Exemplo n.º 1
 public FlipViewPostContext(IPanelHost host, PostCollector collector, Post post, string targetComment)
     Post = post;
     Collector = collector;
     Host = host;
     TargetComment = targetComment;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public FlipViewPostContext(IPanelHost host, PostCollector collector, Post post, string targetComment)
     Post          = post;
     Collector     = collector;
     Host          = host;
     TargetComment = targetComment;
        public async void PanelSetup(IPanelHost host, Dictionary <string, object> arguments)
            // Capture the host
            m_host = host;

            Subreddit subreddit = null;

            if (arguments.ContainsKey(PanelManager.NAV_ARGS_SUBREDDIT_NAME))
                // Try to get the subreddit locally
                subreddit = App.BaconMan.SubredditMan.GetSubredditByDisplayName((string)arguments[PanelManager.NAV_ARGS_SUBREDDIT_NAME]);

                // If that failed try to get it from the web
                if (subreddit == null)
                    // Show the loading UI

                    // Try to get the subreddit from the web
                    subreddit = await App.BaconMan.SubredditMan.GetSubredditFromWebByDisplayName((string)arguments[PanelManager.NAV_ARGS_SUBREDDIT_NAME]);

                    // Hide the loading UI
                    // The loading ring will be set inactive by the animation complete

            if (subreddit == null)
                // Hmmmm. We can't load the subreddit. Show a message and go back
                App.BaconMan.MessageMan.ShowMessageSimple("Hmmm, That's Not Right", "We can't load this subreddit right now, check your Internet connection.");

                // We can't call go back with navigating, so use the dispatcher to make a delayed call.
                await Task.Run(async() =>
                    // We need to wait some time until the transition animation is done or we can't go back.
                    await Task.Delay(500);

                    // Try to go back now.
                    await global::Windows.ApplicationModel.Core.CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Low, () =>

                // Get out of here.

            // Get the sort type
            SortTypes     sortType     = arguments.ContainsKey(PanelManager.NAV_ARGS_SUBREDDIT_SORT) ? (SortTypes)arguments[PanelManager.NAV_ARGS_SUBREDDIT_SORT] : App.BaconMan.UiSettingsMan.SubredditList_DefaultSortType;
            SortTimeTypes postSortTime = arguments.ContainsKey(PanelManager.NAV_ARGS_SUBREDDIT_SORT_TIME) ? (SortTimeTypes)arguments[PanelManager.NAV_ARGS_SUBREDDIT_SORT_TIME] : App.BaconMan.UiSettingsMan.SubredditList_DefaultSortTimeType;

            // Do the rest of the setup
            SetupPage(subreddit, sortType, postSortTime);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public async void PanelSetup(IPanelHost host, Dictionary<string, object> arguments)
            // Capture the host
            m_host = host;

            Subreddit subreddit = null;
            if (arguments.ContainsKey(PanelManager.NAV_ARGS_SUBREDDIT_NAME))
                // Try to get the subreddit locally
                subreddit = App.BaconMan.SubredditMan.GetSubredditByDisplayName((string)arguments[PanelManager.NAV_ARGS_SUBREDDIT_NAME]);

                // If that failed try to get it from the web
                if(subreddit == null)
                    // Show the loading UI

                    // Try to get the subreddit from the web
                    subreddit = await App.BaconMan.SubredditMan.GetSubredditFromWebByDisplayName((string)arguments[PanelManager.NAV_ARGS_SUBREDDIT_NAME]);

                    // Hide the loading UI
                    // The loading ring will be set inactive by the animation complete

            if(subreddit == null)
                // Hmmmm. We can't load the subreddit. Show a message and go back
                App.BaconMan.MessageMan.ShowMessageSimple("Hmmm, That's Not Right", "We can't load this subreddit right now, check your Internet connection.");

                // We can't call go back with navigating, so use the dispatcher to make a delayed call.
                await Task.Run(async () =>
                    // We need to wait some time until the transition animation is done or we can't go back.
                    await Task.Delay(500);

                    // Try to go back now.
                    await Windows.ApplicationModel.Core.CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Low, () =>

                // Get out of here.

