Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the best match route with the lowest metric to the given destination.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ipa">The destination to search the route for.</param>
        /// <returns>The best route to the destination, or null if no route is found.</returns>
        public RoutingEntry GetRouteToDestination(IPAddress ipa)
            int          iMetric     = int.MaxValue;
            uint         iMask       = 0;
            int          iMaskFav    = 0;
            RoutingEntry reFavourite = null;

            lock (lAllRoutes)
                foreach (RoutingEntry re in lAllRoutes)
                    if (ipa.AddressFamily == re.Destination.AddressFamily &&
                        IPAddressAnalysis.GetClasslessNetworkAddress(re.Destination, re.Subnetmask).Equals(IPAddressAnalysis.GetClasslessNetworkAddress(ipa, re.Subnetmask)))
                        if (iMask > iMaskFav)
                            iMetric     = re.Metric;
                            reFavourite = re;
                            iMaskFav    = reFavourite.Subnetmask.PrefixLength;
                        else if (re.Metric < iMetric && iMask == iMaskFav)
                            iMetric     = re.Metric;
                            reFavourite = re;
                            iMaskFav    = reFavourite.Subnetmask.PrefixLength;

Exemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a DHCP pool and fills it according to the given params
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ipaPoolStart">The start IP address of the pool</param>
 /// <param name="ipaPoolEnd">The end IP address of the pool</param>
 /// <param name="ipaStandardgateway">The standardgateway's IP address</param>
 /// <param name="ipaDNSServer">The DNS server's IP address</param>
 /// <param name="smMask">The subnetmask</param>
 public DHCPPool(IPAddress ipaPoolStart, IPAddress ipaPoolEnd, IPAddress ipaStandardgateway, IPAddress ipaDNSServer, Subnetmask smMask) : this()
     IPAddress[] ipRange = IPAddressAnalysis.GetIPRange(ipaPoolStart, ipaPoolEnd);
     foreach (IPAddress ipa in ipRange)
         lDHCPPool.Add(new DHCPPoolItem(ipa, smMask, ipaStandardgateway, ipaDNSServer));
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of this class
        /// </summary>
        public NetMap()
            ndiuUtility = new NetDiscoveryUtility();
            ndiuUtility.OnResolveFinished += new NetDiscoveryUtility.ResolveCompletedEventHandler(ndiuUtility_OnResolveFinished);
            lHosts                = new List <Host>();
            dictIPHost            = new Dictionary <IPAddress, Host>();
            dictMACHost           = new Dictionary <MACAddress, Host>();
            lDataLinkNeighbours   = new List <Host>();
            lUpperLayerNeighbours = new List <Host>();
            lDataLinkDistributors = new List <Host>();
            ResolveHostnames      = true;

            hLocalhost = CreateHost(System.Environment.MachineName);
            Host hNetwork;

            IPAddress[]  ipa;
            Subnetmask[] smMasks;
            MACAddress   mcMac;

            string[] strInterfaces = InterfaceConfiguration.GetAllInterfaceNames();

            for (int iC2 = 0; iC2 < strInterfaces.Length; iC2++)
                if (strInterfaces[iC2] != null)
                    ipa     = InterfaceConfiguration.GetIPAddressesForInterface(strInterfaces[iC2]);
                    smMasks = InterfaceConfiguration.GetIPSubnetsForInterface(strInterfaces[iC2]);
                    mcMac   = InterfaceConfiguration.GetMacAddressForInterface(strInterfaces[iC2]);
                    if (ipa != null)
                        for (int iC1 = 0; iC1 < ipa.Length; iC1++)
                            if (ipa[iC1].AddressFamily == System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
                                if (smMasks != null && smMasks.Length > iC1)
                                    AddIPToHost(hLocalhost, ipa[iC1]);
                                    hNetwork = CreateHost("Network");
                                    hNetwork.Properties.Add("subnetmask", smMasks[iC1]);
                                    hNetwork.Properties.Add("network", IPAddressAnalysis.GetClasslessNetworkAddress(ipa[iC1], smMasks[iC1]));
                                    AddIPToHost(hNetwork, IPAddressAnalysis.GetClasslessNetworkAddress(ipa[iC1], smMasks[iC1]));
                                    Connect(hNetwork, hLocalhost);
                    if (mcMac != null)
                        AddMACToHost(hLocalhost, mcMac);
Exemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds an interface to this router.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ipi">The IPInterface to add.</param>
 public override void AddInterface(IPInterface ipi)
     for (int iC1 = 0; iC1 < ipi.IpAddresses.Length && iC1 < ipi.Subnetmasks.Length; iC1++)
         RoutingEntry re = new RoutingEntry(ipi.IpAddresses[iC1], IPAddressAnalysis.GetClasslessNetworkAddress(ipi.IpAddresses[iC1], ipi.Subnetmasks[iC1]), 0, ipi.Subnetmasks[iC1], RoutingEntryOwner.Interface);
         re.NextHopInterface = ipi;
     ipi.AddressAdded   += new IPInterface.AddressEventHandler(ipi_AddressAdded);
     ipi.AddressRemoved += new IPInterface.AddressEventHandler(ipi_AddressRemoved);
Exemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds the given NAT address range to the external range
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="toAdd"></param>
 public void AddToExternalRange(NATAddressRange toAdd)
     lock (lExternalRange)
                                           IPAddressAnalysis.GetClasslessNetworkAddress(toAdd.NetworkAddress, toAdd.Subnetmask),
                                           IPAddressAnalysis.GetClasslessBroadcastAddress(toAdd.NetworkAddress, toAdd.Subnetmask))
Exemplo n.º 6
 private bool IsInternalRange(IPAddress ipaAddress)
     lock (lInternalRange)
         foreach (NATAddressRange ipa in lInternalRange)
             if (IPAddressAnalysis.GetClasslessNetworkAddress(ipa.NetworkAddress, ipa.Subnetmask).Equals(IPAddressAnalysis.GetClasslessNetworkAddress(ipaAddress, ipa.Subnetmask)))
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void ScanInternal()
            if (IPAddressAnalysis.Compare(byteStartIP, byteEndIP) != 1)
                Scan(new IPAddress(byteStartIP));


