Exemplo n.º 1
        public MainWindow()

            m_romReader = new NesRomReader(@"C:\Downloads\emulation\fceux\Super Mario Bros.nes");
            //m_romReader = new NesRomReader(@"D:\Profiles\p57500\Desktop\emu\Super Mario Bros.nes");
            m_emulationShell = new EmulationShell(m_romReader, m_wpfNesVideoOut);

            //timer.Elapsed += (object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) =>
            //   Random r = new Random();

            //   for (int x = 0; x < 256; x++)
            //   {
            //      for (int y = 0; y < 240; y++)
            //      {
            //         m_wpfNesVideoOut.PlotPixel(x, y, r.Next(0, 0x39));
            //      }
            //   }

            //   m_wpfNesVideoOut.Invalidate();

            //timer.AutoReset = true;
            //timer.Enabled = true;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public EmulationShell(INesRomReader romReader, INesVideoOut videoOut)
            m_cpu = new Nmos6502(m_sync);
            m_ppu = new NesPpu(m_sync)
                Cpu = m_cpu, VideoOut = videoOut


Exemplo n.º 3
        private void InitializeSpriteMemory(INesRomReader romReader)
                byte *[] spriteRam = new byte *[0x100];

                //sprite ram 0h to FFh
                for (int i = 0; i < 0x100; i++)
                    spriteRam[i]    = ((byte *)m_ppuAlloc) + m_ppuAllocIndex++;
                    *(spriteRam[i]) = 0;

                m_ppu.SpriteRam = new BytePointerArray(spriteRam);
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void InitializePpuMemory(INesRomReader romReader)
                byte *[] videoRam = new byte *[0x10000];

                //pattern tables (0h to FFFh and 1000h to 1FFFH)
                for (int i = 0; i < 0x2000; i++)
                    videoRam[i]    = ((byte *)m_ppuAlloc) + m_ppuAllocIndex++;
                    *(videoRam[i]) = romReader.VRomBanks[i];

                //name table 0 (2000h to 23FFh)
                for (int i = 0x2000; i < 0x2400; i++)
                    videoRam[i]    = ((byte *)m_ppuAlloc) + m_ppuAllocIndex++;
                    *(videoRam[i]) = 0;

                //name table 3 (2C00h to 2FFFh)
                for (int i = 0x2C00; i < 0x3000; i++)
                    videoRam[i]    = ((byte *)m_ppuAlloc) + m_ppuAllocIndex++;
                    *(videoRam[i]) = 0;

                if (romReader.MirroringMode == Mirroring.Horizontal)
                    //name table 0 and 1 mirrored
                    for (int i = 0x2400, j = 0x2000; i < 0x2800; i++, j++)
                        videoRam[i] = videoRam[j];

                    //name table 2 and 3 mirrored
                    for (int i = 0x2800, j = 0x2C00; i < 0x2C00; i++, j++)
                        videoRam[i] = videoRam[j];
                else if (romReader.MirroringMode == Mirroring.Vertical)
                    //name table 0 and 2 mirrored
                    for (int i = 0x2800, j = 0x2000; i < 0x2C00; i++, j++)
                        videoRam[i] = videoRam[j];

                    //name table 1 and 3 mirrored
                    for (int i = 0x2400, j = 0x2C00; i < 0x2800; i++, j++)
                        videoRam[i] = videoRam[j];

                //mirrors of 2000h to 2EFFh
                for (int i = 0x3000, j = 0x2000; i < 0x3F00; i++, j++)
                    videoRam[i] = videoRam[j];

                //palettes (image 3F00h to 3F0Fh, sprite 3F10h to 3F1Fh,
                //mirrors of 3F00h every 4 bytes)
                videoRam[0x3F00]    = ((byte *)m_ppuAlloc) + m_ppuAllocIndex++;
                *(videoRam[0x3F00]) = 0;

                for (int i = 0x3F01; i < 0x3F20; i++)
                    if ((i % 4) == 0)
                        videoRam[i] = videoRam[0x3F00];
                        videoRam[i]    = ((byte *)m_ppuAlloc) + m_ppuAllocIndex++;
                        *(videoRam[i]) = 0;

                //mirrors of 3F00h to 3F1Fh
                for (int i = 0x3F20; i < 0x4000; i++)
                    videoRam[i] = videoRam[0x3F00 + (i % 20)];

                //mirrors of 0h to 3FFFh
                for (int i = 0; i < 0x4000; i++)
                    videoRam[i + 0x4000]     = videoRam[i];
                    videoRam[i + 0x4000 * 2] = videoRam[i];
                    videoRam[i + 0x4000 * 3] = videoRam[i];

                m_ppu.VideoRam = new BytePointerArray(videoRam);
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void InitializeCpuMemory(INesRomReader romReader)
                byte *[] cpuMemory = new byte *[0x10000];

                //zero page, stack, ram (200h to 800h)
                for (int i = 0; i < 0x0800; i++)
                    cpuMemory[i]    = ((byte *)m_cpuAlloc) + m_cpuAllocIndex++;
                    *(cpuMemory[i]) = 0xFF;

                    cpuMemory[i + 0x800]     = cpuMemory[i];
                    cpuMemory[i + 0x800 * 2] = cpuMemory[i];
                    cpuMemory[i + 0x800 * 3] = cpuMemory[i];

                //ppu control registers
                for (int i = 0x2000; i < 0x2008; i++)
                    cpuMemory[i]    = ((byte *)m_cpuAlloc) + m_cpuAllocIndex++;
                    *(cpuMemory[i]) = 0;

                //mirrors of ppu control registers
                for (int i = 0x2008; i < 0x4000; i++)
                    cpuMemory[i] = cpuMemory[0x2000 + (i % 8)];

                //apu control registers (4000h to 401Fh), expansion rom (4020h to 5FFFh),
                //sram 6000h to 7FFFh
                for (int i = 0x4000; i < 0x8000; i++)
                    cpuMemory[i]    = ((byte *)m_cpuAlloc) + m_cpuAllocIndex++;
                    *(cpuMemory[i]) = 0;

                //program rom (8000h to FFFFh)
                if (romReader.MapperType == 0)
                    if (romReader.RomBankCount == 1)
                        for (int i = 0x8000, j = 0; i < 0xC000; i++, j++)
                            cpuMemory[i]    = ((byte *)m_cpuAlloc) + m_cpuAllocIndex++;
                            *(cpuMemory[i]) = romReader.RomBanks[j];

                        for (int i = 0xC000, j = 0; i < 0x10000; i++, j++)
                            cpuMemory[i]    = ((byte *)m_cpuAlloc) + m_cpuAllocIndex++;
                            *(cpuMemory[i]) = romReader.RomBanks[j];
                    else if (romReader.RomBankCount == 2)
                        for (int i = 0x8000, j = 0; i < 0x10000; i++, j++)
                            cpuMemory[i]    = ((byte *)m_cpuAlloc) + m_cpuAllocIndex++;
                            *(cpuMemory[i]) = romReader.RomBanks[j];
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Memory mapper is 0, but rom bank count is {0}",
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Memory mapper {0} not supported",

                m_cpu.Memory = new NesCpuBytePointerArray(cpuMemory, (NesPpu)m_ppu);