Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the digital value of the provided IO line.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ioLine">The IO line to get its digital value.</param>
 /// <returns>The IOValue of the specified <paramref name="ioLine"/></returns>
 /// <example>To verify if this sample contains a digital value for the specified <paramref name="ioLine"/>, use the method <see cref="hasDigitalValue"/>.
 /// <code>if (ioSample.hasDigitalValue(IOLine.DIO0_AD0)) {
 /// IOValue value = ioSample.getDigitalValue(IOLine.DIO0_AD0);
 /// ...
 /// } else {
 /// ...
 /// }
 /// }
 /// </code></example>
 /// <seealso cref="GetDigitalValues"/>
 /// <seealso cref="HasDigitalValues"/>
 /// <seealso cref="IOLine"/>
 /// <seealso cref="IOValue"/>
 public IOValue GetDigitalValue(IOLine ioLine)
     if (!digitalValuesMap.ContainsKey(ioLine))
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the <see cref="IOMode"/> corresponding to the provided mode Id and IO line.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dumb"></param>
        /// <param name="modeID">The ID of the <see cref="IOMode"/> to retrieve.</param>
        /// <param name="ioline">The IO line to retrieve its <see cref="IOMode"/></param>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="IOMode"/> corresponding to the provided mode ID and IO line.</returns>
        public static IOMode GetIOMode(this IOMode dumb, int modeID, IOLine ioline)
            if (modeID == lookupTable[IOMode.ADC].Id)
                return(ioline != IOLine.UNKNOWN && ioline.HasPWMCapability() ? IOMode.PWM : IOMode.ADC);

            return(lookupTable.Where(io => io.Value.Id == modeID).Select(io => io.Key).FirstOrDefault());
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the analog value of the specified <paramref name="ioLine"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <example>To verify if this sample contains an analog value for the specified
        /// <paramref name="ioLine"/>, use the method <see cref="HasAnalogValue(IOLine)"/>.
        /// <c>if (ioSample.HasAnalogValue(IOLine.DIO0_AD0)) {
        /// var value = ioSample.GetAnalogValue(IOLine.DIO0_AD0);
        /// ...
        /// } else {
        /// ...
        /// }
        /// }</c></example>
        /// <param name="ioLine">The IO line to get its analog value.</param>
        /// <returns>The analog value of the given IO line.</returns>
        /// <seealso cref="AnalogValues"/>
        /// <seealso cref="HasAnalogValue"/>
        /// <seealso cref="HasAnalogValues"/>
        /// <seealso cref="IOLine"/>
        public int GetAnalogValue(IOLine ioLine)
            if (!AnalogValues.ContainsKey(ioLine))

Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the analog value of the specified <paramref name="ioLine"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <example>To verify if this sample contains an analog value for the specified <paramref name="ioLine"/>, use the method <see cref="HasAnalogValue"/>.
        /// <code>if (ioSample.hasAnalogValue(IOLine.DIO0_AD0)) {
        /// var value = ioSample.GetAnalogValue(IOLine.DIO0_AD0);
        /// ...
        /// } else {
        /// ...
        /// }
        /// }</code></example>
        /// <param name="ioLine">The IO line to get its analog value.</param>
        /// <returns>The analog value of the given IO line.</returns>
        /// <seealso cref="AnalogValues"/>
        /// <seealso cref="HasAnalogValue"/>
        /// <seealso cref="HasAnalogValues"/>
        /// <seealso cref="IOLine"/>
        public int GetAnalogValue(IOLine ioLine)
            if (!analogValuesMap.ContainsKey(ioLine))

        public BBOutput(IOLine theIOLine)
            m_Line = theIOLine;
            Name   = m_Line.IONumber.ToString();

            // TEMP
            UIToggleEvent.Description = "UI Toggle for IO " + Name;
            var Defaults        = CreateDefaultSubscriptionProperties();
            var NewSubscription = new BBSubscription {
                Guid = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Id = UIToggleEvent.Id

