Exemplo n.º 1
            /// <summary>
            /// Process elements for each FactTypeHasRole definition added
            /// during deserialization. If one of our extension elements is not
            /// included in the set of extension elements then create a new one
            /// and add it.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="element">A Role element</param>
            /// <param name="store">The context store</param>
            /// <param name="notifyAdded">The listener to notify if elements are added during fixup</param>
            protected sealed override void ProcessElement(Role element, Store store, INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded)
                IORMExtendableElement extendableElement           = element as IORMExtendableElement;
                LinkedElementCollection <ModelElement> extensions = extendableElement.ExtensionCollection;
                int extensionCount = extensions.Count;
                int i;

                for (i = 0; i < extensionCount; ++i)
                    // Look for any of our extension elements
                    if (extensions[i] is MyCustomExtensionElement)
                if (i == extensionCount)
                    MyCustomExtensionElement customElement = new MyCustomExtensionElement(store);
                    ExtensionElementUtility.AddExtensionElement(extendableElement, customElement);
                    // Always notify during deserialization. All rules are turned off, so
                    // any additions need to be explicitly notified so that other deserialization
                    // fixup listeners can respond appropriately.
                    notifyAdded.ElementAdded(customElement, true);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// This method Validates an ObjectType name.
        /// If the ObjectType name has a name of "ObjectType"
        /// followed by any digits it will create a new error.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objectType">The ObjectType you wish to be validated.</param>
        private static void ValidateObjectTypeName(ObjectType objectType, INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded)
            ORMModel model;

            if (!objectType.IsDeleted &&
                null != (model = objectType.Model))
                Regex regex = objectTypeRegex;
                if (regex == null)
                    ResourceManager resMgr = ResourceAccessor <ORMModel> .ResourceManager;
                    regex = System.Threading.Interlocked.CompareExchange <Regex>(
                        ref objectTypeRegex,
                        new Regex(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, @"\A({0}|{1})\d+\z", resMgr.GetString("ObjectModel.ValueType"), resMgr.GetString("ObjectModel.EntityType")), RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase),
                    regex = objectTypeRegex;
                string objectTypeName = objectType.Name;
                Match  regexMatch     = regex.Match(objectType.Name);

                LinkedElementCollection <ModelError>  extensions = objectType.ExtensionModelErrorCollection;
                ObjectTypeRequiresMeaningfulNameError nameError  = null;
                int extensionCount = extensions.Count;
                int i;
                for (i = 0; i < extensionCount; ++i)
                    if (extensions[i] is ObjectTypeRequiresMeaningfulNameError)
                        nameError = extensions[i] as ObjectTypeRequiresMeaningfulNameError;

                if (regexMatch.Success)
                    if (nameError == null)
                        nameError = new ObjectTypeRequiresMeaningfulNameError(objectType.Store);
                        ExtensionElementUtility.AddExtensionModelError(objectType, nameError);
                        nameError.Model = model;
                        if (notifyAdded != null)
                            notifyAdded.ElementAdded(nameError, true);
                    if (nameError != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// for many-to-many associations; it is assumed that IsSimpleManyToManyAssociation has been
        /// called on the passed-in concept type and returned true
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentConceptType"></param>
        /// <param name="notifyAdded"></param>
        /// <param name="associationCounter"></param>
        private static void CreateBinaryAssociation(ConceptType parentConceptType, INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded, ref int associationCounter)
            if (BinaryAssociationHasConceptType.GetBinaryAssociation(parentConceptType).Count == 0)
                LinkedElementCollection <ConceptTypeChild> associationChildren =
                ConceptTypeChild relation1, relation2;
                ConceptType      ct1, ct2;

                if (null != (relation1 = associationChildren[0]) &&
                    null != (relation2 = associationChildren[1]) &&
                    null != (ct1 = relation1.Target as ConceptType) &&
                    null != (ct2 = relation2.Target as ConceptType))
                    // create association
                    BinaryAssociation b = new BinaryAssociation(parentConceptType.Store,
                                                                new PropertyAssignment[] { new PropertyAssignment(BinaryAssociation.NumberDomainPropertyId, associationCounter++) });
                    //new BinaryAssociationHasConceptTypeChild(b, relation);

                    Role r1 = new Role(parentConceptType.Store,
                                       new PropertyAssignment[] { new PropertyAssignment(Role.PredicateTextDomainPropertyId, ct1.Name) });

                    Role r2 = new Role(parentConceptType.Store,
                                       new PropertyAssignment[] { new PropertyAssignment(Role.PredicateTextDomainPropertyId, ct2.Name) });


                    EntityType sourceEntity = EntityTypeIsPrimarilyForConceptType.GetEntityType(ct1);
                    EntityType targetEntity = EntityTypeIsPrimarilyForConceptType.GetEntityType(ct2);

                    //determine whether roles are mandatory or optional

                    //set multi-values
                    r1.IsMultiValued = true;
                    r2.IsMultiValued = true;

                    //notify elements added
                    if (notifyAdded != null)
                        notifyAdded.ElementAdded(b, true);
                        notifyAdded.ElementAdded(r1, true);
                        notifyAdded.ElementAdded(r2, true);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Verify that ranges are ordered and non-overlapping and handle the
        /// corresponding error.
        /// </summary>
        private void ValidateRanges(INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded)
            LinkedElementCollection <CardinalityRange> ranges = RangeCollection;
            int  rangeCount = ranges.Count;
            int  prevMin    = -1;
            int  prevMax    = -1;
            bool hasError   = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < rangeCount; ++i)
                CardinalityRange range = ranges[i];
                int lower = range.LowerBound;
                int upper = range.UpperBound;
                if (upper == -1)
                    upper = int.MaxValue;
                if (lower < 0 ||
                    lower <= prevMin ||
                    lower <= prevMax ||
                    upper <= prevMax)
                    hasError = true;
                prevMin = lower;
                prevMax = upper;
            CardinalityRangeOverlapError overlapError = this.CardinalityRangeOverlapError;

