Exemplo n.º 1
        public async Task IPAddressDAO_UpdateAsync_SuccessfulUpdate(string ip, long timestampLocked, int registrationFailures,
                                                                    long lastRegFailTimestamp)
            // Arrange

            // Create an IP.
            IPAddressRecord ipRecord =
                new IPAddressRecord(ip, timestampLocked, registrationFailures, lastRegFailTimestamp);
            await ipDAO.CreateAsync(ipRecord).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Prepare a new data to update.
            IPAddressRecord updatedRecord = new IPAddressRecord(ip, 1, 1, 1);

            // Act

            // Update the data of the IP.
            await ipDAO.UpdateAsync(updatedRecord);

            // Read the IP.
            IPAddressObject ipObject = (IPAddressObject)await ipDAO.ReadByIdAsync(ip);

            // Check if the IP was updated correctly and set the result to true.
            bool result = DataEquals(updatedRecord, ipObject);

            // Assert

            // The result should be true.

            // Clean up

            // Delete the IP.
            await ipDAO.DeleteByIdsAsync(new List <string>() { ip }).ConfigureAwait(false);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task IPAddressDAO_ReadByIdAsync_UnsuccessfulRead(string ip, long timestampLocked, int registrationFailures,
                                                                      long lastRegFailTimestamp)
            // Arrange

            // Create an IP.
            IPAddressRecord ipRecord =
                new IPAddressRecord(ip, timestampLocked, registrationFailures, lastRegFailTimestamp);
            await ipDAO.CreateAsync(ipRecord).ConfigureAwait(false);

            bool result = false;

            // Act
                // Read a non-existing IP.
                IPAddressObject ipObject = (IPAddressObject)await ipDAO.ReadByIdAsync(NonExistingIP).ConfigureAwait(false);
            catch (ArgumentException)
                // Catch the exception and set the result to true.
                result = true;

            // Assert

            // The result should be true.

            // Clean up

            await ipDAO.DeleteByIdsAsync(new List <string>() { ip }).ConfigureAwait(false);
        public void IPAddressDAO_DeleteByIds_SuccessfulDeletion(string ip, long timestampLocked, int registrationFailures,
                                                                long lastRegFailTimestamp)
            // Arrange

            UnitTestIPAddressDAO ipDAO = new UnitTestIPAddressDAO();
            // Create an IP address.
            IPAddressRecord ipRecord =
                new IPAddressRecord(ip, timestampLocked, registrationFailures, lastRegFailTimestamp);


            // Act

            // Delete the IP address.
            ipDAO.DeleteByIds(new List <string>()
            // Check if the IP exists and set the result accordingly.
            bool result = ipDAO.CheckIPExistence(ip);

            // Assert

            // The result should be false.
Exemplo n.º 4
        private bool DataEquals(IPAddressRecord ipRecord, IPAddressObject ipObject)
            IDictionary <string, object> recordData = ipRecord.GetData();


            if (((string)recordData[Constants.AnonymousUserDAOIPColumn]).Equals(ipObject.IP) &&
                ((long)recordData[Constants.AnonymousUserDAOtimestampLockedColumn]).Equals(ipObject.TimestampLocked) &&
                ((int)recordData[Constants.AnonymousUserDAOregistrationFailuresColumn]).Equals(ipObject.RegistrationFailures) &&
        public void IPAddressDAO_ReadById_UnsuccessfulRead(string ip, long timestampLocked, int registrationFailures,
                                                           long lastRegFailTimestamp)
            // Arrange

            UnitTestIPAddressDAO ipDAO = new UnitTestIPAddressDAO();
            // Create an IP.
            IPAddressRecord ipRecord =
                new IPAddressRecord(ip, timestampLocked, registrationFailures, lastRegFailTimestamp);

            bool result = false;