            NewSubscription.EventConsumer = new BBEventConsumer(Defaults);
Exemplo n.º 6
        void Inputs_IOLineChange(IOLine line, EDDevice device, IOChangeTypes changeType)
            switch (line.IONumber)
            case 0:
                if (changeType == IOChangeTypes.RisingEdge)
                    if (m_device.Outputs[0].Value == 1)     // magnetic latch is ON
                        GlobalVars.DoorStatus = DOOR_STATUS.LOCKED;
                        GlobalVars.DoorStatus = DOOR_STATUS.CLOSED;
                else if (changeType == IOChangeTypes.FallingEdge)
                    GlobalVars.DoorStatus = DOOR_STATUS.OPEN;
                OnDoorStatusEvent(new DoorStatusEventArgs(GlobalVars.DoorStatus));

            case 1:

            case 2:

            case 3:

            case 4:

            case 5:

            case 6:

            case 7:
            OnIOEvent(new IOEventArgs(IO_TYPE.INPUT, line.IONumber, line.Value == 1 ? true : false));
Exemplo n.º 7
 /// <summary>
 /// Indicates whether the IO line has PWM capability.
 /// </summary>
 public static bool HasPWMCapability(this IOLine source)
Exemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the configuration AT command associated to the IO line.
 /// </summary>
 public static string GetConfigurationATCommand(this IOLine source)
Exemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the name of the IO line.
 /// </summary>
 public static string GetName(this IOLine source)
Exemplo n.º 10
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the <see cref="IOLine"/> associated to the given index.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dumb">A dumb value to access the method.</param>
 /// <param name="index">The index corresponding to the <see cref="IOLine"/> to retrieve.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static IOLine GetDIO(this IOLine dumb, int index)
     return(lookup.Where(l => l.Value.Index == index).Select(l => l.Key).FirstOrDefault());
Exemplo n.º 11
 /// <summary>
 /// Indicates whether the IO sample contains a digital value for the specified <paramref name="ioLine"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ioLine">The IO line to check if has a digital value.</param>
 /// <returns>true if the specified <paramref name="ioLine"/> has a digital value, false otherwises.</returns>
 public bool HasDigitalValue(IOLine ioLine)
     return digitalValuesMap.ContainsKey(ioLine);
Exemplo n.º 12
 /// <summary>
 /// Indicates whether or not the specified <paramref name="ioLine"/> has an analog value.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ioLine">The IO line to check if has an analog value.</param>
 /// <returns>true if the specified <paramref name="ioLine"/> has an analog value, false otherwise.</returns>
 /// <seealso cref="GetAnalogValue"/>
 /// <seealso cref="AnalogValues"/>
 /// <seealso cref="HasAnalogValues"/>
 /// <seealso cref="IOLine"/>
 public bool HasAnalogValue(IOLine ioLine)
     return analogValuesMap.ContainsKey(ioLine);
		 * Gets the PWM duty cycle (in %) corresponding to the provided IO line of 
		 * this XBee device.
		 * <p>The provided <b>IO line must be</b>:</p>
		 * <ul>
		 * <li><b>PWM capable</b> ({@link IOLine#hasPWMCapability()}).</li>
		 * <li>Previously <b>configured as PWM Output</b> (use 
		 * {@code setIOConfiguration} and {@code IOMode.PWM}).</li>
		 * </ul>
		 * @param ioLine The IO line to get its PWM duty cycle.
		 * @return The PWM duty cycle value corresponding to the provided IO line 
		 *         (0% - 100%).
		 * @throws ArgumentException if {@code ioLine.hasPWMCapability() == false}.
		 * @throws InterfaceNotOpenException if this device connection is not open.
		 * @throws ArgumentNullException if {@code ioLine == null}.
		 * @throws TimeoutException if there is a timeout sending the get PWM duty 
		 *                          cycle command.
		 * @throws XBeeException if there is any other XBee related exception.
		 * @see #getIOConfiguration(IOLine)
		 * @see #setIOConfiguration(IOLine, IOMode)
		 * @see #setPWMDutyCycle(IOLine, double)
		 * @see com.digi.xbee.api.io.IOLine
		 * @see com.digi.xbee.api.io.IOMode#PWM
		public double GetPWMDutyCycle(IOLine ioLine)/*throws TimeoutException, XBeeException */{
			// Check IO line.
			if (ioLine == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("IO line cannot be null.");
			// Check if the IO line has PWM capability.
			if (!ioLine.HasPWMCapability())
				throw new ArgumentException("Provided IO line does not have PWM capability.");
			// Check connection.
			if (!connectionInterface.SerialPort.IsOpen)
				throw new InterfaceNotOpenException();