            if (hasError)
                if (overlapError == null)
                    overlapError = new CardinalityRangeOverlapError(Partition);
                    overlapError.CardinalityConstraint = this;
                    overlapError.Model = this.Model;
                    if (notifyAdded != null)
                        notifyAdded.ElementAdded(overlapError, true);
            else if (overlapError != null)
Exemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Implements IDeserializationFixupListener.ProcessElements
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="phase">An integer pulled from the
 /// phase enum passed to the DeserializationFixupManager constructor.</param>
 /// <param name="store">The context store</param>
 /// <param name="notifyAdded">The listener to notify if elements are added during fixup</param>
 protected void ProcessElements(int phase, Store store, INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded)
     Debug.Assert(HasElements(phase, store));
     if (phase == myPhase)
         // Clear the collection so it can safely be repopulated while
         // the iterator is active.
         Collection <TElement> coll = myCollection;
         myCollection = null;
         foreach (TElement element in coll)
             // Call the abstract method to do the actual work
             ProcessElement(element, store, notifyAdded);
Exemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Implements IModelErrorOwner.ValidateErrors (empty implementation)
 /// </summary>
 protected static void ValidateErrors(INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded)
Exemplo n.º 7
            /// <summary>
            /// Make sure we have our tracker attached to all loaded models.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="element">An ORMModel element</param>
            /// <param name="store">The context store</param>
            /// <param name="notifyAdded">The listener to notify if elements are added during fixup</param>
            protected sealed override void ProcessElement(ORMModel element, Store store, INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded)
                OIALModel oil = OIALModelHasORMModel.GetOIALModel(element);

                if (oil == null)
                    oil          = new OIALModel(store);
                    oil.ORMModel = element;
                    notifyAdded.ElementAdded(oil, true);
Exemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Implements IModelErrorOwner.ValidateErrors
 /// </summary>
 protected new void ValidateErrors(INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded)
     // Calls added here need corresponding delayed calls in DelayValidateErrors
Exemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Update the shape size on load.
 /// </summary>
 protected sealed override void ProcessElement(ModelNoteShape element, Store store, INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded)
Exemplo n.º 10
		/// <summary>
		/// Implements IModelErrorOwner.ValidateErrors
		/// </summary>
		protected new void ValidateErrors(INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded)
        /// <summary>
        /// for regular relationships
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="relation"></param>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <param name="notifyAdded"></param>
        /// <param name="associationCounter"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static bool CreateBinaryAssociation(ConceptTypeChild relation, ConceptType source, ConceptType target, INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded, ref int associationCounter)
            if (BinaryAssociationHasConceptTypeChild.GetBinaryAssociation(relation).Count > 0)
                //it has already been created
            else if (EntityTypeIsPrimarilyForConceptType.GetEntityType(target) != null)
                #region create association
                BinaryAssociation b = new BinaryAssociation(relation.Store,
                                                            new PropertyAssignment[] { new PropertyAssignment(BinaryAssociation.NumberDomainPropertyId, associationCounter++) });
                //new BinaryAssociationHasConceptTypeChild(b, relation);

                Role r1 = new Role(relation.Store,
                                   new PropertyAssignment[] { new PropertyAssignment(Role.PredicateTextDomainPropertyId, source.Name) });

                Role r2 = new Role(relation.Store,
                                   new PropertyAssignment[] { new PropertyAssignment(Role.PredicateTextDomainPropertyId, target.Name) });


                EntityType sourceEntity = EntityTypeIsPrimarilyForConceptType.GetEntityType(source);
                EntityType targetEntity = EntityTypeIsPrimarilyForConceptType.GetEntityType(target);

                //determine whether roles are mandatory or optional
                List <ConceptTypeChild> links = new List <ConceptTypeChild>(1);
                r1.IsMandatory = AllStepsMandatory(targetEntity, links);
                if (relation is ConceptTypeAssimilatesConceptType)
                    r2.IsMandatory = AllStepsMandatory(sourceEntity, links);

                #region determine whether roles are multivalued or not - and possibly rename
                ORMCore.ObjectType           sourceObjectType = ConceptTypeIsForObjectType.GetObjectType(source);
                ORMCore.ObjectType           targetObjectType = ConceptTypeIsForObjectType.GetObjectType(target);
                ORMCore.UniquenessConstraint uSource = null, uTarget = null;
                foreach (ORMCore.FactType factType in ConceptTypeChildHasPathFactType.GetPathFactTypeCollection(relation))
                    Debug.Assert(factType.RoleCollection.Count == 2, "Error when mapping to Barker ER; the fact type is not binary");
                    foreach (ORMCore.RoleBase r in factType.RoleCollection)
                        //need to use RoleBase because we might run into RoleProxy
                        ORMCore.Role role = r.Role;
                        foreach (ORMCore.ConstraintRoleSequence constraintRoleSequence in role.ConstraintRoleSequenceCollection)
                            ORMCore.UniquenessConstraint uninquenessConstraint = constraintRoleSequence as ORMCore.UniquenessConstraint;
                            if (uninquenessConstraint != null &&                                        //check that it's a uniqueness constraint
                                uninquenessConstraint.Modality == ORMCore.ConstraintModality.Alethic && //check it's alethic
                                uninquenessConstraint.IsInternal)                                       //check it's internal
                                if (role.RolePlayer == sourceObjectType)
                                    uSource = uninquenessConstraint;
                                if (role.RolePlayer == targetObjectType)
                                    uTarget = uninquenessConstraint;
                    //name the roles properly
                    //TODO this is a hack; proper name generation is yet to be implemented
                    foreach (ORMCore.ReadingOrder order in factType.ReadingOrderCollection)
                        string text  = order.ReadingText;
                        int    first = text.IndexOf('}') + 1;
                        text = text.Substring(first, text.LastIndexOf('{') - first);
                        text = text.Trim();

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text) &&
                            order.RoleCollection != null && order.RoleCollection.Count > 0 &&
                            order.RoleCollection[0].Role != null)
                            ORMCore.ObjectType o = order.RoleCollection[0].Role.RolePlayer;
                            if (o == sourceObjectType)
                                r1.PredicateText = text;
                            else if (o == targetObjectType)
                                r2.PredicateText = text;
                if (uSource != null && uSource == uTarget)
                    //it's many-to-many
                    r1.IsMultiValued = true;
                    r2.IsMultiValued = true;
                else if (uSource == null || uTarget == null)
                    //it's one-to-many
                    r1.IsMultiValued = uSource != null;
                    r2.IsMultiValued = uTarget != null;
                else if (uSource != null && uTarget != null)
                    //it's one-to-one
                    r1.IsMultiValued = false;
                    r2.IsMultiValued = false;
                    Debug.Fail("Found a fact type with no uniqueness constraints!");

                #region primary id?
                foreach (Uniqueness u in UniquenessIncludesConceptTypeChild.GetUniquenessCollection(relation))
                    if (u.IsPreferred)
                        r1.IsPrimaryIdComponent = true;

                //notify elements added
                if (notifyAdded != null)
                    notifyAdded.ElementAdded(b, true);
                    notifyAdded.ElementAdded(r1, true);
                    notifyAdded.ElementAdded(r2, true);

