch = _cachedHierarchy;

                IMapEntry bestEntry = null;

                foreach (IMapEntry me in MethodTable)
                    if (IsA(dispatchVal, me.key()))
                        if (bestEntry == null || Dominates(me.key(), bestEntry.key()))
                            bestEntry = me;
                        if (!Dominates(bestEntry.key(), me.key()))
                            throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Multiple methods in multimethod {0} match dispatch value: {1} -> {2} and {3}, and neither is preferred",
                                                                      _name, dispatchVal, me.key(), bestEntry.key()));
                if (bestEntry == null)
                    bestValue = _methodTable.valAt(_defaultDispatchVal);
                    if (bestValue == null)
                    bestValue = bestEntry.val();

            // ensure basis has stayed stable throughout, else redo
                if (mt == _methodTable &&
                    pt == _preferTable &&
                    ch == _cachedHierarchy &&
                    _cachedHierarchy == _hierarchy.deref())
                    // place in cache
                    _methodCache = _methodCache.assoc(dispatchVal, bestValue);
Exemplo n.º 15
 static bool GetLocation(IPersistentMap spanMap, Keyword key, out int val)
     object oval = spanMap.valAt(key);
     if (oval != null && oval is int)
         val = (int)oval;
         return true;
     val = -1;
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 16
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the value for the key (= the key itself, or null if not present).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="key">The value to test for membership in the set.</param>
 /// <returns>the key if the key is in the set, else null.</returns>
 public object get(object key)
Exemplo n.º 17
        private static void EmitMethods(TypeBuilder proxyTB, 
            List<MethodSignature> sigs,
            Dictionary<string,List<MethodSignature>> overloads,
            Dictionary<string,FieldBuilder> varMap,
            IPersistentMap exposesMethods)
            foreach (MethodSignature sig in sigs)
                FieldBuilder regularFB = varMap[sig.Name];
                FieldBuilder overloadFB = null;
                if (overloads.ContainsKey(sig.Name))
                    overloadFB = varMap[OverloadName(sig)];

                switch (sig.Source)
                    case "super":
                        EmitForwardingMethod(proxyTB, false, regularFB, overloadFB, sig,
                            delegate(ILGen gen)
                                gen.EmitLoadArg(0);                             // gen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
                                for (int i = 0; i < sig.ParamTypes.Length; i++)
                                    gen.EmitLoadArg(i + 1);                     // gen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg, (i + 1));
                                gen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, sig.Method);             // not gen.EmitCall(sig.Method) -- we need call versus callvirt
                    case "interface":
                        EmitForwardingMethod(proxyTB, false, regularFB, overloadFB, sig,
                            delegate(ILGen gen)
                                EmitUnsupported(gen, sig.Name);
                        EmitForwardingMethod(proxyTB, sig.IsStatic, regularFB, overloadFB, sig,
                            delegate(ILGen gen)
                                EmitUnsupported(gen, sig.Name);

            if (exposesMethods != null)
                foreach (MethodSignature sig in sigs)
                    if (sig.Source == "super")
                        Symbol name = Symbol.intern(sig.Name);
                        if (exposesMethods.containsKey(name))
                            CreateSuperCall(proxyTB, (Symbol)exposesMethods.valAt(name), sig.Method);
Exemplo n.º 18
        public InvokeExpr(string source, IPersistentMap spanMap, Symbol tag, Expr fexpr, IPersistentVector args)
            _source  = source;
            _spanMap = spanMap;
            _fexpr   = fexpr;
            _args    = args;

            VarExpr varFexpr = fexpr as VarExpr;

            if (varFexpr != null)
                Var fvar = varFexpr.Var;
                Var pvar = (Var)RT.get(fvar.meta(), Compiler.ProtocolKeyword);
                if (pvar != null && Compiler.ProtocolCallsitesVar.isBound)
                    _isProtocol = true;
                    _siteIndex  = Compiler.RegisterProtocolCallsite(fvar);
                    Object pon = RT.get(pvar.get(), _onKey);
                    _protocolOn = HostExpr.MaybeType(pon, false);
                    if (_protocolOn != null)
                        IPersistentMap mmap    = (IPersistentMap)RT.get(pvar.get(), _methodMapKey);
                        Keyword        mmapVal = (Keyword)mmap.valAt(Keyword.intern(fvar.sym));
                        if (mmapVal == null)
                            throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("No method of interface: {0} found for function: {1} of protocol: {2} (The protocol method may have been defined before and removed.)",
                                                                      _protocolOn.FullName, fvar.Symbol, pvar.Symbol));
                        String mname = Compiler.munge(mmapVal.Symbol.ToString());

                        IList <MethodBase> methods = Reflector.GetMethods(_protocolOn, mname, null, args.count() - 1, false);
                        if (methods.Count != 1)
                            throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("No single method: {0} of interface: {1} found for function: {2} of protocol: {3}",
                                                                      mname, _protocolOn.FullName, fvar.Symbol, pvar.Symbol));
                        _onMethod = (MethodInfo)methods[0];

            //_tag = tag ?? (varFexpr != null ? varFexpr.Tag : null);
            if (tag != null)
                _tag = tag;
            else if (varFexpr != null)
                object arglists = RT.get(RT.meta(varFexpr.Var), Compiler.ArglistsKeyword);
                object sigTag   = null;
                for (ISeq s = RT.seq(arglists); s != null; s = s.next())
                    APersistentVector sig = (APersistentVector)s.first();
                    int restOffset        = sig.IndexOf(Compiler.AmpersandSym);
                    if (args.count() == sig.count() || (restOffset > -1 && args.count() >= restOffset))
                        sigTag = Compiler.TagOf(sig);
                _tag = sigTag ?? varFexpr.Tag;
                _tag = null;