			byte[] value = GetParameter(ioLine.GetPWMDutyCycleATCommand());

			// Return the PWM duty cycle value.
			int readValue = ByteUtils.ByteArrayToInt(value);
			return Math.Round((readValue * 100.0 / 1023.0) * 100.0) / 100.0;
Exemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the analog value of the specified <paramref name="ioLine"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <example>To verify if this sample contains an analog value for the specified <paramref name="ioLine"/>, use the method <see cref="HasAnalogValue"/>.
        /// <code>if (ioSample.hasAnalogValue(IOLine.DIO0_AD0)) {
        /// var value = ioSample.GetAnalogValue(IOLine.DIO0_AD0);
        /// ...
        /// } else {
        /// ...
        /// }
        /// }</code></example>
        /// <param name="ioLine">The IO line to get its analog value.</param>
        /// <returns>The analog value of the given IO line.</returns>
        /// <seealso cref="AnalogValues"/>
        /// <seealso cref="HasAnalogValue"/>
        /// <seealso cref="HasAnalogValues"/>
        /// <seealso cref="IOLine"/>
        public int GetAnalogValue(IOLine ioLine)
            if (!analogValuesMap.ContainsKey(ioLine))
                return int.MaxValue;

            return analogValuesMap[ioLine];
		 * Returns the configuration mode of the provided IO line of this XBee 
		 * device.
		 * @param ioLine The IO line to get its configuration.
		 * @return The IO mode (configuration) of the provided IO line.
		 * @throws InterfaceNotOpenException if this device connection is not open.
		 * @throws ArgumentNullException if {@code ioLine == null}.
		 * @throws TimeoutException if there is a timeout sending the get 
		 *                          configuration command.
		 * @throws XBeeException if there is any other XBee related exception.
		 * @see #setIOConfiguration(IOLine, IOMode)
		 * @see com.digi.xbee.api.io.IOLine
		 * @see com.digi.xbee.api.io.IOMode
		public IOMode GetIOConfiguration(IOLine ioLine)/*throws TimeoutException, XBeeException */{
			// Check IO line.
			if (ioLine == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("DIO pin cannot be null.");
			// Check connection.
			if (!connectionInterface.SerialPort.IsOpen)
				throw new InterfaceNotOpenException();

			// Check if the received configuration mode is valid.
			int ioModeValue = GetParameter(ioLine.GetConfigurationATCommand())[0];
			IOMode dioMode = IOMode.UNKOWN.GetIOMode(ioModeValue, ioLine);
			if (dioMode == null)
				throw new OperationNotSupportedException("Received configuration mode '" + HexUtils.IntegerToHexString(ioModeValue, 1) + "' is not valid.");