                //should not create binary association in this case
        private static void CreateAttributesAndBinaryRelationships(ConceptType conceptType, INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded, ref int associationCounter)
            List <Attribute> attributesForConceptType = new List <Attribute>();

            foreach (InformationType informationType in InformationType.GetLinksToInformationTypeFormatCollection(conceptType))
                attributesForConceptType.Add(CreateAttributeForInformationType(informationType, new Stack <ConceptTypeChild>()));
            foreach (ConceptTypeRelatesToConceptType conceptTypeRelation in ConceptTypeRelatesToConceptType.GetLinksToRelatedConceptTypeCollection(conceptType))
                if (!CreateBinaryAssociation(conceptTypeRelation, conceptType, conceptTypeRelation.RelatedConceptType, notifyAdded, ref associationCounter))
                    //if binary association was not created - let's create an attribute for it
                    attributesForConceptType.AddRange(GetAttributesForConceptTypeRelation(conceptTypeRelation, new Stack <ConceptTypeChild>()));
            foreach (ConceptTypeAssimilatesConceptType conceptTypeAssimilation in ConceptTypeAssimilatesConceptType.GetLinksToAssimilatedConceptTypeCollection(conceptType))
                if (!conceptTypeAssimilation.RefersToSubtype)
                    CreateBinaryAssociation(conceptTypeAssimilation, conceptType, conceptTypeAssimilation.AssimilatedConceptType, notifyAdded, ref associationCounter);

            EntityType conceptTypeEntity = EntityTypeIsPrimarilyForConceptType.GetEntityType(conceptType);

            if (conceptTypeEntity != null)
                if (notifyAdded != null)
                    foreach (Attribute attr in attributesForConceptType)
                        notifyAdded.ElementAdded(attr, true);
Exemplo n.º 13
 /// <summary>
 /// Makes sure that any <see cref="NameAlias"/> that fails to resolve is deleted.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="element">NameAlias element</param>
 /// <param name="store">The context store</param>
 /// <param name="notifyAdded">The listener to notify if elements are added during fixup</param>
 protected sealed override void ProcessElement(NameAlias element, Store store, INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded)
Exemplo n.º 14
		/// <summary>
		/// Utility function to verify that a role player is present for all roles
		/// </summary>
		private void VerifyRolePlayerRequiredForRule(INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded)
			if (!IsDeleted)
				bool hasRolePlayer = true;
				RolePlayerRequiredError rolePlayerRequired;

				if (null == RolePlayer)
					FactType fact = FactType;
					// Don't show an error for roles on implied fact types,
					// this is controlled indirectly by the nested roles
					if (null != fact && null == fact.ImpliedByObjectification)
						hasRolePlayer = false;
						if (null == RolePlayerRequiredError)
							rolePlayerRequired = new RolePlayerRequiredError(Store);
							rolePlayerRequired.Role = this;
							rolePlayerRequired.Model = fact.Model;
							if (notifyAdded != null)
								notifyAdded.ElementAdded(rolePlayerRequired, true);
				if (hasRolePlayer)
					if (null != (rolePlayerRequired = RolePlayerRequiredError))
Exemplo n.º 15
		/// <summary>
		/// Implements IModelErrorOwner.ValidateErrors
		/// Validate all errors on the external constraint. This
		/// is called during deserialization fixup when rules are
		/// suspended.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="notifyAdded">A callback for notifying
		/// the caller of all objects that are added.</param>
		protected new void ValidateErrors(INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded)
			// Calls added here need corresponding delayed calls in DelayValidateErrors
Exemplo n.º 16
			/// <summary>
			/// Binarizes the unary <see cref="FactType"/> specified by <paramref name="unaryFactType"/>, defaulting
			/// to using open-world assumption. The caller is responsible for making sure <paramref name="unaryFactType"/>
			/// is in fact a unary fact type.
			/// </summary>
			public static void BinarizeUnary(FactType unaryFactType, INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded)
				Store store = unaryFactType.Store;
				LinkedElementCollection<RoleBase> roleCollection = unaryFactType.RoleCollection;
				Debug.Assert(roleCollection.Count == 1, "Unaries should only have one role.");

				Role unaryRole = (Role)roleCollection[0];
				string implicitBooleanValueTypeName = GetImplicitBooleanValueTypeName(unaryRole);

				// UNDONE: We are using open-world assumption now
				// Setup the mandatory constraint (for closed-world assumption)
				//MandatoryConstraint mandatoryConstraint = MandatoryConstraint.CreateSimpleMandatoryConstraint(unaryRole);
				//mandatoryConstraint.Model = unaryFactType.Model;
				//if (notifyAdded != null)
				//    notifyAdded.ElementAdded(mandatoryConstraint, true);

				// Setup the uniqueness constraint (to make the newly binarized FactType valid)
				if (unaryRole.SingleRoleAlethicUniquenessConstraint == null)
					UniquenessConstraint uniquenessConstraint = UniquenessConstraint.CreateInternalUniquenessConstraint(unaryFactType);
					uniquenessConstraint.Model = unaryFactType.Model;
					if (notifyAdded != null)
						notifyAdded.ElementAdded(uniquenessConstraint, true);

				// Setup the boolean role (to make the FactType a binary)
				Role implicitBooleanRole = new Role(store, null);
				implicitBooleanRole.Name = unaryRole.Name;

				// Setup the boolean value type (because the boolean role needs a role player)
				ObjectType implicitBooleanValueType = new ObjectType(store, new PropertyAssignment(ObjectType.IsImplicitBooleanValueDomainPropertyId, true));
				Dictionary<object, object> contextInfo = store.TransactionManager.CurrentTransaction.TopLevelTransaction.Context.ContextInfo;
					contextInfo[ORMModel.AllowDuplicateNamesKey] = null;
					implicitBooleanValueType.Name = implicitBooleanValueTypeName;
					implicitBooleanValueType.Model = unaryFactType.Model;
					if (notifyAdded != null)
						notifyAdded.ElementAdded(implicitBooleanValueType, true);
				implicitBooleanValueType.DataType = store.ElementDirectory.FindElements<TrueOrFalseLogicalDataType>(false)[0];

				// Set value constraint on implicit boolean ValueType for open-world assumption
				ValueTypeValueConstraint implicitBooleanValueConstraint = implicitBooleanValueType.ValueConstraint
					= new ValueTypeValueConstraint(implicitBooleanValueType.Store, null);