            // Act
                // Read a non-existing IP.
                IPAddressObject ipObject = (IPAddressObject)ipDAO.ReadById(NonExistingIP);
            catch (ArgumentException)
                // Catch the exception and set the result to true.
                result = true;

            // Assert

            // The result should be true.
Exemplo n.º 6
        public async Task IPAddressDAO_CheckIPExistenceAsync_IPNonExists(string ip, long timestampLocked, int registrationFailures,
                                                                         long lastRegFailTimestamp)
            // Arrange

            // Create an IP.
            IPAddressRecord ipRecord =
                new IPAddressRecord(ip, timestampLocked, registrationFailures, lastRegFailTimestamp);

            await ipDAO.CreateAsync(ipRecord).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Act

            // Check if the IP exists and set the result accordingly.
            bool result = await ipDAO.CheckIPExistenceAsync(NonExistingIP).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Assert

            // The result should be false.

            // Clean up

            // Delete the IP.
            await ipDAO.DeleteByIdsAsync(new List <string>() { ip }).ConfigureAwait(false);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public async Task IPAddressDAO_ReadByIdAsync_SuccessfulRead(string ip, long timestampLocked, int registrationFailures,
                                                                    long lastRegFailTimestamp)
            // Arrange

            // Create an IP.
            IPAddressRecord ipRecord =
                new IPAddressRecord(ip, timestampLocked, registrationFailures, lastRegFailTimestamp);
            await ipDAO.CreateAsync(ipRecord).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Act

            // Read the IP.
            IPAddressObject ipObject = (IPAddressObject)await ipDAO.ReadByIdAsync(ip).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Check if the read IP is correct and set the result accordingly.
            bool result = DataEquals(ipRecord, ipObject);

            // Assert

            // The result should be true.

            // Clean up

            // Delete the IP.
            await ipDAO.DeleteByIdsAsync(new List <string>() { ip }).ConfigureAwait(false);
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates an entry in the IP Address data store using the <paramref name="ipRecord"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ipRecord">The unmasked record conveying the data to update.</param>
        /// <returns>Task (bool) whether the function completed without exception</returns>
        public async Task <bool> UpdateIPAsync(IPAddressRecord ipRecord)
            // Record must be unmasked.
            if (ipRecord.IsMasked())
                throw new ArgumentException(Constants.UpdateIPRecordMasked);

            // If the column is masked, mask the ip.
            string id = ipRecord.GetData()[Constants.AnonymousUserDAOIPColumn] as string;

            if (Constants.AnonymousUserDAOIsColumnMasked[Constants.AnonymousUserDAOIPColumn])
                id = _maskingService.MaskString(id);

            IPAddressRecord maskedRecord = await _maskingService.MaskAsync(ipRecord, false).ConfigureAwait(false) as IPAddressRecord;

            // Get the masked object from the ipDAO and decrement its mapping before updating.
            IPAddressObject maskedObj = await _anonymousUserDAO.ReadByIdAsync(id).ConfigureAwait(false) as IPAddressObject;

            await _maskingService.DecrementMappingForUpdateAsync(maskedRecord, maskedObj).ConfigureAwait(false);

            return(await _anonymousUserDAO.UpdateAsync(maskedRecord).ConfigureAwait(false));
        public void IPAddressDAO_Update_UnsuccessfulUpdate(string ip, long timestampLocked, int registrationFailures,
                                                           long lastRegFailTimestamp)
            // Arrange

            UnitTestIPAddressDAO ipDAO = new UnitTestIPAddressDAO();
            // Create the IP.
            IPAddressRecord ipRecord =
                new IPAddressRecord(ip, timestampLocked, registrationFailures, lastRegFailTimestamp);


            // Prepare a new data to update but with a wrong IP address.
            IPAddressRecord updatedRecord = new IPAddressRecord(NonExistingIP, 1, 1, 1);
            bool            result        = false;

            // Act

                // Update the IP address.
            catch (Exception)
                // Catch the exception and set the result to true.
                result = true;