            // Get the sort type
            SortTypes sortType = arguments.ContainsKey(PanelManager.NAV_ARGS_SUBREDDIT_SORT) ? (SortTypes)arguments[PanelManager.NAV_ARGS_SUBREDDIT_SORT] : App.BaconMan.UiSettingsMan.SubredditList_DefaultSortType;
            SortTimeTypes postSortTime = arguments.ContainsKey(PanelManager.NAV_ARGS_SUBREDDIT_SORT_TIME) ? (SortTimeTypes)arguments[PanelManager.NAV_ARGS_SUBREDDIT_SORT_TIME] : App.BaconMan.UiSettingsMan.SubredditList_DefaultSortTimeType;

            // Do the rest of the setup
            SetupPage(subreddit, sortType, postSortTime);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void PanelSetup(IPanelHost host, Dictionary<string, object> arguments)
            m_panelManager = host;

            // If we get passed a search term search it right away.
                ui_searchBox.Text = (string)arguments[PanelManager.NAV_ARGS_SEARCH_QUERY];
                Search_Tapped(null, null);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void PanelSetup(IPanelHost host, Dictionary <string, object> arguments)
            m_panelManager = host;

            // If we get passed a search term search it right away.
            if (arguments.ContainsKey(PanelManager.NAV_ARGS_SEARCH_QUERY))
                ui_searchBox.Text = (string)arguments[PanelManager.NAV_ARGS_SEARCH_QUERY];
                Search_Tapped(null, null);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void PanelSetup(IPanelHost host, Dictionary <string, object> arguments)
            m_host = host;

            // Set the text is we were passed it
            if (arguments.ContainsKey(PanelManager.NAV_ARGS_SUBMIT_POST_SUBREDDIT))
                ui_subredditSuggestBox.Text = (string)arguments[PanelManager.NAV_ARGS_SUBMIT_POST_SUBREDDIT];

            // Resigner for back presses
            App.BaconMan.OnBackButton += BaconMan_OnBackButton;
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void PanelSetup(IPanelHost host, Dictionary <string, object> arguments)
            _mHost = host;

            // Set the text is we were passed it
            if (arguments.ContainsKey(PanelManager.NavArgsSubmitPostSubreddit))
                ui_subredditSuggestBox.Text = (string)arguments[PanelManager.NavArgsSubmitPostSubreddit];

            // Resigner for back presses
            App.BaconMan.OnBackButton += BaconMan_OnBackButton;
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void PanelSetup(IPanelHost host, Dictionary<string, object> arguments)
            m_host = host;

            // Set the text is we were passed it
            if (arguments.ContainsKey(PanelManager.NAV_ARGS_SUBMIT_POST_SUBREDDIT))
                ui_subredditSuggestBox.Text = (string)arguments[PanelManager.NAV_ARGS_SUBMIT_POST_SUBREDDIT];

            // Resigner for back presses
            App.BaconMan.OnBackButton += BaconMan_OnBackButton;
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void PanelSetup(IPanelHost host, Dictionary <string, object> arguments)
            // Grab the panel manager
            m_panelHost = host;

            // Make a new collector
            m_collector = new MessageCollector(App.BaconMan);

            // Sub to the collector callbacks
            m_collector.OnCollectionUpdated    += Collector_OnCollectionUpdated;
            m_collector.OnCollectorStateChange += Collector_OnCollectorStateChange;

            // Ask the collector to update
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void PanelSetup(IPanelHost host, Dictionary<string, object> arguments)
            // Grab the panel manager
            m_panelHost = host;

            // Make a new collector
            m_collector = new MessageCollector(App.BaconMan);

            // Sub to the collector callbacks
            m_collector.OnCollectionUpdated += Collector_OnCollectionUpdated;
            m_collector.OnCollectorStateChange += Collector_OnCollectorStateChange;