				// Add the true-only ValueRange to the value constraint for open-world assumption
				implicitBooleanValueConstraint.ValueRangeCollection.Add(new ValueRange(store,
					new PropertyAssignment(ValueRange.MinValueDomainPropertyId, bool.TrueString),
					new PropertyAssignment(ValueRange.MaxValueDomainPropertyId, bool.TrueString)));

				// Make the boolean value type the role player for the implicit boolean role
				implicitBooleanRole.RolePlayer = implicitBooleanValueType;

				// Add the boolean role to the FactType
				if (notifyAdded != null)
					notifyAdded.ElementAdded(implicitBooleanRole, true);
Exemplo n.º 17
			public static void ProcessFactType(FactType factType, INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded)
				LinkedElementCollection<RoleBase> roleCollection = factType.RoleCollection;
				int roleCollectionCount = roleCollection.Count;

				if (roleCollectionCount == 1)
					// If we have a unary, binarize it
					BinarizeUnary(factType, notifyAdded);
				else if (roleCollectionCount == 2)
					// If we have a binary that has an implicit boolean role in it, make sure it matches the pattern
					Role implicitBooleanRole = GetImplicitBooleanRole(roleCollection);
					if (implicitBooleanRole != null)
						Role unaryRole = implicitBooleanRole.OppositeRole.Role;
						Debug.Assert(unaryRole != null);
						// Make sure the implicit boolean role has the same name as the unary role
						implicitBooleanRole.Name = unaryRole.Name;
						string implicitBooleanValueTypeName = GetImplicitBooleanValueTypeName(unaryRole);
						if (implicitBooleanRole.RolePlayer.Name != implicitBooleanValueTypeName)
							Dictionary<object, object> contextInfo = factType.Store.TransactionManager.CurrentTransaction.TopLevelTransaction.Context.ContextInfo;
								contextInfo[ORMModel.AllowDuplicateNamesKey] = null;
								implicitBooleanRole.RolePlayer.Name = implicitBooleanValueTypeName;
						if (!ValidateConstraints(unaryRole, implicitBooleanRole) || !ValidateImplicitBooleanValueType(implicitBooleanRole.RolePlayer))
							LinkedElementCollection<RoleBase> roles = factType.RoleCollection;
							DebinarizeUnary(roles, false, notifyAdded);
							// Append to the reading orders
							LinkedElementCollection<ReadingOrder> readingOrders = factType.ReadingOrderCollection;
							int readingOrderCount = readingOrders.Count;
							for (int i = 0; i < readingOrderCount; ++i)
								ReadingOrder order = readingOrders[i];
								LinkedElementCollection<RoleBase> readingRoles = order.RoleCollection;
								if (!readingRoles.Contains(implicitBooleanRole))
									LinkedElementCollection<Reading> readings = order.ReadingCollection;
									int readingCount = readings.Count;
									for (int j = 0; j < readingCount; ++j)
										readings[j].SetAutoText(readings[j].Text + " {1}");
					// If we have an n-ary, remove any implicit boolean roles in it
					for (int i = roleCollectionCount - 1; i >= 0; --i)
						Role implicitBooleanRole = roleCollection[i].Role;
						if (implicitBooleanRole != null && implicitBooleanRole.RolePlayer != null && implicitBooleanRole.RolePlayer.IsImplicitBooleanValue)
							DebinarizeUnary(factType.RoleCollection, true, notifyAdded);
            /// <summary>
            /// Verify that an abstraction model has an appropriate Barker ER model and bridge
            /// </summary>
            protected override void ProcessElement(AbstractionModel element, Store store, INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded)
                BarkerErModel barkerModel = BarkerErModelIsForAbstractionModel.GetBarkerErModel(element);

                if (barkerModel == null)
                    // Create the initial Barker ER model and notify
                    barkerModel = new BarkerErModel(
                        new PropertyAssignment[] {
                        new PropertyAssignment(BarkerErModel.NameDomainPropertyId, element.Name)

                    new BarkerErModelIsForAbstractionModel(barkerModel, element);

                    BarkerERModelGenerationSetting generationSetting = new BarkerERModelGenerationSetting(store,
                                                                                                          new PropertyAssignment(
                                                                                                              BarkerERModelGenerationSetting.CoreAlgorithmVersionDomainPropertyId, CurrentCoreAlgorithmVersion),
                                                                                                          new PropertyAssignment(
                                                                                                              BarkerERModelGenerationSetting.NameAlgorithmVersionDomainPropertyId, CurrentNameAlgorithmVersion));

                    new GenerationSettingTargetsBarkerERModel(generationSetting, barkerModel);

                    new ORMCore.GenerationStateHasGenerationSetting(ORMCore.GenerationState.EnsureGenerationState(store), generationSetting);

                    notifyAdded.ElementAdded(barkerModel, true);

                    FullyGenerateBarkerERModel(barkerModel, element, notifyAdded);
                    BarkerERModelGenerationSetting generationSetting = GenerationSettingTargetsBarkerERModel.GetGenerationSetting(barkerModel);
                    bool regenerateAll   = generationSetting == null || generationSetting.CoreAlgorithmVersion != CurrentCoreAlgorithmVersion;
                    bool regenerateNames = false;
                    if (!regenerateAll)
                        foreach (EntityType barkerEntity in barkerModel.EntityTypeCollection)
                            if (null == EntityTypeIsPrimarilyForConceptType.GetLinkToConceptType(barkerEntity))
                                regenerateAll = true;
                            // Theoretically we should also check that all attributes and uniqueness constraints
                            // are pathed back to the abstraction model. However, this is far from a full validation,
                            // and the scenario we're trying to cover is the abstraction model regenerating during
                            // load and removing our bridge elements. The entity type check above is sufficient.
                        regenerateNames = !regenerateAll && generationSetting.NameAlgorithmVersion != CurrentNameAlgorithmVersion;
                        generationSetting.NameAlgorithmVersion = CurrentNameAlgorithmVersion;
                        if (generationSetting == null)
                            generationSetting = new BarkerERModelGenerationSetting(store,
                                                                                   new PropertyAssignment(
                                                                                       BarkerERModelGenerationSetting.CoreAlgorithmVersionDomainPropertyId, CurrentCoreAlgorithmVersion),
                                                                                   new PropertyAssignment(
                                                                                       BarkerERModelGenerationSetting.NameAlgorithmVersionDomainPropertyId, CurrentNameAlgorithmVersion));

                            new GenerationSettingTargetsBarkerERModel(generationSetting, barkerModel);