			// Return the configuration mode.
			return dioMode;
Exemplo n.º 16
 /// <summary>
 /// Indicates whether or not the specified <paramref name="ioLine"/> has an analog value.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ioLine">The IO line to check if has an analog value.</param>
 /// <returns>true if the specified <paramref name="ioLine"/> has an analog value, false otherwise.</returns>
 /// <seealso cref="GetAnalogValue"/>
 /// <seealso cref="AnalogValues"/>
 /// <seealso cref="HasAnalogValues"/>
 /// <seealso cref="IOLine"/>
 public bool HasAnalogValue(IOLine ioLine)
		 * Sets the digital value (high or low) to the provided IO line of this 
		 * XBee device.
		 * @param ioLine The IO line to set its value.
		 * @param ioValue The IOValue to set to the IO line ({@code HIGH} or 
		 *              {@code LOW}).
		 * @throws InterfaceNotOpenException if this device connection is not open.
		 * @throws ArgumentNullException if {@code ioLine == null} or 
		 *                              if {@code ioValue == null}.
		 * @throws TimeoutException if there is a timeout sending the set DIO 
		 *                          command.
		 * @throws XBeeException if there is any other XBee related exception.
		 * @see #getIOConfiguration(IOLine)
		 * @see #setIOConfiguration(IOLine, IOMode)
		 * @see com.digi.xbee.api.io.IOLine
		 * @see com.digi.xbee.api.io.IOValue
		 * @see com.digi.xbee.api.io.IOMode#DIGITAL_OUT_HIGH
		 * @see com.digi.xbee.api.io.IOMode#DIGITAL_OUT_LOW
		public void setDIOValue(IOLine ioLine, IOValue ioValue)/*throws TimeoutException, XBeeException */{
			// Check IO line.
			if (ioLine == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("IO line cannot be null.");
			// Check IO value.
			if (ioValue == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("IO value cannot be null.");
			// Check connection.
			if (!connectionInterface.SerialPort.IsOpen)
				throw new InterfaceNotOpenException();

			SetParameter(ioLine.GetConfigurationATCommand(), new byte[] { (byte)ioValue.GetID() });
Exemplo n.º 18
 /// <summary>
 /// Indicates whether the IO sample contains a digital value for the specified <paramref name="ioLine"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ioLine">The IO line to check if has a digital value.</param>
 /// <returns>true if the specified <paramref name="ioLine"/> has a digital value, false otherwises.</returns>
 public bool HasDigitalValue(IOLine ioLine)
		 * Sets the duty cycle (in %) of the provided IO line of this XBee device. 
		 * <p>The provided <b>IO line must be</b>:</p>
		 * <ul>
		 * <li><b>PWM capable</b> ({@link IOLine#hasPWMCapability()}).</li>
		 * <li>Previously <b>configured as PWM Output</b> (use 
		 * {@code setIOConfiguration} and {@code IOMode.PWM}).</li>
		 * </ul>
		 * @param ioLine The IO line to set its duty cycle value.
		 * @param dutyCycle The duty cycle of the PWM.
		 * @throws ArgumentException if {@code ioLine.hasPWMCapability() == false} or 
		 *                                  if {@code value < 0} or
		 *                                  if {@code value > 1023}.
		 * @throws InterfaceNotOpenException if this device connection is not open.
		 * @throws ArgumentNullException if {@code ioLine == null}.
		 * @throws TimeoutException if there is a timeout sending the set PWM duty 
		 *                          cycle command.
		 * @throws XBeeException if there is any other XBee related exception.
		 * @see #getIOConfiguration(IOLine)
		 * @see #getIOConfiguration(IOLine)
		 * @see #setIOConfiguration(IOLine, IOMode)
		 * @see #getPWMDutyCycle(IOLine)
		 * @see com.digi.xbee.api.io.IOLine
		 * @see com.digi.xbee.api.io.IOMode#PWM
		public void setPWMDutyCycle(IOLine ioLine, double dutyCycle)/*throws TimeoutException, XBeeException */{
			// Check IO line.
			if (ioLine == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("IO line cannot be null.");
			// Check if the IO line has PWM capability.
			if (!ioLine.HasPWMCapability())
				throw new ArgumentException("Provided IO line does not have PWM capability.");
			// Check duty cycle limits.
			if (dutyCycle < 0 || dutyCycle > 100)
				throw new ArgumentException("Duty Cycle must be between 0% and 100%.");
			// Check connection.
			if (!connectionInterface.SerialPort.IsOpen)
				throw new InterfaceNotOpenException();

			// Convert the value.
			int finaldutyCycle = (int)(dutyCycle * 1023.0 / 100.0);