            // Assert

            // The result should be true.
Exemplo n.º 10
        public async Task IPAddressDAO_CreateAsync_UnsuccessfulCreation(string ip, long timestampLocked, int registrationFailures,
                                                                        long lastRegFailTimestamp)
            // Arrange
            IPAddressRecord ipRecord =
                new IPAddressRecord(ip, timestampLocked, registrationFailures, lastRegFailTimestamp);
            bool result = false;

            // Act

                // Create the same IP Address twice.
                await ipDAO.CreateAsync(ipRecord).ConfigureAwait(false);

                await ipDAO.CreateAsync(ipRecord).ConfigureAwait(false);
            catch (Exception)
                // Catch the exception and set the result to true.
                result = true;

            // Assert

            // The result should be true.

            // Clean up

            // Delete the IP.
            await ipDAO.DeleteByIdsAsync(new List <string>() { ip }).ConfigureAwait(false);
        public void IPAddressDAO_Create_UnsuccessfulCreation(string ip, long timestampLocked, int registrationFailures,
                                                             long lastRegFailTimestamp)
            // Arrange
            UnitTestIPAddressDAO ipDAO    = new UnitTestIPAddressDAO();
            IPAddressRecord      ipRecord =
                new IPAddressRecord(ip, timestampLocked, registrationFailures, lastRegFailTimestamp);
            bool result = false;

            // Act

                // Create the same IP Address twice.
            catch (ArgumentException)
                // Catch the exception and set the result to true.
                result = true;

            // Assert

            // The result should be true.
Exemplo n.º 12
        public async Task IPAddressDAO_CreateAsync_SuccessfulCreation(string ip, long timestampLocked, int registrationFailures,
                                                                      long lastRegFailTimestamp)
            // Arrange
            IPAddressRecord ipRecord =
                new IPAddressRecord(ip, timestampLocked, registrationFailures, lastRegFailTimestamp);

            // Act

            // Create IP Address.
            await ipDAO.CreateAsync(ipRecord);

            IPAddressObject ipObject = (IPAddressObject)await ipDAO.ReadByIdAsync(ip).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Check if the data created is correct.
            bool correctDataResult = DataEquals(ipRecord, ipObject);

            // Assert

            // The data should be correct.

            // Clean up

            // Delete the IP.
            await ipDAO.DeleteByIdsAsync(new List <string>() { ip }).ConfigureAwait(false);
        public void IPAddressDAO_Update_SuccessfulUpdate(string ip, long timestampLocked, int registrationFailures,
                                                         long lastRegFailTimestamp)
            // Arrange

            UnitTestIPAddressDAO ipDAO = new UnitTestIPAddressDAO();
            // Create an IP.
            IPAddressRecord ipRecord =
                new IPAddressRecord(ip, timestampLocked, registrationFailures, lastRegFailTimestamp);


            // Prepare a new data to update.
            IPAddressRecord updatedRecord = new IPAddressRecord(ip, 1, 1, 1);

            // Act

            // Update the data of the IP.
            // Read the IP.
            IPAddressObject ipObject = (IPAddressObject)ipDAO.ReadById(ip);
            // Check if the IP was updated correctly and set the result to true.
            bool result = DataEquals(ipRecord, ipObject);

            // Assert

            // The result should be true.
        public void IPAddressDAO_DeleteByIds_UnsuccessfulDeletion(string ip, long timestampLocked, int registrationFailures,
                                                                  long lastRegFailTimestamp)
            // Arrange

            UnitTestIPAddressDAO ipDAO = new UnitTestIPAddressDAO();
            // Create an IP address.
            IPAddressRecord ipRecord =
                new IPAddressRecord(ip, timestampLocked, registrationFailures, lastRegFailTimestamp);


            bool result = false;

            // Act
                // Delete an non-existing IP.
                ipDAO.DeleteByIds(new List <string>()
            catch (ArgumentException)
                // Catch the exception and set the result to true.
                result = true;