                            new ORMCore.GenerationStateHasGenerationSetting(ORMCore.GenerationState.EnsureGenerationState(store), generationSetting);
                            regenerateNames = generationSetting.NameAlgorithmVersion != CurrentNameAlgorithmVersion;
                            generationSetting.CoreAlgorithmVersion = CurrentCoreAlgorithmVersion;
                            generationSetting.NameAlgorithmVersion = CurrentNameAlgorithmVersion;
                    if (regenerateAll)

                        FullyGenerateBarkerERModel(barkerModel, element, notifyAdded);
                    else if (regenerateNames)
Exemplo n.º 19
 /// <summary>
 /// Override this method to process an element
 /// for this phase.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="element">A typed element. The element
 /// is always castable to a model element</param>
 /// <param name="store">The context store</param>
 /// <param name="notifyAdded">The listener to notify if elements are added during fixup</param>
 protected abstract void ProcessElement(TElement element, Store store, INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded);
        private static void FullyGenerateBarkerERModel(BarkerErModel barkerModel, AbstractionModel sourceModel, INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded)
            LinkedElementCollection <EntityType>  barkerEntities = barkerModel.EntityTypeCollection;
            LinkedElementCollection <ConceptType> conceptTypes   = sourceModel.ConceptTypeCollection;
            Store store = barkerModel.Store;

            // Generate all Barker entities
            List <ConceptType> manyToMany = new List <ConceptType>();

            foreach (ConceptType conceptType in conceptTypes)
                if (!IsSimpleManyToManyAssociation(conceptType))
                    EntityType entity = new EntityType(
                        new PropertyAssignment[] {
                        new PropertyAssignment(EntityType.NameDomainPropertyId, conceptType.Name)
                    new EntityTypeIsPrimarilyForConceptType(entity, conceptType);

                    if (notifyAdded != null)
                        notifyAdded.ElementAdded(entity, true);

            // For every concept type create all attributes that they represent, map uniquenesses that they participate in.
            int associationCounter = 0;

            foreach (ConceptType conceptType in conceptTypes)
                if (!manyToMany.Contains(conceptType))
                    CreateAttributesAndBinaryRelationships(conceptType, notifyAdded, ref associationCounter);
                    CreateBinaryAssociation(conceptType, notifyAdded, ref associationCounter);

            // For each entity type in the Barker model generate relationships it plays and detemine which of its atrributes are mandatory and nullable.
            foreach (EntityType entity in barkerModel.EntityTypeCollection)
            /// <summary>
            /// Make sure we have our tracker attached to all loaded models.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="element">An ORMModel element</param>
            /// <param name="store">The context store</param>
            /// <param name="notifyAdded">The listener to notify if elements are added during fixup</param>
            protected sealed override void ProcessElement(ORMModel element, Store store, INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded)
                AbstractionModel oil = AbstractionModelIsForORMModel.GetAbstractionModel(element);

                if (oil == null)
                    // UNDONE: DelayValidateModel currently deletes and recreates any existing
                    // bridge relationship, so there is no point deleting it up front, we'll
                    // just retrieve it later. Also note that DelayValidateModel does not call notifyAdded.
                    oil = AbstractionModelIsForORMModel.GetAbstractionModel(element);
                    if (oil != null)
                        notifyAdded.ElementAdded(oil, true);
                    AbstractionModelGenerationSetting generationSetting;
                    bool regenerateForVersion   = null == (generationSetting = GenerationSettingTargetsAbstractionModel.GetGenerationSetting(oil)) || generationSetting.AlgorithmVersion != CurrentAlgorithmVersion;
                    bool excludedBridgedElement = false;
                        regenerateForVersion ? (ORMElementGateway.NotifyORMElementExcluded) null :
                        delegate(ORMModelElement modelElement)
                        if (excludedBridgedElement)
                        ObjectType objectType;
                        FactType factType;
                        // Note that the types we're checking here are synchronized with the ORMElementGateway.ExclusionAdded method
                        if (null != (objectType = modelElement as ObjectType))
                            if (null != ConceptTypeIsForObjectType.GetLinkToConceptType(objectType) ||
                                null != InformationTypeFormatIsForValueType.GetLinkToInformationTypeFormat(objectType))
                                excludedBridgedElement = true;
                        else if (null != (factType = modelElement as FactType))
                            if (null != FactTypeMapsTowardsRole.GetLinkToTowardsRole(factType) ||
                                ConceptTypeChildHasPathFactType.GetLinksToConceptTypeChild(factType).Count != 0)
                                excludedBridgedElement = true;
                    if (regenerateForVersion || excludedBridgedElement)
                        // Something is very wrong, regenerate (does not regenerate the excluded elements we already have)
Exemplo n.º 22
 /// <summary>
 /// Defer to the IModelErrorOwner.ValidateErrors method
 /// to fixup error problems.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="element">An IModelErrorOwner instance</param>
 /// <param name="store">The context store</param>
 /// <param name="notifyAdded">The listener to notify if elements are added during fixup</param>
 protected sealed override void ProcessElement(IModelErrorOwner element, Store store, INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded)
Exemplo n.º 23
            /// <summary>
            /// Process diagram items to make sure they have a current ordering representation
            /// </summary>
            protected sealed override void ProcessElement(Diagram element, Store store, INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded)
                DiagramDisplayHasDiagramOrder link = DiagramDisplayHasDiagramOrder.GetLinkToDiagramDisplay(element);
                DiagramDisplay container           = myDiagramDisplay;

                if (container == null)
                    if (link != null)
                        container = link.DiagramDisplay;

                    // Make sure we only have one container, use the one we've already grabbed
                    ReadOnlyCollection <DiagramDisplay> containers = store.ElementDirectory.FindElements <DiagramDisplay>(false);
                    int containerCount = containers.Count;
                    for (int i = containerCount - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                        DiagramDisplay testContainer = containers[i];
                        if (container != null)
                            if (testContainer != container)
                        else if (i == 0)
                            container = testContainer;
                    if (container == null)
                        container = new DiagramDisplay(store);
                        notifyAdded.ElementAdded(container, false);
                    myDiagramDisplay = container;
                    if (link != null)
                        // There is nothing else to do, the element has been validated
                        if (link.IsActiveDiagram)
                            if (mySeenActive)
                                link.IsActiveDiagram = false;
                                mySeenActive = true;
                if (link == null)
                    // This will add to the end of the existing collection
                    link = new DiagramDisplayHasDiagramOrder(container, element);
                    notifyAdded.ElementAdded(link, false);
                    if (link.DiagramDisplay != container)
                        link.DiagramDisplay = container;
                    if (link.IsActiveDiagram)
                        if (mySeenActive)
                            link.IsActiveDiagram = false;
                            mySeenActive = true;
Exemplo n.º 24
            /// <summary>
            /// Make sure the subtype fact constraint pattern
            /// and object types are appropriate.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="element">An SubtypeFact instance</param>
            /// <param name="store">The context store</param>
            /// <param name="notifyAdded">The listener to notify if elements are added during fixup</param>
            protected sealed override void ProcessElement(SubtypeFact element, Store store, INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded)
                // Note that the arity and types of the subtype/supertype roles are
                // enforced by the schema.
                Role       superTypeMetaRole;
                Role       subTypeMetaRole;
                ObjectType superType;
                ObjectType subType;
                bool       valueTypeSubtype;

