/// <summary>
        /// Determines whether a given set of resource owner credentials is valid based on the authorization server's user database
        /// and if so records an authorization entry such that subsequent calls to <see cref="M:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth2.IAuthorizationServerHost.IsAuthorizationValid(DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth2.ChannelElements.IAuthorizationDescription)" /> would
        /// return <c>true</c>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userName">Username on the account.</param>
        /// <param name="password">The user's password.</param>
        /// <param name="accessRequest">The access request the credentials came with.
        /// This may be useful if the authorization server wishes to apply some policy based on the client that is making the request.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A value that describes the result of the authorization check.
        /// </returns>
        public AutomatedUserAuthorizationCheckResponse CheckAuthorizeResourceOwnerCredentialGrant(string userName, string password, IAccessTokenRequest accessRequest)
            IOAuth2AuthorizationStoreAgent agent = DependencyInjection.Get <IOAuth2AuthorizationStoreAgent>();
            var user = agent.GetUser(userName, password);

            // We use a fixed username and password to determine if the username/password combination is correct.
            var userCredentialsAreCorrect = user != null;

            // Add the user's scopes.
            IList <OAuth2Scope> scopes = agent.GetUserScopes(userName);

            scopes.Select(x => x.Code).ToList().ForEach(x =>

            OAuth2UserIdentity userIdentity = agent.GetUserIdentity(userName);
            var _userIdentity = userIdentity.ToDataTransferValue();

            accessRequest.ExtraData.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("userIdentity", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_userIdentity)));

            // The token request is approved when the user credentials are correct and the user is authorized for the requested scopes
            var isApproved = userCredentialsAreCorrect && UserIsAuthorizedForRequestedScopes(userName, accessRequest.Scope);

            return(new AutomatedUserAuthorizationCheckResponse(accessRequest, isApproved, userName));
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the client with a given identifier.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clientIdentifier">The client identifier.</param>
        /// <returns>The client registration. Never null.</returns>
        public IClientDescription GetClient(string clientIdentifier)
            IOAuth2AuthorizationStoreAgent agent             = DependencyInjection.Get <IOAuth2AuthorizationStoreAgent>();
            OAuth2ClientApplication        clientApplication = agent.GetClientApplication(clientIdentifier);

            // Does the CLIENT IDENTIFIER exist or is expired ? Oh yes ... then an exception is thrown.
            if (clientApplication == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("No client could be found with the specified client identifier.", "clientIdentifier");

            return(new ClientDescription(clientApplication.Secret, null, ClientType.Public));
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the user's profile.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataTransfer.OAuth2UserIdentity GetUserIdentity()
            DataTransfer.OAuth2UserIdentity value =
                UnitOfWork.Execute <DataTransfer.OAuth2UserIdentity>(() =>
                IOAuth2AuthorizationStoreAgent agent    = DependencyInjection.Get <IOAuth2AuthorizationStoreAgent>();
                Domain.Entity.OAuth2UserIdentity entity = agent.GetUserIdentity(Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name);
                var _value = entity.ToDataTransferValue();


Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Sign up a new <see cref="OAuth2User"/> account.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">The <see cref="OAuth2User"/> data transfer object.</param>
        /// <returns>The registered <see cref="OAuth2User"/> account.</returns>
        public DataTransfer.OAuth2UserIdentity SignUpUser(OAuth2UserIdentity userIdentity)
            DataTransfer.OAuth2UserIdentity value =
                UnitOfWork.Execute <DataTransfer.OAuth2UserIdentity>(() =>
                IOAuth2AuthorizationStoreAgent agent           = DependencyInjection.Get <IOAuth2AuthorizationStoreAgent>();
                Domain.Entity.OAuth2UserIdentity _userIdentity = userIdentity.ToEntity();
                Domain.Entity.OAuth2UserIdentity entity        = agent.SignUpUser(_userIdentity);

                DataTransfer.OAuth2UserIdentity _value = entity.ToDataTransferValue();


        /// <summary>
        /// Check if the user is authorized.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userName">Name of the user.</param>
        /// <param name="requestedScopes">The scopes the user has requested.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c>, if the user is authorized for the specified scopes; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</returns>
        private static bool UserIsAuthorizedForRequestedScopes(string userName, HashSet <string> requestedScopes)
            // We define the scopes the user is authorized for. Once again, you would expect these scopes to be retrieved from
            // a persistent store. Note: the scopes a user is authorized for can very well differ between users. Think of an
            // admin user being authorized for more scopes than a regular user

            // Get the scopes the user is authorized for from the database.
            IOAuth2AuthorizationStoreAgent agent  = DependencyInjection.Get <IOAuth2AuthorizationStoreAgent>();
            IList <OAuth2Scope>            scopes = agent.GetUserScopes(userName);

            HashSet <string> scopesUserIsAuthorizedFor = new HashSet <string>(OAuthUtilities.ScopeStringComparer);

            scopes.Select(x => x.Code).ToList().ForEach(x =>

            // Check if the scopes that are being requested are a subset of the scopes the user is authorized for.
            // If not, that means that the user has requested at least one scope it is not authorized for
            bool userIsAuthorizedForRequestedScopes = requestedScopes.IsSubsetOf(scopesUserIsAuthorizedFor);
