public static LineGeometry3D CreateOctreeLineModel(this IOctree tree) { var builder = new LineBuilder(); CreateOctreeLineModel(tree, builder); return(builder.ToLineGeometry3D()); }
public NeighbourCoordsResult(bool sameTree, Coords coordsResult, IOctree tree) { Assert.IsNotNull(tree, "Cannot have a null tree for a neighbour Coords result, return null instead"); this.sameTree = sameTree; this.coordsResult = coordsResult; this.tree = tree; }
private void TransferOctantDictionary(IOctree source, ref Dictionary <Guid, IOctree> dictionary) { if (source == this) { return; } this.OctantDictionary = dictionary; dictionary = null; }
private void RemoveFromRootDictionary(IOctree node, Guid guid) { node = FindRoot(node); var root = node as BoundableNodeOctree; if (root.OctantDictionary.ContainsKey(guid)) { root.OctantDictionary.Remove(guid); } }
public RayIntersectionResult(bool hit) { this.hit = hit; node = null; _coords = new Coords(); entryDistance = 0; position = new Vector3(); normal = new Vector3(); neighbourSide = NeighbourSide.Invalid; tree = null; }
public SceneSnapshot(IAppWindow win, IManagerChangeNotify notifier, IViewport viewport, IOctree octree, InputSnapshot isnapshot, TimeSpan time) { Viewport = viewport; Notifier = notifier; InputSnapshot = isnapshot; FrameRateTime = time; Window = win; Lights = new LightState[LightStructBuffer.MaxCount]; Octree = octree; }
public bool RemoveByBound(SceneNode item, ref BoundingBox bound, IOctree root) { if (base.RemoveByBound(item, ref bound)) { RemoveFromRootDictionary(root, item.GUID); return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public bool RemoveSafe(SceneNode item, IOctree root) { if (base.RemoveSafe(item)) { RemoveFromRootDictionary(root, item.GUID); return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public bool RemoveAt(int index, IOctree root) { var id = this.Objects[index].GUID; if (base.RemoveAt(index)) { RemoveFromRootDictionary(root, id); return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public override bool PushExistingToChild(int index, out IOctree octant) { var item = Objects[index]; if (base.PushExistingToChild(index, out octant)) { var root = FindRoot(this) as BoundableNodeOctree; root.OctantDictionary[item.GUID] = octant; return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public RayIntersectionResult(IOctree tree, INode node, Coords coords, float entryDistance, Vector3 position, Vector3 normal, NeighbourSide neighbourSide) { hit = true; this.tree = tree; this.node = node; _coords = coords; this.entryDistance = entryDistance; this.position = position; this.normal = normal; this.neighbourSide = neighbourSide; }
public override bool Add(SceneNode item, out IOctree octant) { if (base.Add(item, out octant)) { if (octant == null) { throw new Exception("Output octant is null"); } ; var root = FindRoot(this) as BoundableNodeOctree; root.OctantDictionary.Add(item.GUID, octant); return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public static void CreateOctreeLineModel(this IOctree tree, LineBuilder builder) { if (tree == null) { return; } var box = tree.Bound; Vector3[] verts = new Vector3[8]; verts[0] = box.Minimum; verts[1] = new Vector3(box.Minimum.X, box.Minimum.Y, box.Maximum.Z); //Z verts[2] = new Vector3(box.Minimum.X, box.Maximum.Y, box.Minimum.Z); //Y verts[3] = new Vector3(box.Maximum.X, box.Minimum.Y, box.Minimum.Z); //X verts[7] = box.Maximum; verts[4] = new Vector3(box.Maximum.X, box.Maximum.Y, box.Minimum.Z); //Z verts[5] = new Vector3(box.Maximum.X, box.Minimum.Y, box.Maximum.Z); //Y verts[6] = new Vector3(box.Minimum.X, box.Maximum.Y, box.Maximum.Z); //X builder.AddLine(verts[0], verts[1]); builder.AddLine(verts[0], verts[2]); builder.AddLine(verts[0], verts[3]); builder.AddLine(verts[7], verts[4]); builder.AddLine(verts[7], verts[5]); builder.AddLine(verts[7], verts[6]); builder.AddLine(verts[1], verts[6]); builder.AddLine(verts[1], verts[5]); builder.AddLine(verts[4], verts[2]); builder.AddLine(verts[4], verts[3]); builder.AddLine(verts[2], verts[6]); builder.AddLine(verts[3], verts[5]); if (tree.HasChildren) { foreach (IOctree child in tree.ChildNodes) { if (child != null) { CreateOctreeLineModel(child, builder); } } } }
public RayIntersection(Transform transform, IOctree octree, Ray r, bool intersectMultiple, int? wantedDepth = null, bool debug = false) : this(transform, octree, r, intersectMultiple, wantedDepth, null, debug) { }