                if (null == (superTypeMetaRole = element.SupertypeRole) ||
                    null == (subTypeMetaRole = element.SubtypeRole) ||
                    null == (superType = superTypeMetaRole.RolePlayer) ||
                    null == (subType = subTypeMetaRole.RolePlayer) ||
                    // They must both be value types or object types, but can't switch
                    ((valueTypeSubtype = (superType.DataType != null)) == (subType.DataType == null)))
                    // UNDONE: We can still save explicit readings, but we won't
                    // be able to load these in later file formats. Get rid of any serialized readings.
                    Partition partition = element.Partition;

                    // Note that rules aren't on, so we can read the Multiplicity properties,
                    // but we can't set them. All changes must be made explicitly.
                    if (superTypeMetaRole.Multiplicity != RoleMultiplicity.ExactlyOne)
                        EnsureSingleColumnUniqueAndMandatory(element, subTypeMetaRole, true, notifyAdded);
                    if (subTypeMetaRole.Multiplicity != RoleMultiplicity.ZeroToOne)
                        EnsureSingleColumnUniqueAndMandatory(element, superTypeMetaRole, false, notifyAdded);

                    // Switch to using the new ProvidesPreferredIdentifier path property instead of the deprecated
                    // IsPrimary. Other equivalent paths for preferred identification are marked later in the load process.
                    if (element.IsPrimary)
                        // UNDONE: Remove IsPrimary after file format change, make this
                        // check in the format upgrade transform
                        element.ProvidesPreferredIdentifier = true;
                        element.IsPrimary = false;

                    if (valueTypeSubtype)
                        element.ProvidesPreferredIdentifier = true;

                    // Move any derivation expressions to the subtype.
                    // Note that derivation paths have never been written to the .orm file
                    // on a subtype, so we just look for the older expression form.
                    // UNDONE: Do this during file format upgrade transformation
                    FactTypeDerivationExpression factTypeDerivationExpression;
                    if (null != (factTypeDerivationExpression = element.DerivationExpression))
                        string ruleBody = factTypeDerivationExpression.Body;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ruleBody))
                            ObjectType subtype = element.Subtype;
                            SubtypeDerivationExpression derivationExpression = subtype.DerivationExpression;
                            SubtypeDerivationRule       derivationRule       = subtype.DerivationRule;
                            DerivationNote derivationNote;
                            string         existingBody;
                            // Check both the old and deprecated expression forms. Note that the derivation
                            // expression will be merged into a note on the derivation path in another fixup
                            // listener, so we do not need to handle merging here.
                            if (derivationExpression == null && derivationRule == null)
                                notifyAdded.ElementAdded(derivationRule = new SubtypeDerivationRule(
                                                             new PropertyAssignment(SubtypeDerivationRule.ExternalDerivationDomainPropertyId, true)));
                                notifyAdded.ElementAdded(new SubtypeHasDerivationRule(subtype, derivationRule));
                                notifyAdded.ElementAdded(derivationNote = new DerivationNote(
                                                             new PropertyAssignment(DerivationNote.BodyDomainPropertyId, ruleBody)));
                                notifyAdded.ElementAdded(new SubtypeDerivationRuleHasDerivationNote(derivationRule, derivationNote));
                            else if (derivationRule != null)
                                if (null != (derivationNote = derivationRule.DerivationNote))
                                    existingBody        = derivationExpression.Body;
                                    derivationNote.Body = string.IsNullOrEmpty(existingBody) ? ruleBody : existingBody + "\r\n" + ruleBody;
                                    notifyAdded.ElementAdded(derivationNote = new DerivationNote(
                                                                 new PropertyAssignment(DerivationNote.BodyDomainPropertyId, ruleBody)));
                                    notifyAdded.ElementAdded(new SubtypeDerivationRuleHasDerivationNote(derivationRule, derivationNote));
                                existingBody = derivationExpression.Body;
                                derivationExpression.Body = string.IsNullOrEmpty(existingBody) ? ruleBody : existingBody + "\r\n" + ruleBody;
Exemplo n.º 25
            private static void EnsureSingleColumnUniqueAndMandatory(SubtypeFact subtypeFact, Role role, bool requireMandatory, INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded)
                LinkedElementCollection <ConstraintRoleSequence> sequences = role.ConstraintRoleSequenceCollection;
                int           sequenceCount  = sequences.Count;
                bool          haveUniqueness = false;
                bool          haveMandatory  = !requireMandatory;
                SetConstraint ic;

                for (int i = sequenceCount - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                    ic = sequences[i] as SetConstraint;
                    if (ic != null && ic.Constraint.ConstraintIsInternal)
                        if (ic.RoleCollection.Count == 1 && ic.Modality == ConstraintModality.Alethic)
                            switch (ic.Constraint.ConstraintType)
                            case ConstraintType.InternalUniqueness:
                                if (haveUniqueness)
                                    haveUniqueness = true;