			SetParameter(ioLine.GetPWMDutyCycleATCommand(), ByteUtils.IntToByteArray(finaldutyCycle));
Exemplo n.º 20
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the PWM AT command associated to the IO line.
 /// </summary>
 public static string GetPWMDutyCycleATCommand(this IOLine source)
Exemplo n.º 21
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the digital value of the provided IO line.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ioLine">The IO line to get its digital value.</param>
 /// <returns>The IOValue of the specified <paramref name="ioLine"/></returns>
 /// <example>To verify if this sample contains a digital value for the specified <paramref name="ioLine"/>, use the method <see cref="hasDigitalValue"/>.
 /// <code>if (ioSample.hasDigitalValue(IOLine.DIO0_AD0)) {
 /// IOValue value = ioSample.getDigitalValue(IOLine.DIO0_AD0);
 /// ...
 /// } else {
 /// ...
 /// }
 /// }
 /// </code></example>
 /// <seealso cref="GetDigitalValues"/>
 /// <seealso cref="HasDigitalValues"/>
 /// <seealso cref="IOLine"/>
 /// <seealso cref="IOValue"/>
 public IOValue GetDigitalValue(IOLine ioLine)
     if (!digitalValuesMap.ContainsKey(ioLine))
         return IOValue.UNKNOWN;
     return digitalValuesMap[ioLine];
Exemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the <see cref="IOMode"/> corresponding to the provided mode Id and IO line.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dumb"></param>
        /// <param name="modeID">The ID of the <see cref="IOMode"/> to retrieve.</param>
        /// <param name="ioline">The IO line to retrieve its <see cref="IOMode"/></param>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="IOMode"/> corresponding to the provided mode ID and IO line.</returns>
        public static IOMode GetIOMode(this IOMode dumb, int modeID, IOLine ioline)
            if (modeID == lookupTable[IOMode.ADC].Id)
                return ioline != IOLine.UNKNOWN && ioline.HasPWMCapability() ? IOMode.PWM : IOMode.ADC;

            return lookupTable.Where(io => io.Value.Id == modeID).Select(io => io.Key).FirstOrDefault();
		 * Returns the analog value of the provided IO line of this XBee device.
		 * <p>The provided <b>IO line must be previously configured as ADC</b>. To 
		 * do so, use {@code setIOConfiguration} and {@code IOMode.ADC}.</p>
		 * @param ioLine The IO line to get its analog value.
		 * @return The analog value corresponding to the provided IO line.
		 * @throws InterfaceNotOpenException if this device connection is not open.
		 * @throws ArgumentNullException if {@code ioLine == null}.
		 * @throws TimeoutException if there is a timeout sending the get IO values
		 *                          command.
		 * @throws XBeeException if there is any other XBee related exception.
		 * @see #getIOConfiguration(IOLine)
		 * @see #setIOConfiguration(IOLine, IOMode)
		 * @see com.digi.xbee.api.io.IOLine
		 * @see com.digi.xbee.api.io.IOMode#ADC
		public int GetADCValue(IOLine ioLine)/*throws TimeoutException, XBeeException */{
			// Check IO line.
			if (ioLine == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("IO line cannot be null.");

			// Obtain an IO Sample from the XBee device.
			IOSample ioSample = readIOSample();

			// Check if the IO sample contains the expected IO line and value.
			if (!ioSample.HasAnalogValues || !ioSample.AnalogValues.ContainsKey(ioLine))
				throw new OperationNotSupportedException("Answer does not contain analog data for " + ioLine.GetName() + ".");

			// Return the analog value.
			return ioSample.AnalogValues[ioLine];
Exemplo n.º 24
 void Outputs_IOLineChange(IOLine line, EDDevice device, IOChangeTypes changeType)
     OnIOEvent(new IOEventArgs(IO_TYPE.OUTPUT, line.IONumber, line.Value == 1 ? true : false));
 public void OnIOLineFallingEdgeChangedEvent(IOLine line, EDDevice device, IOChangeTypes changeType)
     m_Cached = new Payload(Id, new PayloadSubject[] { new PayloadSubject("value", FallingEdgeValue) });