public void SetOctree(IOctree o) { Octree = o; notificator.Subscribe(Octree); }
protected BoundableNodeOctree(BoundingBox bound, List <SceneNode> objList, IOctree parent, OctreeBuildParameter paramter, Stack <KeyValuePair <int, IOctree[]> > queueCache) : base(ref bound, objList, parent, paramter, queueCache) { }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="OctreeArgs"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="octree">The octree.</param> public OctreeArgs(IOctree octree) { Octree = octree; }
public RayIntersection(Transform transform, IOctree octree, Ray r, bool intersectMultiple, int?wantedDepth = null, bool debug = false) : this(transform, octree, r, intersectMultiple, wantedDepth, null, debug) { }
public RayIntersection(Transform transform, IOctree octree, Ray r, bool intersectMultiple, int?wantedDepth, Filter filter, bool debug = false) { _filter = filter; _debug = debug; _tree = octree; _rootNode = octree.GetRoot(); if (_rootNode == null) { //we had a good run guys, time to call it a day return; } _transform = transform; _ray = r; _intersectMultiple = intersectMultiple; _dimensionFlipFlags = 0; var rootBounds = _rootNode.GetBounds(); if (_debug) { DrawBounds(rootBounds, Color.gray); } var rootCenter =; var ro = transform.InverseTransformPoint(r.origin) - rootCenter; var rd = transform.InverseTransformDirection(r.direction); var rox = ro.x; var roy = ro.y; var roz = ro.z; var rdx = rd.x; var rdy = rd.y; var rdz = rd.z; var ocMin = rootBounds.min - rootCenter; var ocMax = rootBounds.max - rootCenter; if (rdx < 0.0f) { rox = -rox; rdx = -rdx; _dimensionFlipFlags |= 1; } if (rdy < 0.0f) { roy = -roy; rdy = -rdy; _dimensionFlipFlags |= 2; } if (rdz < 0.0f) { roz = -roz; rdz = -rdz; _dimensionFlipFlags |= 4; } float tx0, tx1, ty0, ty1, tz0, tz1; if (!Mathf.Approximately(rdx, 0.0f)) { tx0 = (ocMin.x - rox) / rdx; tx1 = (ocMax.x - rox) / rdx; } else { tx0 = 99999.9f; tx1 = 99999.9f; } if (!Mathf.Approximately(rdy, 0.0f)) { ty0 = (ocMin.y - roy) / rdy; ty1 = (ocMax.y - roy) / rdy; } else { ty0 = 99999.9f; ty1 = 99999.9f; } if (!Mathf.Approximately(rdz, 0.0f)) { tz0 = (ocMin.z - roz) / rdz; tz1 = (ocMax.z - roz) / rdz; } else { tz0 = 99999.9f; tz1 = 99999.9f; } if (_debug) { Debug.DrawLine(_ray.origin, _ray.GetPoint(5000), Color.yellow); } if (Mathf.Max(tx0, ty0, tz0) < Mathf.Min(tx1, ty1, tz1)) { ProcSubtree(tx0, ty0, tz0, tx1, ty1, tz1, _rootNode, _rootNode.IsSolid(), 0, wantedDepth, _rootNode.GetCoords()); } }
protected override IOctree CreateNodeWithParent(ref BoundingBox bound, List <SceneNode> objList, IOctree parent) { return(new BoundableNodeOctree(bound, objList, parent, parent.Parameter, this.stack)); }
public RayIntersection(Transform transform, IOctree octree, Ray r, bool intersectMultiple, int? wantedDepth, Filter filter, bool debug = false) { _filter = filter; _debug = debug; _tree = octree; _rootNode = octree.GetRoot(); if (_rootNode == null) { //we had a good run guys, time to call it a day return; } _transform = transform; _ray = r; _intersectMultiple = intersectMultiple; _dimensionFlipFlags = 0; var rootBounds = _rootNode.GetBounds(); if (_debug) { DrawBounds(rootBounds, Color.gray); } var rootCenter =; var ro = transform.InverseTransformPoint(r.origin) - rootCenter; var rd = transform.InverseTransformDirection(r.direction); var rox = ro.x; var roy = ro.y; var roz = ro.z; var rdx = rd.x; var rdy = rd.y; var rdz = rd.z; var ocMin = rootBounds.min - rootCenter; var ocMax = rootBounds.max - rootCenter; if (rdx < 0.0f) { rox = -rox; rdx = -rdx; _dimensionFlipFlags |= 1; } if (rdy < 0.0f) { roy = -roy; rdy = -rdy; _dimensionFlipFlags |= 2; } if (rdz < 0.0f) { roz = -roz; rdz = -rdz; _dimensionFlipFlags |= 4; } float tx0, tx1, ty0, ty1, tz0, tz1; if (!Mathf.Approximately(rdx, 0.0f)) { tx0 = (ocMin.x - rox) / rdx; tx1 = (ocMax.x - rox) / rdx; } else { tx0 = 99999.9f; tx1 = 99999.9f; } if (!Mathf.Approximately(rdy, 0.0f)) { ty0 = (ocMin.y - roy) / rdy; ty1 = (ocMax.y - roy) / rdy; } else { ty0 = 99999.9f; ty1 = 99999.9f; } if (!Mathf.Approximately(rdz, 0.0f)) { tz0 = (ocMin.z - roz) / rdz; tz1 = (ocMax.z - roz) / rdz; } else { tz0 = 99999.9f; tz1 = 99999.9f; } if (_debug) { Debug.DrawLine(_ray.origin, _ray.GetPoint(5000), Color.yellow); } if (Mathf.Max(tx0, ty0, tz0) < Mathf.Min(tx1, ty1, tz1)) { ProcSubtree(tx0, ty0, tz0, tx1, ty1, tz1, _rootNode, _rootNode.IsSolid(), 0, wantedDepth, _rootNode.GetCoords()); } }