                            case ConstraintType.SimpleMandatory:
                                if (haveMandatory)
                                    haveMandatory = true;
                if (!haveUniqueness || !haveMandatory)
                    IHasAlternateOwner <FactType>          toAlternateOwner;
                    IAlternateElementOwner <SetConstraint> alternateConstraintOwner;
                    if (null != (toAlternateOwner = subtypeFact as IHasAlternateOwner <FactType>) &&
                        null != (alternateConstraintOwner = toAlternateOwner.AlternateOwner as IAlternateElementOwner <SetConstraint>))
                        if (!haveUniqueness)
                            ic = UniquenessConstraint.CreateInternalUniquenessConstraint(subtypeFact);
                            notifyAdded.ElementAdded(ic, true);
                    if (!haveMandatory)
                        ic = MandatoryConstraint.CreateSimpleMandatoryConstraint(role);
                        notifyAdded.ElementAdded(ic, true);
Exemplo n.º 26
		/// <summary>
		/// Implements IModelErrorOwner.ValidateErrors (empty implementation)
		/// </summary>
		protected static void ValidateErrors(INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded)
Exemplo n.º 27
			void IDeserializationFixupListener.ProcessElements(int phase, Store store, INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded)
				Debug.Fail("Shouldn't be called if HasElements returns false");
Exemplo n.º 28
		void IModelErrorOwner.ValidateErrors(INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded)
Exemplo n.º 29
            /// <summary>
            /// Add subtype links when possible
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="element">An ModelHasFactType instance</param>
            /// <param name="store">The context store</param>
            /// <param name="notifyAdded">The listener to notify if elements are added during fixup</param>
            protected sealed override void ProcessElement(ModelHasFactType element, Store store, INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded)
                SubtypeFact subTypeFact = element.FactType as SubtypeFact;
                ORMModel    model;

                if (null != (subTypeFact = element.FactType as SubtypeFact) &&
                    !subTypeFact.IsDeleted &&
                    null != (model = subTypeFact.Model))
                    ObjectType rolePlayer = subTypeFact.Subtype;
                    FactType   nestedFact = rolePlayer.NestedFactType;
                    if (FactTypeShape.ShouldDrawObjectification(nestedFact))
                        Diagram.FixUpDiagram(model, nestedFact);
                        Diagram.FixUpDiagram(nestedFact, rolePlayer);
                        Diagram.FixUpDiagram(model, rolePlayer);
                    rolePlayer = subTypeFact.Supertype;
                    nestedFact = rolePlayer.NestedFactType;
                    if (FactTypeShape.ShouldDrawObjectification(nestedFact))
                        Diagram.FixUpDiagram(model, nestedFact);
                        Diagram.FixUpDiagram(nestedFact, rolePlayer);
                        Diagram.FixUpDiagram(model, rolePlayer);

                    object AllowMultipleShapes;
                    Dictionary <object, object> topLevelContextInfo;
                    bool containedAllowMultipleShapes;
                    if (!(containedAllowMultipleShapes = (topLevelContextInfo = store.TransactionManager.CurrentTransaction.TopLevelTransaction.Context.ContextInfo).ContainsKey(AllowMultipleShapes = MultiShapeUtility.AllowMultipleShapes)))
                        topLevelContextInfo.Add(AllowMultipleShapes, null);

                    foreach (PresentationViewsSubject presentationViewsSubject in DomainRoleInfo.GetElementLinks <PresentationViewsSubject>(model, PresentationViewsSubject.SubjectDomainRoleId))
                        ORMDiagram diagram;
                        if ((diagram = presentationViewsSubject.Presentation as ORMDiagram) != null)
                            ObjectType subtype = subTypeFact.Subtype;
                            // add a link shape for each object type shape on the diagram for the played role
                            foreach (ObjectTypeShape shapeElement in MultiShapeUtility.FindAllShapesForElement <ObjectTypeShape>(diagram, subtype))
                            FactType objectifiedFactType;
                            if (null != (objectifiedFactType = subtype.NestedFactType))
                                foreach (FactTypeShape shapeElement in MultiShapeUtility.FindAllShapesForElement <FactTypeShape>(diagram, objectifiedFactType))

                    if (!containedAllowMultipleShapes)
Exemplo n.º 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the specified machine level group to the model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="store">Target store</param>
        /// <param name="groupXMLNode">The group to add to the model.</param>
        /// <param name="activeForm">The current form</param>
        /// <param name="notifyAdded">Used during deserialization fixup</param>
        private static void AddGroupToModel(Store store, XmlNode groupXMLNode, CustomPropertiesManager activeForm, INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded)
            CustomPropertyGroup grp = new CustomPropertyGroup(store);

            grp.Name        = groupXMLNode.Attributes["name"].Value;
            grp.Description = groupXMLNode.Attributes["description"].Value;

            if (notifyAdded != null)
                notifyAdded.ElementAdded(grp, false);

            TreeNode newGroupTreeNode = null;

            if (activeForm != null)
                newGroupTreeNode     = activeForm._modelNode.Nodes.Add(grp.Name);
                newGroupTreeNode.Tag = grp;
                activeForm.tvCustomProperties.SelectedNode = newGroupTreeNode;

            XmlNodeList xmlDefinitions = groupXMLNode.SelectNodes("def:CustomPropertyDefinition", _namespaceManager);

            foreach (XmlNode xmlDef in xmlDefinitions)
                CustomPropertyDefinition def        = new CustomPropertyDefinition(store);
                XmlAttributeCollection   attributes = xmlDef.Attributes;
                def.CustomPropertyGroup = grp;
                def.Name        = attributes["name"].Value;
                def.Category    = attributes["category"].Value;
                def.Description = attributes["description"].Value;
                def.DataType    = (CustomPropertyDataType)Enum.Parse(typeof(CustomPropertyDataType), attributes["dataType"].Value, true);
                XmlAttribute defaultValueAttribute = attributes["defaultValue"];
                if (defaultValueAttribute != null)
                    def.DefaultValue = defaultValueAttribute.Value;
                XmlAttribute verbalizeDefaultAttribute = attributes["verbalizeDefaultValue"];
                if (verbalizeDefaultAttribute != null)
                    string verbalizeDefaultText = verbalizeDefaultAttribute.Value.Trim();
                    def.VerbalizeDefaultValue = verbalizeDefaultText == "true" || verbalizeDefaultText == "1";
                XmlNodeList types = xmlDef.SelectNodes("def:ORMTypes/def:ORMType", _namespaceManager);
                foreach (XmlNode ormType in types)
                    def.ORMTypes = def.ORMTypes | (ORMTypes)Enum.Parse(typeof(ORMTypes), ormType.Attributes["name"].Value, true);

                if (notifyAdded != null)
                    notifyAdded.ElementAdded(def, true);

                if (newGroupTreeNode != null)
                    newGroupTreeNode.Nodes.Add(def.Name).Tag = def;
Exemplo n.º 31
 void IModelErrorOwner.ValidateErrors(INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded)
Exemplo n.º 32
 /// <summary>
 /// Move settings from the machine file into the model if they are not there already
 /// </summary>
 protected override void ProcessElement(ORMModel element, Store store, INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded)
     ApplyDefaultGroups(store, null, notifyAdded);
Exemplo n.º 33
			/// <summary>
			/// Reverses the binarization process performed by <see cref="BinarizeUnary"/>. Typically used when
			/// <paramref name="binarizedUnaryFactRoleCollection"/> no longer qualifies as the roles for a
			/// binarized unary <see cref="FactType"/>.
			/// </summary>
			private static void DebinarizeUnary(LinkedElementCollection<RoleBase> binarizedUnaryFactRoleCollection, bool deleteImplicitBooleanRole, INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded)
				// UNDONE: We need to make sure the debinarization happens BEFORE the implied Objectification rules run on the binarized unary FactType.