                IsFinished = true;
Exemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Removes the given NAT address range from the external range. Open connections will not be interrupted.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="toRemove">The address range to remove</param>
 public void RemoveFromExternalRange(NATAddressRange toRemove)
     lock (lExternalRange)
         foreach (IPAddress ipa in IPAddressAnalysis.GetIPRange(
                      IPAddressAnalysis.GetClasslessNetworkAddress(toRemove.NetworkAddress, toRemove.Subnetmask),
                      IPAddressAnalysis.GetClasslessBroadcastAddress(toRemove.NetworkAddress, toRemove.Subnetmask))
        private IPAddress[] GetSourceIPsForARPRequest(IPAddress ipaQuery)
            List <IPAddress> lAddresses = new List <IPAddress>();

            foreach (IPAddress ipa in this.IpAddresses)
                if (ipa.AddressFamily == ipaQuery.AddressFamily)
                    if (IPAddressAnalysis.GetClasslessNetworkAddress(ipa, this.GetMaskForAddress(ipa)).Equals(IPAddressAnalysis.GetClasslessNetworkAddress(ipaQuery, this.GetMaskForAddress(ipa))))

Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all matching routes for a destination.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ipa">The destination to get the routes for.</param>
        /// <returns>An array filled with all routes for the given destination.</returns>
        public RoutingEntry[] GetRoutes(IPAddress ipa)
            List <RoutingEntry> lRe = new List <RoutingEntry>();

            lock (lAllRoutes)
                foreach (RoutingEntry re in lAllRoutes)
                    if (ipa.AddressFamily == re.Destination.AddressFamily &&
                        IPAddressAnalysis.GetClasslessNetworkAddress(re.Destination, re.Subnetmask).Equals(IPAddressAnalysis.GetClasslessNetworkAddress(ipa, re.Subnetmask)))

Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a pool from the given parameters
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ipaStart">The start address of the pool range</param>
        /// <param name="ipaEnd">The end address of the pool range</param>
        /// <param name="ipi">The IP idnterface to which this pool should be associated</param>
        /// <param name="iAddrCounter">The index of the address of the interface to use if the interface has multiple IP addresses assigned</param>
        protected virtual void CreatePool(IPAddress ipaStart, IPAddress ipaEnd, IPInterface ipi, int iAddrCounter)
            if (ipaStart.AddressFamily != System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork || ipaEnd.AddressFamily != System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
                throw new ArgumentException("Only IPv4 is supported at the moment");

            DHCPPool dhPool = GetPoolForInterface(ipi);

            IPAddress[] ipRange = IPAddressAnalysis.GetIPRange(ipaStart, ipaEnd);

            foreach (IPAddress ipa in ipRange)
                IPInterface ipiInterface = ipi;
                IPAddress   ipAddress    = ipa;
                IPAddress   ipGateway;
                Subnetmask  smMask      = ipi.Subnetmasks[iAddrCounter];
                IPAddress   ipDnsServer = IPAddress.Any;

                if (ipaGateway == null)
                    ipGateway = ipi.IpAddresses[iAddrCounter];
                    ipGateway = ipaGateway;
                if (ipaDNSServer == null)
                    ipDnsServer = ipi.IpAddresses[iAddrCounter];
                    ipDnsServer = ipaDNSServer;

