Exemplo n.º 1
        private async Task <AuthenticationTicket> CreateTicketAsync(
            IUser user, object application, object authorization,
            OpenIdConnectRequest request, AuthenticationProperties properties = null)
            Debug.Assert(request.IsAuthorizationRequest() || request.IsTokenRequest(),
                         "The request should be an authorization or token request.");

            // Create a new ClaimsPrincipal containing the claims that
            // will be used to create an id_token, a token or a code.
            var principal = await _signInManager.CreateUserPrincipalAsync(user);

            var identity = (ClaimsIdentity)principal.Identity;

            // Note: while ASP.NET Core Identity uses the legacy WS-Federation claims (exposed by the ClaimTypes class),
            // OpenIddict uses the newer JWT claims defined by the OpenID Connect specification. To ensure the mandatory
            // subject claim is correctly populated (and avoid an InvalidOperationException), it's manually added here.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(principal.FindFirstValue(OpenIddictConstants.Claims.Subject)))
                identity.AddClaim(new Claim(OpenIddictConstants.Claims.Subject, await _userManager.GetUserIdAsync(user)));

            // Create a new authentication ticket holding the user identity.
            var ticket = new AuthenticationTicket(principal, properties,

            if (request.IsAuthorizationRequest() || (!request.IsAuthorizationCodeGrantType() &&
                // Set the list of scopes granted to the client application.
                // Note: the offline_access scope must be granted
                // to allow OpenIddict to return a refresh token.
                ticket.SetResources(await GetResourcesAsync(request.GetScopes()));

                // If the request is an authorization request, automatically create
                // a permanent authorization to avoid requiring explicit consent for
                // future authorization or token requests containing the same scopes.
                if (authorization == null && request.IsAuthorizationRequest())
                    authorization = await _authorizationManager.CreateAsync(
                        principal : ticket.Principal,
                        subject : await _userManager.GetUserIdAsync(user),
                        client : await _applicationManager.GetIdAsync(application),
                        type : OpenIddictConstants.AuthorizationTypes.Permanent,
                        scopes : ImmutableArray.CreateRange(ticket.GetScopes()),
                        properties : ImmutableDictionary.CreateRange(ticket.Properties.Items));

                if (authorization != null)
                    // Attach the authorization identifier to the authentication ticket.
                                       await _authorizationManager.GetIdAsync(authorization));

            // Note: by default, claims are NOT automatically included in the access and identity tokens.
            // To allow OpenIddict to serialize them, you must attach them a destination, that specifies
            // whether they should be included in access tokens, in identity tokens or in both.

            foreach (var claim in ticket.Principal.Claims)
                // Never include the security stamp in the access and identity tokens, as it's a secret value.
                if (claim.Type == _identityOptions.Value.ClaimsIdentity.SecurityStampClaimType)

                var destinations = new List <string>

                // Only add the iterated claim to the id_token if the corresponding scope was granted to the client application.
                // The other claims will only be added to the access_token, which is encrypted when using the default format.
                if ((claim.Type == OpenIddictConstants.Claims.Name && ticket.HasScope(OpenIddictConstants.Scopes.Profile)) ||
                    (claim.Type == OpenIddictConstants.Claims.Email && ticket.HasScope(OpenIddictConstants.Scopes.Email)) ||
                    (claim.Type == OpenIddictConstants.Claims.Role && ticket.HasScope(OpenIddictConstants.Claims.Roles)))


Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task <IActionResult> Authorize()
            var response = HttpContext.GetOpenIddictServerResponse();

            if (response != null)
                return(View("Error", new ErrorViewModel
                    Error = response.Error,
                    ErrorDescription = response.ErrorDescription

            var request = HttpContext.GetOpenIddictServerRequest();

            if (request == null)

            // Retrieve the claims stored in the authentication cookie.
            // If they can't be extracted, redirect the user to the login page.
            var result = await HttpContext.AuthenticateAsync();

            if (result == null || !result.Succeeded || request.HasPrompt(Prompts.Login))