            // Assert

            // The result should be true.
Exemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a record in the data store with the <paramref name="ipAddress"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ipAddress">ip address to insert into the data store (string)</param>
        /// <returns>Task (bool) whether the function completed without exception</returns>
        public static bool CreateIP(string ipAddress)
            // Initialize the locked time and registration failures to initially have no value.
            IPAddressRecord record = new IPAddressRecord(ipAddress, Constants.NoValueLong, Constants.NoValueInt, Constants.NoValueLong);

            // Call the create method via the IP DAO with the record.
Exemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Unlock the <paramref name="ipAddress"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ipAddress">The ip address to unlock (string)</param>
        /// <returns>Task (bool) wheter the function completed without exception</returns>
        public static bool UnlockIP(string ipAddress)
            // Make the timestamp locked and registration failures have no value.
            IPAddressRecord record = new IPAddressRecord(ipAddress, timestampLocked: Constants.NoValueLong, registrationFailures: Constants.NoValueInt);

            // Call the update funciton of the IP DAO with the record.
Exemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Asynchronously unlock the <paramref name="ipAddress"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ipAddress">The ip address to unlock (string)</param>
        /// <returns>Task (bool) wheter the function completed without exception</returns>
        public async Task <bool> UnlockIPAsync(string ipAddress)
            // Make the timestamp locked and registration failures have no value.
            IPAddressRecord record = new IPAddressRecord(ipAddress, timestampLocked: Constants.NoValueLong, registrationFailures: Constants.NoValueInt);

            // Asynchronously call the update funciton of the IP DAO with the record.
            return(await UpdateIPAsync(record).ConfigureAwait(false));
Exemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Asynchronously creates a record in the data store with the <paramref name="ipAddress"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ipAddress">ip address to insert into the data store (string)</param>
        /// <returns>Task (bool) whether the function completed without exception</returns>
        public async Task <bool> CreateIPAsync(string ipAddress)
            // Initialize the locked time and registration failures to initially have no value.
            IPAddressRecord record = new IPAddressRecord(ipAddress, Constants.NoValueLong, Constants.NoValueInt, Constants.NoValueLong);

            IPAddressRecord resultRecord = await _maskingService.MaskAsync(record, true).ConfigureAwait(false) as IPAddressRecord;

            // Asynchronously call the create method via the IP DAO with the record.
            return(await _anonymousUserDAO.CreateAsync(resultRecord).ConfigureAwait(false));
Exemplo n.º 19
        protected ArrayList InitRemoteIPs()
            NatHistory.Filter f = delegate(NatDataPoint p) {
                TransportAddress ta = p.PeerViewOfLocalTA;
                IPAddress        a  = null;
                if (ta != null)
                    try {
                        a = ((IPTransportAddress)ta).GetIPAddress();
                    } catch (Exception x) {
                        BU.ProtocolLog.WriteIf(BU.ProtocolLog.Exceptions, String.Format(
                                                   "{0}", x));
            IEnumerable all_ips = _hist.FilteredEnumerator(f);
            Hashtable   ht      = new Hashtable();

            foreach (IPAddress a in all_ips)
                if (false == ht.Contains(a))
                    IPAddressRecord r = new IPAddressRecord();
                    r.IP    = a;
                    r.Count = 1;
                    ht[a]   = r;
                    IPAddressRecord r = (IPAddressRecord)ht[a];

            ArrayList             rips = new ArrayList();
            IDictionaryEnumerator de   = ht.GetEnumerator();

            while (de.MoveNext())
                IPAddressRecord r = (IPAddressRecord)de.Value;
            //Now we have a list of the most used to least used IPs
Exemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Increment the registration failures of the anonymous user defined by the <paramref name="ipAddress"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ipAddress">The ip address to increment the registration failures of (string)</param>
        /// <param name="maxTimeBeforeFailureReset">The time before their failures reset (TimeSpan)</param>
        /// <param name="maxNumberOfTries">The max number of registration tries before they get locked (int)</param>
        /// <returns>Task (bool) whether the funciton executed without exception</returns>
        public async Task <bool> IncrementRegistrationFailuresAsync(string ipAddress, TimeSpan maxTimeBeforeFailureReset, int maxNumberOfTries)
            IPAddressObject ip = await GetIPAddressInfoAsync(ipAddress).ConfigureAwait(false);