            // Ask the collector to update
Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Fired when we should show a subreddit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="subreddit"></param>
        public void SetSubreddit(IPanelHost host, Subreddit subreddit)
            // Capture host
            m_host = host;

            // Make sure we don't already have it.
            if (m_currentSubreddit != null && m_currentSubreddit.Id.Equals(subreddit.Id))
                // Update the buttons

                // Scroll the scroller to the top
                ui_contentRoot.ChangeView(null, 0, null, true);


            // Set the current subreddit
            m_currentSubreddit = subreddit;

            // Set the title
            ui_titleTextBlock.Text = m_currentSubreddit.DisplayName;

            // Set the subs, if the value doesn't exist or the subreddit is fake make it "many"
            if (m_currentSubreddit.SubscriberCount.HasValue && !m_currentSubreddit.IsArtifical)
                ui_subscribersTextBlock.Text = String.Format("{0:N0}", m_currentSubreddit.SubscriberCount) + " subscribers";
                ui_subscribersTextBlock.Text = "many subscribers";

            // Set the subscribe button

            // Set the markdown
Exemplo n.º 13
        public void PanelSetup(IPanelHost host, Dictionary<string, object> arguments)
            m_panelManager = host;

            // If we get passed a search term search it right away.
                ui_searchBox.Text = (string)arguments[PanelManager.NAV_ARGS_SEARCH_QUERY];
                Search_Tapped(null, null);
            else if (arguments.ContainsKey(PanelManager.NAV_ARGS_SEARCH_SUBREDDIT_NAME))
                // We are opened from the side bar, set the subreddit name and go to post mode.
                // Set to post mode
                ui_searchForCombo.SelectedIndex = 3;

                // Fill out the subreddit name
                ui_postSubreddit.Text = (string)arguments[PanelManager.NAV_ARGS_SEARCH_SUBREDDIT_NAME];
Exemplo n.º 14
        public void PanelSetup(IPanelHost host, Dictionary <string, object> arguments)
            _mPanelManager = host;

            // If we get passed a search term search it right away.
            if (arguments.ContainsKey(PanelManager.NavArgsSearchQuery))
                ui_searchBox.Text = (string)arguments[PanelManager.NavArgsSearchQuery];
                Search_Tapped(null, null);
            else if (arguments.ContainsKey(PanelManager.NavArgsSearchSubredditName))
                // We are opened from the side bar, set the subreddit name and go to post mode.
                // Set to post mode
                ui_searchForCombo.SelectedIndex = 3;

                // Fill out the subreddit name
                ui_postSubreddit.Text = (string)arguments[PanelManager.NavArgsSearchSubredditName];
Exemplo n.º 15
        public void PanelSetup(IPanelHost host, Dictionary <string, object> arguments)
            m_panelManager = host;

            // If we get passed a search term search it right away.
            if (arguments.ContainsKey(PanelManager.NAV_ARGS_SEARCH_QUERY))
                ui_searchBox.Text = (string)arguments[PanelManager.NAV_ARGS_SEARCH_QUERY];
                Search_Tapped(null, null);
            else if (arguments.ContainsKey(PanelManager.NAV_ARGS_SEARCH_SUBREDDIT_NAME))
                // We are opened from the side bar, set the subreddit name and go to post mode.
                // Set to post mode
                ui_searchForCombo.SelectedIndex = 3;

                // Fill out the subreddit name
                ui_postSubreddit.Text = (string)arguments[PanelManager.NAV_ARGS_SEARCH_SUBREDDIT_NAME];
Exemplo n.º 16
 public FlipViewPostItem(IPanelHost host, PostCollector collector, Post post, string targetComment)
     Context = new FlipViewPostContext(host, collector, post, targetComment);
     IsVisible = false;
Exemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Fired when the panel is being created.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="host">A reference to the host.</param>
        /// <param name="arguments">Arguments for the panel</param>
        public void PanelSetup(IPanelHost host, Dictionary<string, object> arguments)
            // Capture the host
            m_host = host;