            // If a max_age parameter was provided, ensure that the cookie is not too old.
            // If it's too old, automatically redirect the user agent to the login page.
            if (request.MaxAge != null && result.Properties.IssuedUtc != null &&
                DateTimeOffset.UtcNow - result.Properties.IssuedUtc > TimeSpan.FromSeconds(request.MaxAge.Value))

            var application = await _applicationManager.FindByClientIdAsync(request.ClientId) ??
                              throw new InvalidOperationException("The application details cannot be found.");

            var authorizations = await _authorizationManager.FindAsync(
                subject : result.Principal.GetUserIdentifier(),
                client : await _applicationManager.GetIdAsync(application),
                status : Statuses.Valid,
                type : AuthorizationTypes.Permanent,
                scopes : request.GetScopes()).ToListAsync();

            switch (await _applicationManager.GetConsentTypeAsync(application))
            case ConsentTypes.External when !authorizations.Any():
                return(Forbid(new AuthenticationProperties(new Dictionary <string, string>
                    [OpenIddictServerAspNetCoreConstants.Properties.Error] = Errors.ConsentRequired,
                    [OpenIddictServerAspNetCoreConstants.Properties.ErrorDescription] =
                        S["The logged in user is not allowed to access this client application."]
                }), OpenIddictServerAspNetCoreDefaults.AuthenticationScheme));

            case ConsentTypes.Implicit:
            case ConsentTypes.External when authorizations.Any():
            case ConsentTypes.Explicit when authorizations.Any() && !request.HasPrompt(Prompts.Consent):
                var identity = new ClaimsIdentity(result.Principal.Claims, OpenIddictServerAspNetCoreDefaults.AuthenticationScheme);

                var principal = new ClaimsPrincipal(identity);

                identity.AddClaim(OpenIdConstants.Claims.EntityType, OpenIdConstants.EntityTypes.User,
                                  Destinations.AccessToken, Destinations.IdentityToken);

                // Note: while ASP.NET Core Identity uses the legacy WS-Federation claims (exposed by the ClaimTypes class),
                // OpenIddict uses the newer JWT claims defined by the OpenID Connect specification. To ensure the mandatory
                // subject claim is correctly populated (and avoid an InvalidOperationException), it's manually added here.
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Principal.FindFirst(Claims.Subject)?.Value))
                    identity.AddClaim(new Claim(Claims.Subject, result.Principal.GetUserIdentifier()));

                principal.SetResources(await GetResourcesAsync(request.GetScopes()));

                // Automatically create a permanent authorization to avoid requiring explicit consent
                // for future authorization or token requests containing the same scopes.
                var authorization = authorizations.LastOrDefault();
                if (authorization == null)
                    authorization = await _authorizationManager.CreateAsync(
                        principal : principal,
                        subject : principal.GetUserIdentifier(),
                        client : await _applicationManager.GetIdAsync(application),
                        type : AuthorizationTypes.Permanent,
                        scopes : principal.GetScopes());

                principal.SetAuthorizationId(await _authorizationManager.GetIdAsync(authorization));

                foreach (var claim in principal.Claims)
                    claim.SetDestinations(GetDestinations(claim, principal));

                return(SignIn(principal, OpenIddictServerAspNetCoreDefaults.AuthenticationScheme));

            case ConsentTypes.Explicit when request.HasPrompt(Prompts.None):
                return(Forbid(new AuthenticationProperties(new Dictionary <string, string>
                    [OpenIddictServerAspNetCoreConstants.Properties.Error] = Errors.ConsentRequired,
                    [OpenIddictServerAspNetCoreConstants.Properties.ErrorDescription] =
                        S["Interactive user consent is required."]
                }), OpenIddictServerAspNetCoreDefaults.AuthenticationScheme));

                return(View(new AuthorizeViewModel
                    ApplicationName = await _applicationManager.GetLocalizedDisplayNameAsync(application),
                    RequestId = request.RequestId,
                    Scope = request.Scope

            IActionResult RedirectToLoginPage(OpenIddictRequest request)
                // If the client application requested promptless authentication,
                // return an error indicating that the user is not logged in.
                if (request.HasPrompt(Prompts.None))
                    return(Forbid(new AuthenticationProperties(new Dictionary <string, string>
                        [OpenIddictServerAspNetCoreConstants.Properties.Error] = Errors.LoginRequired,
                        [OpenIddictServerAspNetCoreConstants.Properties.ErrorDescription] =
                            S["The user is not logged in."]
                    }), OpenIddictServerAspNetCoreDefaults.AuthenticationScheme));

                string GetRedirectUrl()
                    // Override the prompt parameter to prevent infinite authentication/authorization loops.
                    var parameters = Request.Query.ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value);

                    parameters[Parameters.Prompt] = "continue";

                    return(Request.PathBase + Request.Path + QueryString.Create(parameters));

                return(Challenge(new AuthenticationProperties
                    RedirectUri = GetRedirectUrl()