Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Unpublish(string key, string id, string version)
            const string defaultMessage = "An error occurred when unpublishing the Package";

            ValidateInputs(() => _serviceInputValidator.ValidateAllPackageKeys(key, id, version));
            Action action = () => _packageUnpublisher.UnpublishPackage(key, id, version);

            ExecuteAction(action, defaultMessage);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void ShouldEnsureThatGivenKeyCanAccessPackage()
            const string key = "a key";

            _packageUnpublisher.UnpublishPackage(key, EXISTING_PACKAGE_ID, EXISTING_PACKAGE_VERSION);

            _mockedPackageAuthenticator.Verify(pa => pa.EnsureKeyCanAccessPackage(key, EXISTING_PACKAGE_ID, EXISTING_PACKAGE_VERSION), Times.Once(),
                                               "Should have made sure that the given key could access the given Package.");