            IPAddressRecord record;

            // Need to check if the maxtime + lastTime is less than now.
            // if it is then reset the failure
            long lastRegFailTimestamp = ip.LastRegFailTimestamp;
            long maxSeconds           = TimeUtilityService.TimespanToSeconds(maxTimeBeforeFailureReset);
            long currentUnix          = TimeUtilityService.CurrentUnixTime();

            bool reset = false;

            // If the time has passed their max time before reset, reset their failures. Don't reset
            // if they have no last registration fail timestamp.
            if (lastRegFailTimestamp + maxSeconds < currentUnix && lastRegFailTimestamp != Constants.NoValueLong)
                reset  = true;
                record = new IPAddressRecord(ipAddress, registrationFailures: 0);

                await UpdateIPAsync(record).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Increment the user's login Failure count.
            int updatedRegistrationFailures = reset ? 1 : ip.RegistrationFailures + 1;

            // Lock the ip if they have reached the max number of tries.
            // Update the last reg fail time.
            if (updatedRegistrationFailures >= maxNumberOfTries)
                record = new IPAddressRecord(ipAddress, timestampLocked: currentUnix, registrationFailures: updatedRegistrationFailures, lastRegFailTimestamp: currentUnix);

                // Asynchronously notify the system admin if an ip address was locked during registration.
                await SystemUtilityService.NotifySystemAdminAsync($"{ipAddress} was locked at {currentUnix}", Constants.SystemAdminEmailAddress).ConfigureAwait(false);
                record = new IPAddressRecord(ipAddress, registrationFailures: updatedRegistrationFailures, lastRegFailTimestamp: currentUnix);

            return(await UpdateIPAsync(record).ConfigureAwait(false));
Exemplo n.º 21
        public async Task MaskingService_MaskAsync_WorksWithDifferentRecords()
            LogRecord       lrecord = new LogRecord("test", "test", "test", "test", "test");
            IPAddressRecord irecord = new IPAddressRecord("test");

            LogRecord lrecordMasked = (LogRecord)await _maskingService.MaskAsync(lrecord, false).ConfigureAwait(false);

            IPAddressRecord irecordMasked = (IPAddressRecord)await _maskingService.MaskAsync(irecord, false).ConfigureAwait(false);


                await _mapDAO.DeleteByIdsAsync(new List <string>() { _maskingService.MaskString("test") }).ConfigureAwait(false);
            { }
        public void IPAddressDAO_Create_SuccessfulCreation(string ip, long timestampLocked, int registrationFailures,
                                                           long lastRegFailTimestamp)
            // Arrange
            UnitTestIPAddressDAO ipDAO    = new UnitTestIPAddressDAO();
            IPAddressRecord      ipRecord =
                new IPAddressRecord(ip, timestampLocked, registrationFailures, lastRegFailTimestamp);

            // Act

            // Create IP Address.
            IPAddressObject ipObject = (IPAddressObject)ipDAO.ReadById(ip);
            // Check if the data created is correct.
            bool correctDataResult = DataEquals(ipRecord, ipObject);

            // Assert

            // The data should be correct.
Exemplo n.º 23
             * Sort them from largest count to least count
            public int CompareTo(object o)
                if (this == o)
                IPAddressRecord other = (IPAddressRecord)o;

                if (Count > other.Count)
                else if (Count < other.Count)
        public void IPAddressDAO_CheckIPExistence_IPNonExists(string ip, long timestampLocked, int registrationFailures,
                                                              long lastRegFailTimestamp)
            // Arrange