            // Check for the subreddit arg
            if (!arguments.ContainsKey(PanelManager.NAV_ARGS_SUBREDDIT_NAME))
                throw new Exception("No subreddit was given!");
            string subredditName = (string)arguments[PanelManager.NAV_ARGS_SUBREDDIT_NAME];

            // Kick off a background task to do the work
            Task.Run(async () =>
                // Try to get the subreddit from the local cache.
                Subreddit subreddit = App.BaconMan.SubredditMan.GetSubredditByDisplayName(subredditName);

                // It is very rare that we can't get it from the cache because something
                // else usually request it from the web and then it will be cached.
                if (subreddit == null)
                    // Since this can take some time, show the loading overlay

                    // Try to get the subreddit from the web
                    subreddit = await App.BaconMan.SubredditMan.GetSubredditFromWebByDisplayName((string)arguments[PanelManager.NAV_ARGS_SUBREDDIT_NAME]);

                // Check again.
                if (subreddit == null)
                    // Hmmmm. We can't load the subreddit. Show a message and go back
                    App.BaconMan.MessageMan.ShowMessageSimple("Hmmm, That's Not Right", "We can't load this subreddit right now, check your Internet connection.");

                    // We need to wait some time until the transition animation is done or we can't go back.
                    // If we call GoBack while we are still navigating it will be ignored.
                    await Task.Delay(1000);

                    // Now try to go back.
                    await Windows.ApplicationModel.Core.CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Low, () =>

                    // Get out of here.

                // Capture the subreddit
                m_subreddit = subreddit;

                // Get the current sort
                m_currentSort = arguments.ContainsKey(PanelManager.NAV_ARGS_SUBREDDIT_SORT) ? (SortTypes)arguments[PanelManager.NAV_ARGS_SUBREDDIT_SORT] : SortTypes.Hot;

                // Get the current sort time
                m_currentSortTime = arguments.ContainsKey(PanelManager.NAV_ARGS_SUBREDDIT_SORT_TIME) ? (SortTimeTypes)arguments[PanelManager.NAV_ARGS_SUBREDDIT_SORT_TIME] : SortTimeTypes.Week;

                // Try to get the target post id
                if (arguments.ContainsKey(PanelManager.NAV_ARGS_POST_ID))
                    m_targetPost = (string)arguments[PanelManager.NAV_ARGS_POST_ID];

                // Try to get the force post, this will make us show only one post for the subreddit,
                // which is the post given.
                string forcePostId = null;
                if (arguments.ContainsKey(PanelManager.NAV_ARGS_FORCE_POST_ID))
                    forcePostId = (string)arguments[PanelManager.NAV_ARGS_FORCE_POST_ID];

                    // If the UI isn't already shown show the loading UI. Most of the time this post wont' be cached
                    // so it can take some time to load.

                // See if we are targeting a comment
                if (arguments.ContainsKey(PanelManager.NAV_ARGS_FORCE_COMMENT_ID))
                    m_targetComment = (string)arguments[PanelManager.NAV_ARGS_FORCE_COMMENT_ID];

                // Get the collector and register for updates.
                m_collector = PostCollector.GetCollector(m_subreddit, App.BaconMan, m_currentSort, m_currentSortTime, forcePostId);
                m_collector.OnCollectionUpdated += Collector_OnCollectionUpdated;

                // Kick off an update of the subreddits if needed.

                // Set any posts that exist right now
                UpdatePosts(0, m_collector.GetCurrentPosts());
 public void PanelSetup(IPanelHost host, Dictionary <string, object> arguments)
     m_host = host;
Exemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Fired when the panel is being created.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="host">A reference to the host.</param>
        /// <param name="arguments">Arguments for the panel</param>
        public void PanelSetup(IPanelHost host, Dictionary <string, object> arguments)
            // Capture the host
            _host = host;

            // Check for the subreddit arg
            if (!arguments.ContainsKey(PanelManager.NavArgsSubredditName))
                throw new Exception("No subreddit was given!");
            var subredditName = (string)arguments[PanelManager.NavArgsSubredditName];