                if (dhPool.GetItemForAddress(ipAddress) == null)
                    DHCPPoolItem dhPoolItem = new DHCPPoolItem(ipAddress, smMask, ipGateway, ipDnsServer);
                    AddPoolItem(dhPoolItem, dhPool, ipi);
Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns all IPInterfaces connected with this DirectInterfaceIO and subnets matching the given address.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ipaAddress">The address to search a match for.</param>
        /// <returns>All IPInterfaces with subnets matching the given address</returns>
        protected IPInterface[] GetInterfacesForAddress(IPAddress ipaAddress)
            List <IPInterface> lReturnInterfaces = new List <IPInterface>();

            foreach (IPInterface ipi in lInterfaces)
                for (int iC1 = 0; iC1 < ipi.IpAddresses.Length && iC1 < ipi.Subnetmasks.Length; iC1++)
                    IPAddress[]  ipaAddresses = ipi.IpAddresses;
                    Subnetmask[] smMasks      = ipi.Subnetmasks;
                    if (ipaAddresses[iC1].AddressFamily == ipaAddress.AddressFamily &&
                        IPAddressAnalysis.GetClasslessNetworkAddress(ipaAddresses[iC1], smMasks[iC1]).Equals(IPAddressAnalysis.GetClasslessNetworkAddress(ipaAddress, smMasks[iC1])))
Exemplo n.º 13
        private void SendICMPNeighborSolicitation(IPAddress ipaQuery, IPAddress ipaSource)
            if (ipaQuery.AddressFamily != System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot send an ICMP Neighbor Solicitation for a non IPv6 address.");

            ICMPv6Frame icmpFrame = new ICMPv6Frame();

            icmpFrame.ICMPv6Type = ICMPv6Type.NeighborSolicitation;
            icmpFrame.ICMPCode   = 0;

            NeighborSolicitation icmpDiscoveryMessage = new NeighborSolicitation();

            icmpDiscoveryMessage.TargetAddress = ipaQuery;

            NeighborDiscoveryOption icmpDiscoveryOption = new NeighborDiscoveryOption();

            icmpDiscoveryOption.OptionType = ICMP.V6.NeighborDiscoveryOptionType.SourceLinkLayerAddress;
            icmpDiscoveryOption.OptionData = this.PrimaryMACAddress.AddressBytes;

            IPv6Frame ipFrame = new IPv6Frame();

            ipFrame.SourceAddress      = ipaSource;
            ipFrame.DestinationAddress = IPAddressAnalysis.GetSolicitedNodeMulticastAddress(ipaQuery);
            ipFrame.NextHeader         = IPProtocol.IPv6_ICMP;

            EthernetFrame ethFrame = new EthernetFrame();

            ethFrame.Destination = MACAddress.MulticastFromIPv6Address(ipaQuery);
            ethFrame.Source      = PrimaryMACAddress;
            ethFrame.EtherType   = EtherType.IPv6;

            ethFrame.EncapsulatedFrame             = ipFrame;
            ipFrame.EncapsulatedFrame              = icmpFrame;
            icmpFrame.EncapsulatedFrame            = icmpDiscoveryMessage;
            icmpDiscoveryMessage.EncapsulatedFrame = icmpDiscoveryOption;

            icmpFrame.Checksum = icmpFrame.CalculateChecksum(ipFrame.GetPseudoHeader());

Exemplo n.º 14
        private Host GetNetworkForAddress(IPAddress ipa)
            int  iMask;
            int  iMaskFav   = -1;
            Host hFavourite = null;

            foreach (Host h in lDataLinkDistributors)
                if (((IPAddress)h.Properties["network"]).Equals(IPAddressAnalysis.GetClasslessNetworkAddress(ipa, (Subnetmask)h.Properties["subnetmask"])))
                    iMask = SubnetmaskToInt((Subnetmask)h.Properties["subnetmask"]);

                    if (iMask > iMaskFav)
                        iMaskFav   = SubnetmaskToInt((Subnetmask)h.Properties["subnetmask"]);
                        hFavourite = h;