            UnitTestIPAddressDAO ipDAO = new UnitTestIPAddressDAO();
            // Create an IP.
            IPAddressRecord ipRecord =
                new IPAddressRecord(ip, timestampLocked, registrationFailures, lastRegFailTimestamp);


            // Act

            // Check if the IP exists and set the result accordingly.
            bool result = ipDAO.CheckIPExistence(NonExistingIP);

            // Assert

            // The result should be false.
Exemplo n.º 25
        public async Task IPAddressDAO_UpdateAsync_UnsuccessfulUpdate(string ip, long timestampLocked, int registrationFailures,
                                                                      long lastRegFailTimestamp)
            // Arrange

            // Create the IP.
            IPAddressRecord ipRecord =
                new IPAddressRecord(ip, timestampLocked, registrationFailures, lastRegFailTimestamp);
            await ipDAO.CreateAsync(ipRecord).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Prepare a new data to update but with a wrong IP address.
            IPAddressRecord updatedRecord = new IPAddressRecord(NonExistingIP, 1, 1, 1);
            bool            result        = false;

            // Act

                // Update the IP address.
                await ipDAO.UpdateAsync(updatedRecord).ConfigureAwait(false);
            catch (Exception)
                // Catch the exception and set the result to true.
                result = true;

            // Assert

            // The result should be true.

            // Clean up

            // Delete the IP.
            await ipDAO.DeleteByIdsAsync(new List <string>() { ip }).ConfigureAwait(false);
        public void IPAddressDAO_ReadById_SuccessfulRead(string ip, long timestampLocked, int registrationFailures,
                                                         long lastRegFailTimestamp)
            // Arrange

            UnitTestIPAddressDAO ipDAO = new UnitTestIPAddressDAO();
            // Create an IP.
            IPAddressRecord ipRecord =
                new IPAddressRecord(ip, timestampLocked, registrationFailures, lastRegFailTimestamp);


            // Act

            // Read the IP.
            IPAddressObject ipObject = (IPAddressObject)ipDAO.ReadById(ip);
            // Check if the read IP is correct and set the result accordingly.
            bool result = DataEquals(ipRecord, ipObject);

            // Assert

            // The result should be true.
Exemplo n.º 27
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the <paramref name="record"/> in the data store based on the values that are not null inside it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="record">The record containing the information to update (ISQLRecord)</param>
        /// <returns>Task (bool) whether the function executed without exception</returns>
        public async Task <bool> UpdateAsync(ISQLRecord record)
            // Try casting the record to an IPAddressRecord, throw an argument exception if it fails.
                IPAddressRecord temp = (IPAddressRecord)record;
                throw new ArgumentException(Constants.IPUpdateInvalidArgument);

            // Get the record data.
            IPAddressRecord ipRecord = (IPAddressRecord)record;
            IDictionary <string, object> recordData = ipRecord.GetData();

            // Get the connection inside a using statement to properly dispose/close.
            using (MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(SQLConnection))
                // Open the connection.

                // Construct the sql string to update the table name where..
                string sqlString = $"UPDATE {Constants.AnonymousUserDAOTableName} SET ";

                // Loop through the record data.
                int count = 0;
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> pair in recordData)
                    // Check if the value at the ip column is contained within the table, throw an argument
                    // exception if it doesn't exist.
                    if (pair.Key == Constants.AnonymousUserDAOIPColumn)
                        if (!await CheckIPExistenceAsync((string)pair.Value).ConfigureAwait(false))
                            throw new ArgumentException(Constants.IPUpdateDNE);