            // Kick off a background task to do the work
            Task.Run(async() =>
                // Try to get the subreddit from the local cache.
                var subreddit = App.BaconMan.SubredditMan.GetSubredditByDisplayName(subredditName);

                // It is very rare that we can't get it from the cache because something
                // else usually request it from the web and then it will be cached.
                if (subreddit == null)
                    // Since this can take some time, show the loading overlay

                    // Try to get the subreddit from the web
                    subreddit = await App.BaconMan.SubredditMan.GetSubredditFromWebByDisplayName((string)arguments[PanelManager.NavArgsSubredditName]);

                // Check again.
                if (subreddit == null)
                    // Hmmmm. We can't load the subreddit. Show a message and go back
                    App.BaconMan.MessageMan.ShowMessageSimple("Hmmm, That's Not Right", "We can't load this subreddit right now, check your Internet connection.");

                    // We need to wait some time until the transition animation is done or we can't go back.
                    // If we call GoBack while we are still navigating it will be ignored.
                    await Task.Delay(1000);

                    // Now try to go back.
                    await Windows.ApplicationModel.Core.CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Low, () =>

                    // Get out of here.

                // Capture the subreddit
                _subreddit = subreddit;

                // Get the current sort
                _currentSort = arguments.ContainsKey(PanelManager.NavArgsSubredditSort) ? (SortTypes)arguments[PanelManager.NavArgsSubredditSort] : SortTypes.Hot;

                // Get the current sort time
                _currentSortTime = arguments.ContainsKey(PanelManager.NavArgsSubredditSortTime) ? (SortTimeTypes)arguments[PanelManager.NavArgsSubredditSortTime] : SortTimeTypes.Week;

                // Try to get the target post id
                if (arguments.ContainsKey(PanelManager.NavArgsPostId))
                    _targetPost = (string)arguments[PanelManager.NavArgsPostId];

                // Try to get the force post, this will make us show only one post for the subreddit,
                // which is the post given.
                string forcePostId = null;
                if (arguments.ContainsKey(PanelManager.NavArgsForcePostId))
                    forcePostId = (string)arguments[PanelManager.NavArgsForcePostId];

                    // If the UI isn't already shown show the loading UI. Most of the time this post wont' be cached
                    // so it can take some time to load.

                // See if we are targeting a comment
                if (arguments.ContainsKey(PanelManager.NavArgsForceCommentId))
                    _targetComment = (string)arguments[PanelManager.NavArgsForceCommentId];

                // Get the collector and register for updates.
                _collector = PostCollector.GetCollector(_subreddit, App.BaconMan, _currentSort, _currentSortTime, forcePostId);
                _collector.OnCollectionUpdated += Collector_OnCollectionUpdated;

                // Kick off an update of the subreddits if needed.

                // Set any posts that exist right now
                UpdatePosts(0, _collector.GetCurrentPosts());
 public void PanelSetup(IPanelHost host, Dictionary<string, object> arguments)
     m_host = host;
Exemplo n.º 21
 public FlipViewPostItem(IPanelHost host, PostCollector collector, Post post, string targetComment)
     Context   = new FlipViewPostContext(host, collector, post, targetComment);
     IsVisible = false;
Exemplo n.º 22
        public void PanelSetup(IPanelHost host, Dictionary <string, object> arguments)
            _mHost = host;

            if (!arguments.ContainsKey(PanelManager.NavArgsUserName))

            // Get the user
            var userName = (string)arguments[PanelManager.NavArgsUserName];

            ui_userName.Text = userName;

            // Show loading
            ui_loadingOverlay.Show(true, "Finding " + userName);

            // Do the loading on a thread to get off the UI
            Task.Run(async() =>
                // Make the request
                _mUser = await MiscellaneousHelper.GetRedditUser(App.BaconMan, userName);

                // Jump back to the UI thread, we will use low priority so we don't make any animations choppy.
                await Windows.ApplicationModel.Core.CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Low, () =>
                    // Check we got it.
                    if (_mUser == null)