				// The default implied role is the second one, walk the collection backwards
				int roleCount = binarizedUnaryFactRoleCollection.Count;
				for (int i = roleCount - 1; i >= 0; --i)
					Role implicitBooleanRole;
					ObjectType implicitBooleanValueType;
					if (null != (implicitBooleanRole = binarizedUnaryFactRoleCollection[i].Role) &&
						null != (implicitBooleanValueType = implicitBooleanRole.RolePlayer) &&
						// Delete the implicit boolean value type (which will also remove any value constraints on it)
						// Note that changes to IsImplicitBooleanValue are intentionally blocked so that the
						// deleted implied ValueType can be identified as such by events as well as rules.
						// implicitBooleanValueType.IsImplicitBooleanValue = false;
						bool ruleDisabled = false;
						RuleManager ruleManager = null;
							if (notifyAdded == null)
								ruleManager = implicitBooleanRole.Store.RuleManager;
								ruleDisabled = true;
							if (deleteImplicitBooleanRole)
								// We delete the role first so that rules do not
								// try to recreate and implied fact type for this rule
								// if it is part of an objectified FactType.
								if (!implicitBooleanValueType.IsDeleted)
									// The Objectification.RolePlayerDeletingRule rule will delet this automatically
							if (ruleDisabled)

						// Clear implied constraints
						for (int j = 0; j < roleCount; ++j)
							Role role = binarizedUnaryFactRoleCollection[j] as Role;
							if (role != null)
								if (role != implicitBooleanRole)
									role.Name = "";

								UniquenessConstraint singleRoleAlethicUniquenessConstraint = role.SingleRoleAlethicUniquenessConstraint;
								if (singleRoleAlethicUniquenessConstraint != null)
									// Delete the uniqueness constraint

								// UNDONE: We are using open-world assumption now
								//MandatoryConstraint simpleMandatoryConstraint = role.SimpleMandatoryConstraint;
								//if (simpleMandatoryConstraint != null && simpleMandatoryConstraint.Modality == ConstraintModality.Alethic)
								//    // Delete the simple mandatory constraint (for closed-world assumption), if present
								//    simpleMandatoryConstraint.Delete();
Exemplo n.º 34
        /// <summary>
        /// Goes through all of the machine level groups that are marked as default
        /// and adds them to the model if needed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="store">The current store</param>
        /// <param name="activeForm">An active form</param>
        /// <param name="notifyAdded">Used during deserialization fixup</param>
        private static void ApplyDefaultGroups(Store store, CustomPropertiesManager activeForm, INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded)
            XmlNodeList defaultGroups = _loadedDoc.SelectNodes("//def:CustomPropertyGroup[@isDefault='true']", _namespaceManager);
            Dictionary <CustomPropertyGroup, List <CustomPropertyDefinition> > groupsAndDefs = GetGroupsAndDefsFromStore(store);

            foreach (XmlNode xmlGroup in defaultGroups)
                string groupName = xmlGroup.Attributes["name"].Value;
                if (!ListHasGroupName(groupsAndDefs, groupName))
                    AddGroupToModel(store, xmlGroup, activeForm, notifyAdded);
Exemplo n.º 35
 /// <summary>
 /// Update the shape size.
 /// </summary>
 protected sealed override void ProcessElement(ValueConstraintShape element, Store store, INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded)
     if (!element.IsDeleted)
Exemplo n.º 36
 void IDeserializationFixupListener.ProcessElements(int phase, Store store, INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded)
     Debug.Fail("Shouldn't be called if HasElements returns false");
Exemplo n.º 37
 void IDeserializationFixupListener.ProcessElements(int phase, Store store, INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded)
     ProcessElements(phase, store, notifyAdded);
 /// <summary>
 /// Process objectification elements
 /// </summary>
 protected sealed override void ProcessElement(ModelErrorDisplayFilter element, Store store, INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded)
     if (!element.IsDeleted)
         if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(element.myExcludedCategoriesList) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(element.myExcludedErrorsList) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(element.myIncludedErrorsList))
Exemplo n.º 39
 /// <summary>
 /// Empty implementation
 /// </summary>
 protected sealed override void ProcessElement(NameGenerator element, Store store, INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded)
     // Everything happens in PhaseCompleted
Exemplo n.º 40
		/// <summary>
		/// Compares number of roles in ReadingOrder ot the place holders in
		/// the reading and then creates or removes errors as needed.
		/// </summary>
		private void ValidateRoleCountError(INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded)
			if (!IsDeleted)
				bool removeTooFew = false;
				bool removeTooMany = false;
				TooFewReadingRolesError tooFewError;
				TooManyReadingRolesError tooManyError;
				ReadingOrder readingOrder = ReadingOrder;
				FactType factType = readingOrder.FactType;
				ORMModel theModel = factType.Model;
				Store store = Store;
				LinkedElementCollection<RoleBase> orderRoles = readingOrder.RoleCollection;
				int numRoles = orderRoles.Count;
				int deletingCount = 0;
				for (int i = 0; i < numRoles; ++i)
					if (orderRoles[i].IsDeleting)
				numRoles -= deletingCount;
				int numPlaces = Reading.PlaceholderCount(Text);

				if (numRoles == numPlaces)
					removeTooFew = true;
					removeTooMany = true;
				//too few roles
				else if (numRoles < numPlaces)
					removeTooMany = true;
					if (null == (tooFewError = TooFewRolesError))
						tooFewError = new TooFewReadingRolesError(store);
						tooFewError.Reading = this;
						tooFewError.Model = theModel;
						if (notifyAdded != null)
							notifyAdded.ElementAdded(tooFewError, true);
				//too many roles
					removeTooFew = true;
					if (factType.UnaryRole == null)
						if (null == (tooManyError = TooManyRolesError))
							tooManyError = new TooManyReadingRolesError(store);
							tooManyError.Reading = this;
							tooManyError.Model = theModel;
							if (notifyAdded != null)
								notifyAdded.ElementAdded(tooManyError, true);

				if (removeTooFew && null != (tooFewError = TooFewRolesError))
				if (removeTooMany && null != (tooManyError = TooManyRolesError))