Exemplo n.º 15
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds ARP scan tasks for the range between the given start and the given end address and associates them with the according interfaces
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ipaStart">The IP address where scanning starts</param>
 /// <param name="ipaEnd">The IP address where scanning ends</param>
 public void AddARPScanTask(System.Net.IPAddress ipaStart, System.Net.IPAddress ipaEnd)
     if (lInterfaces.Count < 1)
         throw new Exception("There are currently no interfaces present.");
     if (ipaStart.AddressFamily != ipaEnd.AddressFamily)
         throw new ArgumentException("Cannot mix up diffrent types of addresses.");
     foreach (EthernetInterface ipi in lInterfaces)
         for (int iC1 = 0; iC1 < ipi.IpAddresses.Length && iC1 < ipi.Subnetmasks.Length; iC1++)
             if (ipi.IpAddresses[iC1].AddressFamily == ipaStart.AddressFamily && ipi.Subnetmasks[iC1].AddressFamily == ipaStart.AddressFamily &&
                 (IPAddressAnalysis.GetClasslessNetworkAddress(ipi.IpAddresses[iC1], ipi.Subnetmasks[iC1]).Equals(IPAddressAnalysis.GetClasslessNetworkAddress(ipaStart, ipi.Subnetmasks[iC1])) ||
                  IPAddressAnalysis.GetClasslessNetworkAddress(ipi.IpAddresses[iC1], ipi.Subnetmasks[iC1]).Equals(IPAddressAnalysis.GetClasslessNetworkAddress(ipaEnd, ipi.Subnetmasks[iC1]))))
                 this.AddARPScanTask(new ARPScanTask(ipaStart, ipaEnd, ipi.PrimaryMACAddress, ipi.IpAddresses[iC1], this));
Exemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of this class with the given params
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ipaStart">The start IP address of the range to scan</param>
        /// <param name="ipaEnd">The end IP address of the range to scan</param>
        /// <param name="ipLocal">The IP address which should be spoofed during scanning</param>
        /// <param name="thOut">The traffic handler to which the generated ARP frames should be forwarded. It is wise to assign an ARP net scanner here</param>
        protected ScanTask(IPAddress ipaStart, IPAddress ipaEnd, IPAddress ipLocal, TrafficHandler thOut)
            if (IPAddressAnalysis.Compare(ipaStart, ipaEnd) == -1)
                this.StartAddress = ipaStart;
                this.EndAddress   = ipaEnd;
                this.StartAddress = ipaEnd;
                this.EndAddress   = ipaStart;

            this.SourceAddress = ipLocal;
            this.OutputHandler = thOut;
            this.bIsFinished   = false;

            this.byteStartIP  = this.StartAddress.GetAddressBytes();
            this.byteEndIP    = this.EndAddress.GetAddressBytes();
            this.ScannedCount = 0;

            ScanCount = IPAddressAnalysis.GetIpCount(ipaStart, ipaEnd);
Exemplo n.º 17
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a pool filled with addresses from the given start to the given end IP address and associates the pool to the according interfaces.
 /// Items which cannot be asooicated with an interface are ignored.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ipaStart">The start address of the pool range</param>
 /// <param name="ipaEnd">The end address of the pool range</param>
 public void CreatePool(IPAddress ipaStart, IPAddress ipaEnd)
     if (lInterfaces.Count < 1)
         throw new Exception("There are currently no interfaces present.");
     if (ipaStart.AddressFamily != System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork || ipaEnd.AddressFamily != System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
         throw new ArgumentException("Only IPv4 is supported at the moment");
     foreach (IPInterface ipi in lInterfaces)
         for (int iC1 = 0; iC1 < ipi.IpAddresses.Length && iC1 < ipi.Subnetmasks.Length; iC1++)
             if (ipi.IpAddresses[iC1].AddressFamily == ipaStart.AddressFamily && ipi.IpAddresses[iC1].AddressFamily == ipaEnd.AddressFamily &&
                 (IPAddressAnalysis.GetClasslessNetworkAddress(ipi.IpAddresses[iC1], ipi.Subnetmasks[iC1]).Equals(IPAddressAnalysis.GetClasslessNetworkAddress(ipaStart, ipi.Subnetmasks[iC1])) ||
                  IPAddressAnalysis.GetClasslessNetworkAddress(ipi.IpAddresses[iC1], ipi.Subnetmasks[iC1]).Equals(IPAddressAnalysis.GetClasslessNetworkAddress(ipaEnd, ipi.Subnetmasks[iC1]))))
                 this.CreatePool(ipaStart, ipaEnd, ipi, iC1);
Exemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles RIPv1 updates
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="udpFrame"></param>
        /// <param name="ipFrame"></param>
        /// <returns>Bool indicating if something changed</returns>
        private bool HandleRIPV1(UDP.UDPFrame udpFrame, IP.IPFrame ipFrame)
            RIPFrame fRIPFrame;
            bool     bChanged = false;

            if (ipFrame.SourceAddress.Equals(IPAddress.Broadcast)) // Check Addr
                if (udpFrame.DestinationPort == iRIPPort)          // Check Port
                    fRIPFrame = new RIPFrame(udpFrame.EncapsulatedFrame.FrameBytes);
                    if (fRIPFrame.Version == 1)
                        foreach (RIPUpdate ru in fRIPFrame.GetUpdates())
                            if (ru.AddressFamilyIdentifier == RIPEntryAddressFamily.IPv4)
                                bChanged |= UpdateEntry(ipFrame.SourceAddress, ru.Address, IPAddressAnalysis.GetClassfullSubnetMask(ru.Address), (int)ru.Metric);