                    // Update only the values where the record value is not null (string == null, numeric == -1).
                    // Again, use parameters to prevent against sql injections.
                    if (pair.Key != Constants.AnonymousUserDAOIPColumn)
                        if (pair.Value is int)
                            if ((int)pair.Value != -1)
                                sqlString += $"{pair.Key} = @PARAM{count},";
                        if (pair.Value is string)
                            if (pair.Value != null)
                                sqlString += $"{pair.Key} = @PARAM{count},";
                        if (pair.Value is long)
                            if ((long)pair.Value != -1)
                                sqlString += $"{pair.Key} = @PARAM{count},";


                // Remove the last comma and identify the record by its ip column.
                sqlString  = sqlString.Remove(sqlString.Length - 1);
                sqlString += $" WHERE {Constants.AnonymousUserDAOIPColumn} = '{recordData[Constants.AnonymousUserDAOIPColumn]}';";

                // Get the command inside a using statement to properly dispose/close.
                using (MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(sqlString, connection))
                    // Loop through the record data again to add values to the parameters.
                    count = 0;
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> pair in recordData)
                        if (pair.Key != Constants.AnonymousUserDAOIPColumn)
                            if (pair.Value is int)
                                if ((int)pair.Value != -1)
                                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue($"@PARAM{count}", pair.Value);
                            if (pair.Value is string)
                                if (pair.Value != null)
                                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue($"@PARAM{count}", pair.Value);
                            if (pair.Value is long)
                                if ((long)pair.Value != -1)
                                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue($"@PARAM{count}", pair.Value);


                    // Execute the non query asynchronously.
                    await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

Exemplo n.º 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Asynchronously creates the <paramref name="record"/> in the data store.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="record">The record to insert (ISQLRecord)</param>
        /// <returns>Task(bool) whether the function executed without exception.</returns>
        public async Task <bool> CreateAsync(ISQLRecord record)
            // Try casting the record to an IPAddressRecord, throw an argument exception if it fails.
                IPAddressRecord temp = (IPAddressRecord)record;
                throw new ArgumentException(Constants.IPCreateInvalidArgument);

            // Get the data stored in the record.
            IPAddressRecord ipRecord = (IPAddressRecord)record;
            IDictionary <string, object> recordData = ipRecord.GetData();

            // Get the connection inside a using statement to properly dispose/close.
            using (MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(SQLConnection))
                // Open the connection

                // Construct the sql string .. start by inserting into the table name
                string sqlString = $"INSERT INTO {Constants.AnonymousUserDAOTableName} (";

                // Loop through the data.
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> pair in recordData)
                    // Check for null values in the data (string == null, numeric == -1), and throw a NoNullAllowedException
                    // if one is found.
                    if (pair.Value is int)
                        if ((int)pair.Value == -1)
                            throw new NoNullAllowedException(Constants.IPRecordNoNull);
                    if (pair.Value is string)
                        if (pair.Value == null)
                            throw new NoNullAllowedException(Constants.IPRecordNoNull);
                    if (pair.Value is long)
                        if ((long)pair.Value == -1)
                            throw new NoNullAllowedException(Constants.IPRecordNoNull);

                    // Otherwise add the key to the string (column name).
                    sqlString += $"{pair.Key},";

                // Remove the last comma, add the VALUES keyword
                sqlString  = sqlString.Remove(sqlString.Length - 1);
                sqlString += ") VALUES (";

                // Loop through the data once again, but instead of constructing the string with user input, use
                // @PARAM0, @PARAM1 parameters to prevent against sql injections from user input.
                int count = 0;
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> pair in recordData)
                    sqlString += $"@PARAM{count},";

                // Remove the last comma and add the last ) and ;
                sqlString  = sqlString.Remove(sqlString.Length - 1);
                sqlString += ");";

                // Get the command object inside a using statement to properly dispose/close.
                using (MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(sqlString, connection))
                    count = 0;

                    // Loop through the data again to add the parameter values to the corresponding @PARAMs in the string.
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> pair in recordData)
                        command.Parameters.AddWithValue($"@PARAM{count}", pair.Value);

                    // Asynchronously execute the non query.
                    await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