                    // Fill in the UI
                    var origin             = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
                    var postTime           = origin.AddSeconds(_mUser.CreatedUtc).ToLocalTime();
                    ui_accountAgeText.Text = $"{TimeToTextHelper.TimeElapseToText(postTime)} old";

                    // Set cake day
                    var elapsed   = DateTime.Now - postTime;
                    var fullYears = Math.Floor((elapsed.TotalDays / 365));
                    var daysUntil = (int)(elapsed.TotalDays - (fullYears * 365));
                    ui_cakeDayHolder.Visibility = daysUntil == 0 ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed;

                    // Set karma
                    ui_linkKarmaText.Text    = $"{_mUser.LinkKarma:N0}";
                    ui_commentKarmaText.Text = $"{_mUser.CommentKarma:N0}";

                    // Set Gold
                    ui_goldHolder.Visibility = _mUser.IsGold ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed;

                    // Hide loading

                    // Kick off the updates
 public void PanelSetup(IPanelHost host, Dictionary<string, object> arguments)
     // Ignore
Exemplo n.º 24
        public void PanelSetup(IPanelHost host, Dictionary<string, object> arguments)
            m_host = host;        


            // Get the user
            string userName = (string)arguments[PanelManager.NAV_ARGS_USER_NAME];
            ui_userName.Text = userName;

            // Show loading
            ui_loadingOverlay.Show(true, "Finding "+ userName);

            // Do the loading on a thread to get off the UI
            Task.Run(async () =>
                // Make the request
                m_user = await MiscellaneousHelper.GetRedditUser(App.BaconMan, userName);

                // Jump back to the UI thread, we will use low priority so we don't make any animations choppy.
                await Windows.ApplicationModel.Core.CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Low, () =>
                    // Check we got it.
                    if (m_user == null)

                    // Fill in the UI
                    DateTime origin = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
                    DateTime postTime = origin.AddSeconds(m_user.CreatedUtc).ToLocalTime();
                    ui_accountAgeText.Text = $"{TimeToTextHelper.TimeElapseToText(postTime)} old";

                    // Set cake day
                    TimeSpan elapsed = DateTime.Now - postTime;
                    double fullYears = Math.Floor((elapsed.TotalDays / 365));
                    int daysUntil = (int)(elapsed.TotalDays - (fullYears * 365));
                    ui_cakeDayHolder.Visibility = daysUntil == 0 ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed;

                    // Set karma
                    ui_linkKarmaText.Text = String.Format("{0:N0}", m_user.LinkKarma);
                    ui_commentKarmaText.Text = String.Format("{0:N0}", m_user.CommentKarma);

                    // Set Gold
                    ui_goldHolder.Visibility = m_user.IsGold ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed;

                    // Hide loading

                    // Kick off the updates
 public void PanelSetup(IPanelHost host, Dictionary <string, object> arguments)
     // Ignore
Exemplo n.º 26
        /// <summary>
        /// Fired when we should show a subreddit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="subreddit"></param>
        public void SetSubreddit(IPanelHost host, Subreddit subreddit)
            // Capture host
            m_host = host;

            // Make sure we don't already have it.
            if (m_currentSubreddit != null && m_currentSubreddit.Id.Equals(subreddit.Id))
                // Update the buttons

                // Scroll the scroller to the top
                ui_contentRoot.ChangeView(null, 0, null, true);


            // Set the current subreddit
            m_currentSubreddit = subreddit;

            // Set the title
            ui_titleTextBlock.Text = m_currentSubreddit.DisplayName;

            // Set the subs, if the value doesn't exist or the subreddit is fake make it "many"
            if (m_currentSubreddit.SubscriberCount.HasValue && !m_currentSubreddit.IsArtifical)
                ui_subscribersTextBlock.Text = String.Format("{0:N0}", m_currentSubreddit.SubscriberCount) + " subscribers";
                ui_subscribersTextBlock.Text = "many subscribers";

            // Set the subscribe button

            // Set the markdown